War God Supreme

Chapter 642: Emperor Wu 5th Heaven

The beam of light shook the sky as if a time had generally bombarded the nineth heaven.

The sky and earth shattered suddenly, the earth trembled, and all the strong men trembled with fear in their eyes.


A loud bang sounded in the distant void, and suddenly, a huge black hole appeared in the void, and the space also shattered with the inch, as if the mirror had been broken.


All the strong men are spitting out blood, because the space is broken, so that countless strong men do not have the slightest precautions.

It is just the vibration of the space that will hurt everyone. If this beam of light is concentrated on the body, I don’t know if there is a soul or a trace of dust.

The sky can't be quiet for a long time, the world is shattered, and the world trembles and destroys.

Li Lingtian suspended in the air, like a **** of war. His eyes looked at the void, and he was shocked in his heart. This move was really overbearing, and it was terrified many times compared to extinction.

"Order and unify all the lower states."

Li Lingtian said faintly, with one hand to make an obliterating gesture, the look on his face was cold.

I felt that my realm was loose, and it was time to break through. The fourth heaven has already been cultivated. The fourth emperor of Wudi has reached the extreme and will soon break through. It is time to unify all the lower countries.

After talking, all the strong men and subjects were stunned and woke up.

Attacking and unifying all the lower-level countries means that Li Lingtian's cultivation base has soared.

"Congratulations to Emperor Shaoxiu for his great power."

"Congratulations to Emperor Shaoxiu for his great power."


All the strong men cheered. Li Lingtian had returned to the ground at this time. Although the training room disappeared, no one dared to bother him.

Sitting cross-legged, the whole body's exercises are running, and the reincarnation of heaven and earth guides the operation of Zhenyuan. A mutant big return pill is thrown into the import. This big return pill is the first refining variant.

Elixir entered into the mouth, and the shocking power suddenly burst out, and the mysterious power of the mysterious body continuously washed the body, the real element in the body surged, and the body was sublimated mysteriously.

The Heaven and Earth rebirth turns the five elements of Taoism into balance and restores Dan's medicine into true yuan. It quickly merges with the true yuan in Dantian.

The violent and powerful Zhenyuan hit the bottleneck.

Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, feeling the changes in his body and the changes between heaven and earth.

After reaching the Emperor Wudi Mirror, the breakthrough is not only strength, but a kind of morality, a world, and Wudi Realm has been merged with the world. Only by understanding the world can you truly become a powerful emperor of Wudi, and you can make a real breakthrough.

With the five elements of Taoism, it is natural to feel the five elements of heaven and earth easily. He himself is a small world, and naturally it is not so difficult.

"Wu Di, Wu Chong Tian, ​​breakthrough!"

Li Lingtian opened his eyes, and his mouth overflowed with a slight smile. Wudi Wuzhongtian had already broken through and became Wudi Wuzhongtianqiang. The current cultivation strength is now many times stronger than before.

In other words, the cultivation practice now is exactly the same as Wu Zun and Wu Emperor.

Feeling the surging real element surge in the body, feeling the strength and running track of the colorful golden pill, I was extremely satisfied.

After waiting for so long, I finally broke through the five-fold sky, which is a joy.

Although this breakthrough was not as difficult as the other strong ones, but when he broke through, he more often realized the Jiutianxingtian and brought his understanding to another level. Now playing nine days of stars, the power is shocking, easy and fast, and can be almost instantaneous.

With the breakthrough of Xiuwei, the improvement and sublimation of strength in all aspects, the real element in the body is not only powerful, but also more miraculous.

In Dantian, several kinds of magic are constantly spinning, adapting to the changes of the true element after the breakthrough, and in Dantian, the godhead is also more integrated.

The vitality of the whole body has been sublimated, and every move, with the style of a super strong, makes countless strong powerful.

The confident smile on his face remained the same, leaving the place of cultivation step by step, and came to the Youran Hall.

Tang Qingyue and others have already waited. When Li Lingtian came out, they were constantly looking at it.

It's a breakthrough, but I don't know whether Li Lingtian's cultivation practice is a breakthrough. Li Lingtian's realm is particularly important, so they are all concerned about Li Lingtian's realm.

"Ling Tian, ​​did you break through?"

Tang Qingyue asked Li Lingtian softly and tentatively because Li Lingtian's temperament had been sublimated. They did not know whether this was the reason or the reason for the breakthrough.

"Well, it has broken through, and now it reaches Wu Emperor Wuzhongtian." Li Lingtian took a look, a gentle look on his face, his wife cared about himself, he naturally understood.

Regarding their concern, Li Lingtian was deeply touched. With these wives, there is nothing unsatisfactory or unhappy. "Really?"

"Congratulations, Master."

"Congratulations to Brother Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to Big Brother."

"Congratulations, Ling Tian."

"Uncle, Qingqing is happy to you."


Suddenly, all the girls were extremely excited and happily tweeted to Li Lingtian Daoxi like a bird, just like Li Lingtian's breakthrough was even happier than their own breakthrough.

Xuanyuan Qingqing saw that the other aunts were happy to the uncle, but also to Li Lingtian.

She is now a warrior and naturally understands the importance of breakthroughs.

Breakthrough, the breakthrough is to break through oneself, surpass oneself, reach another level, and break through the existing limitations.

Li Lingtian's current breakthrough not only surpassed the strong man, but also surpassed his state of mind and surpassed everything.

"I practiced the Five Elements Daoist Consummation, and it's relatively simple to break through. This breakthrough award nine days and stars has improved a lot, and I have realized a lot."

Li Lingtian is also very happy. In front of his wife and friends, he will not hide anything. Happiness is happiness, and he will never hide it in his heart.

Therefore, in front of Tang Qingyue and others, he never said anything.

This also seems to be closer and more real, because a strong man will make others look up.

"Your Emperor Wudi's fivefold heavens, the added fourfold heavens, and nine days of stars, even if you encounter the Wusheng fivefold heavens, there will be a battle."

"But it has to be strengthened. After all, the battle between the martial arts strongmen decides the victory or death in one second." "The opponent will not give you the opportunity to use such a big move." Huangfu Yuyan, no matter when, All reminded Li Lingtian, reminding all the consequences and concerns, because she is Li Lingtian's woman.

Among all the sisters, she also has the most insights and experience, and encounters more things than other sisters, and bigger than Li Lingtian, so she will remind Li Lingtian from time to time.

Although it is sometimes a concern, Li Lingtian and other girls accept it, and they all value and respect Huangfu Yuyan, because they are a family, and Huangfu Yuyan will only say it for the sake of everyone.

"Well, Swift said right."

"The big moves are all ruined. After reaching Emperor Wu, the strong are generally attacked by experience and fast. The reason why I can cross the ranks is because of the speed of the attack and the time for others to play a trick. I can use five or six tricks."

"The big tricks of destruction are all exhibited at the most critical juncture, and they have found a great opportunity to perform them."

"The big move not only consumes spiritual true elements, but also consumes consciousness, and there is a huge risk, because when the big move is performed, the opponent has attacked countless times, unless you have someone to help resist, or have an invincible version of the defense."

Li Lingtian nodded and agreed with what Huangfu Yuyan said. These are the most basic insights.

His ability to perceive and understand the skills is against the sky. After he has the vision of the soul, he can quickly cultivate the skills when he cultivates the skills.

Cultivate your skills to the extreme and transform to the point of instantaneousness, so that you can take advantage of your jump against enemies.

"Longda has sent out an order to go out, I believe the army will be dispatched soon, shall we go out?"

Shumeier looked at Li Lingtian, and after Li Lingtian's four-fold cultivation practice came out the order, Long Da also passed the order to Xuanyuan Bailing.

Seven million troops, you can mobilize with only one command~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can sweep the world.

If they hadn't been worried before, the kings' kingdoms didn't care much about them, but Qing Xuanguo's movements and Li Lingtian's demise attracted the kings' attention.

It must be to get rid of him, and the army should go out to attack other nations, middle nations, and superior nations. It must be to fight the opponent's army.

Maybe the army and the strong of the kingdom will also attack the Qing Xuan Kingdom, so that the Qing Xuan Kingdom and the Xiaoyao Dynasty will be in trouble.

"No, the inferior nations are nothing to look at for the middle and superior nations."

"Even if they want to deal with me, they will not be at this time because they are afraid of losing face. During this time, we can take advantage of our free time to develop."

"Furthermore, if they want to attack, they must send super powers and troops. Such a movement, our people will definitely know that as long as they are dispatched, we will shoot."

"The only way is to do it secretly. It is impossible for the army to secretly act. Only the super strong can be sent to deal with me. Am I so good at dealing with it?"

Li Lingtian said confidently, showing domineering all over his body, exposing the world's momentum.

The analysis of the outside is also thorough, and everything is under control.

When calculating the world, even if the strong man's face is counted, it will not be easily shot for the sake of face.

This is the meaning of the so-called dragons not enemies with ants. This is true of the powerful martial arts continents, but it is just an accident to meet people who don't have face.

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