War God Supreme

Chapter 1008: The power of Yuxi Great City

Chapter 1009: The Power of Yuxi Great City

"Now let's find a place to rest and wait for my injury to recover and go to Shenxi Jiange."

Li Lingtian's pilot spaceship quickly shuttled through the air, and in the night sky, the spaceship cut through the void like a ghost.

Although he seems to have killed the seven elders of Wushen Qizhongtian and Duanmu Qingyu, but he has suffered some injuries. He needs to adjust his interest rate before he can fight the Lord of the God of War, Hexi.

Moreover, the Shenxi Sword Pavilion is not simple. One Shenxi Pavilion is enough for him to cope with it. If two more top strongmen come, they may die on the spot.

"Okay, Junior Brother, you go to rest. Shimei and I control the spaceship."

The Frost Palace Lord nodded and asked Li Lingtian to go to the spaceship to rest.

Li Lingtian also ordered me to go back to the space inside the spaceship and meditate and practice.

This time against the Seven Elders of the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, most of them rely on luck.

The reason for the failure of the Seventh Elder is very important, that is, knowing oneself and knowing the other can be invincible. Although he does not know the strength and power of the Seventh Elder, he understands the approximate power and means of Wushen Qizhongtian.

The Seven Elders did not know Li Lingtian's strength, and underestimated Li Lingtian's strength, leading to the loss of opportunities and later being bombarded by Ling Tian's terrorist means.

Even so, after Li Lingtian cast his sword in the field, the Seven Elders still did not fall, and he also showed a killer skill. If this killer skill, in front of other powerful people, then the opponent fell.

But Li Lingtian had a Promise Feather Jacket and a real dragon bodyguard. This was the accident.

In fact, this is not that Seven Elders underestimated Li Lingtian. On the contrary, Li Lingtian was estimated to be very high, but Li Lingtian completely comprehends the category of strong people's imagination. This is one of the reasons for failure.

Li Lingtian's antagonism and perversion are not at all imaginable.

However, Li Lingtian was also injured by that attack, and he would not have been as easy as he is now if he had a real dragon bodyguard.

Now, we must take care of this injury, otherwise we will leave sequelae to cultivation in the future.

After each war, he will recall the history of the war in his mind, so as to absorb the experience of the war.

Only rich experience can make your actual combat strength more powerful.

A 100% victory in this world, but to achieve a 99% victory plan, the 1% accident should also be remembered from time to time, because a 1% failure is a fall.

After Li Lingtian completed the operation for a big week, when he was about to practice again, he heard the voice of the Master of the Star Palace.

"Young Master, have you finished your cultivation?"

"We found an island, let's go ahead and practice."

The voice of the Lord of the Stars reached Li Lingtian’s ears. Li Lingtian knew that the Lord of the Stars had been here for a long time, but he did not disturb his cultivation.

It was discovered that he did not speak until after a week of practice, so that Li Lingtian could also receive credit.

Immediately, Li Lingtian received the merits and left the room.

When he came out, he saw the main star palace waiting outside the door, with a smile on his face.

"Then we will practice here for a few days, and I will take care of the injury before leaving here."

Li Lingtian said quietly that the two left the spaceship.

The owner of the Frost Palace below was already waiting. When they saw the two coming down, they put away the spaceship.

Immediately, three people began to look at the island. The island was not large, only ten miles in size, and only a few hundred meters high from the sea. It is good to temporarily settle on such an isolated island.

Moreover, this isolated island is above the sea, and there is not much aura, only to absorb the aura of the water system in the sea.

After looking around, the three chose a stone wall, and Li Lingtian exhibited several arrays.

In the formation, the Master of the Star Palace and the Master of Frost Frost began to organize, and Li Lingtian practiced cross-legged meditation.

When Li Lingtian's cultivation was completed, the two sisters and sisters were also practicing.

However, in this formation, the two have taken care of it briefly, and the ground is covered with quilts, so that you can also rest after practicing.

In this way, three people practiced on the island, but no one came to bother.

Five days later, Li Lingtian's injury was completely recovered.

Then the pilot spacecraft flew in one direction of the sea area. This sea area also has several in the Cangnan area, which is not too large. Li Lingtian also looked at it on the map.

Judging from the distance from Yuxi Ayutthaya to this place, this is a coral sea.

Coral Island is east of Yuxi City, west of Dongyang City, south of Feiyun City, and north of Qingliu City.

The Shenxi Sword Pavilion is located in the Qingliu Mountains among the Qingliu Great Wall. Li Lingtian looked at the direction, and the driver's direction flew northward.

The three of them naturally did not know that the branch of Duanmujia in Yuxi Great City had been chaotic.

In Yuxi Great City, the Duanmu family is the most powerful, followed by the Zhen family and the Lan family.

After the Wanbaolou auction ended, the seven elders left Duanmu's house, but they never returned, and Duanmu Qingyu, the **** of the four gods of Wushen, did not return.

The Duanmu family was panicked because they probably knew something.

Li Lingtian appeared in the Wanbao Building, and finally disappeared after the war with the Seven Elders in the Yuxi Great City, thousands of miles away. Even Duanmu Qingyu who followed him disappeared.

In the Duanmu family, there are several strong Wushen, but there is one less four-fold Wushen and seven elders, and now the power is also much weaker. If this continues, it will be swallowed by the Zhen and Lan families sooner or later. .

What worries them even more is that the Seven Elders disappeared, and in case Li Lingtian did not fall, then the Duanmu family would be destroyed.

"Brother, what do you say now?"

"The Seven Elders disappeared, Li Lingtian disappeared, and even the fifth brother disappeared."

"To know that the Seventh Elder came to my Yuxi Great City, I must know that if there are any accidents with the Seventh Elder, we will be implicated."

Duan Muqing looked at the eldest brother sitting at the top, thinking of the seventeen in front of him, his face showing anxious expression.

A few days later, there is no news of Seven Elders and Duanmu Qingyu. If this continues, the Duanmu family will be in danger and be blamed.

Originally, the status of Duanmu branch in Yuxi Dacheng was very low, and it was suppressed by other branches. Now that such a thing is encountered, it will definitely suffer when the general family meets.

Duanmu's home in Yuxi Dacheng occupies more than a dozen square meters, and the mansion is magnificent.

But the current Duanmu family, although there is no change, but in the mansion is filled with a heavy breath.

In the hall, there are a total of six martial arts strongmen, and these six martial arts strongmen are all three or four heavy days of cultivation. Sitting in the first place called the elder brother Duanmutang is Wushen six heavy days.

Here are also the core forces of Duanmujia. Such forces are definitely among the best in Yuxi Great City.

Compared with Piaoyun Valley, it is not inferior, and even more powerful.

"Now it has been determined that the young man is Li Lingtian. I did not expect Li Lingtian to reach Wushen Realm."

"It was already against the sky at the time of Wu Sheng. Now that Wu Shen Realm has been achieved, it will be more difficult to deal with in the future. The seven elders disappeared, and it should have happened."

"No matter what happens, I must now stabilize my strength, let people go to the blue sea and blue sky, talk about Li Lingtian's coming to the southern part of Cangnan, and try to make up for it."

"During this time, let's not be distracted, so as to be watched by other forces, there is the blue sea and blue sky general family hands on, and Li Lingtian is just a ants."

Duanmutang pondered for a moment, and said his intentions.

After speaking, look at the other brothers to see if they have any suggestions or better solutions.

But there was no slight objection, and then had to send people to the blue sea and blue sky.

Not only the Duanmu family, Zhen family and Lan family, but also secretly gathered strength.

Because they also discovered the war of thousands of miles away from Yuxi Ayutthaya. In this war, there is a breath of super powers, and this breath is still the Duanmu family. Later, these two breaths were not found later.

Everyone suspects that the strong man of the Duanmu family has a problem. They will not let this rare opportunity come naturally.

I haven't done it now, just because I'm not sure. When I'm sure, I will move Duanmu's house out of Yuxi Great City.





Above the Qingliu Mountains in the Qingliu Great City, three figures landed quietly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the three figures landed, they showed the appearance of three people, a man and a girl, a handsome and elegant man, and a beautiful woman.

"This place is the place I hid last time. The four sisters are hiding on the other side."

"Jianxi Jiange is in front."

It was naturally Li Lingtian and his two sisters who came here.

After landing on the top of the mountain, Li Lingtian concealed his figure a little, and said softly.

When he spoke, he pointed his finger toward the distance, and saw hundreds of miles away, a palace pavilion, full of aura.

In the center of the palace pavilion, there is a huge square with a size of tens of miles, and there is a giant sword suspended in the center of the square.

Li Lingtian read it again, there is no slight change here, it is the same as before.

"I must let the Shenxi Sword Pavilion disappear and revenge for the Master."

The look on the face of the main star of the Star Palace is constantly changing, and his eyes are fiercely looking at the Shenxi Jiange in the distance. In this case, I hope that the Shenxi Jiange will disappear.

Although Lord Frost Palace did not speak, the look on his face was also changing.

For the Shenxi Sword Pavilion, which caused his master to fall, he naturally hated it.


"Sister Three, if you are training the Fire Soul of the Fire Department, you should pay attention to your state of mind."

"Although it is Shenxi Sword Pavilion in front of us, we can't mess up. If we act rashly, it will make us give up our efforts and even fall here."

Li Lingtian looked at the owner of the Star Palace and naturally understood the mood of the Lord.

But now it cannot be chaotic. The power of Shenxi Sword Pavilion is not something that others such as yourself can easily chaos. You must have a good plan.

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