War God Supreme

Chapter 617: The prosperous will be prosperous, and the reversal will die

The irreversible tone made Zhou Tianyun uncomfortable. But thinking of the mysterious horror holy princess, there was no discomfort in my heart.

In that golden scroll, Li Lingtian also granted them the status, as long as they surrendered, they would retain the status of Beiyun County as the sovereign, and even reward the surrounding four counties.

At the same time, I also want to see how these three men erased each other's five martial arts strongmen. I also want to understand whether I am following the wrong person. If I want to make Beiyun County surrender, I must have the ability to defy the sky.

"Subordinates understand."

"At that time, Zhou Ziyun will lead the army to fight side by side with the Lord Chu and achieve the supreme cause of the young master."

Zhou Tianyun answered respectfully, his face also showing a curious look. In the army of the Qingluo Kingdom, the five martial arts strongmen also understood what was going on. Nandu County was not an ally of the Qingluo Kingdom, but an enemy, a real enemy.

The five martial arts strong men dared not take part in the war, because this is the iron law of the Shenwu Continent. However, the five martial arts strongmen were suspended in the air, and their morale was boosted by the anti-sky momentum. In this way, it shows that the presence of the martial arts martial arts will not fall.

"Heaven demon, Yunho and I are holding back the others. You wipe them all with the shocking hammer."

Ming Luo Wu Sheng looked at the Wu Sheng strong men in the sky, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

In the battle of the army, Wu Sheng cannot participate in the war, but the destruction of Wu Sheng naturally does not exceed the iron law. Even if it exceeds, then, no matter what, people like Li Lingtian can do everything. "it is good."

The demon king nodded, and the smile on his face seemed extremely cruel. Suddenly, the figures of Mingluo Wusheng and Yunhao Wusheng flickered and disappeared in an instant. When they appeared again, they had arrived in the air and bombarded the five Wusheng strong men.

Wu Sheng San Chong Tian's cultivation practice against the sky, the terrifying coercion, directly suppressed Yi Chong Tian's Wu Sheng.

The coercion of two triple-days suppressed five heavy-days, and the heavy-day Wusheng, the cultivation of strength, could only play half of it. "Wusheng Triple Heaven!"

"Wusheng Triple Heaven!"

The five martial arts strongmen saw the coercion and momentum of the Mingluo martial arts two, and they were horrified.

Originally, I had to rely on my own five to suppress the 2 million army, but I never thought it was used by the other party, not to mention that the other party dared to destroy the iron law to participate in the war.


"Boom." Under such a shock, the tall figure of the Sky Demon King was suspended in the air, and the shocking hammer in his hand bombarded it fiercely.

It is also the cultivation practice of Wusheng Sanzhong Peak, the domineering power and the terrifying coercion.


A martial art and a heavy sky fell under a hammer. Was beaten away.



The companion was killed, and the other four martial arts strongmen also reacted. The other party not only had to join the war, but also wanted to kill them all. The other three martial arts, the triple sky, had been waiting here long ago. All of a sudden, four Wushengyizhongtian and two Wushengyizhongtian battles in the air.

Sky Demon King is suspended in the air, and does not mean to do anything.

Mingluo Wusheng's triple heaven, dealing with four heavy heavens, is just like fun. Not to mention two triple heavens, even if he can suppress the four Wusheng heavy heavens alone, this is the advantage of the realm.



There was another loud bang, and the shocking hammer fell on a Wusheng Yizhongtian. Similarly, in front of the Wusheng triplet heaven demon king's shocking hammer, let alone Yitiantian was unprepared, even if he was prepared, he would fall.

The smoke dissipated, leaving only three heavy Wusheng.

On the city wall, Zhou Tianyun was dumbfounded. He always believed that Wu Sheng would not fall, even if he could not beat it, he could escape, but now he is frightened to see the two Wu Sheng killed like ants.




Three consecutive bursts of destruction, the three martial princes triple sky at the same time annihilated the martial celestial body.

The three million troops looked dumbfounded at the martial wars in the air. When the five martial arts strongmen of the Qingluo Kingdom fell in the air, they suddenly boiled. The morale of the Qingluo Army was low, and the morale of Nandu County and Beiyun County skyrocketed.




The sound of shouting and killing, the sound of destruction. The three men of Mingluo Wusheng returned to the city wall, and Zhou Tianyun's hearts shivered. Wu Shengyi's life was so fragile. Fortunately, he agreed to surrender. Otherwise, the two of them would be the first to fall.

"Sir, will the war stop?"

Zhou Tianyun came to Mingluo Wusheng and performed a respectful salute. The war has reached this level. The morale of two million soldiers is shocking, and the attack of one million army of the Qingluo Kingdom with no morale can be included.

"Wait, since it's a war, we must go through the smoke and blood of the war, and leave the 500,000 troops of the Qingluo Kingdom."

Mingluo Wusheng waved his hand and said lightly.

This is what Li Lingtian meant. Those who stayed behind were the real army. Even if they were lucky and survived, they still had to die.

The war itself is a killing, and these things cannot be avoided if it succeeds.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.


Hearing the words of Mingluo Wusheng, many of the superpowers on the city wall booed a sigh of relief. But no one dares to have the slightest resistance, nor the slightest opinion.

"Eight hundred thousand."

"Seven hundred thousand."

"Six hundred thousand."

On the walls of the city, some superpowers estimated the remaining troops of the Qingluo country according to the battle situation and scale, and reported the number.

"The prosperous ones are prosperous, the rebellious ones die, and the surrender is left, and the disobedience will kill 100,000."

Ming Luo Wusheng said lightly, his eyes closed slightly. Suddenly, this order also passed to Chu Tianlan.

Commanded everything, Ming Luowu Sheng told Zhou Tianyun all the matters, and then left the city wall with people.

Chu Tianlan and Zhou Tianyun do all the other things. They don’t want to do it themselves.

The war ended in less than an hour.

This great war shook Qing Xuan Kingdom and other countries.

Nandu County, when the Qing Xuan Kingdom was in great trouble, actually joined forces with the Qing Luo Guo army to attack Beiyun County, and finally the Qing Luo Guo army was annexed.

All of a sudden, countless counties and nations were furious and shocked. Because Nandu County is so powerful, it swept through Beiyun County and Qingluo million troops in an hour.

After the reorganization of the forces, the legion reached as much as two million, and all resources were entered into the Nandu County Legion.

Qing Xuanguo's morale plummeted, foreign enemies were strong, and there was civil unrest. The movements of Nandu County have left countless counties and nations confused, and they cannot believe that Nandu County wants to fight for hegemony.

"As long as all the counties of Qingxuan Kingdom are unified in a short time, by the way to wipe out the influence of some other counties, our power will be even greater." In Li Fu, Li Lingtian looked at a huge hand-drawn drawing of animal skin, face With a faint smile.

This drawing depicts some countries near Qingxuan Kingdom, as well as some approximate geographic locations.

He doesn't have much power now, he can only wipe out the counties and counties around Qingxuan Kingdom to build his own strength, so that he can also stand firm.

"We are now mainly because the real core strength is not strong, and it is impossible to really meet a strong legion, so we find a way to build our own strong legion."

Huangfu Yuyan and others stood beside Li Lingtian, and also looked at this drawing, which was ten meters long and three meters wide, and there was a happy look on his face, because this is a legend in the world.

This legend is about to be born, and they all feel the momentum of hegemony from Li Lingtian.

Strategize and point the rivers and mountains.

"Yes, relying on some ordinary army to fight the world, it is impossible, so we want to fight the real army."

"Legions like guards, and four more."

"One Emperor Wu Emperor, one Emperor Wu Zun, one Emperor Wu Emperor, and one Emperor Wu Sheng."

Li Lingtian nodded his head. He didn't want to stand still in a war. What he wanted was the turbulence of the clouds, the dominance of the world, the indomitableness of what he had passed, and the invincibility of invincibility.

"If Brother Ling Tian builds such a legion, he will definitely sweep the world and be excited."

Xuanyuan Yingying was very happy. The other major forces were all the existence of Wuling Wuwang. Even if there were Wu Zong and Wu Huang, Wu Zun Wu Emperor was also a general.

Not to mention the creation of a legion above Wuhuang, and a legion above Wuhuang, it is really invincible.

"Oh, husband, why don’t you take out the current guard regiment, and form the warlord rank guard regiment into a battle group, which can be directly invincible, and after breaking through the city, absorb the Wu Zun Wu emperor strong, and marry the Wu Sheng strong man, In this way, our speed is faster~www.wuxiaspot.com~Binggui speed, we better build our strength while other countries and kingdoms are not paying attention, otherwise the kings will pay attention , Then we can’t do anything.” Shun Meier kept pondering, and finally said what he thought, Li Lingtian and others listened carefully.

After listening, they all agreed that the Emperor Wu's strong guard regiment, such a regiment joined the war, formed an independent regiment, and gathered together invincible and absolutely powerful.

This is a battle with fewer wins and more, they have no power at all, so only speed can be used to absorb more powerful forces, and only then can they hold their feet.

"Yes, Sister Meier said right."

"I also agree with Sister Meier."

"Well, Meier is really good. If the kings pay attention, we will not be able to act."


All of a sudden, several girls agreed very much. When they spoke, they also looked at Li Lingtian, wondering what Li Lingtian had to say. "Really, one should be rewarded."

Li Lingtian also agreed with Shun Meier in his heart, with a smile on his face, and he kissed Shun Meier's forehead when he was finished. Suddenly, Shun Meier was shy.

When so many sisters are treated like this, they are naturally shy.

"In this way, I will give the Emperor Wu's guard group a name and let the Demon King lead him. He likes to fight and can just lead the team."

Li Lingtian and others returned to their seats and began to think about the name of the legion. The name of a legion is very important.

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