War God Supreme

Chapter 979: Gathered in Tianyinmen

This kind of cultivation practice is also a top-notch existence in Tianyin Gate, and is also the son of the current door owner Tianyin Sanren.

Wu Tingfei has always admired Hanshuang Palace Lord, but he has no chance.

I didn't expect that the Lord of Frost Palace now came to Tianyin Gate. Isn't that God's will.

"Brother Wu is polite."

Lord Frost Palace also spoke, but the voice was extremely cold.

He then flew Li Lingtian to the other side of the square and came to Wu Tingfei and others.

Li Lingtian looked at the characters present. There were several Wushen Powerhouses in Tianyinmen, but they didn’t see the Tianyin Sanren and the two Genius Soul Geniuses.

And there are countless disciples of Tianyinmen costumes, these disciples are the Emperor Wu Sheng Realm.

Not far from the Tianyin Gate, is the strong of the Blaze Sect. This time, the Flame Sect also came with six martial arts strongmen, and there are also two martial arts one-day strong men.

There are also several martial emperors and martial saints, which can be regarded as showing the power of the flame sect.

"Hey, this time the Lord Frost Palace is coming, why don't you see the misty fairy and her old man?"

The Flame God Sect Wu Wu Tian Tianqiang Yan Wuji stood up and greeted the Lord of Frost Palace with a smile on his face, exuding a terrible breath, a breath of flame all over his body.

The entire martial arts of the Blaze Sect, most of the disciples are the fire soul of the fire department, specializing in a kind of martial spirit, with unparalleled strength.

Piaoyun Valley has not been optimistic about them, and now seeing Piaoyun only came to the Frost Palace Master and the Star Star Palace Master, and even the Sky Moon Palace Master did not come, and also felt a bit uncomfortable.

Although it was not his Blaze Sect banqueting guests, but the Lord Tianyue Palace did not come, just like brushing his identity.

In the same way, Wu Tingfei also looked at the Lord of the Frost Palace. Piaoyun Valley only came to the two Palace Masters and two disciples. Isn't it too cold?

However, as a landlord, of course, you will not offend others, otherwise it will look like Tianyinmen Xiaojiazi.

"Oh, Yan Wuji, you have time to consult your true martial arts tactics."

"This palace will introduce to you, it is just sister Liu Yiyi, this is Brother Li Lingtian."

When the Master of the Star Palace saw other people, even a martial emperor ignored Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi, and her heart suddenly appeared angry. She cultivated the Fire Soul of the Fire Department, and her character was like flames.

"Okay, it is an honor for Yanmou to be able to communicate with the Master of the Star Palace."

Yan Wuji completely ignored the introduction of the Master of the Star Palace, and ignored Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi. This situation is completely disdainful of the two disciples of Piaoyun Valley.

"The Lord of the Star Palace is one of the four fairies in the Luofeng Mountain Range. Missing today, Brother Yan will naturally communicate with the Lord of the Star Palace."

"Four seats, please be seated."

Wu Tingfei saw the Flame Flame Sect and met Piaoyun Valley, and his heart was dark.

Although not hands-on, the atmosphere is not good, naturally, so that you can provoke the two sects, which is beneficial to your Tianyin Gate.

On the face of it, it is communication, but it implies that the owner of the Star Palace is only a female, only beautiful but not useful.

"Thank you, Brother Wu please."

The Frost Palace Master flicked the dust and then sat aside. The Star Palace Master and Liu Yiyi, as well as Li Lingtian, were also seated.

Piaoyun Valley only came with four people this time. Compared with the Blaze Sect, it is completely two grades. Whether it is the number of people or the cultivation of power, it looks out of place with the Blaze Sect.

When other disciples looked at the two palace masters and Liu Yiyi, they were envious, and Li Lingtian could hear the sound of swallowing from time to time.

However, his treatment is not so good, not to mention that the treatment is good, when others look at him, they are disdainful, more of a murderous eye.

Li Lingtian looks a little more chic than other people, but he can be beside a few beautiful fairies, but Xiu Wei ignores it directly. This is a little white face.

Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi sat together and whispered something.

Moreover, Liu Yiyi’s jade took Li Lingtian’s arm, which made Li Lingtian startled, but she also pretended not to know, because for the past three years, although the two people enjoyed the scenery together, practiced together, and discussed martial arts together, they did not. Close.

Liu Yiyi was very happy when she saw that Li Lingtian had not refused.

It was the first time for such a move, and it took so much courage to do so. I have been worried about Li Lingtian’s rejection, so shameless, it has alienated the relationship between the two.

She didn't want to see such a situation. Now Li Lingtian did not refuse, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

Outsiders saw Liu Yiyi holding Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian suddenly felt countless murderous eyes.

You should know that Liu Yiyi is prettier than the four sisters, gentle and quiet, and decent, and is definitely a gentle wife, enough to make men all over the world to cherish.

"The four elders from Yunfeng Mountain arrived."

The Master of the Star Palace followed the Tianyin Gate and the strong sect of the Flame Sect for a while, and the voice of the disciples of the Tianyin Gate came outside.

Suddenly, there was a strong momentum in the air. At first glance, the strong came.

And it will also make the momentum so big, this lineup, that posture shows that no matter when, Yunfeng Mountain is the boss.

Wu Tingfei and the strong men of Tianyin Gate, as well as the disciples, and the strong men of the Flame Sect, stood up.

The Master of the Star Palace also stood up. Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi looked at each other and stood up, which was also considered a polite manner.

"Yunfeng Mountain Zheng Tianhao led the door to Tianyinmen Dao."

A loud voice rang, and the whole square suddenly shook.

"Brother Zheng approached the Tianyin Gate, and the Tianyin Gate bumped into the wall."

Wu Tingfei said loudly, reaching for the air with his fists clenched, and saw dozens of figures flying in the air.

The strong momentum formed a cyclone, and the lineup was strong.

Moreover, among the six martial arts strongmen, five martial arts five-fold heavens, and another six-sky powerful person, the one who spoke was Zheng Tianhao, the martial gods sixfold heavens.

In addition to the six martial arts strongmen, the others are all martial arts, a total of twelve martial arts strongmen.

"It seems that Brother Zheng has cultivated the Heavenly King Tota formula to the ninth floor, congratulations to Brother Zheng."

The look on the face of Flame Flame Zongyan Wuji changed several times. Yunfeng Mountain was really powerful and has always been the leader of the Luofeng Mountain Range.

Now it seems that Yunfeng Mountain is well-deserved. Although this time is the Tianyinmen banquet for guests, it is indeed a time when the four forces are relatively strong.

"Haha, haha."

"Brother Yan really looks like electricity, and has just broken through to the ninth floor below."

"Isn't this the Frost Palace Master? The fairy has disappeared for several years and is getting more and more beautiful."

Zheng Haotian smiled and smiled loudly.

He didn't hide it at all, and his strong momentum was revealed.

Immediately, he looked at the side of Piaoyun Valley, his face suddenly showing unhappy.

Everyone stood up to greet him, but the Frost Palace Master did not have any movement at all. In his eyes, other people would welcome him when he arrived.

But then there was a smile on his face, and it would definitely be a blessing to marry the Frost Palace Master.

Tianyinmen’s strongman was shocked to hear that Zheng Haotian had cultivated Heavenly King Tota tactics to the ninth floor.

To know that the Yuntou Mountain King Tota tactic is a top-level celestial power method, the power is shocking.

There are ten floors in the Heavenly King Tower, but no one has cultivated to the tenth floor. Only the ancestor of Yunfeng Mountain has reached the ninth layer of Great Consummation.

Now there is another strong man in the ninth floor of King Totaju in Yunfeng Mountain, which is really shocking.

Sixth Heaven's Wushen Xiuwei, together with the nine-story Heavenly King Tota tactics, is comparable to the Seventh Heavenly Wushen.

Among the super powers, there are friends and self-knowledge between them, there is no big advantage at all, and there are restrictions on treasures and exercises. It is difficult to get the treasures and exercises that are against the sky, only the original exercises Practice to the extreme, so that there is a chance of winning.

Now, two geniuses appeared in Tianyin Gate, and Zheng Haotian appeared in Yunfeng Mountain. The atmosphere felt strange for a while.

The look on the face of Flame Flame Zongyan Wuji kept changing, except that Piaoyun Valley hadn't changed much, because Piaoyun Valley had always been at the bottom, it didn't matter at all.

"Thank you Brother Zheng for praise."

The look on the face of the Lord Frost Palace was cold, and the tone was cold.

With this expression, all the strong people are surprised, because the Frost Palace Master is a famous iceberg beauty.

"Sisters, please sit down."

Wu Tingfei saw everyone greeted him, and greeted everyone to sit down.

Suddenly, everyone was seated, the strong man of Yunfeng Mountain, with pride on his face, all his nostrils facing the sky, just like a superior.

"Sister Frost, would you like to introduce me?"

"It seems that this is your disciple of Piaoyun Valley, let me introduce you."

In Shenzhou, no matter what you do, it officially starts at noon.

The two disciples of Tianyinmen reached the three gods of Wushen at the same time, and Zongmen crowned them as the elders of the Taishang, which also just showed the strength of the two.

At this time, on the square, the four forces gathered together.

The four forces are still the weakest in Piaoyun Valley, and this time is even worse than when they gathered last time. Last time, the Fairy Fairy took four disciples, but this time there are fewer Fairy Fairies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only come Two palace lords and two students with new faces were born.

No matter where they are, beautiful women will become the focus.

Although they despise the power of Piaoyun Valley, several palace owners are beautiful beauties. Countless people have ideas about the four beauties, but there is no chance.

A few housekeepers did not call anyone at all, and the four housekeepers had been in Piaoyun Valley. Outsiders were not allowed to enter, and there was no chance of even raising relatives.

Only when encountering such an opportunity, only this opportunity can communicate, hoping to be favored by beautiful women.

Now, Piaoyun Valley is getting weaker and weaker, and the other sects are getting stronger and stronger. Naturally, Piaoyun Valley has attracted attention.

Qian Shijiao's eyes at Yunfeng Mountain looked at Liu Yiyi, and his eyes showed excitement. It was like discovering the New World. I didn't expect a disciple who had a face. It was so beautiful, even more beautiful than the four palace lords. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity and not knowing it, it is definitely a fool. With the power of Yunfeng Mountain and the cultivation of Wu Wutian Wushen, this disciple can definitely be embraced. ()

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