War God Supreme

Chapter 931: Lan Xiaoman's marriage

"Brother Li."

Where has Lan Xiaoman seen such a thing, and he doesn't like these people at all.

Besides, Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley are all based on her talents, adding a genius to her own power.

At this time, the look on his face was so ugly that he almost cried out.

He looked at Li Lingtian around him. He didn't have any affection for the two people at Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley. It was better to marry Brother Li who didn't do anything.

"It's up to you to decide."

"Marrying Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley is actually not bad."

Li Lingtian said faintly, the expression on his face was dull, and he couldn't see the slightest emotion fluctuation.

In fact, for these things, Li Lingtian has already felt that they are childish.

No matter what you do, you don't want to bother about it, you might as well practice longevity tactics in the pavilion.

"But, but."

Lan Xiaoman heard Li Lingtian say this, and was suddenly speechless.

Looking at the others in the square, everyone looked at her, and even Lan Xiao was hesitant at this time.

Although there is no shortage of resources in Lanling Valley, it is definitely not a wise thing to oppose Qingfeng Valley and Jinyi Mountain Villa.

But if he marries his daughter to Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley, it is indeed a little unwilling.

"This matter, look at Xiaoman."

"Xiaoman has grown up, she can make the call herself."

Lan Xiao looked at Lan Xiaoman, and both forces could not afford to offend. He promised any one, he would offend the other, and he did not want to accept either.

At this time, it was only Lan Xiaoman who gave the initiative.

If Lan Xiaoman did not agree, he also had an excuse.

"I do not want to."

When Lan Xiaoman heard his father say this, he felt a lot relieved. At least his marriage would not be controlled by his father, and he was very grateful.

At the same time, he said quickly that there was no way to offend the two forces at this time.

Suddenly, Lan Xiaoman's words made the atmosphere of the whole square very depressed.

It was an honour for Jinyi Villa and Qingfeng Valley to raise their relatives, but they were rejected by Russian girls.

The people of Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley suddenly had a hard look on their faces.

"Sister Lan, if you marry me Bai Feng, Bai Feng will treat you well."

"Sister Lan, the marriage with our Golden Wing Villa is absolutely a match made in heaven."

Both Jinyu and Bai Feng looked at Lan Xiaoman. At this time, Lan Xiaoman was like a peerless fairy.

Indeed, although Lan Xiaoman was only sixteen years old, he was born with no embryo, and his binocular eyes made him crazy.

"The love of the two brothers, but the little girl already has someone she likes and will not marry you."

Lan Xiaoman looked at the two, and there was a feeling in their hearts that they were not as good as Brother Li.

When speaking, the tone was extremely calm, with a faint smile on his face, and now I just expected not to let Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley.

"Sister Lan has someone she likes?"

"who is it?"

"Is it better than us?"

"It's him who Sister Lan doesn't say."

Suddenly, both of Jinyu were stunned, and never thought such a thing would happen.

In this large public, if Lan Xiaoman is married, it can be regarded as a glorious addition to his own power.

All of a sudden, they asked curiously, not knowing who was better than them.

At the same time, all the other disciples laughed, and looked at Li Lingtian with ridicule.

The disciples of Lanling Valley, at this time, almost self-confidence.

However, in this world of respect for the strong, no cultivation is waste.

The Lanling Valley was inferior to other forces and was ridiculed, and they did not have the slightest confidence to refute.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Lan Xiaoman's words shocked everyone.

"Yes, it's him."

Lan Xiaoman pointed at Li Lingtian and said seriously.

Although she was a woman, she was indignant when she saw the insult of Lanling Valley.

In fact, in her heart, she didn't even know what she liked and what love was.

It's just that the two of Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley are not comparable to Li Lingtian in his heart. In his eyes, Li Lingtian is like a big brother.

Now, being laughed at by others like Lanling Valley and Li Lingtian, they are really full of heart, but even if they marry a waste, they will not marry Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley.

Suddenly, the warriors in the whole square were shocked, thinking they had misheard.

"Okay, okay."

"I actually like a waste."

"In your eyes, are some of our forces inferior to one waste?"

Jin Yu and Bai Feng were almost crazy, according to Lan Xiaoman, that is to say, they couldn't even compare one waste.

Where can such a thing endure?


The look on Li Lingtian's face remained the same, but he felt a bitter smile in his heart.

She also saw that Lan Xiaoman used him as an excuse, but also annoyed that they insulted him.

However, she naturally did not know that Li Lingtian had been launched.

At this time, while the elders of other forces did not speak, hurry to leave, so as not to provoke right and wrong and delay your cultivation.

When he was finished, he turned and left.

Lan Xiaoman also understood the meaning of Li Lingtian, and quickly left, and all the people in Lanling Valley left.

However, Bai Feng and Jin Yu were in trouble.

"Waste, just want to go?"

"Since Sister Lan is going to marry you, don't you feel inferior?"

The two were completely mad, completely disregarding the slightest demeanor, in the presence of thousands of warriors.

At this time, the two no longer have the slightest grace.


"With this little time, it is better to practice harder."

Li Lingtian turned around and glanced at Jinyu and Bai Feng with disdain, as if looking at a fool.

This look suddenly stunned the people present. A waste that hadn't been cultivated. While saying this, he still looked at the two geniuses with disdain.

Suddenly, the people in the whole square were puzzled.

Jin Yu and Bai Feng are almost crazy.

The people of Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley felt slapped hard.


"Waste, find death."

Jin Yu and Bai Feng, the whole person ran away, flashed in shape, two powerful attacks bombarded Li Lingtian from across the sky.

Suddenly, the air was distorted. If this blow fell, not to mention a young man who did not cultivate, even if he was a strong Wu Zong, he would be killed.

In everyone's eyes, it was like seeing Li Lingtian killed.



"Bang, bang."


Just then, a figure appeared behind Li Lingtian, just blocking Li Lingtian.

Two attacks in the air were cancelled, and two devastating attacks erupted.

Bai Feng and Jin Yu both threw them out, fell fiercely under the steps, spurted blood, and could no longer move, lying like a dead dog.

This change suddenly shocked everyone.

I saw behind Li Lingtian, Lan Xiao exuded a strong momentum, and looked coldly at the golden jade and white maple on the ground.

None of them thought that Lan Xiao shot two disciples as Wu Zun.

Moreover, the status and situation of Lanling Valley did not dare to provoke Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley. It used to be tolerant before, even if it was ridiculed, it rarely offended other forces.

But I didn't expect to shoot two disciples for the sake of a waste. Now the two disciples don't even know the life and death.

"Lan Xiao, you are so brave."

"Lan Xiao, you, Wu Zun, shot at a younger disciple, don't you see me Qingfenggu in your eyes?"

Jin Hao and Bai Lantian both stood up and walked step by step towards the steps.

His face was full of anger, and his whole body surged.

Suddenly, two horrible cyclones were formed on the steps, which looked extremely powerful and terrifying.

Going up the steps is the rule of the Maple Sect, and even the entire Luofeng Mountain Range. If you have any grievances, you must resolve them on the steps.

Obviously, the two have already made a killing attack on Lan Xiao. If Lan Xiao does not go up, he will definitely deal with Lanling Valley in the future.

This change has made no one think of it.

However, several other forces, as well as the disciples of Maple Sect, are extremely happy, and there will be a wound in the fight between the two.

The people of Maple Sect wanted to see the battle of the three Wu Zun.

Lan Xiao saw Bai Lantian and Jin Hao come to power, and suddenly felt impulsive.

For a moment, I was bitterly grinning. In the face of Jinyi Mountain Villa and Qingfeng Valley, Lanling Valley was really finished this time.

When I mentioned that Li Lingtian was attacking, I also thought of the Tsing Yi masked woman. If Li Lingtian had fallen here, the Tsing Yi masked woman was not easy to explain.

But now it offends two great forces.

"The two senior brothers forgive sins, and they were just anxious in the next moment. They shot and injured two juniors."

"I believe that the two brothers will not care about this little thing."

Lan Xiao had a smile on his face, and the world of the strong man provokes two major forces himself, no need to imagine the end.

Li Lingtian did not expect that Lan Xiao would be able to resist, but immediately thought of the reason for the Tsing Yi masked woman, but this also satisfied him, at least Lan Xiao shot at this time.

"Huh, Lan Xiao, you said so easily."

"As long as you can beat me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today's thing is just fine, it's enough to pay a little bit of spirit stone."

"Otherwise, you and Lanling Valley will have to disappear in Luofeng Mountain."

Bai Lantian's face was cold, and his eyes looked coldly at Lan Xiao.

I had to find an excuse to deal with the Lanling Valley, this opportunity will be let go.

"Guest, let's go."

Li Lingtian spoke at this time, and there was no slight change in the look on his face. At this time, everyone said that they looked at Li Lingtian like an idiot.

Provoked two major forces, so idiot wants to leave.

Suddenly, I felt unlucky for the Lanling Valley. There was such an idiot, and there was no idiot for cultivation.

Even when Lan Xiao looked at Li Lingtian, she felt helpless for a while, and she didn't know whether to move forward or backward for a while. ()

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