War God Supreme

Chapter 989: 3 changes in power

"Well, let's go back quickly."

"At that time, I will study the defense of Piaoyun Valley again, and the power of defense will be stronger."

Li Lingtian was said by the host of the Frost Palace. He woke up suddenly, his figure swayed, the whole person disappeared, and there was no trace of space.

His breath also disappeared in the air, as if Li Lingtian had never appeared here before.

The disappearance of Li Lingtian suddenly made the Frost Palace Master, the Star Palace Master and Liu Yiyi stunned.

I don't know why Li Lingtian disappeared in an instant, and at the same time shocked Li Lingtian's body cultivation.

"It seems that the young master has cultivated the Great Void God formula to an extent that we don't know."

The Master of the Star Palace can't feel Li Lingtian's breath, and there is a surprised look on his face. In the Piaoyun Valley, Wu Sheng's disciples will practice the Great Void God's tactic.

However, only the four sisters and sisters practiced more deeply. I did not expect Li Lingtian to cultivate the Great Void God's tactics to such a realm in just three years.

"How did Brother Xiao leave alone."

Liu Yiyi looked at the Frost Palace Master puzzled. Only the Frost Palace Master spoke with Li Lingtian just now, but left after she finished, making her puzzled.

"I do not know either."

Han Frost Palace Lord saw Liu Yiyi's eyes, and also saw the Star Star Palace Lord looked at her.

Shaking his head gently, he didn't know what happened to Li Lingtian.

I didn't say anything just now. I told Li Lingtian not to look at her, and the tone was not too heavy. Even a stupid person can know that she speaks in a coquettish manner.

But Li Lingtian changed so much that the whole person went back alone.

"This should be."

Liu Yiyi was lost in contemplation, and after a moment, she said to herself.

"What do you know?"

Lord Frost Palace and Lord Star Palace were both depressed and puzzled. He heard Liu Yiyi's words and asked in unison.

Looking forward to looking at Liu Yiyi, they all wanted to know why.

They didn't find it, and unconsciously, Li Lingtian made them feel so heavy that they didn't pay attention at all, and there was an unclear emotion between several people.

Li Lingtian's every move affected their feelings.

"The younger brother has a wife named Tang Qingyue. The temperament is exactly the same as that of the master. Tang Qingyue is the body of Taiyin, and the practice is also the ice system. The temperament and the look of the two of you are similar."

"May have caused the little teacher to miss."

Liu Yiyi said softly, the look on her face remained the same, but there was a trace of sourness in her heart.

"So this is ah."

After listening to Liu Yiyi's words, the Master of the Star Palace showed such an expression on his face.

Lord Frost Palace did not speak, and the look on his face was still cold.

At the same time, I was also curious. I didn't know what his wife, a little teacher, looked like, and he could make his little teacher think so much. "

And also pay more attention to Li Lingtian. This little teacher attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and has no change in the life of the person he loves.

I don’t know, Li Lingtian is more than

A lifetime, but three thousand reincarnations never change.

Afterwards, the three sisters and sisters did not speak, but also displayed the magic of the Great Void, the figure flashed, and they returned to Piaoyun Valley in a moment.

After returning to Piaoyun Valley, Liu Yiyi also came to Piaoyufeng Palace. After entering the palace, he found Li Lingtian meditating and practicing in his room.

The three of them glanced at each other, and they understood what they were.

Li Lingtian meditation is not cultivation at all, but a calm state of mind.

Subsequently, the three main owners of Hanshuang Palace left the palace and went to Piaoyunfeng Palace to talk about what happened in Tianyin Gate.

Suddenly the Master of Green Shadow Palace and Master of Moon Palace were shocked.

"I didn't expect that the strength of the young teacher has reached this level."

"It seems that before he did not break through last time, his strength has reached a terrifying level. Now he has reached the state of Wushen, and the cultivation of strength is even more terrifying."

"Just don't know where the real strength of the younger brother is?"

After listening to the Master Tianyue Palace, I was very happy to hear that Li Lingtian had taught the three powerful forces.

At the same time, it was also shocked. Fortunately, the younger brother was from Piaoyun Valley, otherwise, who became his enemy would be unlucky.

"Although I don’t know how far the young master’s strength is, but I know that when he was in Wu Sheng Jiu Tian, ​​he played a trick called the field of swords. In one move, he defeated the **** Xi of Wu Shen Qi Chong Tian, ​​and finally Take me and Master to leave Shenxi Jiange."

"Although the Lord Shenxi did not fall, I noticed when I was catching up. Lord Shenxi was also seriously injured."

"Finally, after I left, I didn't know how the young master and the master left, but it is conceivable that a fierce warrior, the God of War, was chased by the seventh heaven, and the young master left safely with the master, it must have defeated Shenxi."

"Wusheng Jiuzhongtian is so terrifying. Now that it reaches Wushen, it must be many times stronger than before. You must know that the limits of the state are extremely terrifying. Wushen and Wusheng are simply the gap between heaven and earth."

When the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace said Li Lingtian, there was a look of worship on his face.

Under that circumstance, Li Lingtian rescued them dashingly and left this figure in his heart forever. Now he found that the man was his own brother, even more precious.

"Indeed, when the younger brother defeated Wu Tingfei with sound waves, Wu Tingfei exhibited the eighth floor of Tianyin Jue, which was easily defeated by the younger brother. If the younger brother was merciless, Wu Tingfei also fell."

"Especially the power of that sword directly defeated Zheng Haotian, and finally defeated Zheng Haotian. When he left, he cast a flame to defeat Yan Wuji."

"These are beyond our imagination, and the younger brothers are still doing things step by step. They simply don't give others a chance."

Lord Frost Palace also showed a serious look. She never admired anyone, let alone a man.

Today, Li Lingtian completely changed their views on martial arts, and thoroughly saw Li Lingtian's power, not to look at what he usually obediently said in front of them, but in front of the strong, he just made those super strong shaking.

"what a pity."

"I'll check it out if I know it already, and look at the ugly faces of those strong men."

The Lord of Green Shadow Palace showed a regretful look on his face, knowing that he would also follow, so that he could see the shock of those strong men.

/>In the past, Piaoyun Valley was looked down upon by other powerful people, but this time it was Piaoyun Valley that made them tremble. Thirty years of Feng Shui took turns.

"Yeah, it's a pity."

The Master of Tianyue Palace also showed a regretful look, knowing that a few people went together, and even brought some disciples to let these disciples see the strength of Li Lingtian.

In this way, the cohesion and morale of Piaoyun Valley can be improved more beneficially.

"Oh, why didn't the younger brother come over?"

The owner of the Green Shadow Palace only realized that Li Lingtian had not come, and was immediately curious.

Genius Li Ling is the protagonist, how can he do without it.

In the past, there were four sisters and sisters. In recent years, there has been a little sister. The sisters and sisters are all talking about some girls.

Now there is one more younger brother, and there is more laughter in the palaces of Piaoyunfeng and Piaoyufeng.

"Little brother, little brother he"

The Master of the Star Palace heard Li Lingtian from the Four Teachers, and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

She looked at Hanshuang Palace Master and Liu Yiyi, her personality was hot, she was not good at lying, and she didn't know what to say at this time.

"What's wrong, little teacher."

"Brother Junior is injured?"

Lord Tianyue Palace and Lord Green Shadow Palace looked at Lord Tianxing Palace in a hurry and asked in a hurry.

Looking very anxious, Liu Yiyi and the three saw the anxiety of the Lord Tianyue Palace and the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace, they knew they were very concerned about Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian's status in their hearts was not ordinary.

"No la."

"You let Sister II speak."

When the master of the Star Palace was asked by her sister and sister, she didn't know what to say, and she immediately looked at the master of the Hanshuang Palace.

"I'll go back to practice first."

The Frost Palace Master was stunned, and disappeared after a flash of figure.

In this situation, several sisters and sisters were startled. The two of them, Master Tianyue Palace and Lord Green Shadow Palace, were so anxious when they saw this.

"I didn't expect Sister II to be like Junior Brother, giggling."

Seeing the disappearance of Han Frost Palace Master, Liu Yiyi thought of Li Lingtian and left like this.

Immediately, he talked about Li Lingtian.

After listening to Liu Yiyi, the main owners of Tianyue Palace and Green Shadow Palace will be relieved, as long as Li Lingtian is not injured, he can say anything.

Besides, this is Li Lingtian’s own business, and even if they have feelings with them, they are all private affair of their children.

Piaoyun Valley is still practicing as before, and the following disciples are puzzled that the three forces are not as good as they used to suppress Piaoyun Valley, but they are friendly.

This way, the following disciples felt inexplicable.

They naturally did not know that the appearance of Li Lingtian made the three forces change, but these disciples still summed up these things to Li Lingtian.

I think it's because Pingyun Valley has one more Master Li, and other forces dare not provoke it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this way, the following disciples respected Li Lingtian more, and Li Lingtian improved their welfare and got a superb medicine. Piaoyun Valley reached an unprecedented passion for cultivation.

These are the contributions of Li Lingtian, in her

In our eyes, Li Lingtian is a god, even beyond the status of God.

In Lingyun Valley, Li Lingtian, after three years of alchemy, immortality has reached a terrible figure.

During this time, I saw the situation of Luofeng Mountain was almost the same, and I began to have plans in my heart.

Xiu Wei has reached an extreme, and Piaoyun Valley has also developed rapidly. He has to go out to deal with some things.

The most important thing now is to solve the Shenxi sword pavilion.

Shenxi Sword Pavilion is the enemy of Piaoyun Valley, and it is also related to the secret of the Pearl of Lost. As a person of Piaoyun Valley, he is the owner of Piaoyun Valley in the Luofeng Mountain Range.

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