War God Supreme

Chapter 944: Duan Ziyu's shock

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, with one wave of his hand, a faint halo appeared in front of him, and at the same time, the halo covered Duan Ziyu.

Seeing this situation, everyone was shocked, thinking what Li Lingtian would do to Duan Ziyu.

Duan Ziyu was also shocked, but then realized that with Li Lingtian's cultivation as his strength, it was absolutely easy to erase the Maple Sect, and no other means would be necessary to use it.

Thinking of this, my heart gradually calmed down.

What he can think of, other strong men can naturally think of it, and also think that Li Lingtian will not use any means to deal with a Wu Emperor strong man.

I'm just curious now, I don't know what method Li Lingtian will use to convince Duan Ziyu.

In the halo, people outside cannot see what is inside. The more this is, the more curious people outside.

"Look at this."

Li Lingtian didn't say much. When his consciousness moved, he sacrificed a badge, throwing it away, and the badge flew directly towards Duan Ziyu.

Throwing the badge, the look on Li Lingtian's face was plain, and his eyes looked at Duan Ziyu faintly.

Duan Ziyu received the badge inexplicably, and was curious, could it be that the young man in front of him would use this badge to convince him?

But then, the whole person was stunned, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Palace of the Holy Master."

"Your Excellency Saint Pius?"

"Li Lingtian, the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, Your Excellency Ling Tian!"

"Young people, young people don’t know Taishan, they don’t know that the senior is approaching Feng Muzong, and hope that the senior will forgive sins."

Duan Ziyu took the badge, and his eyes were taken back from Li Lingtian. He carefully placed his eyes on the badge, and suddenly his eyes froze, his body trembling.

I saw that the pattern on the coat of arms is exactly the Danshi Guild, and this atmosphere is only possessed by the Danshi Guild badge.

The Dan Master who can get the badge of the Dan Master Guild is at least the existence of the Spirit Master.

The young man in front of him was at least a spiritual master, but when he saw the eight delicate purple flowers on the badge, the whole person was blinded.

Zijinhua is a symbol of the Danshi Guild. Each Zijinhua represents a rank of Danshi. The more Zijinhua, the higher the rank.

And this badge in his hand is indeed eight purple gold flowers.

What do the eight purple gold flowers represent?

That represents the existence of the eighth-order Saint Master, who is definitely a top-notch presence on the Shenwu Continent.

Even the Wusheng Wushen did not dare to easily provoke offense. The young man in front of him is an eighth-order Saint Pill Master, which makes people unbelievable.

Looking at the nine small characters on the badge, the look on his face changed even more.

Divine Martial Continent's First Holy Pill Master!

This is the above concept. Even in the Divine Martial Continent, even the Holy Pill Master is extremely rare, but there are some, and the text has no first, Wu Wu second, and the same is the Dan Dao. No one dares to claim to be the first existence.

And on this badge is the first Holy Princess of the Shenwu Continent. The first Holy Princess is the existence above. That is the supreme existence of the princess, the insurmountable existence.

The young man in front of him is called the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent. It can be said that this is the first time that Shenwu Continent has broken the sky for millions of years.

Unexpectedly, this miracle appeared in front of his eyes.

After turning over the badge, the name of Li Lingtian was portrayed, which means that the badge belongs to Li Lingtian, the first holy priest division of Shenwu Continent, and Li Lingtian is also the first holy prince division of Shenwu Continent.

To be able to get such a title as the Danshi Guild, this position is simply looking up.

At this time, he couldn't help himself anymore, he quickly knelt down halfway and saluted Ling Tian.

His Emperor Wu Chongtian was powerful in Maple Sect, but it was nothing in Luofeng Mountain.

What's more, the person in front of you is the First Saint Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, and the First Saint Princess of the Shenwu Continent.

"Remember everything you just saw, and forget everything you just saw."

"You are a smart person and know what this seat means."

With one wave of Li Lingtian's hand, the badge had already flew away from Duan Ziyu's hand. When it appeared again, it had already arrived in Li Lingtian's hand.

In an instant, the badge disappeared.

Immediately, Li Lingtian glanced at Duan Ziyu, a little bit, and suddenly the halo disappeared.

The two appeared again in front of everyone, and did not know what was happening in the halo.

Looking at Duan Ziyu's stupid look, everyone was very curious.

Duan Ziyu's martial arts strongman has broad knowledge, knows the strength of the holy pill master, knows the horror of the Divine Martial Continent, and the power of the holy pill master.

The last time Lan Xiaoman saw the badge of Health Pill Master, although shocked, he was not as shocked as Duan Ziyu.

"This pearl of loss, under the main hall, was taken out by Rong Junior and others."

"Senior, wait a minute."

Duan Ziyu slowly sobered up, he also understood Li Lingtian's words, and remembered the things he had just given, which was a guarantee to him that Sheng Danshi could protect the Maple Sect for thousands of years.

Also let him remember that this is a symbol of strength.

Forgetting what he just did is to prevent him from telling what he just said, at least until Li Lingtian’s identity leaked.

The Maple Sect, to be able to meet such a strong man against the sky, is definitely an opportunity. If it can be stifled, it has unimaginable benefits for the Maple Sect.

Such a strong man, such a pill master, even if Wu Sheng went to Bache, he would not be able to find a way, and now the Wushen strong man Bache could not find a way. Now that Feng Muzong has encountered this opportunity, he will naturally not miss it.

Without any hesitation, he said directly to Li Lingtian, and then respectfully saluted the seven elders, took the seven elders and the woman in red, and left the hall and walked towards the back.

"Brother Ziyu, what do you know, how can you let out the lost pearl so easily."

"Even if he can disperse the Maple Sect smoke in a blink of an eye, we can't hand over the lost beads. This is the treasure of the Maple Sect. It's about the secret of the Maple Sect's ancestor."

After the party left the hall, the woman in red quickly opened her mouth, her face anxious.

The seven Super Emperors of the Wu Emperor also looked at Duan Ziyu. Although he didn't speak, he had to let Duan Ziyu come up with a reason to persuade them.

The existence of the elders is to prevent the sectarian from arbitrariness and ruin the foundation of the martial arts.

"Elders, sister Hongyun."

"You believe me, this thing cannot be said."

"My Duan Ziyu is a member of the Duan family, and the Maple Sect was founded by the Duan family. I naturally plan for the Maple Sect and will not destroy the Maple Sect. Otherwise, even if I went underground, I would not see Duan Ancestor of the family."

"The predecessor just now is a character for the sake of desperation. I can't say the rest."

"But I can give you a message, that is this person, one sentence can make the world's Wu Shengqiang surrender, as long as he nods, the world's Wuqiang fighters are not stubborn."

"With such a powerful strength, elders believe that he should understand his identity. His identity carries a "holy", and it is above all the existence of the holy."

The look on Duan Ziyu's face was very exciting, but at the same time, he was suffocating and uncomfortable.

Because such excitement has to be hidden in the heart and cannot be said, it is even more uncomfortable than death.

If there weren’t Li Lingtian’s two sentences, he would definitely tell the news, and a few elders would be shocked, so that his heart was balanced.

"Is there such a character?"

"Even if it's a martial arts strong, it can't be so powerful."

"Unless it is the Dan Master, or the Daoist Master, or the Master Refiner?"

"Take the saint, and override the existence of all saints?"

"Could it be..."

"Okay, you have your pains, we understand."

"Maple Sect will bet once."

Suddenly, several elders were shocked, their eyes filled with horror.

Constantly talking to himself, the look on his face is constantly changing.

After a long time, it seemed like I understood something. In the Shenwu Continent, there are such powerful characters, not the warriors, but the people who support the warriors.

Those who exist are not understandable by the warriors, but the warriors cannot afford to offend.

Moreover, when thinking of Duan Ziyu's identity, the descendants of Duan Ziyu's Duan family are the masters of Maple Sect.

Even if he is stupid, he will not destroy the foundation established by his predecessors.

"Brother Ziyu, this lost bead is a treasure of space. This predecessor must have a treasure of space. What use is it for?"

"It's just that since our Maple Sect depends on him, let him understand that the Maple Sect is available."

"Otherwise, even if the lost pearl is given to this senior, this senior will not be of any use in holding it. In this way, this senior will gradually forget the existence of Maple Sect."

The woman in red is Duan Ziyu's wife. At this time, Duan Ziyu and several elders must hand over the Pearl of Lost, and she has no way to stop it.

Can only get more benefits from this predecessor, otherwise it is a waste of lost pearls.

"Sister Hongyun means?"

"You mean to tell the secret of the lost pearl."

"But in this way, seniors must go to Piaoyun Valley, where is Piaoyun Valley~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you don't know."

"I also know your thoughts, but in case something happens to Senior there, anger us Maple Sect, we Maple Sect is finished, and..."

Duan Ziyu looked at the woman in red, and the look on her face changed.

He naturally understands his wife's thoughts, but no matter what happens, the Maple Sect is either suffering from the anger of Piaoyun Valley or the anger of the young man in front of him. .

"If it is useless for the predecessors to get the Pearl of Lost, we will have no chance."

"It's better to take a risk than this."

"Brother Ziyu, you can measure Piaoyun Valley and this predecessor to see who is stronger, so you can make a decision."

The woman in red said slowly, and finally gave the decision to Duan Ziyu.

Suddenly, after listening to Duan Ziyu, he fell into contemplation. ()

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