War God Supreme

Chapter 927: Before the test

In the Lanling Valley, although no one could see that he had done something, he did not call him waste.

On the contrary, he was respected by many disciples.

Because he was in the Lanling Valley, but he was a Dan teacher and a learned scholar.

Although Master Dan’s cultivation practice was not high, it was also because of the problem of not practicing cultivation, but he knew countless things, no matter what kind of cultivation disciple, he came to talk about the cultivation problem, he could tell it from the side and let that disciple Puzzle.

"Brother Li, you really know a lot."

"Why not find the reason why I can't practice."

"Oh, how can you know so much."

On the lawn in front of the building, Li Ling sat cross-legged, just like an old monk.

Surrounded by several disciples from Wuling Realm, Lan Xiaoman was also there.

Lan Xiaoman waited for several brothers to solve the cultivation problem, and then asked Li Lingtian curiously.

At the same time, several other disciples were also very curious, but it was always difficult to ask Li Lingtian, to inquire about other people’s news and secrets, and also worried about causing Li Lingtian’s grief. After all, it was a shame to not practice in Shenwu Continent thing.

"I used to be a disciple of a powerful family. I was born to be unable to cultivate."

"I really like qin chess and calligraphy and painting, and like some strange things, so I went to the ancient library to read ancient books every day. Although I can't practice, I know a lot."

"It's not a bad thing not to practice, do you think I am not living well now, and no one bullies me."

"Hey, it was just that the great forces were destroyed and I was injured. Then I came to Lanling Valley."

Li Lingtian meditated with his eyes closed and said faintly, his face unchanged.

Just like talking about a very common thing, I can't see the slightest lie.

"So this is ah."

"I heard from Dad that everyone has their own talents."

"Although Brother Li can't practice, but he is versatile, he can also refine the Elixir. This is also the talent of Brother Li, and this talent is more popular than the cultivator."

Lan Xiaoman showed a look like this, but he was very happy.

At this time, I spent a lot of time with Li Lingtian. Although this brother was a little talkative, he was a good brother.

Like an invincible master, in Lan Xiaoman's heart, there is always a feeling that Brother Li in front of him is definitely not simple.

But it’s not easy to say anything. The girl’s sixth sense is the most wonderful. This brother Li can’t practice, but he feels like a peerless strongman.

"Brother Li, thank you for your advice. Let's go back to practice first. Next day of the next month, when our seven powerful juniors compare, I hope our Lanling Valley can achieve good results."

Lan Xiaoman kept asking east and west until the sun went down before stopping.

Li Lingtian has always asked questions, and the expression on his face has not changed at all.

Looking at the sky, several Wu Ling disciples spoke to Li Lingtian, and then quickly left Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian said two words lightly, his eyes opened, and looked at Lan Xiaoman.

"Brother Li is also interested in the comparative test."

Lan Xiaoman saw Li Lingtian opened his eyes, thinking that Li Lingtian was interested in the test, but it was funny to think that Li Lingtian didn't do it.

Now she is not afraid to say that Li Lingtian did not do it because Li Lingtian didn't care about it at all.


"They have all practiced, and you haven't practiced yet, don't you worry about embarrassment by then?"

Li Lingtian froze for a moment, then gave Lan Xiaoman a hard look.

I am interested in comparing the test, and I am kidding. What can I use for him than the test? Even the God of War can shoot it with a palm, and it still needs a test.


"I thought Brother Li was interested in the test, so to speak, Brother Li didn't do it. How can I compare it."

"Unfortunately, I am now the King of Wu. I have just reached the level of King Wu. The opponent must have the King Wu Realm. I can no longer compete with the Wu Ling Realm."

"Otherwise, I will be able to get a place in Wuling 9th rank. After reaching Wuwang, I will lose my advantage. Even if I practice, it is impossible to compare with those of Wuwang rank."

Lan Xiaoman's words almost made Li Lingtian go away.

But he is the evil spirit among the evil spirits, Lan Xiaoman is just a little evil spirit in front of him.

He could accept what he said. If anyone else heard Lan Xiaoman's words, he wouldn't be angry.

At the age of sixteen, he reached the King of Wu, but it is a pity that his cultivation cannot be compared with Wuling Realm.

"Good practice, I remember seeing a set of sword tactics good before, as long as the practice is completed, the power is also very powerful."

"You go back to practice first, and after I find out that set of sword tactics, I will practice for you."

Li Lingtian glanced at Lan Xiaoman, and then said lightly.

The tone carries the meaning of seeing off, but Lan Xiaoman completely ignores it. For Li Lingtian, he has become accustomed to it and has no intention of leaving immediately.

"Really, brother, don't lie to me."

"The first order of King Wu, even if he practiced the most powerful sword tactics, it is impossible to compete with the ninth order of King Wu."

Lan Xiaoman was suddenly happy, but then he didn't believe it.

No matter how powerful the sword tactic is, it can't be the opponent of Wu Wang's ninth rank.

"go back."

Li Ling Tianban raised his face and said to Lan Xiaoman lightly.

"Huh, go back and go back, Brother Li must be lying to me."

Lan Xiaoman saw that Li Lingtian did not intend to speak anymore, and left unwillingly. When he left, he still muttered and murmured.

Every time it was like this, it was Li Lingtian who finally forced Lan Xiaoman to leave.

In this case, I don't know how much it is.

Watching Lan Xiaoman leave, Li Lingtian's face showed a trace of memory.

More than ten years ago, he was still a warrior, but he rose strongly, and finally shined when the Tianyun Sect was compared.

Now watching the disciples of Lanling Valley compare with others, they also think of their past.

What happened before, like what happened yesterday, has a fresh memory.

However, the memories are just memories. After a little deep thought, he returned to the pavilion, meditated cross-legged and practiced the longevity tactics, and learned the longevity pill refining technique.

The whole person is calm, with a touch of indisputable temperament.

Time, day by day, Li Lingtian practiced deep in the Lanling Valley, unconsciously lost time.

Although the group of breath in the body has not been resolved, but the practice of longevity is practiced every day, but it has stabilized a lot, at least temporarily under his control.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

"Come out quickly. Today, the seven forces will compete today. If you don't come out again, you will miss the show."

A familiar voice came over, interrupting Li Lingtian's cultivation.

Opening his eyes, he shook his head helplessly.

"Compare today?"

"You go by yourself, I don't want to go, I still have to learn about Danfang, strive to improve the Danshu, and refine the best medicine."

Li Lingtian didn't care what he looked like, and he ignored the competition.

Now he only needs to practice the Changsheng Pill slowly. After he has refined the Changsheng Pill, he will use the Changsheng Pill and the Changsheng Pill to adjust his body together, and then he will settle down.

"That won't work."

"This time I told my dad that our disciples in Lanling Valley are competing with the other six forces and we will bring you to watch."

"Don't want you to compare, what are you afraid of."

Lan Xiaoman came to Li Lingtian, and when he saw that Li Lingtian was not going, he suddenly stopped.

Pulling Li Lingtian is about to leave, but Li Lingtian is still indifferent.

"Even if you want to compare something, you have to tell me."

"I'm not interested in these contests, and there is nothing beautiful about it."

Li Lingtian looked at Lan Xiaoman's appearance. In this way, he suddenly thought of a person.

Shangguan Ling'er, the sister of the same class encountered by Tian Yunzong.

Although it was very low at that time, it was very happy, but later they were separated.

Thinking of Shangguan Ling'er, I felt a little funny in my heart, and lightened the tone of Lan Xiaoman in front of me.

"In fact, in the Luofeng Mountain Range, there are not only seven forces, but hundreds of forces of all sizes."

"The seven forces we talk about are the branches under the Maple Sect. There are competitions every year. The more powerful and promising the disciples are, the more resources they get."

"The seven forces, although they belong to the Maple Sect, are competing with each other below, and the open fight between them has never stopped."

"And the power of the Luofeng Mountain Range is intricate, and there are always battles. No matter which sect, the following will be compared. The world respected by the strong can only speak."

"This time the seven major forces under the Maple Sect were tested at the Maple Sect Outer Square."

Lan Xiaoman listened to Li Lingtian's words, and he hurriedly recounted the things of the seven forces.

After finishing talking, he could not help but drag Li Lingtian towards the outside, worrying about missing the competition.

"All right."

"Don't pull it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's like this."

Li Lingtian watched Lan Xiaoman dragging himself away, feeling awkward for a while, and quickly opened his mouth to let Lan Xiaoman loose.

Lan Xiaoman was said by Li Lingtian, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and there was a blush on his small face. During this time, he had been like Li Lingtian, just like Li Lingtian as his brother.

Li Lingtian regretted seeing Lan Xiaoman like this. Both of them did not speak, and went directly to the outside.

Soon the two came out of Lanling Valley, Lan Xiao and others were already waiting.


Li Ling came forward and shouted lightly. After the call, he stood aside.

When other disciples saw Li Lingtian like this, they were also surprised.

Because Li Lingtian has been speechless and treats everyone like this, and Li Lingtian has learned a lot, and he can also practice alchemy. Although it is not respectable, no one has offended him. ()

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