War God Supreme

Chapter 647: Tianhuo County

Flying fast, along the way, I never met the guy who couldn't open my eyes.

After all, there are still not many people like the young man in red clothes. Relying on his own background, it is fortunate to meet Li Lingtian. If other martial arts strongmen must have fallen.

Judging from the attitude and appearance of the youth in red, there must have been countless strong men who have suffered a loss.

In the future, this young man in red will never appear again, but he does not know that he has provoked the Yuege Kingdom.

In the city of Yuege Kingdom, Yuege Tiancheng, the Royal Palace occupies a size of a thousand miles. In the Royal Palace, there is a strong aura everywhere. In the entire Yuege Tiancheng, the Aura of the Royal Palace is the most intense.

Deep inside the palace, above the main hall, a middle-aged man wearing a purple crown was angry, with a strong momentum all over his body, and he also had the breath of a superior person who was not angry.

Wu Sheng, a triple-strength strongman, has a cold and icy look, and he is the king of the Moon Song Kingdom, Wan Yan.

At this time, his name is generally the same as he looks, and the sky is full of anger, Long Yan is greatly vibrated, because the Prince of the Moon Song Kingdom has just fallen.

The birthstone bead is broken, which represents the fall of the great prince. In the Yuege Kingdom, some people dared to attack or even kill the great prince. This undoubtedly slapped the Yuege Kingdom.

Although he understands that he is a great prince, he is anyway the great prince of the kingdom. He has a wonderful talent. After fifty years, he has achieved the seventh emperor Wudi. This cultivation practice is absolutely against the sky in the Yuege Kingdom Genius.

"Damn, damn, too damn."

"This king is going to smash him to pieces."

After Yan Yan and Long Yan were furious, they slapped their palms fiercely on the dragon chair. The Zijin dragon chair was buzzed. If the dragon chair had not been reinforced by the formation, the dragon chair would disappear.

Under the king's rage, countless subjects below shuddered and dared not speak, fearing to touch the mold, all of them bowed their heads and dared not glance at their faces.

The spirit of destruction raged, and the atmosphere in the whole palace was very strange.

"Your Majesty, have you found the one who has cruelly damaged the Grand Prince?"

At this time, an old man came in from outside the main hall, his face was calm, and he was not afraid of His Majesty the King. After entering the main hall, he paid a tribute to Yan Yan and found a place to sit down. .

All the people above the hall were relieved to see the old man coming.

Because of the arrival of the old man, His Majesty the King will not burn his anger on them, and His Majesty the King will not dare to be angry anymore.

This old man, but the worship of the Moon Song Kingdom, a super martial arts strongman, one of the ten martial saints, ranked ninth, almost the same as Fengyun martial arts.

Fengyun Wusheng is the eighth of the ten great martial arts, he is in the ninth, but the strength of the two is almost the same.

The ninth of the ten great martial arts priests, Tianyin Venerable, has been cultivated as a pole of strength and terror. No one has ever seen his true strength, and he is extremely wicked. He behaves strangely.

"Sovereign, the great prince was just killed and disappeared in Beiyue Kingdom. It is not clear who killed the great prince. This king is not clear. This king will send someone to track down.

When Wan Yannu saw the old man, the expression on his face slowly calmed down, and the time when the natal bead disappeared was already said about the location where the great prince fell.

He also knew that if he knew the strong man who killed the great prince, he would also send Wu Sheng strong man to go.

At that time, it may not be possible for Venerable Tianyin to appear, but in case of encountering Super Martial Saint, we must find Venerable Tianyin.

"If it can't be solved, Ben Sheng can take one shot at that time."

"Ben Sheng came to see the situation, this guy was defeated by a Wu Emperor, and he really lost the face of the top ten Wu Sheng."

The Yinyin smile appeared on Tianyin Venerable's face. He had been at odds with Fengyun Wusheng. It was because of the ranking. He always wanted to surpass behind Fengyun Wusheng, but he couldn't surpass it.

This time Fengyun Wusheng was defeated by a strong Wu Emperor, so he would never let go of such a downfall.

"Order to find out the **** person for Ben Wang, and Ben Wang will let him die as soon as possible."

Wan Yan angry looked at the other strong men below and said aloud.

Kill the super genius of the kingdom, and this genius is also the prince of the kingdom, and even his own son, how can he not be angry.

Li Lingtian naturally did not know that he had caused trouble, in fact, even if he knew, he would not regret it.

Anyway, it has provoked the kingdom and made countless countries look at it, and it would be nothing to provoke another anger.

The magic sword flew quickly into the distance with a trace of magical energy. After flying for three days, it finally reached the territory of Yin Fengguo.

Finding the approximate location of the Tianhuo Mountains, Li Lingtian directly copied the nearest county of the Tianhuo Mountains and flew away.

Tianhuo County, a county under Yin Fengguo, even if it is a county, but it is a county of superior nations, powerful and vast.

Even the former Qingxuan Kingdom is not necessarily comparable to this county. This is the power of the superior nations. A county can be yours.

"Young Master, things have been arranged."

"Among the twenty guards hiding other strong men, there are five guards who have attracted some strong men, on the condition that you get the protection of the young master, and you want to get the master's unique mutation variation and return to the Dan."

After Li Lingtian entered the inn, less than half an hour later, Long Da found Li Lingtian and reported to Li Lingtian about the situation of the security arrangements.

"Has the battle for treasures been made clear this time?"

There are some things he doesn't need to care about, but he has to care about the treasures, because he came here specifically to make things clear.

Otherwise, it would be wronged to come in vain, and this time is very sensitive, worrying that other kings’ designs will frame him.

"The Ethereal Pearl has been identified. One Holy Array Master and seven Array Masters have been identified. They are all opening that Ethereal Space. The Ethereal Pearl in it appears from time to time, but only for a short time. There is a powerful and mysterious prohibition, even the Wu Shengqiang is difficult to obtain."

"The ban must be removed before the Ethereal Pearl can be truly removed."

"And, this time, so far, there are probably more than 800 martial arts strongmen, there are more than 100 martial arts strongmen, and there are more than 100 martial arts strongmen, even one of the ten martial arts martial arts ranked fifth Mi Wusheng also came."

"The young master's main attention is the Blue Power Martial Saint, and there are also four Martial Saint Five Power Superpowers, but there is only one person. We don't know his cultivation behavior, and we don't know whether he is competing for the ethereal pearl. , A young man in purple clothes, has no breath at all, but gives a sense of danger."

Long Da will tell me this time, and the people below him have long been scattered in any corner of the Moon Song Kingdom. Not only Wu Emperor Wu Zun, but also Wu Emperor and Wu Sheng are in it.

These people, never hands-on, only collect inquiring news, and pass important news to the hands of Long Da, which is also one of the most mysterious existence in the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

As long as they don’t say it, even the people in the Xiaoyao Dynasty don’t know their identity, only Li Lingtian and Long Da know, and Mingluo Wusheng knows.

These news are all crucial. After all, the strongest competing for treasures must understand clearly, so as not to become a carduelis. Li Lingtian is to be the last hunter, not a carduelis, nor a cannon fodder.

In Yin Fengguo, at the moment when the treasure appeared, countless spies entered Yin Fengguo, and the strongmen under the dragon were all in the bottom.

Although there are still many strong men who have hidden their identities and have not entered the Skyfire County, at least most of the characters are in control.

"Well, you will do things depending on the situation. Be a hunter instead of being a carduelis. This will be in the back. When it is a last resort, you should not help this seat, otherwise you will also fall."

"Reduce casualties and get this ethereal pearl with minimal loss."

Li Lingtian said lightly, and then he pondered.

Hundreds of martial arts powerhouses and hundreds of martial arts powerhouses are just the powerhouses that have surfaced. There should be some super powerhouses hiding and also want to be hunters.

Li Lingtian didn't want to meet these super-predecessors. When it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to face Wu Sheng Wu Chong Tian. After all, he would struggle with life and death.

And there are other super-powerful eyes, even if they win, they will become the cannon fodder of others.

Whoever starts first is the fool and the first person to die.

"During this time, you don't need to control this seat, this seat will appear at that time, you can do it yourself, just see the whereabouts of the ethereal pearl clearly."

After a long time in the shirt, Li Lingtian opened his eyes and said to Long Da, after finishing speaking, he waved to Long Da to retreat.

Since the treasure did not appear, he did not need to appear.

Even if the treasure appears~www.wuxiaspot.com~With so many super powers, it is not a momentary fall, the real treasure, and then when it falls into the hands of the super martial arts, can decide the victory or defeat.

The other Wusheng and Wudi are at the bottom. If the Wudi strong want to die, then they can compete.

As long as you are a little bit brain-minded, you will not compete with Wu Sheng for treasure, and you will not be guilty.

Even if he got the treasure, he was only chased to death, and there was no hope to enjoy it.

He wanted to take a good rest during this time, he could also rejuvenate, and he also thought that, like him, there must be a few.

After Long Da left, Li Lingtian entered a room in a separate courtyard to rest. In this separate courtyard, a few simple prohibitions were made to prevent prying eyes of the powerful.

But in the room where he sleeps, there are more than a dozen super formations, almost called a **** formation, because the place where he rests cannot be threatened in the slightest.

Otherwise, he can't rest at ease to practice. ()

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