War God Supreme

Chapter 920: Burst

Now, with his cultivation ability and the strength of his consciousness, he can only take away twenty people at once.

And each time you open the Dragon Ring, you need to consume countless consciousnesses. If you cultivate for improvement, the consciousnesses in the future will be more powerful, and the number of people will be more.

However, now he dare not consume too much consciousness.

Because he wants to consider for more people, there are countless important people in him, and all hope is in him.

If you consume the consciousness, you will not be able to recover for a while. When facing the powerful Demon Race, you can't deal with it in the state of peak.

In his character, no matter what strong man he faces, he must respond in the best condition.

What's more, when facing the terrifying Demon Clan, if their own consciousness is consumed, they will fall here because of their consciousness. Not only will they fall themselves, but also the people inside the Dragon Ring.



The sound of twisting aura of formation is more powerful. The aura of awesomeness is used from tens of thousands of miles away. All auras enter into the formation and continue to bless the formation.

Moreover, the formation is constantly shrinking. The smaller the formation is, the more powerful it is.



In the air, the sound of breaking the sky finally sounded.

When the sound of breaking the sky sounded, two figures appeared in the air.

The speed is faster than the imagination of all powerful people, just like a teleport.

Two strong men in black, each exudes a breath of terror.

"War God Seventh Heaven!"

"War God Seventh Heaven."

Xuanyuan Yunhe looked at the two strong men in the air, his face changed dramatically.

Wan Wan did not expect that Mozu actually mobilized two super martial arts strongmen in a short period of time. These two martial arts strongmen are superpowers of the seven gods of martial arts.

Such a realm is trembling, and Li Lingtian is also horrified.

The two Seventh Heavenly Warriors are extremely terrifying.

This practice is more powerful than when the Yin and Ming ancestors were killed.

As early as 20,000 miles away, he found two mysterious breaths flying rapidly, and the speed was so shocking to him.

Had he not been strong in consciousness and practiced the true solution of the holy demon, he would never find these two powerful demon clan.

The strong men of Tianhe Holy City looked at the two black strong men in the air, they were all terrified.

Hearing Xuanyuan Yunhe's words, he felt even more desperate. The powerful God of the Seventh Heaven of the God of War is simply a god-like existence. They now have no chance of escaping.

Now, even if Tianhe Holy City pays a shocking price to open the teleportation array, it is impossible to send all these strong men in a short time.

"Who is Li Lingtian, stand up for this demon emperor."

In the air, the two martial arts strongmen looked at the large array of Tianhe Holy City, their faces showing a surprised look.

Because looking at this situation, as if I had been prepared for a long time, I was curious. With their cultivation behavior, even if I came to the Holy City of Tianhe, it would not be discovered, but now I had it before they arrived. Such preparation.

It seems that this Li Lingtian is even more perverted than expected.

All the demons in the Tianhe Holy City fell, and they were immediately shocked by the demon command sent to the Tianhe Holy City.

Wushen Mietian was killed, it should be that Tianhe Holy City has a super strong.

Either Li Lingtian used any means, otherwise these powerful people will not all fall.

The reputation of Li Lingtian is unknown to outsiders, but in the top of the Demon Race, Li Lingtian is famous.

Now the two Demon Commanders sent to the Tianhe region came to see what happened, but they did not expect that Tianhe Holy City was ready.

"This seat is Li Lingtian."

Li Lingtian felt a little relaxed in his heart after listening to the words of this demon strongman.

Because these two Wushen Demon Clan did not understand his strength, and he did not know much about the Tianhe Holy City. In this way, he could delay more time.

Knowing people knows each other is a hundred battles, and the other party does not know their own details, so they are in favor of fighting.

"it is good."

"Destroy my Devil Clan's tens of thousands of powerful people, and let you smash thousands of corpses today."

"Hand over the Forbidden Demon God Array, you can kill them all, otherwise all will fall here."

Ou Yue looked at everything in the formation, and his face showed a disdainful look.

He also knew that Li Lingtian and others were all moving away from here, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Li Lingtian was shocked when she saw what she was doing. Could it be that the other party was unable to do anything? This smile made people uneasy.

"Hand over the Forbidden Demon Formation?"

"Forbidden God array is in this hand, but if you want to get it, that is impossible."

"This seat restricts you to withdraw from the Holy City of Tianhe in three seconds. Otherwise, this seat will destroy this array, and the smoke will disappear, and your Devil will never get this array."

As soon as Li Lingtian was aware of it, he sacrificed the image of God of Forbidden God and waved it while holding the picture of God of Forbidden God.

There are real elements in the hands, and there is a lot to destroy this forbidden **** array.

There was also a resolute look on his face. This action suddenly left both Yaoyue and Duo a bit. If Li Lingtian destroyed the Forbidden God Array, the hope of the Demon Race would be gone.

Based on Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, such an image of the Forbidden Demon God Array, as long as you use your hands hard, the Forbidden Demon God Array will disappear.

However, something happened that Li Lingtian didn't expect.

I didn't expect the other party to be so difficult to be afraid of his threats.

"Haha, haha."

"You dare to destroy this forbidden **** array, I will draw them one by one."

"Look, see if you can still teleport?"

The look on Ouyue's face changed several times, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and finally he laughed loudly.

Pointing his finger at a distance, Li Lingtian looked in the direction of Ouyue's finger, and the look on his face changed dramatically.

I saw that in the sky, the space was constantly twisted.

The heaven and earth were also distorted, and looked terrible. Seeing this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face became ugly.

But Yueyue showed a look of excitement because he bet on the right, betting that Li Lingtian cares about the people of Tianhe Holy City or the Forbidden Demon God Array. Now looking at Li Lingtian, he does not dare to destroy the Forbidden Demon God Array.

"You destroy the teleport coordinates."


Li Lingtian looked at the void in the distance, his face was angry, this time he was really angry.

He is a Divine Array Master, and naturally understands what the Void Twist represents in the distance.

The teleportation array is turned on here, and the warrior is being teleported out, and the space is distorted over there.

At the same time, I was horrified. I didn't expect the other party to have such a powerful array master. Without knowing it, he changed the coordinates of the teleport array.

Now, he naturally understands that the two of Yaoyue have determined him, and determined that he will not dare to destroy the Forbidden Demon God Array.


"Li Lingtian, hand over the Forbidden Demon God Array to allow them to leave."

"You have killed tens of thousands of powerful demon clan, you can't have a chance of being spared, so, you must fall, my devil clan speaks, will not come false."

He looked at Li Lingtian with a smile on his face.

But in the eyes of the powerful Tianhe Holy City with a smile, it is simply the smile of death.

All of a sudden, the strong men of Tianhe Holy City looked at Li Lingtian.

Now that the teleportation array is basically useless, it depends on Li Lingtian's solution. If Li Lingtian has no choice, then it's over.

At this time, Li Lingtian was in deep contemplation, and the expression on his face kept changing.

"Yingying, Sister Qingyue, come here."

"You first enter the Dragon Ring, and looking at the current situation, we can only leave here first."

"I have shown the Forbidden Demon Array, and their goal is me, and I can lead them away when I leave here."

Li Lingtian's lips kept opening, and the voice was transmitted to Tang Qingyue and other people's ears by means of transmission.

The look on his face was also serious and extreme, and then it was transmitted to the ears of Xuanyuan Yunhe and others, and began to discuss it.


There was a slight tremor in the air, and Huang Fu Yuyan and others disappeared.

Immediately, Li Lingtian held his hands for a while, his mind moved, and a dharma decision flew out. The dharma decision fell on the formation in the air.

A strange atmosphere filled the air, and a soundproof was forbidden to appear.

"Everyone, this life and death is death, it depends on your character, this seat will lead them away, you each escape."

Li Lingtian passed on the sound. When the sound fell, the sound insulation ban was broken by the other party.

"Ancestor, you go in."

Divine Consciousness opened the Dragon Dragon Ring, and shouted Xuanyuan Yunhe four into the Dragon Dragon Ring.

"Want to go, delusion."



Both Yaoyue and Baozhan watched Li Lingtian meditate, with a faint smile on his face.

Knowing that Li Lingtian was difficult to choose between, at this time, it was when Li Lingtian's psychology was fragile. As long as Li Lingtian surrendered the Forbidden Demon God Array, they would kill all the people here.

But suddenly he found that the voice in the big array in front had disappeared, and he knew that Li Lingtian had done something.

At the same time, I saw several girls disappeared, and the four Wu Sheng Jiu Zhongtian also disappeared. The two finally understood what mysterious means Li Lingtian had to use~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dare not hesitate anymore, two shocking attacks The fierce assault method came from the bombardment.

A burst of sound, the formation did not have the blessings of the Four Saints of Xuanyuan. Under the full bombardment of the two martial gods Seventh Heaven's Demon Clan, the formation could no longer be supported and burst.


Li Lingtian felt that the destructive attack was overwhelming, and the whole person had no strength to move the bomb.

The devastating attack destroyed the formation, and the horrible explosive force flew him out, flying straight for a hundred meters before hitting the square steps to stop.

The large ring was shattered, and the sky was full of dust.

Li Lingtian was also drowned in the dust and disappeared.

Ouyue and the two landed on the square, looking at the dust in the sky, and the consciousness locked in the dust.

However, the soaring dust gradually disappeared, but Li Lingtian's figure was no longer on the square, just like the impact that began to knock Li Lingtian away. ()

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