War God Supreme

Chapter 958: Shot, the realm of swords...

Chapter 959: Shots, Sword Realm!

The tremendous Jianmang cut through the void and landed straight in front of the misty fairy.

The disciples of Shenxi Sword Pavilion, looking at the power of the pavilion master, are all shocked by the world, and they are worshipped one by one.

Shenxi's eyes were also very excited, just like seeing the misty fairy falling in front of him, then Piaoyun Valley was his.

However, in the excited eyes, it instantly turned into horror.

His horrified eyes flashed, and his face also changed.

At the same time, the ethereal fairy's desperate gaze also found Shenxi's horrified eyes, and he was extremely puzzled.

At this time, Shenxi, who had an absolute advantage, showed such a look. It was indeed strange, but I immediately understood it.

Because of her cultivation practice, although she couldn't resist the ruined swordmand now, she found another strange breath appeared, and it was a breath of destruction.

Enough to make her like Wu Shenqiang feel scared.

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords."

In the air, a misty voice sounded, and when the sound fell, the sword-sword that destroyed the world exploded.

This sword meaning comes from between heaven and earth, from all directions.

Compared with Shenxi's sword intention, I don't know how many times it has to be refined, but just when this sword intention appeared, the sword intention became a sword of destruction.

In the sky, there are endless sword filaments within a radius of a hundred miles, and the sword filaments form a sword of destruction.

However, this sword silk is constantly compressing, and the speed of compression is extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it is only more than ten miles in size, and finally it is reduced to one mile in size.

I saw that this one-mile-long sword wire was transformed into the realm of endless horror sword.

The realm of the sword was bombarded toward the Lord Shenxi. The space passed by the realm of the sword was devoured into nothingness.

"Sword, sword territory."

"Exactly, exactly, yes, sword territory!"

Lord Shenxi, now terrified at the moment.

The look on his face was also horrified. The whole person seemed to be stupid. In front of this field of swords, there was no slightest sense of resistance.

He is Jianxiu, and naturally understands the power of kendo better than anyone else.

With his cultivation behavior, he only cultivated the sword intention, and did not come into contact with the sword, but now he sees the realm of the god-like sword.


A trace of resoluteness flashed in Shenxi's eyes, forcibly bombarding the ethereal fairy towards the realm of the sword.

At the same time, his body flickered, and he looked forward to the sword's awn giving him a chance to dodge.

As long as Jianmang resists the realm of the sword for one second, or even half a second, he has a chance to leave the realm of the sword.


The domain of the ruinous sword bombarded down, and the eyes of the ethereal fairy were full of despair.

Although Shenxi's Jianmang was diverted, the realm of this sword was more terrifying than Shenxi's Jianmang.

She had no chance to dodge, and the only chance was to send Green Shadow away.

But this is no longer possible, and there is no chance at all.

At this moment, a faint sound rang around me.

At the same time, a powerful force took her away, and the whole person was taken away.


When he was just grabbed by someone, the realm of the sword was bombarded with Jianmang, and a shocking explosion suddenly broke out.

The breath of destruction rose into the sky, and Jianmang disappeared.

The realm of the sword ignored the obstruction and landed on the ground fiercely. There was a black hole one mile in size on the ground. The black hole did not know how deep.



Just when the black hole appeared, a figure flew out of the black hole. After the figure appeared, a mouthful of blood spewed out and a scream was made at the same time.

This figure is not who else is Shenxi. I never thought that it would not be destroyed in front of the sword realm, but it looks really ugly.

Just now a swordman blasted out, without the slightest resistance to the realm of the sword, he had no chance of escaping.

In a hurry, the life-threatening killer can only be displayed, and this escapes.

"I want to go, impossible."

Looking at the figure that Sky Flight left, there were two people on both sides, and this figure was taken away.

Seeing all this, Shenxi was furious and wanted to leave after destroying his good deeds. It was not that simple.

And he also found that the realm of this sword is indeed strong, but this person's cultivation is very weak, otherwise, he is not to say that it is the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, even if he reaches the realm of Venerable, it will fall.

Found the weakness of the opponent, and the opponent also has a powerful sword tactic, naturally will not let go.

The figure and clothes flew towards the sky.

Shenxi Jiange, all the disciples were shocked by the shock in front of them.

Unexpectedly, there is a sword move stronger than his own cabinet leader in this world, a sword that is so shocking that even his cabinet leader has been defeated.

In this world, there is such a magical and terrifying supernatural power, which is beyond the scope of imagination.

At the same time, I also understand that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside. In the Cangnan region, Shenxi Sword Pavilion is the one who practiced swordsmanship.



In the air, a figure flying fast with two people, this speed is so fast that it is not inferior to the teleportation of the powerful Wushen.

Both the Fairy Fairy and the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace were shocked when they were taken out of danger.

However, seeing this person around him is just a young man, a white man.

But there was a silver mask on his face that blocked his face.

Although his face was blocked, he felt the elegant and dusty temperament of this young man, a charm that made thousands of girls drunk.

Coupled with the fact that they had just rescued them in that situation, it was preconceived that this young man was a godlike existence.

"This seat can only do this."

"Lord Green Shadow Palace, let's go first, your master is powerless."

In the air, Li Lingtian said lightly.

Yes, this young man is Li Lingtian. In this world, besides Li Lingtian, who else has the field of such a sword against the sky?

He saw that the Fairy Fairy and the Green Shadow Palace were mainly exterminated, so the secret of the lost Pearl will always be a secret.

He didn't want to see such a thing happening. Besides, seeing that the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace would rather burn Shou Yuan for his own disciples, so that for his loved ones, he also felt very admired.

The move in my heart was the first time I was moved.

Under the shot, it is the domain of the sword of the master. Although this move has a great harm to him, but after the cultivation is promoted to Wusheng Jiuzhongtian pinnacle consummation, his ability to withstand is improved, and the damage is much smaller. .

Feeling that Shenxi was catching up behind, Li Lingtian also spoke quickly.

With his cultivation behavior, there is also a glimmer of hope in escaping from the God of the Seventh Heaven of Wushen.

After all, after being chased and killed by two Wushen Qizhongtian last time, Wusheng Qizhongtian was also injured at that time.

There is no injury now, and Xiuyu reached the pinnacle of Wusheng Jiuzhongtian's pinnacle.

But to bring two people, it is to find death.

"Thank you for your help, Green Shadow, you hurried away, otherwise this lord will be affected."

The ethereal fairy heard Li Lingtian's words and understood that Li Lingtian had to flee with two people. That was impossible.

Immediately let Green Shadow leave. When speaking, he waved with one hand and handed a storage bag and space ring to Green Shadow.

The decisive action in his hand aroused and opened the shuttle-shaped treasure again.

Bai Yingying's light appeared, and the light wrapped the green shadow. Just as the light wrapped the green shadow, Li Lingtian grabbed the void with one hand, and a void appeared in the void.

This action showed a horrified look on the ethereal fairy's face, but at this time there was no chance to be horrified. He threw Green Shadow out with one hand, and in a blink of an eye, Green Shadow had entered the front of the crack.

Looking backwards, I saw Li Lingtian and the ethereal fairy, and in a blink of an eye, the whole person had disappeared into the crack.

"When you come to Shenxi Jiange, are you going to leave so soon?"

"It's kind of impolite."

Behind him, a pressure of destruction came bombarded. The pressure of destruction was like squeezing the space.

At the same time, the voice of Patriarch Shenxi sounded. Although the voice was bland, like an old friend talking, Li Lingtian and Fairy Fairy understood that this voice was full of anger.

But it was full of murderous opportunities, and wished to smash the two corpses.

"The misty fairy, only one more move can be made in the next. This move can hurt him. What good way can you leave here?"

Li Lingtian didn't pay any attention to the pressure behind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but accelerated the speed, the true element of the whole body was running, the power of heaven and earth and the power of Shenwei were running.

With the prestige of heaven and earth and supernatural power, naturally we will not worry about other coercion.

However, at this time, you still have to find a way to leave. It is always not a matter of being chased and killed by a strong **** of the Seventh Heaven and Earth.

Although Green Shadow was sent away, he didn't want to give up the Fairy Fairy.

Because he wants to get the secret of the lost pearl from the mouth of the ethereal fairy. Only the ethereal fairy knows this secret.

"Can you kill him?"

The ethereal fairy looked at Li Lingtian as if to see through Li Lingtian.

The young man in front of him was only Wu Sheng Jiu Zhongtian, not even Wu Shen, so he displayed such a terrible move.

Even if he was chased and killed by Wushen Seventh Heaven, he didn't see any panic in his eyes. His body was very calm, enough to see the confidence of this young man, and he didn't worry about being killed by Wushen Seventh Heaven.

Looking at Li Lingtian with a trace of hope in his heart, he wanted Li Lingtian to destroy Shenxi.

This is also the last wish in his life. The killing of Shenxi can also be regarded as revenge for her, which can also lift the crisis of Piaoyun Valley, and will not let Shenxi go to punish Piaoyun Valley.

Although he felt ridiculous in saying this, he still said it.

"No, but for a few years, this seat will absolutely kill him."

Li Lingtian replied succinctly, and did not think that this was a disgrace.

In fact, this is not embarrassing, but a kind of glory, because the Wusheng strong man injured the Wushen Seventh Heaven strong, and he could be so calm in front of the Wushen. If this news is spread outside, it will definitely shock the world.

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