War God Supreme

Chapter 953: Join Piaoyun Valley

Cheng Yu began to see Li Lingtian and the girl in front of him, and the two naturally knew each other.

Anyway, special talents like Li Lingtian have separate courtyards, and there are also low-level disciples waiting. Why don't you sell each other a favor.

In this way, there will be one more way to go about these things in the future.

"Thank you, Master Cheng."

Lan Xiaoman didn't expect Cheng Yu to agree, so he quickly thanked him and came to Li Lingtian.

This situation makes countless female disciples envy and regret.

Envy Lan Xiaoman can follow Li Lingtian and a spirit pill master together, which is definitely the greatest luck of the warrior.

Regret for being a slower step. If you speak first, you may be able to follow Lingdan Master. In this way, you can be blessed by Lingdan Master. If you are a new disciple, in a place like Piaoyun Valley, if someone takes care of it, It must be a bright future.

"Okay, now you and this fairy go to the misty pavilion."

"Male disciples are led by Cheng Yu, female disciples are led by Shui Mingyue."

After the flame fairy finished speaking, he flew up and came to the flame beast. After the flame beast whispered, the huge wings flashed quickly and quickly flew away into the distance.

In a flash, the Fire Fairy and Fire Beast disappeared.

Later, Li Lingtian was led by Cheng Yu above the steps, and the other female disciples, led by Wu Zongyue of Shui Mingyue, quickly flew towards Piaoyungu Yujian.

The location of the square is where the mountain peaks are thousands of meters high, and on both sides of the square are two mountain peaks two thousand meters high.

The disciples of Piaoyun Valley live around the square, or they live on two peaks.

However, there are also regulations on where the disciples live.

Ordinary disciples live not far from the square. These disciples are all Wuwang mirrors, or they have just entered Piaoyun Valley.

The disciples of Wuzong lived 500 meters high from the square, the Emperor Wu lived a thousand meters high, Wu Zun lived about 1,500 meters, and Emperor Wu and the strong men lived around 1,800 meters. Only the most powerful person in Piaoyun Valley lives in the highest place.

Li Lingtian and his party came to some places not far from the square. Both female and male disciples lived on two peaks.

The place where male disciples live is Piaoyufeng, and the female disciples live in Piaoyunfeng.

Two mountain peaks form Piaoyun Valley, also known as Yunyu Peak or Yunyu Valley.

Settling for ordinary disciples, some of them with good talents were set up at a distance of 500 meters, so that Wu Zong’s predecessors also gave instructions and exchanges.

"You are the Seventh Order of King Wu, the realm of the Spirit Pill Master."

"You can have a separate courtyard and live a thousand kilometers, which is arranged by the fairy fairy."

"A lot of contributions to Piaoyun Valley will be carried forward in the future."

After Cheng Yu arranged the others, he took Li Lingtian and flew towards Piaoyunfeng.

While flying, he said to Li Lingtian.

At the same time, my heart is also depressed. A new disciple has a position so much higher than him.

Although this disciple is King Wu and he is Wu Zong, the place where they live is completely different.

In this way, the status in Piaoyun Valley is obviously inferior to Li Lingtian.

But then I immediately thought that Li Lingtian was a pill master in his twenties, and his status was naturally transcendent, and each sect had a lot of genius, that is, the lack of genius with alchemy talent.

"Thank you, Master Cheng."

When Lan Xiaoman saw that Li Lingtian was not good at speaking, she answered.

She naturally understands the embarrassment of leaving the country now. The Emperor Wudi and the strong must all respectfully exist in front of him. Now, naturally, she will not call Wu Zong an uncle.

In this case, in Cheng Yu's view, Li Lingtian was a little talker, or it was the pride of the Lingdan Master.

Soon, the three came to a place thousands of meters high in Piaoyun Peak and walked directly towards a separate courtyard.

Each mountain is divided into a lot of areas, and the distance between the strong is also very far apart, and every two courtyards are also far apart. This is also worried that the strong will be disturbed by others when practicing.

Piaoyun Peak is also the best place in Piaoyun Valley, because this Piaoyun Peak is the main peak.

Here is a rigorous man, but Li Lingtian is an exception, because Li Lingtian is a spiritual master, alchemy has very high requirements on the terrain and flames, and Piaoyun Peak is just a good place for alchemy.

Li Lingtian looked at the courtyard a bit, and it was a nice quadrangle. It covered a small area, but the courtyard was located in a canyon with a cliff behind it. The chassis was a full two or three miles in size.

And there is a strong fire breath, Li Lingtian immediately understood the arrangement of Piaoyun Valley, this place is specially suitable for alchemy.

"In this place, I live in two fifth-order spirit pill masters and three sixth-order spirit pill masters."

"In Piaoyun Valley, this place is the best and takes up the largest area."

Cheng Yu watched Li Lingtian looking at it and hurriedly explained.

Li Lingtian was stunned. No wonder he lived here. It turns out that Piaoyun Valley does not have a Holy Pill Master. The most powerful one is the sixth-order Spirit Pill Master.

Now that I have added myself, that is, six spiritual masters, this status is a bit high.

"So it turns out."

Li Lingtian nodded, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Seeing Li Lingtian satisfied, Cheng Yu relaxed.

"Then I will go first."

"If there is any need, you can go to the welfare club."

"This is the gate rule of Piaoyun Valley. Three days later, go to the square hall to get started."

After Cheng Yu brought Li Lingtian to the courtyard, he said.

Immediately, a jade slip was handed to Li Lingtian, and some simple and important things were described.

With one wave of one hand, the courtyard was opened, a flag was passed to Li Lingtian, and then he left.

Li Lingtian watched Cheng Yu leave and took Lan Xiaoman into the courtyard.

It has to be said that the environment of Piaoyun Valley is excellent, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland. This courtyard is completely a fairyland, full of aura, and a beautiful environment. It is absolutely beautiful to practice in this place. thing.

"You will regain the momentum here."

Li Lingtian looked at the courtyard a little bit. The courtyard house has about seven or eight rooms, all of which are two-story pavilions.

There is everything in it, and it is completely the same as the secular courtyard, except that the aura here is rich and the environment is beautiful.

Even if no one has lived for a long time, this place is spotless.

Immediately let Lan Xiaoman gain momentum and choose his own room.

After leaving the courtyard, he displayed several formations, and immediately covered the courtyard, even the place where he practiced.

In this way, you can practice with peace of mind.

"If there is nothing else to do in this seat, this place can be used as a place for self-cultivation."

"Cultivate for a while and get the secret of the lost pearl first."

Li Lingtian glanced at the courtyard and was very satisfied with the environment. He said secretly in his heart. Then he returned to the courtyard and chose a room.

Next, Li Lingtian and Lan Xiaoman practiced in the courtyard.

At the same time, I looked at the Piaoyun Valley's door rules, and the Piaoyun Valley's door rules were the same as other door rules. It was nothing more than to kill the same door, not to violate the door rules, to commit the following crimes, and to betray anything. Piaoyunguyunyun.

Three days later, Li Lingtian also followed other disciples to attend the grand ancestral ceremony and participate in the introductory ceremony.

After the introductory ceremony, Li Lingtian and Lan Xiaoman also received the Piaoyun Valley token, which is a token representing identity.

Time is mixing very fast, Li Lingtian and Lan Xiaoman have arrived in Piaoyun Valley for three months.

In three months, Li Lingtian also helped other warriors to refine a lot of low-level elixir.

These 4th and 5th grade intermediate medicines were all deliberately refined by Li Lingtian.

Even so, it made many disciples feel excited.

As time passed slowly, Li Lingtian felt anxious in his heart. His purpose was to come to Piaoyun Valley to find the missing pearl, but no progress has been made so far.

However, he found himself a little regretful.

Because after coming to Piaoyun Valley, I found a problem, that is, Piaoyun Valley is very united from top to bottom.

It is not a mutual calculation like other schools, and the rules are also very strict.

He entered Piaoyun Valley, which was also a member of Piaoyun Valley. If he went against the super power of Piaoyun Valley, he would commit the following.

However, what happened to him did not happen.

On this day, Li Lingtian finished his training and tried to extend his consciousness to the top of Piaoyunfeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, he also changed the source of the consciousness of the formation, even if the other party discovered the peep of the consciousness, he also found I don't know where the consciousness came from.

The consciousness extends cautiously. The higher the consciousness, the stronger the air pressure, and the spiritual pressure constantly presses the consciousness.

Finding this problem, Li Lingtian was also shocked, because only the powerful aura of the heavens had such a powerful aura pressure, and he did not expect such a strong aura in Piaoyun Valley.

"Sure enough."

"Lectual schools like Piaoyun Valley are also so powerful, even stronger than Xuanzhou."

The sight of Li Lingtian came to the position of 1,800 meters, and the look on his face was shocked, because there are countless martial emperors and martial arts masters, and there are more than ten powerful martial arts masters.

In this way, the top owner of Piaoyun Valley should be Wushen Powerhouse.

Shenzhou is really powerful, and even a marginal area in the southern region of Cang has such a powerful force.

Although Emperor Wu San of the Emperor Wu San looked down upon him, he could use these strong men to see the power of a martial art, and even more so, the power of a region. After seeing the power of a region, he could see the general power of Shenzhou.

At least the Cangnan region is not comparable to Xuanzhou.

Slowly, the consciousness became more and more careful, bypassing the strong prohibition and entering the position of the mountain top.

At the top of the mountain is a courtyard composed of several separate pavilions, and it is extremely quiet inside.

However, the spiritual pressure here made Li Lingtian's consciousness feel dangerous.

Nothing was found outside the hilltop courtyard. Just when Li Lingtian’s consciousness wanted to find a way to enter the forbidden courtyard, Li Lingtian’s consciousness changed. His consciousness was quickly hidden, and he did not dare to have any movement.

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