War God Supreme

Chapter 3456: Raging Cold 1 Ming

"Today you want to leave, it's easy, pay a certain price, as long as I am satisfied, you can leave at any time!"

"Otherwise, one person will cut me off!"

The voice fell, and a chill broke out, and Blood Soul and others suddenly froze behind him, as if falling into an ice cellar, with sweat permeating his forehead.

"I don't know what compensation you want?"

Blood Soul's eyeball turned, suddenly took a step forward and said with respect, "As long as you say, we will do our best!"


With a frown, Li Lingtian said softly: "You should have participated in the previous two Tian Yuan, too. It's very simple, give me all the treasures from the Tian Yuan!"

"Then leave!"

Hearing the words, the blood soul was stunned for a moment, and his face was ecstatic, and he quickly said: "Yes, lord, we will hand it over!"

After all, Blood Soul quickly turned his head and greeted everyone to turn in all the Chaos Treasure previously obtained.

Blood Soul is extremely fast, as if afraid that Li Lingtian will repent.

After all, in his view, those chaotic treasures, no matter how powerful they are, are ultimately inferior to life!

As long as they hand over the Chaos Treasure, they can save a life, and they will naturally be very happy.

But in just a dozen breaths, piles of chaotic treasures appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

Among those chaotic treasures, Li Lingtian also noticed many chaotic treasures that did not contain the abyss of abyss, and could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, those chaotic treasures that do not contain the atmosphere of the abyss are all brought out by Blood Soul and others who worry that there are not enough chaotic treasures turned in, and that Li Lingtian will turn his face.


Aware of this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel helpless. It's useless to ask for the ordinary Chaos Treasure, not to mention, the Chaos Treasure in the hands of these people is the ultimate Chaos Treasure, the highest level, that is, the hands of the blood soul Have.

"Not from Tianyuan, you don't need to give it to me!"

Li Lingtian snorted coldly and heard that the Blood Souls were embarrassed and quickly selected.

Soon, the Blood Souls selected all the Chaos Arcanas from the Abyss.

Li Lingtian waved his hand slightly, and Qinglong and Zhu Yan shot one after another, absorbing those chaotic treasures into the body.

Seeing this scene, Blood Soul and other people jumped sharply. Originally, they still envy Li Lingtian for having these two spiritual pets, but now, when they find the resources needed by these two spiritual pets, they are all wry smiles. stand up.

With these two spiritual pets, how much chaos treasure will it cost?

I am afraid that only super powers like Ling Xiaozong can be cultivated!

Blood Soul and others have already regarded Li Lingtian as the top genius in Ling Xiaozong.

After the Chaos Treasure Capital was absorbed, Li Lingtian drove away the Blood Soul and others.

Immediately, within this broken soul cliff, only Li Lingtian, Zhou Xun, Dao Feiyang and Leng Yiming were left.

At this time, Leng Yiming and others had not recovered from their injuries, but they did not know Li Lingtian, so even if Li Lingtian claimed to be a disciple of Ling Xiaozong, they did not dare to believe too much and did not dare to recover their injuries.

Li Lingtian came to Leng Yiming and looked at Leng Yiming carefully. He asked softly, "You are Leng Yiming, the disciple of Elder Jiang Xingfan?"

"Not bad!"

Leng Yiming nodded and said, "Do you know me? Why haven't I seen you, are you a disciple of Nei Zong?"

"About these things..."

After hesitating for a moment, Li Lingtian suddenly swung his right hand, and the field of Wan Xuan Shenghuo broke out, and he suddenly wrapped him into Leng Yiming.

As for the others, they were blocked by the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo.

Zhou Xun and others were all surprised. Those Lingxiao Sect disciples suddenly nodded. Perhaps, some conversations, Leng Yiming and Li Lingtian did not want them to know.

Just before Li Lingtian said Jiang Xingfan's name, they have convinced them that Li Lingtian is a disciple of Ling Xiaozong, because Elder Jiang Xingfan is not very famous. Even if he is a disciple of Ling Xiaozong, few people can know his name.

Since Li Lingtian knew the name of Elder Jiang Xingfan and knew Leng Yiming, they convinced them. In a moment, they even guessed which elder disciple Li Lingtian would be!

Within the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, Leng Yiming looked at Li Lingtian in surprise and shouted, "Who the **** are you? Did you even know my Master's name?"



With a sigh, Li Lingtian whispered: "It's a long story, cold, and no matter what happens, don't be surprised."


After hearing this, Leng Yiming couldn't help but be surprised.

Just preparing to speak, I saw that Li Lingtian was already reaching out and pressing his head.

At this time, Leng Yiming was seriously injured, how could Li Lingtian be blocked, and I was just surprised. Li Lingtian's palm was already pressed on his head.


At the next moment, Leng Yiming just felt his head tremble, and a clear picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the picture, He Ran is his master, and he is talking and laughing with Li Lingtian and others.


Leng Yiming murmured, and this was to calm down. After a while, he saw that the picture suddenly shook violently, the space shattered, and a huge dark palm appeared suddenly, and it was drawn to the crowd.

Next, Jiang Xingfan was alone, fighting the huge black palm, so that everyone could escape.

"My name is Li Lingtian. I was valued by Elder Jiang through the trial of the Holy Alliance and accepted me into Ling Xiaozong. However, I did not expect that the Duanmu family would actually lie outside the space wormhole. When we were about to reach the Dragon Wars galaxy, it burst Difficult."

"Elder Jiang was alone to fight the Duanmu family in order to cover us from leaving! Unfortunately, until the end..."

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian couldn't speak anymore, his voice choked up.

At the same time, in the picture, the scene of Jiang Xingfan exploding himself, giving the huge palm to the shock.

"Master... No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Master!"

Seeing this scene, Leng Yiming couldn't help but shouted, tears in his eyes.


Li Lingtian also sighed faintly and her eyes were flushed.

He was also extremely moved. Jiang Xingfan had no special relationship with him, but he paid his own life for his life, but it was love, which shocked Li Lingtian!

"Ah! How could this be!"

Leng Yiming's eyes were red, and the red light flickered. He suddenly turned his head to look at Li Lingtian, gritted his teeth and said, "Are all the things happening above real?"

"Not bad."

Li Lingtian said: "That black palm is the person of the Duanmu family."

"Damn it! Duanmu family, I'm cold and Ming are not at odds with Seoul!"

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