War God Supreme

Chapter 3454: Torture

"It seems that you want to try the taste of survival and death!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian suddenly took out a panacea and directly stuffed it into Duan Mubin's mouth.


Duan Mubin just wanted to shut up, but Li Lingtian squeezed it, and opened his mouth involuntarily, and at the entrance of Nadan Yaofu, it turned into a liquid and ran down his throat.

"This is Baichong Wan!"

Li Lingtian whispered: "After taking it, the whole person will be very itchy, and I wish to scratch my skin!"

"If you can't get the antidote within half an hour, your entire skin will be torn by yourself, and eventually you will bleed too much and die!"

After all, Li Lingtian waved his right hand, and flicked the whole body of Duan Mubin out.


After landing heavily, Duan Mubin couldn't help but spit out blood, but in his heart, he was even more terrified.

"What a hundred insect pills?"

The throat rolled, and Duan Mubin couldn't help swallowing a slobber, his eyes panicked.

"Ha ha."

Li Lingtian smiled lightly, but stared at Duan Mubin indifferently.

Being stared at by Li Lingtian, Duan Mubin was tense, but soon, Duan Mubin was no longer nervous.

There was an attack of Baichong Pill in his body, and Duan Mubin opened his mouth with a "sizzle".

He only felt that there were countless caterpillars crawling in the meridians, and every inch of skin on his body was very itchy.

"Ah, itchy!"


In an instant, Duan Mubin couldn't help it, his hands scratching his skin.

But for a moment, Duan Mubin's skin was red all over, showing countless blood stains. If he used a little more force, these skins would be broken directly!

Seeing this scene, Blood Soul and others couldn't help swallowing a slobber. This kind of scene is really weird. Even if they just let them watch, they all feel their skin itchy and can't help it. I scratched myself a few times.

"Devil, this guy is definitely a devil!"

At this time, all of them even regarded Li Lingtian as a devil. In their minds, even the devil may not come up with this kind of torture!

Li Lingtian just looked at Duan Mubin indifferently, with no expression on his face.

After half an hour, Duan Mubin's wailing sound was hoarse, covered with blood, and every inch of skin was torn by himself. There was no good piece of flesh, and the flesh was vague!

At this time, Blood Soul and others no longer dared to look at Duan Mubin, just listening to the sound, all scalp tingling.

Even if the knife was flying, he swallowed a spit, he did not expect that Li Lingtian could actually come up with such a tormenting means!


Another few minutes passed, Duan Mubin's eyes blurred, his pupils contracted, and he was near death.

But even so, his hands kept grasping his skin, pulling the flesh inside.

Under him, the blood had already gathered into a pool of water.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian raised the corner of his mouth, flipped his right wrist, and a pill filled with rich fragrance emerged.

"go with!"

With a sip, Li Lingtian flicked his finger, and he shot the panacea into Duan Mubin's mouth.


Immediately after entering the body, Elixir turned into the purest spiritual power, flowing into Duan Mubin's body.

At the next moment, Duan Mubin's silver and white gleaming all over his body, every inch of muscles on his body recovered at the fastest speed, and his face gradually became rosy, even the blood in the body and the meridians. Restored as before.


With a whisper, Duan Mubin woke up suddenly and shook his head suddenly, his face full of surprise.

"What's going on? Wasn't my body covered with flesh and blood tortured by the demon just now? Why is it all recovered now?"

Looking down at his intact body, Duan Mubin was astonished and incomprehensible. Everything before it was an illusion?

"Nature is not an illusion!"

Li Lingtian suddenly sneered: "The answer I want, you haven't told me, do you think I will let you die so easily?"

Suddenly hearing Li Lingtian's voice, Duan Mubin's face suddenly changed dramatically, and when he looked up, his teeth were all bitten.

"Asshole, you are still here!"

"Damn I fight with you!"

Duan Mubin gritted his teeth and tried to leap forward. However, before he could get him to jump, he suddenly felt that it was a very itchy sensation in his body.

"Ah! Itchy!"


Amidst the mournful wailing, Duan Mubin scraped his skin out of control again.

But for a moment, the skin on his body was torn apart again.

That kind of heartache and lung-like pain constantly invaded Duan Mubin's nerves.

"Damn... you bastard... you are... just... a devil!"

Duan Mubin's heart is desperate. If it is just torture, he is not afraid, he will die!

But now, Li Lingtian is not even giving him a chance to die!

Duan Mubin also thought about dying himself, but as early as the beginning, Li Lingtian sealed his Dantian, not to mention blasting, even a little spiritual power, he could not use it!

Duan Mubin wanted to cry without tears.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

At this time, Li Lingtian's voice rang again.

"Just before I feed you, it is Jiu Zhuan Hua Dan, which can restore a person's spiritual power in the blink of an eye."

"I have hundreds of this kind of panacea, and the efficacy of Baichong Wan can last until you die!"

"Duan Mubin, whether to say it or not, you can do it yourself!"

"You... you devil!"

Duan Mubin shouted sternly, but other than that, he could do nothing but tore his skin and send himself to death!

"Click! Click!"

The blood continues to flow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The kind of heart-breaking pain is also constantly invading Duan Mubin.


The wailing noises kept ringing.

Blood Soul and others are all facing away from Li Lingtian and Duan Mubin, and dare not look back.

"Duan Mubin, I will finally give you a chance now, do you say it or not?"

Li Lingtian suddenly shouted: "As long as you are willing to answer my question, I can let you die happily! How?"


Duan Mubin stared at Li Lingtian with both eyes, his eyes full of hate.

"I...I said!"

With his eyes slightly closed, Duan Mubin completely despaired.

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