War God Supreme

Chapter 942: Maple Sect Duan Ziyu [...

"Vice Sovereign!"

Feng Muzong's strongman looked at Li Lingtian's black strongman, and all exclaimed.

In the Maple Sect, the deputy suzerain's cultivation performance is the highest, and no one has seen the deputy suzerain's shot, but he knows that the deputy suzerain's strength is well-known in the Luofeng Mountain.

That terrifying thing is terrifying, mainly because of the erosive force of poison, even if the Emperor Wu Di touches it will disappear.

Now that the deputy suzerain appears, the shot is the most powerful method.

Suddenly, the powerful of Maple Sect was very excited, just like seeing the deputy patriarch defeating Li Lingtian.

By that time, even if they avenge them.

Both Lan Xiaoman and Lan Xiao looked worriedly at the tragic green palm, expecting Li Lingtian to catch the trick, and also wanted to see what means Li Lingtian exerted to resist this trick.

However, the next thing made all people exclaim.


All strong men, when they saw Li Lingtian's movements, exclaimed, with a horrified look on their faces.

I saw that Li Lingtian did not mean to shoot, nor did he mean to dodge, but strode forward one step unexpectedly.

With his body facing the palm of his hand, he greeted his body toward the palm.

The Emperor Wudi's powerful attack was extremely fast, and the speed was beyond everyone's imagination.

Even the strong man present did not even respond to dodge. Li Lingtian not only did not dodge, but greeted him intentionally.

This kind of action completely ignores the attack of the Wu Emperor and is also an insult to the Wu Emperor.

Bai Lingfeng was stunned to see Li Lingtian's actions.


There was a muffled noise, and the palm was fiercely printed on Li Lingtian's chest.

However, Li Lingtian not only did not retreat under the blow of the Emperor Wudi, but did not even shake his figure.

The look on his face was also extremely relaxed, and the strength of destruction continued to spread, Li Lingtian used his body to resist the palm of destruction.

The whole square was silent for a while.


At this time, Bai Lingfeng threw it out strangely, and his body fell to the ground.

A spit of blood spewed out, the expression on his face was pale, the body was extremely weak, as if swallowed, and looked at Li Lingtian in horror.

The whole process from his appearance to attacking Li Lingtian and then to his flying out seems to be a long time, but the whole process is just a blink of an eye.

But at this time, Bai Lingfeng seemed to have passed a century.

When the palm was bombarded on Li Lingtian, there was a smile on his face. Because of this palm hit, even the super martial arts strongman will disappear, and now Li Lingtian is arrogantly hit by himself, and he will certainly die half his life.

However, without waiting for him to be happy, the smile on his face became fear, and the palm of his hand bombarded Li Lingtian's chest, just like bombardment on the cold iron.

At the same time, a suction appeared, and his true Yuanhe cultivation was constantly swallowed.

In the blink of an eye, Xiu has lost countless times.

In the end, Zhenyuan was forcibly withdrawn and the attack was thrown out, because he knew that if he did not retreat, all his practice would be lost, and he would fall here.

He did not expect that the young man in front of him was so terrified to such an extent that he even ignored the Emperor Wu Chongtian.


Li Lingtian's eyes looked coldly at Bai Lingfeng and Wu Dijing, daring to be arrogant in front of him.

To deal with such a warrior, there is no need to do anything at all, and it is entirely possible to rely on his five elements of Taoism and defense. This is his strength.

At this time, there were more and more powerful people in the square, and many Wu Zun strong people came here.

But when they saw that the deputy patriarch was lying on the ground like a dog, they all dared not speak out, and they looked at Li Lingtian curiously, not knowing how powerful this young man was.

"There is no eye underneath, do not know the name of the senior?"

Bai Lingfeng trembles in his heart, he can no longer have the slightest jealousy and hatred towards the young man in front of him, because such a strong man, he is not even qualified to be jealous and hateful.

In front of such a strong man, he is just a ants, the only thing is to find a way to live.

Lan Xiaoman and Lan Xiao, looking at this situation, the look on their faces has become numb. From beginning to end, they have not seen Li Lingtian shot, that is to say, even the Emperor Wudi is not worthy of Li Lingtian shot.

"After three seconds, your patriarch will never roll out again, and this seat will wipe out your Maple Sect."

Li Lingtian completely ignored Bai Lingfeng's words, looked at the front of the square, and said lightly.

The voice is not loud, just like talking to yourself.

But in the eyes of all powerful people, this sound is like the call of death, making them tremble and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Lan Xiao shuddered in his heart. Although he had never seen Li Lingtian's previous style of doing things, he now found Li Lingtian's horror. If he didn't see the patriarch after three seconds, he might wipe the Maple Sect.

"Duan Ziyu, the Sect Master of the Lower Maple Sect, visited the Maple Sect and was far away and greeted.

When Li Lingtian's voice fell, a voice appeared in the air. When the voice appeared, a young man appeared in the air.

At the same time, when the young man's figure flashed, he had come to Li Lingtian.

When this young man came to Li Lingtian, a woman in her twenties in red also landed on the square.

The youth glanced at the strong man in the square, and then saluted Li Lingtian.

When I was terrified, even Bai Lingfeng of Emperor Wu's Triple Heaven was defeated, and the young man in front of him was definitely a superpower.

As the head of a sect, it is naturally exquisite and lenient, trying to judge the situation and not dare to provoke Li Lingtian.

"You Maple Sect, there's something in this block that I like."

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at the air, and the sound was transmitted to the ears of young people through the method of transmitting sounds to secrets.

The square is extremely quiet. Everyone knows that Li Lingtian and the patriarch are spreading secrets, but no one can know what they are talking about.

"What do you need?"

Duan Ziyu was stunned, knowing that Li Lingtian didn't want the third person to know, he had to cooperate, and also transmitted the sound to Li Lingtian's ears.

For a while, both of them passed on to the secret.

"This seat needs your Pearl of Maple Sect's loss."

"This seat will not embarrass you, as long as you call out the pearl of loss, this seat can give you a middle-class artifact exchange, to protect you from the Maple Sect for a thousand years."

Li Lingtian said lightly, very curious.

This pearl of loss is also seen from the ancient books. The pearl of loss is a treasure of formation and a treasure of space.

But no one has seen it, and did not expect to get the news of the Pearl of Lost here this time.

If you really get the pearl of loss, then break the space imprisonment of the Dragon Ring and release Huangfu Yuyan and others.

"Lost Pearl?"

"Where do you know?"

The look on Duan Ziyu's face changed, and there was also a horrified look in his eyes.

Few people know the Pearl of Lost, even if many people know that the Maple Sect has treasures, and they are auxiliary treasures such as space, but no one knows that this is the Pearl of Loss.

I didn't expect this young man to come at this lost pearl.

He also understood that Li Lingtian's purpose was not because of others, but because of the pearl of loss.

"You don't need to know this."

"Whether you want the Maple Sect or lose the pearl depends on your choice."

"This seat gives you ten seconds of effort, and your patience is limited."

Li Lingtian's eyes slowly shifted and he looked at Duan Ziyu, who was also very satisfied with the young man in front of him.

A young man became a suzerain, and his cultivation practice also reached Wuzong triple heaven. It seems that he still has some skills.

However, none of this has anything to do with him. What he needs is the Pearl of Lost. If he does not surrender the Pearl of Lost, he will kill all the high-level people of Maple Sect.

"The lost pearl is a treasure of the Maple Sect. How can you take it out casually."

"Even if you take the best artifact, we will not exchange it."

"Since you want to make a choice, I believe that your cultivation is against the sky, this matter has to ask the elders of Maple Sect."

The look on Duan Ziyu's face changed, and he did not expect Li Lingtian to be so arrogant.

There was also anger in my heart, but I didn't say anything. In case Li Lingtian was really powerful, he would not have the opportunity to step down.

The last sentence was not transmitted into the secret, but was spoken out loud.

Suddenly everyone heard it and looked at Duan Ziyu and Li Lingtian curiously, not knowing what they said.

It seems that the two have not negotiated, otherwise Duan Ziyu will not say such things.



"Step back a little."

All the strong men felt that the situation was wrong, and they flicked away.

Lan Xiao pulled Lan Xiaoman, also flashing, and left quickly, fearing that he would suffer from the fish pond.

Presbyterian regiments, in Shenzhou, regardless of that family and power, or the sect and gang, there are elders regiments, this has been the habit of Shenzhou for thousands of years.

It is also a guarantee for the long-lasting family power. As long as there is an elder group, the master and the head will not be arbitrary.

Since Duan Ziyu talked about the elder regiment, it is that the elders of the elder regiment are coming out. The elders of the elder regiment are extremely powerful. I believe that another war is about to start.

Sure enough, after Duan Ziyu finished speaking, there was a strange wave in the air.

At the same time as the space fluctuated, seven old men appeared in the air, and the seven old men were suspended in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a terrible momentum broke out throughout the body.

"Wu Emperor's Sixth Heaven."

"Seven Emperor Wudi."

"I didn't expect Elder Duan and Elder Bai to reach Emperor Wu's Seventh Heaven."

"Several elders are all in the presence of six or seven days, and it seems that this time the odds are in hand."

"Yes, Emperor Wudi's practice of the Sixth and Seventh Chongtian are all earth-shattering, and this time the seven elders appear together, even if they meet the Emperor Wuzhong's Chongtian, they can resist a while.

For a short while, all the powerful Maple Sects exclaimed.

With a look of excitement on his face, the elders are the supreme existence in their eyes, cultivated to be powerful, and transcendent.

Now that the elders appear, Li Lingtian will definitely die.

[New year, I wish you all a happy new year, and wish you all the best. 】()

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