War God Supreme

Chapter 613: Qing Xuan Kingdom's situation

"It's really magical, let's go back to Nandu County first."

Li Lingtian nodded and was very curious about what had happened previously. I also feel mysterious and mysterious. After all, in the bottomless abyss, they flew for several months, but after coming out, they came into the boundless sea.

In this way, they are completely on the same spot. It is really mysterious that such a magical thing happens.

However, after leaving the bottomless abyss, I finally got the herbs of the Lingyao Garden and some treasures. This adventure is worth it. Later, Li Lingtian called out Tang Qingyue and them.

Several people in Long Da were responsible for the flight. After Tang Qingyue and others came out, they naturally had to ask the East and West. These Li Lingtians were used to it.

And I like the feeling, after all, these girls are their wives or relatives.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​where are we?"

Xuanyuan Yingying first asked, small face with doubt, but between the eyebrows, still naughty and cute.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian was also in a good mood.

"I have left the bottomless abyss and come to the boundless sea."

Li Lingtian said everything that happened after he entered the bottomless abyss, and all the girls were shocked and scared.

Still curious and surprised, but more worried. Fortunately, Li Lingtian had left safely, and now watching Li Lingtian is very happy.

"I didn't expect that Bottomless Abyss is actually two super powerful players. Fortunately, you first performed the magic skills, otherwise Ditian would not help you, but joined forces to kill you."

After listening to Li Lingtian's words, Huang Fu Yuyan was also fortunate. Li Lingtian calculated and calculated, but did not expect the calculation to come up with the idea, which just escaped the disaster.

"Ling Medicine Garden can no longer enter."

"After they entered, they found it was empty, and I didn't know what to think."

Tang Zi dreamed that when Li Lingtian moved the Lingyao Garden directly, he felt amused.

This is also Li Lingtian's consistent style. Whenever he meets what he needs, he will take it away without leaving it at all, even the dirt.

"Natural medicine garden is naturally gone."

"However, we are taking advantage of this time to make good adjustments, lest there will be no time after the start of the war."

Li Lingtian said seriously that after the great war in Nandu County, the whole county will have a war, and the same will be true of the countries. The battle between the kingdoms will naturally become more intense.

As soon as the fuse is ignited, the whole Xuanzhou war begins. At that time, hundreds of thousands of counties will compete, all nations will compete for power, the kingdom will compete for hegemony, and the empire will compete.

Li Lingtian thought of this, and felt the blood boiling. Even if he is a warrior, he feels his blood is boiling because he is a man and a man who likes a **** battlefield.

War is also for power and more cultivation resources, and has more powerful forces.

Power also represents strength, so he wants to build a strong force.

"Well, Ling Tian, ​​take a rest first." Tang Qingyue said softly, and finally left the room.

The other girls also left the room, leaving Li Lingtian to rest alone.

Although it does not matter that the warrior does not sleep, after all, the warrior is also a human being, and he is also tired. Tang Qingyue gave Li Lingtian a good rest and nourished her spirit.

Li Lingtian watched all the girls leave and smiled a little. Then he meditated a little and adjusted his breath, then lay in bed and went to bed.

This sleep had fallen asleep for two days, and no one came to disturb. On the third day, Tang Qingyue and they saw Li Lingtian awake, and they came here to get tired. There is a group of peerless girls around, naturally in a good mood.

Dangerous moments have passed, and we have returned to the days of free time, enjoying life while practicing.

There are still some treasures to be dealt with. However, these treasures do not have to be taken out to sell spirit stones, but can be used by the following army to strengthen their own army and sweep the world.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian began to discuss with Tang Qingyue and Qing Xuanguo in front of her. Although they gambled to be girls, they were extremely clever and knew everything.

And remind him from time to time, so that he does not make big mistakes in decision-making, so that it will not fail.

"Qing Xuan Kingdom is nothing. You can use the power of Qing Xuan Kingdom to seize all the counties. The strength is united together. With the strength outside, you begin to devour the surrounding countries and slowly strengthen the powerful Xuan Kingdom. country."

"Although other parliamentarians know it, it is also an inevitable thing." Huangfu Yuyan slowly said, analyzing the current situation, and speaking out his own views and plans.

Li Lingtian and the other girls nodded while listening, paying attention to some of the key points in Huangfu Yuyan's plan, whether there would be principle errors, and whether they could be changed.

"This method that Yu Yan said is stable and vital, and it is also the simplest and most reliable."

"After we went back, we quickly cleaned up the counties below Qingxuan Kingdom, and concentrated powerful forces in our hands."

Li Lingtian's face showed a satisfied smile. Among several women, Huang Fu Yuyan was not the most beautiful, but she was experienced, coupled with her temperament and nobility, it was no worse than any other girl.

She also agrees with her analysis, after all, they have no dependence on Xuanzhou at all, nor do they have any strong power.

Only by himself slowly uniting forces, but he has a great advantage.

That is the panacea, and relying on the panacea can condense the power of the sky. Although the strong man has a country, the strong man cannot do without the panacea. Whoever gives him the panacea and who gives him the resources will help him.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian and others spent the spaceship. The spacecraft flew quickly towards Nandu County and finally returned to Nandu County within ten days.

The first time he returned to Nandu County, Chu Tianlan came to Li House to meet Li Lingtian.

"My subordinates visited the young master and congratulated the young master on his safe return."

Chu Tianlan's respectful salute was shocked in his heart, because the matter of entering the bottomless abyss in the boundless sea area was passed back by people.

He was shocked when he got the news. Although he understood that the five elements array of heaven and earth was purposeful.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to dare to rob all the strong men, and even the Wu Sheng strong men also saw the killing. This kind of cultivation and strength can only be described in horror.

When I came back this time, I didn't see a strong man come back. Only Li Lingtian and others came back. I was afraid, but I couldn't imagine it.

"Well." "What happened to Nandu County during this time?" Li Lingtian nodded and sat on the throne with a calm expression on his face. For Chu Tianlan's salute, it was just a nod. If other Nandu County powerful people see this situation, they must not drop their jaws.

However, what he cares about is the strength of Nandu County. He also needs these forces to compete with other counties and slowly devour other counties and countries.

"Nothing happened in Nandu County." "But the Tianluo Kingdom seems to have assembled the forces and armies of several other countries, and it is necessary to fight against Qingxuan Kingdom."

When Chu Tianlan heard Li Lingtian's inquiry, he returned respectfully. This is also what he wants to report to Li Lingtian, and the most anxious thing. At this time, Nandu County naturally wants to help Qing Xuan Kingdom. However, with the strength of Qing Xuan Kingdom, it is not an opponent of Tian Luo Kingdom.

Naturally, the end of Nandu County is not so good, maybe it will disappear.

Now that Li Lingtian is back safely, it is up to Li Lingtian to take the idea. He doesn't pay any attention to it.

"Oh, just a few small nations, you can't make any big waves." "You gather all the forces, listen to my arrangement, and devour the entire county in Qingxuan Kingdom, Qingxuan Kingdom You don’t have to worry about it."

Li Lingtian said lightly that only a few nations were nothing against the sky.

If in the past, I really did not dare to carelessly, after all, a Qing Xuan Kingdom is equivalent to the size of a Qingzhou, several countries add up, equivalent to the size of Cangzhou.

Such a large force to attack Qing Xuan Kingdom, Qing Xuan Kingdom can not resist. However, the existence of Li Xingtian in the Qingxuan state will naturally not perish. Your nations will be stronger, but as long as your super powers are killed, you can wipe out the morale of your entire nations.

"My subordinates understand." "Master, have the other people who have entered the bottomless abyss come back?" "There is also a matter of the spirit medicine garden, this time it seems that more powerful people are going to enter the spirit medicine garden~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Chu Tianlan tentatively asked inside, and after asking, he shuddered in his heart, worrying about angering Li Lingtian.

"They all fell." "Don't worry about the things in the Lingyao Garden, let them toss."

Li Lingtian's eyes looked sharply at Chu Tianlan, and then his sharp eyes retracted and said lightly. This look almost made Chu Tianlan collapse, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into the Nine Nether Hell.

"The subordinate obeyed the order, and if the young master did not instruct, the subordinate first said goodbye." Chu Tianlan's vest was soaked and his face was pale. Seeing that Li Lingtian didn't speak, he retreated. "this is for you."

Li Lingtian glanced at Chu Tianlan, and then took out a top grade holy object from the Dragon Ring.

These holy weapons were originally good, but Li Lingtian was no longer interested. Even Tang Qingyue and they would not give them, because letting them refine the holy weapons would cause some delay.

If you encounter an artifact in the future, you have to refine it again. This is not worth it. Instead of this, it is better not to use these holy artifacts directly, and then use it when there is an artifact.

Moreover, these holy items are also obtained from the storage bags of martial arts strongmen.

Chu Tianlan followed him, also considered a subordinate, naturally would not make him too cold.

"Xie Shaozhu's gift." Chu Tianlan looked at Li Lingtian's high-grade holy artifact, and he was very excited.

Quickly and respectfully thank him, he did not expect Li Lingtian to give him such a holy artifact, naturally he was extremely happy, and then he left the palace with the holy artifact.

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