War God Supreme

Chapter 925: Duanmu the next day

Entering behind the stone gate, there is a spacious hall.

The main hall is slightly smaller than the plaza outside, but there are countless positions inside, which makes it more regular.

These positions are for powerful people who come to participate in the auction, and all positions have numbers on them.

Li Lingtian took both the Frost Palace Master and the Star Palace Master to find their place.

The tokens of the three of them are three hundred twenty-one, three hundred twenty-two, and three hundred twenty-three.

Lord Hanshuang Palace sits on the left side of Li Lingtian, and Lord Tianxing Palace sits on the right side of Li Lingtian. The two are left and right, making the other powerful people look envious.

In front of the location of this hall, there is a coffee table, and there are countless snacks and tea on it, so that the whole hall looks extremely luxurious.

Li Lingtian has never seen such a luxurious auction venue, it is like a celebration.

Even for large celebrations, many people are crowded together, but in this place, everyone is a separate location and coffee table.

Even each location is a precious animal skin cushion, which makes people sitting extremely comfortable, and the fresh fragrance is scattered in the hall, making the air here very fresh and giving a sense of comfort.

Immediately, Li Lingtian also thought that this place, it will cost 10 million inferior spirit stones to come in, and the layout inside is naturally luxurious.

And the strong man who came here is not a strong man, a hegemon, or a sect at the helm, or a super-powerful anti-sky strong man.

All of them are in the presence of the Wusheng Wushen level. If you take out 10 million spirit stones, even if you don’t come to enjoy it, it will not make the coming strong people feel stingy here.

"Sister, this is for you."

Li Lingtian took out several Lingguo from the Dragon Ring, but the Lingguo brought out at this time was only a century old.

Even a hundred years of spiritual fruit has already turned against the sky.

On such occasions, he naturally does not want to bring out the fruits of the millennia and thousands of years.

Each person has three Lingguo, and then easily leans on the position, waiting for the auction to start.

For the first time, Li Lingtian encountered such an auction house and enjoyed it.

The Master of the Star Palace and the Master of the Frost Palace are both repairing in the Piaoyun Valley. These treatments are naturally the first time they encounter. Seeing Li Lingtian enjoy this way, and leaning gently on the position, the whole person feels very comfortable. .

Although the two are strong martial arts elders and the elders of Piaoyun Valley, the two are more girls, and the unemployed women do not know much about the outside.

Li Lingtian leaned on the position, but his mind was not relaxed at all.

Divine consciousness covers the three of them. As long as there is the slightest threat and killing opportunity, he will react immediately.

At the same time, the consciousness also looked at the strength of the warriors in the entire hall.

There are more than 1,300 people in this hall, there are more than 800 martial arts strongmen, and the others are martial arts strongmen.

Moreover, Li Lingtian also found that there are five Seventh Heaven Wushen Powerhouses. This discovery suddenly made him take it seriously. Wushen Seventh Heaven was not a joke.

Any one brought disaster to him, and one was killed without care.

Even if he has the strength to defy the sky, he is afraid of facing the powerful God of the Seventh Heaven of Wushen.


bsp; If Liu Chong Tian is okay to say, but Qi Chong Tian, ​​even when he is heyday, he may not be able to beat it with certainty, but now he has two sisters beside him.

Although the two sisters are the fourfold God of Valkyrie, they have nothing to help.

Therefore, be very careful, there are five warriors in the Seventh Heaven, dozens of the Sixth Heaven and the Fiveth Heaven.

Coming to this Shenwu Continent, I felt strong pressure for the first time.

"Everyone, everybody."

"Welcome all of you to visit Wanbao Building, which is an honor for Wanbao Building."

"The next day at the lower end of the wood, see you all."

After coming to the main hall for a full ten minutes, the main hall is also very quiet, and all the strong are closed their eyes and raising their minds.

At this time, on the steps in front of the hall, a two-sided photomask appeared. The photomask rose slowly, and an old man also appeared in the photomask.

Finally, the photomask stopped after rising two meters. At the same time, there was a small crystal step at the foot of the old man in the photomask. The old man stood on the step.

Suddenly, the position of the whole person is more than two meters higher than the strong man present. All the strong people can see clearly even if they sit at the back.

After the old man appeared, he always had a faint smile on his face, like a profiteer.

During the talk, he reached out and greeted all the strong men for being rude, courteous and thoughtful, which made people feel a sense of superiority.

The old man also exudes a strong breath from all over his body, and Xiu Wei has reached the Wushen Double Heaven.

"Yuan Duanmu is kind."

"It turns out that Mr. Duanmu presided over this auction."

"Yuan Duanmu is the elder of Duanmu's branch of ten families."

"Yes, Mr. Duanmu has extensive experience in appraisal of treasures, and is definitely top-notch in the field of treasure and auction."

"Yuan Duanmu is courteous."

For the moment, most of the strong men in the position below the steps are in return.

I was shocked by Duanmu's identity on the steps, knowing that Duanmu was the elder of Duanmu's branch, one of the ten great families in Shenzhou.

Even the elders of a branch of the Duanmu family are not dared by ordinary people. After all, they are related to the top ten families. If they offend Duanmu the next day, the Duanmu family will definitely not be able to do so.

This is also the face problem of the big family and big forces. Even if you don't like the branch outside Duanmu's house, Duanmu's house won't let others provoke you.

Li Lingtian looked at His Excellency Duanmu and was shocked when he heard the words of the strong man below.

He did not forget about Xuanzhou, the Sky Blue Empire and the Tianyang Empire.

The backstage of the two empires is the Duanmu family and the Gongsun family. They destroyed the two empires themselves.

Now I have come to Shenzhou and came to the chassis of the two empires, so I have been careful not to let these big family forces see it.

Now that I have met the Duanmu family, it seems that this Wanbao building is related to the Duanmu family.

"Today is the annual auction event of Wanbao Building."

"I wish you all the best for your return. The rules of the Wanbaolou auction are the same as those of other auctions."

"The highest bidder gets it, rigorously fights in the auction."

"And Wanbao Building provides treasure identification for free. If you have a treasure transaction quality problem in private transactions, it has nothing to do with Wanbao Building. If there is any dispute about the quality of the treasure, you can go to Wanbao Building to identify and then trade."

"At the same time, after the transaction, the auction is over, and Wanbao Building will use the teleportation array to spread out. The transmission distance is one hundred miles away from Yuxi City. If you don’t want to leave Yuxi City, the auction site can also open the channel. Everyone go back to Yuxi Great City."

"Tonight, the auction time is still two hours in the front, two hours in the middle and two hours in the back, for a total of ten items."

Duanmu said the rules of the auction house the next day. During the speech, he had read all the strong ones.

After his voice fell, many strong men nodded in satisfaction.

The underground auction house was sent by teleportation array, and they didn't know where they were sent.

If you go out on your own, there will definitely be people with hearts and minds killing people for treasure.

There is now a teleportation array to send it back, which is indeed much safer. Similarly, some people have to leave the Yuxi Great City after getting the treasure, and they can also send it out.

Immediately after sending a hundred miles, it is relatively safe to use the body method to leave.

"Now, we start auctioning the first item."

"The first item is a treasure, an artifact!"

"I believe you don't need to explain it below. The artifact is extremely powerful. The artifact we auctioned tonight is not an ordinary artifact."

"It is an ice gold artifact. More importantly, this artifact can increase the attack of the warrior twice. The only thing is to consume all the true elements of the warrior."

"Let's take a look."

Duanmu said aloud the next day, the smile on his face was still the same, but there was a little more excitement.

The voice of speech was sullen and frustrated, bringing up the atmosphere of the strong below.

"Artifact, the first item is an artifact. It looks like a lot of treasures tonight."

"Indeed, the artifact is a rare thing, but it is hard to come by, and even if it has a spirit stone, it can't be bought."

"I didn't expect the first item to be an artifact. It's really not simple."

"Double the attack?"

"It's terrifying."

"It's impossible. The double attack is terrifying."

"I didn't expect that there is such a powerful artifact in the world. If the gold strong men get it, they can increase their combat power by twice."

For a while, the following strong men were discussed, and even the Wushen strong men continued to discuss.

After all, it is too rare, even if it is a martial arts strong, it is difficult to get an artifact.

Now there are treasures that can play twice the attack, which really shocked everyone.

Not only these strong men, even Li Lingtian, was also shocked. I didn’t expect such a treasure to appear against the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was shocked. The Master of the Star Palace and the Frost Palace were also shocked.

But Li Lingtian was shocked but shocked, but he was not at all touched, because the treasures in his hands were countless,

Even if it was given to him, he didn't want it. The treasures in his hands were ancient artifacts, and they were still excellent ancient artifacts.


p; twice the attack? Weakened in front of him.

Chi tomorrow emperor not only doubled the attack, but doubled the attack, the speed is also the same, compared to Chi tomorrow emperor, this artifact is weakly exploded to the extreme.

What's more, now that he has controlled a part of the power of Emperor Chi tomorrow, he has exhibited more than twice as many attacks.

Besides, he never cares about the treasures in the auction house.

Spending money to buy treasures in the auction house is a waste of spirit stones. Unless it is of great help to yourself, or those who are close to you, otherwise he will not spend money to buy treasures.

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