War God Supreme

Chapter 1006: Underwater scenery

"Swoosh, swish."

On the shore of the sea, just as the three younger brothers and sisters of Li Lingtian entered the sea for two minutes, several figures quickly landed.

After the figure landed, there were a total of five martial arts strongmen, and each of them was a realm of three or four heavens.

Looking at the sea, the look on his face changed.

"Something wrong, we came all the way, it's all a woman's breath."

"And I didn't find the breath of Li Lingtian and the Seven Elders. Isn't that the place where the war was not the Seventh Elder and Li Lingtian?"

The head of Wushen Sizhong Tianqiang was dignified, and he looked at the sea.

There is no clue when we get here, because above the sea, the sea breeze is very strong and the breath is blown away by the sea breeze.

And he also found that the way back was the breath left by the woman, not the breath of Seven Elders and Li Lingtian.


"The exercises I practice are different from yours."

"The place where the war was fought was the cold air left by the Seven Elders. Moreover, the Seven Elders also showed the incarnation of Tianhan. In this incarnation, only the Seventh Presbyterian Church."

"Did there be other people in the place where the war was at the time?"

"But where did the breath of Seven Elders and Li Lingtian go? Did both of them fall?"

After the voice of the first four-fold God of Valkyrie fell, a three-fold God of Valkyrie around him retorted. With his skills, he would definitely not be mistaken.

And Wushen's powerful cultivation practice is the best at distinguishing breath.

As long as a familiar person leaves a trace of breath, they will find that following this breath.

There is no breath of Seventh Elder and Li Lingtian, that is to say, Li Lingtian and Seventh Elder have died together.

"No, the cultivation of the Seventh Elder has already reached the Seventh Heaven of Wushen. The cultivation method is even more overbearing. Even if the two Wushen Seventh Heaven join forces, it is not possible to kill him."

"Furthermore, it is rumored that Li Lingtian is only Wu Shengjing. Although his strength is against the sky, he is definitely not an opponent of the Seven Elders."

"Of these, there must be something I don't know."

Without any hesitation, the four-day God of Martial Arts, who spoke first, rejected the words of the God of Warriors beside him.

Wushen Seventh Heaven, to kill a strong man under Wushen Fourth Heaven, directly crush it to death, as simple as pinching an ant.

And to destroy the Wusheng strong, a wave of hand can kill a large group of Wusheng strong.

Now that Li Lingtian is fighting against the Seven Elders, it is also that Li Lingtian is an exception, but even if it is an exception, he is just a Wu Shengqiang.

"What shall we do now?"

"Should I chase or go back?"

The other three martial arts strongmen, looking at their own discussions, did not have a conclusion.

It's been so long now, and I don't know whether to chase it or go back.

"Go back, I'll check it out by myself."

"If you want to chase someone in this sea area, it's basically a needle in a haystack. After going back, pay attention to defense, so as not to make trouble by intentional people."

After Wushen Wuzhongtian, who was headed by him, finished flying, he flew towards the sea, looked out with his eyes, and began a large-scale search. This is completely a needle in a haystack.

Several other Wushen strongmen also quickly left the sea and flew away in other directions.

The Lord of Frost Palace pulled the Lord of the Star Palace. The Lord of the Star Palace held Li Lingtian, and the three of them quickly shuttled through the sea water.

Although the star palace is afraid of the sea, she is also a strong player of the four gods of Wushen, and there will be nothing to do in the sea for several months.

But at this time, the two sisters and sisters were extremely embarrassed.

Because the clothes are soaked in the sea water, the original thin gauze is rare, and you can still see the skin as white as jade. Now after being soaked, the clothes are all attached to the body.

It looks like there is no difference from not wearing a shirt.

Even this looks even more tempting, mysterious temptation.

Both of them found this situation, but there is no way to do it now, they can only pretend not to see it, and it will be more embarrassing if they are broken.

Li Lingtian has seen this situation for a long time. Such a temptation is definitely the first time.

In the past, I had several wives, all of whom were peerless, beautiful women in the world, and a few relatives were extremely beautiful.

But I haven’t been tempted in this way. Although it was all unintentional, this situation is really bloody.

The hot figure is exquisite and translucent, and the skin as white as jade flashes with smooth and tender luster.

And even worse, the Master of the Star Palace still holds him, which is terrible.

"Sister, you wait."

"I'll practice here to restore the true yuan, even if the strong man is encountered, there will be a escape for the true yuan."

Li Lingtian couldn't stand it anymore, he could only close his eyes, but couldn't help but want to open it.

After struggling for a long time, he endured and spoke to the two sisters to stop them.

"Can you restore the true unit here?"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the Master of the Star Palace stopped.

Looking at Li Lingtian asked, if it is restored here, I don't know how long it will take.

If the strong man came after that, the deeds of the three of them would be exposed.

"It's okay, you two don't use real yuan."

"I will recover quickly. As long as there is a bit of truth, I will be able to fly. At that time, we will deploy the fastest speed, even if it is the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, we can escape with confidence."

Li Lingtian nodded and thought secretly in his heart that if he continued this way, he would be mad by the two sisters.

"OK then."

Lord Frost Palace and Lord Star Palace, seeing Li Lingtian's situation, probably also understand what is going on.

Although I am shy, I admire myself as a fellow student even more. In the face of such cheapness, I will not easily take up.

If other men are not to blame, go crazy.

"The meaning of water."

"Swallow the light."

Li Lingtian allowed himself to float in the sea water, but the whole person felt the meaning of the water in the sea water.

There is a trace of the Taoism of water, and there is a trace of true element in the body. The emergence of the true element suddenly bursts out of the Taoism of water.

This sea is endless, and the Taoism of the water is shocking. Li Lingtian's Five Elements Eucharist practiced the Taoism of the Five Elements. With the Taoism of the water, Zhenyuan quickly recovered.

At the same time, with both hands spread, the terrifying devouring power exploded, and the endless aura of water entered the body, and was quickly refined, and finally turned into the true element.

In the sea water, the ideology of the water and the spirit of the water are constantly surging, which makes a terrifying vortex in the sea water.

Looking at the terrifying vortex and feeling the ruined meaning of water, both the Master of the Star Palace and the Master and Sister of the Frost Palace were shocked.

Following this little teacher for more than three years, I thought I knew Li Lingtian, but now it seems that I didn't understand Li Lingtian at all. Li Lingtian's means are terrifying and endless.



In the sea water, a tremendous vortex was formed. The vortex rose into the sky and reached the height of thousands of feet.

The real element of Li Lingtian is recovering quickly. This is not recovery at all, but absorbing the real element.

The two stars in the Star Palace looked at Li Lingtian, and clearly saw Li Lingtian's true yuan skyrocketing, so the speed of recovering the true yuan was simply appalling.


Above the sea, Duanmu Qingyu flew quickly.

Today's things are too weird, knowing that Seven Elders are already waiting for Li Lingtian, and Wanbao Building is also doing things on the teleportation array, just sending Li Lingtian to the place of Seven Elders.

With the strength of the seven elders, it is a piece of cake to kill Li Lingtian.

But when they arrived, the war was over, but they did not see the figures of Seven Elders and Li Lingtian. The only certainty was that the atmosphere of Li Lingtian and Seven Elders appeared in the place of the war.

Followed with the breath along the way, but disappeared above this sea area.



The tremendous sea water soared into the sky, a thousand kilometers high.

Seeing this sudden change, the look on Duan Mu Qingyu's face changed, and with a horrified sound, he quickly flew away towards the sky-shattering water column in the distance.

Such a movement in this sea area should be that Seven Elders and Li Lingtian are at war.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so coincident, shocked in my heart, this Li Lingtian is indeed terrifying, and yet he has not fallen with the Seven Elders of the Seventh Heaven of Wushen for so long.

Now I will help the Seventh Elder myself. At that time, the Seventh Elder will definitely support him in the Duanmu family.



In a blink of an eye, the distance of thousands of miles soon came.

Feeling the ruined water column, the look on Duanmu Qingyu's face was shocked.

The water column rises from below the sea, and the people who are fighting should be below.

"Tian Yuan Jue."

Seeing this, Duanmu Qingyu was running the whole body of Yuanyuan with a smile on his face. The following battle was only a short-term thing, and it will definitely appear on the sea later.

If Li Lingtian did not fall, Li Lingtian was given a devastating attack.



The tremendous water column keeps rising into the sky, and the whole sea area is shaking. All this, in Duanmu Qingyu's eyes, is the power of the Seven Elders.

Li Lingtian recovered quickly under the sea, and the expression on his face gradually calmed down.

But there was a hint of smile in the corner of the mouth, a cruel smile.

"Some of you are here."

"You are on the left and right on the top~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You will come out after I go up."

Li Lingtian spread his voice to the ears of the main star palace and cold frost palace, the smile on his face was even more intense.

After saying that the body turned into a sharp arrow, the speed was extremely fast, just like the arrow from Hyun, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Li Ling go up to heaven, the Master of the Star Palace and the Master of Frost Frost also looked at each other, their bodies flashed, and they couldn't care about the enticing scene on their bodies, and quickly flew up.

Li Lingtian was in the sea, his hands stirred, and hundreds of sky-high water jets suddenly rose into the sky.

Fiercely bombarded the strong man above the sea.

In the waters, as the Taoism of the water, he naturally knows the above situation, which is the horror of the Taoism of the water.


Hundreds of water columns, like a sharp arrow rising up into the sky, the target is Duanmu Qingyu hanging above the sea. ()

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