War God Supreme

Chapter 1000: Shenxi Jiange Festival

Chapter 1011: Shenxi Sword Pavilion Celebration

"Have you seen me do something that I am not sure about?"

Li Lingtian looked at the two sisters with a faint smile on his face.

The corners of his mouth showed a confident arc, and he looked calm and calm.

There are two sisters who are concerned and warm in their hearts. In the past, there were Huangfu Yuyan and now there are a few sisters. In life, there is nothing unsatisfactory.

"we know."

"But it's still too risky."

The host of the Star Palace waited for Li Lingtian to speak, and took the topic without hesitation.

Let Li Lingtian go alone to take risks, she really would not accept it that way, even if she died, she had to be together.

"I have many ways to show it."

"You just have to wait for me here. If there is any danger, I will rush back immediately. You must be guarded all the time here, so you are more important than me."

Li Lingtian's face was never dignified, and his eyes were serious.

There are a lot of formations in this place, and even if they are not enemies, they can use this formation to resist for a while.

Otherwise, he would not spend so much to play so many formations here.

This formation was set up only after exhausting the true elements. The purpose was to maximize the effect during the war, and also have the opportunity to save one's life.

Seriously, taking two sisters to Shenxi Sword Pavilion is definitely a drag.

No matter what the problem is, I can move forward and backward freely. If there is concern, I will not be so relieved.

Even if there is a certainty of victory at that time, there are two sisters around, and the two sisters become his burden.

It's hard to say now, so as not to hurt the self-esteem of the two sisters.

Later, Li Lingtian recounted his plans and arrangements, which made the two sisters a little relieved.

At the same time, I also said that no matter what happens, he can not leave this formation, because at a critical moment, he will come here, regardless of victory or death, will come here.

Although both the Master of the Star Palace and the Master of the Frost Palace agreed, they still kept instructing Li Lingtian that they could not take risks before the last resort.

Qingshan was left with no worries and no firewood. Now, as long as you practice, you will definitely be able to erase the Shenxi Sword Pavilion.

Next, the three rested on the top of the mountain.

With the phantom array and the formation inside, I didn't even know that there were three martial arts strongmen entrenched on the top of the mountain, and I was still looking at Shenxi Sword Pavilion.

As time slowly lapsed, Li Ling sat cross-legged and his mood was extremely calm.

The whole person has reached the point where Gujing is impenetrable, and the true element and spirit of the whole body have reached their peak state.

Both the Master of the Star Palace and the Lord of the Frost Palace are in the realm of Martial Gods, but neither of them can feel at ease for these three days.

On the top of the mountain, watching the strong men walking towards Shenxi Sword Pavilion, they all went to participate in the celebration of Shenxi Sword Pavilion's ancestors.

Three days later, Li Lingtian also left the mountaintop and flew away in the distance.

When I left, I told the two sisters again that no matter what happened or what I saw, as long as they were not endangered, there could be no movement at all.

Don't do anything, just wait for it.

At the same time, no matter how powerful the opponent is, no one can kill him.

When something really happened, he had to ask them to take him out of here.

When leaving the formation, he also gave a crystal clear jade pendant to them, because this jade pendant is the key item to start the formation. As long as the jade pendant is destroyed, the formation will be opened.


The figure kept flashing, and soon came behind the Shenxi Sword Pavilion.

When Zhenyuan was running, with one hand, a gap appeared in Shenxi Jiange's formation. At that moment, Li Lingtian's figure had disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had entered the Shenxi Sword Pavilion.

This speed is so fast, there is no slight fluctuation in the formation. With his cultivation practice, he will now pass through the formation, and the formation master of Shenxijian will not find it.

Entered the Shenxi Sword Pavilion, and quickly came to the square.

Soon it will be confused with other powerful people, so that you don't have to worry about anything.

Besides, the people of Shenxi Jiange did not know him. He came to Shenzhou for the first time. No one knew who he was.

In such a big celebration, even the people of Shenxi Jiange, it is not always possible to know all the strong ones.

When I came to the square, there were ancestors talking about Shenxi Jiange.

"It seems that the ancestor of Qingxi Sword Pavilion, Feng Qingyu, was the strongest of Wushen Seventh Heaven a hundred years ago. Now that he is out of the customs, it must be a breakthrough."

"It should be like this. In this way, Cangnanyu will have another super power of Wushen Yazhongtian."

"Yes, Wushen Yaetian, one step closer to His Holiness."

"In our Cangnan region, Wushen Yazhongtian doesn't have much."

"If Lord Feng Qingyu reaches Wushen Eightfold Heaven, the forces in Cangnan will be much stronger."

"If it is true that the Lord Feng Qingyu reaches the Eighth Heaven, there will be a little rival in the Eighth Heaven, because the Lord Feng Qingyu cultivates the sword repair, which is powerful and terrifying, even in the Seventh Heaven, it is also the strongest of the Eighth Heaven. Great battle."

"In this way, the Lord Feng Qingyu reached Wushen Eightfold Heaven, and then even the face of Wushen Ninefold Heavenly Venerable will have a battle force."

"The same can be said, but at least in the four cities of the Coral Sea, and within tens of millions of miles, no one is your opponent."

"Shenxi Sword Pavilion, can now compete with the four major sects of Cangnan Yu."

The strong men who came to the Shenxi sword pavilion are all martial gods strong men, or they are the famous super geniuses.

Seeing the forces of Shenxi Jiange, they all talked nonstop.

For a while, the ancestors of Shenxi Jiange's ancestors had become the supreme existence.

Indeed, in the Cangnan domain, Wushen Yaetian is definitely a superpower, and can even influence the existence of one side.

And in this way, Shenxi Sword Pavilion can become the master of tens of millions of miles, and influence this piece of power.

Li Lingtian listened to the comments of these powerful men while wandering in the square.

At the same time, he also got the strength of this ups and downs, as well as some previous methods, which would be good for him to wait for a while.

From noon to noon

There are no clouds in the sky, and the scorching sun falls on the square, making the square above the square glowing like a fairyland.

Coupled with female disciples or Qianjin from various forces, as well as countless powerful casual women, the whole square was fluttering above the square, and dazzled by some powerful people.

At the same time, the surroundings of the square were also sorted out by the disciples of Shenxi Jiange, and countless coffee tables were placed.

This time there are more than 3,000 strong men who came to congratulate Shenxi Jiange to congratulate. Each of them is a warrior martial arts strongman, or the top Wusheng Jiutian, either a family head or a sect The head of the teaching is either too elders, or the left and right strong men.

It can be said that so many strong men gathered together is a rare blessing in the Cangnan region.

This lineup looks tall, does not reach Wusheng Jiugiantian, or is not a pill master and array master, and is simply not qualified to come in.

One by one the top strongmen came to Shenxi Jiange Square, and the disciples of Shenxi Jiange warmly received them.

At this time, Li Lingtian was also sitting in front of a coffee table with a strong warrior.

The other strong men, looking at the time when the celebration was about to come, all found a coffee table to sit down.

The square gradually became quieter, and all the strong men left the center of the square and sat in front of the coffee table around the square.

There are countless snacks and fruits on the coffee table for the warriors to use. This kind of celebration is not a celebration like the ordinary warriors. They come here to give gifts or show their faces.

"Everyone, everybody!"

At this time, on the steps in the square, a strong man of Wushen Mietian came with a smile on his face.

When he came to the top of the steps, he saluted the strong man below and greeted him with a smile.

Suddenly, the strong men below were quiet, and no one spoke again.

"Everyone, welcome you all to Shenxi Sword Pavilion, Shenxi Sword Pavilion is flourishing because of you."

"Today is the grand ceremony of the ancestor of Shenxi Jiange ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Gai Shi celebrated with your Excellency, Shenxi Jiange Pavilion Lord Shenxi originally wanted to greet you personally, but our patriarch just a while ago Cultivation retreat is at a critical time for cultivation, and you cannot meet with you."

This Wushen Mietian, also a strong man of Shenxi Jiange, is called Feng Yunfei.

According to the rules of Shenwu Continent, if there is any celebration, the main character of a sect or family must come out to say hello.

But what is unexpected is that Shenxi Jiange was disrupted by people, and finally even Shenxi was beaten to death.

He is still in closed recuperation for healing. In this matter, the warriors of Shenxi Jiange knew that Shenxi Jiange was disrupted by others, and the owner of Shenxi Jiange was also injured, but after Shenxi was chased out, there was no news of Shenxi. .

Later, Shenxi Jiange said that Shenxi was closed to practice, but did not know that Shenxi was beaten to death.

There are few people in Shenxi Jiange who are injured, let alone outsiders.

In front of the coffee table, Li Lingtian heard the words, and the look on his face did not change at all, but he was shocked.

He knows it best. If this **** is really closed to practice, it is healing.

The sword of Heaven's Tao last time definitely hurt Shenxi very badly, otherwise it will be more than three years, and he is still healing.

He also understands the horror of the sword of heavenly path. This sword of heavenly path is not only powerful, but also has heaven in it. Those who are hit will be bombarded by heaven. Suppressed by heaven.

Now that Shenxi is healing, this is a rare opportunity.

There is one less Shenxi, and there is light rain, and then you only need to face a light rain.

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