War God Supreme

Chapter 898: Venerable Divine Avatar

Looking at the big fingerprint on the sky, Li Lingtian's eyes flashed a hint of fineness.

The true element of the whole body is running to the extreme, at the same time, the ice **** and the fire **** rotate.

This is the first time that two types of divinity have been operated in this way. Wu Shengqiang runs divinity.

But at this time, Li Lingtian did not dare to carelessly, because the air breath and coercion brought him a slight threat, if the threat of death, if he did not take action, not only Lin Zhirong and Xiao Tianqi fell, but also they will be Kill after killing.

The sudden change of his body suddenly formed two extreme worlds.

The world of flames and the world of ice and cold are formed invisible.

"Judgement of God!"

Li Lingtian sipped softly, with a serious look in his eyes. His palm waved like a mosquito fan, without the slightest power.

However, this space is strange, and there is no strangeness of change.

Invisible weirdness poured into the minds of all the armies and powerful men, and at the same time, the air was also horrified.


Deep into the void, a horror sounded, and the voice was terrified.

However, when the mysterious powerhouse in the void was shocked, it was too late.


There was a muffled sound in the space, and the big fingerprints trembled.

But the space didn't explode, but it kept trembling, and the earth trembling.

The air twisted, and the big handprint stopped at a place 100 meters away from Lin Zhirong and others.

For a distance of 100 meters, there is no space distance for the God of Martial God who is against the sky. This distance can be said to hit the opponent.

It's just like the ordinary sword that the sharp sword wipes its face.

However, at such a small distance, the big fingerprint was stopped strangely.

The horror of the big fingerprint is almost ruined, but it was stopped by a voice from Li Lingtian.


There was a muffled noise again, the pressure of Lin Zhirong and others gradually fell, and the pressure of landing in the air was resisted by Li Lingtian's supernatural power, and all the strong men and four fairy beasts quickly retreated.

But when retreating, Lin Zhirong and Xiao Tianqi had already taken Gongsun Tianyang and Duanmu Chunfeng away.

At the moment all the strongmen and the four fairy beasts retreated, the space was squeezed strangely.

The strength of destruction is in the void, and the sky is torn by the strength of numerous cracks. Lin Zhirong and others also threw out in front of these strong winds.

Even so, all the strongmen are pulled back from the edge of death.

However, in front of this muffled sound, it spread across a radius of 100 miles, and the army within a radius of 100 miles was completely destroyed.



In the blink of an eye, all the strong men retreat and escape from the coercion of destruction and the big fingerprints.

All this stems from Li Lingtian's shot. Li Lingtian resisted the coercion of the destruction of the heavens and defeated the big fingerprint of death.

The big fingerprint disappeared into the void, but Li Lingtian also spurted blood out.

There was also a cold hum in the void, as long as the Emperor Wudi was strong, it was not difficult to hear, and the strong man in the sky was also injured.


Between heaven and earth, nearly 200 million troops and countless powerful men actually calmed down at this time. Apart from the wind, there was no other sound.

At this time, an old man in gray appeared in the void.

The old man in gray appeared in the void, suspended above it, without any movement, and no fluctuation in space.

No one saw how the old man appeared and how he came here, just like the old man has been hiding here.

The old man exudes a terrifying momentum, and the whole person is almost integrated with this world.

Every move is with a peerless style, the outbreak of breath, so that all the strong and the army stunned, dare not have the slightest movement, not even the atmosphere.

"Sovereign Divine Divine Avatar!"

"The Top Ten Venerable Men in the Frozen Snow!"

Many strong men recognized the identity of the old man in the air, and also saw that this old man was not a deity, but a primitive **** of one-half of the deity.

But even so, it shocked all the strong and the army.

What is the strength of the Ten Great Venerables in the Frozen Snow, that are all the powerful gods of the Nineth Heaven of the God of War, and only the Nineth Heavenly God of War can be called the Venerable.

This old man is the Divine Divine Avatar of the Venerable, and one-half of his cultivation strength is enough to overcome the sky.

I did not expect why the war of Xuanzhou attracted the Venerables of the Frozen Snow.

It is important to know that the frozen snow is a sensitive place, and the powerful people will not come out easily, and people in other places will not dare to go to the frozen snow easily. Even if they sneak in, they will proceed secretly.

But it would definitely not come so blatantly, and came here in front of the three empire forces and the strong, and shot the Xiaoyao dynasty, which shocked all the strong forces.

However, people familiar with the matter understood that this Yin-Ming ancestor had a hatred against Li Lingtian from the Xiaoyao dynasty. Li Lingtian killed the Yin-Ming ancestor's avatar and made the Yin-Ming ancestor fall.

Wan Wan didn't expect that the ancestors of Yin and Ming had such courage to come, but this came at the risk of the siege of Shenwu Continent.

Violating the iron law of the Shenwu Continent, this matter is unimaginable to all powerful people.

"Yin Ming Patriarch, long time no see."

"Don't come unharmed?"

Li Lingtian was shocked when he looked at the void old man.

Suddenly in his mind, he did not expect the Yin and Ming Ancestors to really appear.

Although there were precautions against the Yin and Ming ancestors in the past, it was just in case, but I never thought that this came.

Seeing the old man's cultivation as strength, I felt trembling in my heart.

The Venerable Divine Avatar is a Divine Avatar, but it is a Divine Avatar.

That is, one-half of the Wushen strong person has one-half of the deity's cultivation strength.

Such strength already has the cultivation of Wushen Liuzhongtian.

In Wushen, Yitiantian is a heaven and earth, and the distance between Wushenyizhongtian and Wushenzhongzhongtian is slightly smaller.

But the distance between the fourth and sixth heavens is a little smaller, and the distance between the seventh and ninth heavens is a little smaller.

The Nineth Heaven is equivalent to three realms, but the Three Sixth Nine Heavens is an extreme.

Therefore, Wu Shen's cultivation of the Sixth Heaven can directly kill the fiveth Heaven Strong.

During the previous war, there was already a plan. Even if you meet the strong players in the three or four heavy heavens, you can defeat them with a few monsters and strong men.

Although it was killed, it was beyond imagination, and finally defeated the powerful of the two empires with fairy beasts, almost wiped out the martial gods Wu Sheng of the two empires.

Now, Wan Wan did not expect to meet the old opponent, or the strongest of Wushen Sixth Heaven.

Yuanshen avatar has the power of sixfold heavens, and can also display magical powers and treasures.

More importantly, the Yuanshen avatar came here, indicating that the deity is not far away, at least in Xuanzhou.

What makes him feel suspicious is why the deity let Yuanshen come out, is this not a risk?

Besides, the strong man in the frozen snowland has nothing to do with Shenzhou, and will naturally ignore the life and death of Gongsun Tianyang and Duanmu Chunfeng.

Because of this, Li Lingtian was puzzled.

Relying on the strength of the deity, it will not be long before he will come here, and he really doesn't need the adventure of Yuanshen.

Unless, unless it was a terrifying opponent, it let Yuan Shen come to deal with Li Lingtian.

I thought a lot, but quickly withdrew my mind and looked at the Yin and Ming Ancestor.

Now, let alone say that this Yuanshen avatar alone, there is no way to defeat it.

Just using God's Judgment, it can only hurt the Yin and Ming Ancestors.

"Huh, junior, today is your death."

"This ancestor wants to destroy your ruinless dynasty."

"However, this ancestor can give you the opportunity to escape, that is, let go of the two of them, you leave here with your own people, and ten days later, this ancestor will kill you, how about?"

When Yin Lingtian heard the words of Li Lingtian, he suddenly became furious.

Long time no see, doesn’t that mean he was killed off some time ago?

This is how to spread salt on the wound so that he can not be angry.

A venerable avatar was killed by a martial saint, this is simply a joke of Shenwu Continent.

However, he forcibly suppressed his anger, looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and said aloud.

At the same time, my heart was shocked. I didn’t expect to disappear in just half a year. This young man reached Wu Sheng Liu Chong Tian. He broke through four realms in half a year. And the trick he just cast, directly wounded him, leaving him without any preparation. .

It was simply defenseless, and the trick was so terrifying that it almost killed him in seconds.

There has been a trace of fear in my heart, and I dare not provoke Li Lingtian, and then the dog will be in a hurry.

And now he has other things, no mistakes can be made.

When speaking, the terrible coercion broke out, the continuous torn space, the cultivation of the six gods of the **** of war, the breath of the Venerable, and the tremor between the heavens and the earth.

Li Lingtian’s Five Elements Eucharist opens, the Five Elements Taoism runs, the power of the heavens and the earth is displayed, and the Devil’s Domain is constantly running.


"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the sky, the pressure of destruction continued to bombard, but the two were extremely relaxed.

No hands-on, but the pressure is constantly bombarded, which is beyond the imagination of all powerful.

It seems that the two didn't have a fight, but they have been fighting each other for a long time.

At the same time, although the world's strong men and armies shocked the reputation of the Top Ten Venerables, they were even more shocked by Li Lingtian's horror.

Actually used coercion to confront each other, and for a while, the two's coercion did not win or lose.

The powerful Wushen of the Xiaoyao dynasty felt the breath of Li Lingtianwei’s pressure, and they were all shaking, because this breath carried the power of heaven and earth, and there was a mysterious existence beyond the imagination of the Wushen strong.

Mingluo Wusheng and others only knew that Li Lingtian was terrifying and powerful, but he did not know that he had gotten a mysterious opportunity to go to Xiaoyao Immortal Palace this time.

A strong man of Wusheng Liuzhongtian, confronting the Venerable Yuanshen's doppelganger will not fall. ()

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