War God Supreme

Chapter 991: Yuxi Great City

Looking at Li Lingtian's dashing figure, Tianyue Palace Master and Liu Yiyi, as well as the Green Shadow Palace Master, have not yet reacted.

They didn't expect Li Lingtian to hug them all. Being embraced by Li Lingtian, they were all in a daze standing like an electric shock. They didn't even find the owner of Tianyue Palace holding the storage bag.

This is the first time he has been close to a man. In the past, men have never appeared within a meter of them.

It is almost a thousand miles away from the giant, but now it is embraced by Li Lingtian one by one.

Until the figure of Li Lingtian disappeared outside the palace, the three talents of Tianyue Palace woke up, and his face suddenly showed a blush.

"Order down, Piaoyun Valley retreat up and down, no order can not go out, no outsiders can enter."

Tianyue Palace Master watched Li Lingtian leave, pondered a little, and then passed the order.

At this time, Li Lingtian and the three had left Piaoyun Valley.

The three of them concealed part of their cultivation, only revealing the realm of Wu Sheng.

This state is in the Cangnan region. Although it is a strong man, it is not the kind of earth-shattering strong man.

Outside, they will not be bullied or attract attention.

However, both the Master of the Star Palace and the Lord of the Frost Palace are beautiful women, with noble and stunning temperament, and there are countless powerful people who can't help but look back.

With a return rate of 100%, Li Lingtian is naturally the object of being jealous.

But seeing Li Lingtian's momentum and temperament, they can only feel ashamed.

Because Li Lingtian also exudes Wu Sheng's breath, the elegant temperament makes people feel ashamed, and being able to follow the two beautiful women is naturally not an ordinary person.

Li Lingtian does not matter, there is no need to disguise, if someone dares to die, he will not be polite.

"Little Brother, do we go directly to Shenxi Jiange?"

The Master of the Star Palace rarely leaves the Piaoyun Valley, even in the Luofeng Mountain Range, rarely appears, let alone leave the Luofeng Mountain Range.

In my memory, I only left the Luofeng Mountain only two or three times.

Before leaving, it was my master who took it out for training. This time I left the Luofeng Mountains, but I didn't have the master, but followed my own brother. I was curious and excited.

"Leave the Luofeng Mountain first, and all came out anyway. Let's go out and see the situation in the Cangnan region."

"When I first came to Shenzhou, I didn't know anything about Cangnan region, let alone Shenzhou. First look at the forces in Cangnan region, you can see the basic appearance of Shenzhou."

Li Lingtian smiled and was in a good mood.

Although it was the trouble of looking for Shenxi Jiange, there was no slightest pressure in my heart.

This is also his character. As long as he is well prepared, he will not put great pressure on himself. The greater the pressure, the greater the impact on his strength.

Fighting is also a state of mind, and you must have a state of mind against the enemy.

Keeping your mind calm and making the clouds light and windy can also improve your morale psychologically.


"Right, younger brother, how did you hug the master sister and the four sisters?"

The celestial palace master oh a moment, said understand.

But then he looked at Li Lingtian curiously again, with a puzzled look on his face, and at the same time a little shy, he asked Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was stunned, a smile appeared on his face, and he said lightly: "What's the point, it means intimacy."

"Then we are not affectionate?"

The Master of the Star Palace heard Li Lingtian's words for a while, but he was immediately asked.

After questioning, a trace of blush appeared on his face, and Li Lingtian smiled when he saw the blush on the face of the main star palace.

"Sister Three, do you want intimacy?"

Li Lingtian smiled, then made a look to hug.

"Give up, it's rare."

"Don't be so sloppy, what is it like?

The star of the star palace flashed in the air, came to the other side of the frost palace, just separated them by the frost palace, and then said softly, staring at Li Lingtian.

But it was joy in my heart, and I had some expectations and expectations.

And thinking that day Li Lingtian hugged her for a moment, and suddenly got an electric shock.

"You two are really like children."

The Lord Frost Palace said coldly, although the voice was cold, but it could not hide the tenderness inside.

Such gentleness can only be heard by a few sisters and Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian and the Master of the Star Palace did not care about the words of the Lord of the Frost Palace at all, but continued to speak.

However, at the same time it also pulled the Frost Palace Master into it.

In this way, gradually the two sisters and sisters also walked out of the sadness of leaving Piaoyun Valley, forgetting about Piaoyun Valley, but very relaxed.

This was also intentional by Li Lingtian, because no matter when, he had to face everything with ease, and the same was true when facing the enemy. Often when he met the strong, he had to be deserted.

In this way, the three people were flying and chatting, and within two hours, they had left Luofeng Mountain and came to the pipeline.

But the three of Li Lingtian did not take the pipeline, but flew around the avenue in a remote place, but the direction did not change.

Three days later, the three passed six or seven large and small cities, and finally came to the nearest largest city in Luofeng Mountain.

"Yuxi Great City."

Li Lingtian looked at the huge city ahead and said lightly.

Lord Frost Palace and Lord Star Palace are all excited. This is the first time I have seen such a powerful city. I do not know how many times it is stronger than the gate of the Luofeng Mountain.

It's just that the aura here is not as rich as Piaoyun Valley, and there is no quiet and noisy environment.

However, this city is huge, and Li Lingtian was also surprised. This city is larger than Shenyue Holy City. In the capital of one of the three empires of Xuanzhou, it is not as good as an ordinary big city in Cangnan of Shenzhou. Seeing this, Also understand the gap between the two.

"Brother, are we going into the city or bypassing the Yuxi Great City?"

The Frost Palace Master woke up from the shock and asked Li Lingtian.

When they came outside, they knew nothing about the world outside.

Now I can only rely on Li Lingtian and feel a little fear in my heart because they really have no experience outside.

The business of Piaoyun Valley is handled by the following disciples. They are only practicing. They have become Wushen in these years, standing at the top of Piaoyun Valley, and they have not personally understood the outside things.

"Well, we rested for two days in Yuxi Great City, and also showed you how powerful Yuxi Great City is."

"No matter where it is, Zongmen is different from the outside forces. The outside world is strange, cunning, and complicated."

"Yuxi Great City is just a slightly larger city in the Cangnan region, but you can see the dangers in the Cangnan region from here."

Li Lingtian looked at the huge city in front of him, like an ancient fierce beast that ate people.

But even so, it was nothing in his eyes. The winds and waves he had experienced were countless, and it was no great thing to get used to it.

"Really so scary?"

The Lord of the Star Palace made a fearful look, and looked carefully at Li Lingtian.

Although she is hot, the whole person is like a fire, but she is always a girl, a girl with no experience.

Although she is Li Lingtian's sister, Li Lingtian can be her grandfather in terms of knowledge and experience.

"It's okay, there is a younger brother."

"The sky is falling and I still have it."

Li Lingtian smiled and patted his chest while speaking.

This look immediately laughed at the owner of the Star Palace.

"That's good, you won't sell me."

The owner of the Star Palace saw Li Lingtian's appearance, and he was a little relieved in his heart. Li Lingtian's strength is strong, and naturally nothing will happen.

Moreover, his little teacher has broad knowledge and encountered everything.

His experience can't be compared even if others add up all his life, and he also contends for hegemony and becomes the ruler of Xuanzhou.

"I want it too."

"Sister Sister is so beautiful, if you sell it, you will definitely let those super powers spend all your money to buy Sister Sister away."

"And I'm poor now, I want spirit stones."

"But Senior Sister is so beautiful, and I can't bear it. What should I do? For a while, I was entangled in this matter."

"Sister II, you are wise and smart, please give me a suggestion."

Li Lingtian looked at the owner of the Star Palace, his face suddenly showed a serious look, and there was also a trace of reluctance.

Speaking lightly, at the end, his eyes turned to the Frost Palace Master.


"As long as I don't want to sell me, she can move anyway."

"I don't like people from outside, so don't pay attention to me. The third sister, don't blame the second sister, it's the attention of the younger brother."

What Li Lingtian didn't expect was that he was quiet and quiet, and a cold second sister, who cooperated with him so much, completely exceeded his imagination.

In his imagination, the 2nd Senior Sister nodded at most, or shook her head.

But this time he was joking with him. He was very serious when he spoke, and he couldn't see any joking at all.

This moment, the Master of the Star Palace was blindfolded, and looked at Li Lingtian silly, and then looked at the Lord of the Frost Palace. His eyes moved around the two people, wanting to see if they really said it.

After watching it for a long time, I didn't find it at all, and suddenly the whole person was stupid.

My little brother is just kidding~www.wuxiaspot.com~But my second sister is definitely not kidding.

However, I immediately understood that the two of them had joined forces to scare her, in fact, they knew that they scared themselves.

"Okay, Sister II."

"Everything is understood. After the second sister wanted the younger brother to sell me, I could not disturb you and the younger brother."

"Little Brother, are you really reluctant, I know that Little Brother is reluctant."

The Master of the Star Palace laughed softly, and the whole person was very happy. When he spoke, he did not forget to laugh at his second sister.

When talking, Li Yutian held out his arm and held Li Lingtian's arm. The chest full of powerful chest made Li Lingtian feel overwhelmed.

The hot figure, the angel's face, completely integrated into one person.

Immediately, the three slowly walked towards the gate of Yuxi Great City. ()

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