War God Supreme

Chapter 971: Wushen Realm, a heavy sky...

The main star of the Star Palace shocked the world, and it was perfect as the goddess of flame.

The host of Hanshuang Palace is extremely cold, with a lonely character, and with the cultivation of Wushen's fourfold heavens, the entire temperament is unparalleled. She has formed two extremes with the owner of Tianxing Palace, but both extremes are beautiful.

The two entered the palace and could not help but see where Li Lingtian was.

In this place, only two of them had practiced before. Both of them were extremely beautiful, and both were the proud daughters of heaven.

Although the Frost Palace Master is cold in front of outsiders, it is not like this in front of his sisters, just a little more quietness. The two often practice and chat together after practice.

And they are both girls, and they are also very casual.

But now there is a little teacher in this place, and he is still a strong man against the sky.

In the future, they will pay attention to everything.

After all, there is one more man who lives here. Although Li Lingtian is not regarded as an outsider, it is still a bit unnatural.

However, the place Li Lingtian chose was on the other side. In this way, although unnatural, both knew that Li Lingtian was not like the other men.

Li Lingtian was sitting cross-legged in the room, turning the world's reincarnation tactics into operation.

He didn't expect this opportunity to come so fast this time, it all originated from his sublimation of the state of mind.

Knowing that you are not going against the sky, but conforming to the heavens and yourself.

The sublimation of the mood makes me find an opportunity and an opportunity to appreciate the world.

And this breakthrough, some of the things encountered are extremely weird.

The Five Elements Taoist Sky Tribulation, Emperor's Dao Destruction Sky Tribulation, and Tenth Sky Tribulation, these are all surprises to him. These are completely different from the ordinary warrior's Heaven Tribulation when they broke through.

Especially the last Emperor Dao destroys the Heavenly Tribulation. This Heavenly Tribulation itself is not the Heavenly Tribulation of the Warriors, but the Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperors and Kings, and the Heavenly Tribulation of those emperors and rulers.

Although he is the ruler of Xuanzhou, he cannot become a ruler behind him, and he doesn't need this sky-trim.

And Emperor Dao destroys Heavenly Tribulation, completely unable to touch himself.

After the Nine Dao Heaven Tribulation, it was already completed, but it landed on the Tenth Heaven Tribulation.

The tenth Heavenly Tribulation is also the death Heavenly Tribulation that the powerful in the upper realm can hardly encounter for years.

I was also destroyed by this death-day catastrophe. Fortunately, I swallowed the immortal Jindan and achieved the immortal body, otherwise it would really disappear.

However, all these have achieved five Yuanshens. As long as they become stronger, their cultivation strength will be countless times stronger than that of ordinary warriors. This is no longer as simple as one family equals two.

In other words, at least his cultivation base is equivalent to five Li Lingtians, or even dozens or hundreds of Li Lingtians.

The strong, often exceed any quantity and data measurement.

Others, he can't figure it out now, but now he just needs to fix it to be stable.

Don't go against the sky, but follow yourself, let nature follow, change the way of heaven, and control everything.

Thinking of this, my mood widened.

The multicolored Zhenyuan in Dantian slowly and automatically circulates, and when the heaven and earth reincarnation moves, Zhenyuan is like a huge wave.

The five Yuanshen formed a tendency to hug each other, each occupying a direction, eyes closed, and constantly refine the true Yuan.

And with the flow of the true element, the elemental **** is gradually stronger.

Although he cannot see the powerful speed, Li Lingtian himself understands that Yuanshen will become stronger every second as long as he is practicing.

Moreover, even if you do not deliberately practice, the five Yuanshen will automatically cultivate, so that Li Lingtian’s cultivation behavior can slowly improve on his own, which is also the strength of the five Yuanshen. , Balance the five elements, so that you can practice automatically.

Other martial arts strongmen dare not think about it, because there are no strongmen of the Five Elements Great Perfection in this world, and naturally there will not be five primal gods.

Li Lingtian did not know that even in this world, even if he is a strong man who cultivates several attributes of Wuhun, there are not necessarily a few primitive gods.

The Wushen Powerhouses have only one primal spirit, and it is impossible to think of one more primitive spirit.

Having five primitive gods, beyond the imagination of all powerful men, is simply not something that a warrior can think of.

Now the five Yuanshen are practicing individually, because of the relationship between the Five Elements Eucharist and the Five Elements Daoist Consciousness, not only are the five Yuanshen not excluded, but the five Yuanshen have a slight connection.

And the connection between the five Yuanshen can also make them practice five times faster than usual.

As long as he casts an attribute at will, the other four primitive gods will operate the terrifying true yuan and inject one of the primitive gods, so that when Li Lingtian uses a single-attribute attack, it will be more random, almost hand in hand.

When there was no Yuanshen before, it was necessary to run the exercises slowly in person, personally mobilize the true unit of the single attribute, or run one of the Taoist ideas.

But now these things have been solved by Yuanshen, and the speed of resolution is countless times faster than that of him, and he can absolutely instantaneously move any moves.

Just like the human beings of the previous life, they began to use pen calculations, followed by abacus calculations, and computers directly behind them. The power of computers is hundreds of millions of times stronger than humans.

Humans are also much more convenient. This Yuanshen's help to Li Lingtian is more important than computers.

Seeing the fusion of the five Yuanshen, Li Lingtian also relaxed, at least five Yuanshen would not fight each other, if so, he would be finished.

The five Yuanshen's automatic operation techniques will slowly cultivate the state and realm of stability.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian checked the five elements of Taoism again, as well as the prestige of heaven and earth, and the prestige of heaven and earth, as well as some previous means of anti-natural.

These all exist, the body of the true dragon, the body of the sky sword, the body of the flame, the body of the five elements, all of which have been sublimated.

After reaching Wushen, the whole person sublimated to a magical point.

Now, he finally understands the power of Wushen.

No matter how powerful the Wusheng strong men are, they are all fighting from person to person, but after reaching the God of War, it is the demigod who fights with people.

Now, Wushen Realm has almost entered a magical state, that is, a demigod, and the means of display are all supernatural powers, real supernatural powers.

The powerful and magical power is beyond the imagination of the powerful under the God of War.

The magical powers used in the past were all performed by the strongest of Wushen. The things that Wushen casually exhibited were all magical, god-like means, and the other powerfuls were all means to imitate the strongest of Wushen. This is known as magical power.

However, only true martial arts can perform supernatural powers. The skills that suit you are the most powerful. Now that you have reached martial arts, when you perform supernatural powers again, it is countless times more powerful than before.

"The realm of Wushen, Wushen Yitian"

"The sword of heaven and the realm of swords, now that I am exhibiting it, can withstand his counterattack."

"As long as I show the previous methods, my strength will skyrocket."

Li Lingtian's mouth was wide, with a faint and confident smile on his face, and his cultivation as a state finally reached the Wushen Mirror, which had reached the highest level of the Shenwu Continent.

He once dared to show the sword of heaven and the realm of sword that he was afraid of before.

Even if it hurts a little, it can withstand it.

Later, I checked a few artifacts on one side, and my face was even more excited, because several ancient artifacts also achieved the power of the ancient artifacts after he reached Wushen.

The power of the next-class ancient artifact is enough to kill the power of the second-class artifact.

The whole person, it takes one month to practice in the palace room.

Within a month, the realm has been stabilized, and various cultivations have gradually adapted to the magical power, and also adapted to the realm of Wushen.

From the outsider's point of view, it takes at least one year to reach the state of being the God of War, but Li Lingtian is stable within a month.

The improvement of the cultivation base and the sublimation of the mood make the whole person very relaxed.

At the same time, he understood that as long as he worked hard, he could rescue Huangfu Yuyan, and he could not be in a hurry. Only by strengthening himself would he be able to rescue them.

Now, relax yourself to practice and build a powerful force for your future. After they come out, you can practice with peace of mind.

In fact, Li Lingtian understood it when his mind sublimated before he broke through the Wushen.

I now understand that I feel relaxed in thinking of these.

The whole person is in a white gown, elegant and dust-free, peerless, and his eyes are like the stars in the night sky.

The chic atmosphere is enough to make the girls all over the world to be more dusty and more elegant than before.

This month, no one dared to disturb Li Lingtian. Even the Master of the Star Palace and the Frost Palace did not go to Li Lingtian, because they knew that Li Lingtian had just reached Wushen and must stabilize the state.

Even Liu Yiyi and Lan Xiaoman did not bother her. According to Lan Xiaoman's character, he would definitely come to him.

On this day, Li Lingtian opened his eyes, his figure flashed, and the whole person disappeared with a stream of light. When he appeared again, he had already arrived outside the palace.

The whole person is suspended in the cloud~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is like the **** of nine days.

Immediately, by referring to the sword, a sword tactic was displayed.

Jianmang is like a rainbow, and the figure flashes, the whole person is flashing in Jianmang Hongguang.

Between the clouds, the sword gas is vertical and horizontal, and the white clothes are fluttering. The whole picture is so beautiful.

Feeling the fluctuating sword spirit in the sky, the Master of the Star Palace and others also left the palace and looked at the dashing figure in the clouds.

The sword qi is like a rainbow moving for nine days, the figure is peerless and peerless. Between the world and the world, this young man in white is fused in the world, and the whole person is like driving this world.

Unconsciously, they all looked dumbfounded.

Above the Luofeng Mountain Range, even the arrogant sons of the heavens, even the talents of the peerless world, and the geniuses who turned against the heavens, were all eclipsed by this young man at this moment.

In front of this young man, all the genius and Junjie between heaven and earth are scum. ()

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