War God Supreme

Chapter 3452: Last resort

"Let the entire Ling Xiaozong be buried with you?"

Wen Yan said, Li Lingtian's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of cold murderous intent. Shen Sheng shouted, "It seems that you are looking for death!"

"Hey, are you dead?"

Duan Mubin's eyes were slightly closed, no longer speaking, but an evil breath in his body gradually diffused out.

At the same time, Blood Soul and others looked at each other and backed away, trying to leave here.

Originally, they all came for Duan Mubin to help fist, but now, Li Lingtian came forcefully, wanting to destroy Leng Yiming and others, it is simply a fool's dream, so they already wanted to leave here quickly.

However, how did Li Lingtian let them go?

"Stop it for me!"

With a cold look in his eyes, Li Lingtian burst out with a cry: "I have only bullied my Ling Xiaozong for so long, do you want to go now?"

"Well, I want to see, who of you dare to go!"

With the falling of Li Lingtian's roar, Blood Soul and others all laughed helplessly.

I already knew that they wouldn't be involved. Ling Xiaozong and the Duanmu family are all super powers. No matter who they face, they will have a headache.

Unfortunately, there is no so-called regret medicine in this world.

"Give me a good time and wait for me to settle things, and then settle accounts with you!"

Li Lingtian snorted coldly, and in a short time, Blood Soul and others were all in a hurry, dared not move, and stood one by one obediently.

"Eh...this is the style of the strong!"

Not far away, Dao Feiyang and Zhou Xun saw this scene and could not help sighing.

Especially Zhou Xun, he can recognize that the ancestors of Blood Soul and others are not bad, but in front of Li Lingtian, he is just like a kitten!

However, not everyone is standing in the same place, and there are several people who are afraid to stay here and retreat slowly.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian was suddenly angry, and his thoughts moved. Suddenly, Zhu Yan fluttered his wings.


A crisp squeal sounded, and at the next moment, a purple flame erupted, Zhu Yan fluttered his wings, and the purple flame burned violently, instantly turning into a celestial net, wrapping the area where everyone was in it!


In the mournful screams, the purple flames burned out of those people who fled, but in an instant, they burned their bodies into dust and drifted in the air with the wind.


Seeing this scene, Blood Soul and others were shocked in their hearts, and they could not help but roll their throats and swallowed a slobber. They were lucky. "Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't think of forcibly leaving just now, otherwise I will die!"

"His... how can this guy be so powerful, his own strength is already perverted enough, and he still has a spiritual pet with two strengths comparable to the master realm of the half-step world!"

Everyone was so appalled that they dared not resist.

"If anyone dares to run away, this is the end!"

Li Lingtian said indifferently: "Don't worry, wait a while, I will ask you to settle the bill!"

After all, Li Lingtian walked slowly into Duan Mubin. He could feel that there was an evil breath in Duan Mubin's body, which was similar to the blood demon, and he could not help but frown.

However, Li Lingtian did not interrupt Duan Mubin. After all, Duan Mubin's strength was weak. Even if he turned into a demon, he could not pose a great threat to Li Lingtian. Moreover, after Duan Mubin turned into a demon, he could observe carefully. What the **** is the blood demon!

If you can't figure out the weakness of the blood demon, it will be troublesome to meet the strong man in the Duanmu family next time. Can't the Nangong Wentian's soul be shot anymore?

Originally, Nangong had already died in Wentian, and the soul power contained in the God of War's oath was limited. After multiple uses, he could no longer be summoned.

As he drew closer to Duan Mubin, Li Lingtian could feel that the evil breath in Duan Mubin's body became thicker and thicker.

Leng Yiming, Zhou Xun, Blood Soul and others were also surprised, looking at Duan Mubin who closed his eyes tightly, his eyes full of weird looks.

"Strange, why is this guy Duan Mubin motionless? Is it impossible to give up resistance? But that's right, the guy is so powerful that even Duan Mubin wants to resist, he can't do it!"

Everyone sighed, especially the Blood Soul and others, and they were extremely depressed. I did not expect that Ling Xiaozong would be so powerful that he could send such a master to the virtual space. Otherwise, the Duanmu family won this time. And they can also bet on it.


After a few more steps, Li Lingtian looked down at Duan Mubin and said softly, "Duan Mubin, should you turn into a blood demon?"


Suddenly hearing Li Lingtian's words, Duan Mubin was greatly shaken in his heart, and quickly opened his eyes, looking at Li Lingtian's eyes full of horror, blurted out and said: "You... who are you? How do you know? ?"

At this point, the evil breath in Duan Mubin's body was a sudden meal.

Even within the Duanmu family, only the descendants of the Duanmu family knew about the existence of blood demon, but how did Li Lingtian know?

His eyes narrowed slightly, Duan Mubin looked into Li Lingtian's eyes, full of dignity.

"How do I know?"

Li Lingtian's mouth slightly raised, laughing: "Because I am your father!"


Hearing the words, Duan Mubin's face was blue, and it seemed as though he could drip water.

"Since you already know it, I won't block it!"

Suddenly clenched his teeth, Duan Mubin's sudden heart movement, inspired the drop of blood demon essence blood in the body! At the same time, a pill in his hand appeared and threw it directly into his mouth.


Almost instantaneously, Duan Mubin burst into a black gas.


The strange black air permeates ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a chilling force, which also slowly rises.

It was only an instant that Zhou Xun, Blood Soul and others all backed away, pulling away from Li Lingtian and Duan Mubin.

They can feel that the power in Duan Mubin's body is skyrocketing at a crazy speed, almost instantaneously, beyond the power that the domain master's ninth level peak realm can possess!

"His... The Duanmu family is really powerful, actually has this kind of means, but this force, how do I feel an evil breath!"

"Me too... hiss, why do I panic when I see the black gas!"

The people were very surprised and looked up. However, when they saw Duan Mubin in the dark mist, their faces looked stunned, and the whole person was stunned. Believe the look!

"Roar! Oh!"

In the mournful screams, the black mist dispersed, and a terrifying blood demon appeared in front of everyone!

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