War God Supreme

Chapter 1004: Avatar

Thousands of kilometers of the ice sword, with a breath of destruction, fell towards Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, there was a sense of slackness in the space, and Li Lingtian's eyes also showed a horrified look. For the first time, he really fought against the God of Seventh Heaven.

Seventh Heaven, the God of War, which had killed the Demon Race, also fought against the Lord of the Shenxi Pavilion.

Now, I finally found the power of Wushen Qizhongtian. Wushen Qizhongtian is not as simple as imagined.



Hands merge, the two extreme worlds merge together.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of destruction, death, extinction, taboo barrenness broke out at this time, and there was a silence between heaven and earth.

After an instant of silence, a colorful beam of light appeared from Li Lingtian's hands.

The multicolored beam of light ignores the distance of the space, and flew away with a barren breath toward the distance, just like opening the space.

In the mountains, the ruined sword of ice was also bombarded with the coldness of the imprisoned space. In the sky, the two attacks slammed together.


A burst of space burst, and then a halo burst out, a colorful halo, and in this halo, there was a breath of destruction.

The halo raged through the space, spreading out directly, the halo spread across thousands of miles, everything turned into nothingness.



Li Lingtian's heart and soul tremor was suddenly thrown out, his figure swaying in the air like a broken kite.

At the same time, the seven elders in the mountain range were also thrown out fiercely, and finally hit the mountain fiercely, and the mountain suddenly shivered.

Between heaven and earth, the air is destroyed and the space is destroyed.

Li Lingtian receded straight for a hundred miles, and then stopped, with blood on the corner of his mouth, his face pale.

The halo of destruction in the air has not disappeared, but it is ruining the space endlessly, as if to destroy this heaven and earth completely.

The destructive blow just now was Li Lingtian's most powerful blow after reaching the fifth heaven.

It used to be Wu Sheng, and there is no way to compare it with the present one.

But now, in the face of the super power of Wushen Seventh Heaven, he was also injured under one blow.



As soon as Li Lingtian's figure shook, he flew away toward the mountain peak, and the true element of his whole body had reached the extreme.

At this time, of course, you will not lose the opportunity, if you do not take advantage of this opportunity to attack the seven elders, you will lose the opportunity.

The Five Elements Yuanshen has reached the zenith of the True Yuan, and Li Lingtian’s true Yuan power has already exceeded the Wushen Heaven, and even the Wuzhong Heaven cannot be compared with it.

The five Yuanshen formed a five-element great consummation, a world that is completely one. Such strength is even stronger than dozens of Li Lingtian.

Faced with the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, there is not much difference.

Just before he came to the mountain peak, the elder seven in black also flew up at this time, suspended in the air, and was opposed to Li Lingtian, but with blood on the corner of his mouth, looks very bleak.

Accidentally, he lost his chance and was bombarded by Li Lingtian, causing him continuous injuries. Now the situation is extremely bad.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he also showed fear and fear in his heart. A young man of Wushen's heavy heaven has reached such a terrifying level that even if he is said to be the seventh **** of Wushen.

"The Duanmu family, which provokes this seat, is just a dead end."

"Let you see the real power of this seat."

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords."

Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, a streamer appeared in his eyebrows, and when the streamer fell, an overbearing sword had already appeared in his hand.

Immediately, the destruction of the Golden Taoism broke out in the air, and at the same time as the Golden Taoism appeared, the sword intention also broke out.

The tremendous sword intention raged the space, and the space became trembling in front of the sword intention.

Li Lingtian is like a sword standing proudly between heaven and earth.

Sword intention turned into sword potential, and the emergence of sword potential showed an endless sword silk, which formed a world with a size of a thousand kilometers.

Between the sword filaments, with silk filaments, a formation was completely formed.

Li Lingtian kept spinning inside these sword filaments, and then waved with one hand.

Jiansi formed the spirit domain, the realm of the sword, and pressed hard against the seven elders. Everything that Jiansi passed by suddenly turned into nothingness.

Seeing this situation, the look on the face of the Seven Elders changed drastically, and this horrible existence completely moved towards the imagination of the Wushen Power, beyond the imagination of the Wushen Power.

At this moment, I dare not keep my hands.

Because of this attack, he has almost lost his sense of resistance, which is obviously beyond the ordinary Holy Order magic power.

"The incarnation of Tianhan, the disciple is willing to sacrifice with the power of the soul, to achieve the incarnation of the disciple Tianhan."

"Sovereign of the cold, destroy the world."

The look on Seven Elders' faces was ugly, and there was fear in his eyes.

Immediately, a trace of vulgarity flashed on the face, and the real element of the whole body ran.

At the same time, the mantra is constantly whispering, and there are also strange changes between heaven and earth.

In an instant, the look on the face of Seven Elders was fiery, like drunkenness, and at the same time, he clearly felt the constant loss of Seven Elders' vitality.

Vitality, true yuan, longevity, and a strong breath are all lost to the void.

As if there was something magical in the void absorbing the life and longevity of the seven elders and true yuan, Li Lingtian was also shocked at the moment.

The Seventh Heaven of Wushen, performing his secret technique against the sky, is terrible.

At this moment, he felt a breath of destruction in the void, which disappeared in an instant, and when it appeared again, this breath was on the Seven Elders.

The seven elders' eyes changed strangely, and their eyes were viciously vicious, and they were icy and cold.

Seeing this look, Li Lingtian felt a strangeness for a while. This look was not from Seven Elders.

At this moment, the elder Seven waved his right hand, but there was no slight fluctuation in the air.


The whole process seems to be a long time, in fact, it is only in a blink of an eye.

The realm of the sword was shrouded in the seven elders.

The seven elders disappeared wherever the sword realm had passed, but the sword realm shivered.


Li Lingtian's eyes showed a frightened look.

Because he noticed that the Seven Elders waved with his hands exactly the same as the Ice Goddess avatar. The Ice Goddess avatar did not move at all, but the opponent was destroyed.

When this problem was discovered, it was too late, and there was no chance of defense or dodge.

Just as the realm of the sword bombarded Seven Elders, he also had a severe pain in his chest, and the whole person almost fainted.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, the figure flashed quickly, and finally suspended in the air, with horror in his eyes.



At this time, the field of swords landed on the top of the mountain, and finally a kilometer-sized black hole appeared on the ground. The black hole did not know how deep.

The air also gradually quieted down, and the blood on Li Lingtian's mouth kept flowing.

But his eyes were staring at the black hole, and at the same time, a panacea was thrown into the mouth to restore the true yuan consumed.

A ray of consciousness examined the body, and found that the Promise Feather Garment was destroyed, and a small hole appeared, and the real dragon body was almost destroyed.

Seeing this situation, he was terrified in his heart, and the blow of the Seven Elders had destroyed the Promise Feather Garment. If it weren't for the terrorist defense of the True Dragon Guard, he fell.

He was the first time he was able to get rid of the true Promise Feathercoat.

In the past, even the strongest had never hurt him in this way, but this time he destroyed the Wuji Feathers. In the future, he would need one less treasure.

And it is also a precious defensive treasure. This infinite feather garment is an inexplicable artifact. Among the defensive treasures, it is the favorite of the strongest, because this treasure is defensive at any time and provides personal protection for the warrior.

The consciousness conceals the entire radius within a hundred miles, and more consciousness enters the black hole.

A black hole is 1,000 kilometers in size and a thousand kilometers deep.

But did not find the figure of the Seven Elders, this is Li Lingtian puzzled.


In the air, there was a wind at this time.

Hearing this wind, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed drastically, and he noticed something was wrong, and moved forward.


Li Lingtian just flashed away, and the place where he originally stayed was penetrated by the mysterious breath.

There were traces of burning in the air, the situation was terrifying.

Li Lingtian turned around and looked away. Seven elders appeared strangely in the air, eyes staring at him coldly.

"Are you dead?"

The seven elders spoke faintly, and their voice was extremely cold.

There is no slight emotional change in his eyes, just like an ice sculpture. Li Lingtian knows that this Seventh Elder is no longer the original Seventh Elder, but the breath of the landing in the void. It can also be said that the Seventh Elder is now Tianhan incarnate. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But at this time, when he saw that Li Lingtian had not fallen, the look on his face fluctuated.

Obviously, Li Lingtian was shocked that he just survived the attack.

Indeed, the attacks of the goddess of ice and snow are all mysterious and horrible, completely ignoring the space and the cultivation of the warrior. I can imagine how powerful that attack is. Now Li Lingtian was also hit by the same attack. Although he did not fall, the seven elders were naturally shocked. .

"You didn't die, can this seat die?"

"Even if you fall, this seat will not fall."

"You are an ice, why didn't you fall under the realm of this sword?"

Li Lingtian looked at Seven Elders curiously, with a curious look in his eyes.

Just now he had hit the Seven Elders with the realm of swords. In front of the realm of the swords, the elders were still able to escape. This was what shocked him and appeared strangely in the air. ()

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