War God Supreme

Chapter 1014: Swordmaster


There was an uproar, and all the strong men were stunned.

Wuxi God Mie Tian's God Xijian Pavilion Powerhouse, just like this, suddenly killed.

It is absolutely terrifying not to take Shenxi Jiange at all, and to say that Shenxi Jiange was erased to become history.

Powerful, defiant, domineering, domineering, decisive!

The one who can describe this young man is against the sky, too against the sky!

Wushen Yizhongtian destroys Wushen Sanzhongtian, this is really easy.

All the strong players present were shocked. How powerful and powerful is this?

"Son swordsman, right?"

"Several years ago, I heard about Lord Juggernaut to see how strong Juggernaut is."

"Since you are the heir to the Juggernaut, then the seat will be beaten first, and the old one will come out."

"You came to the Cangnan region, and it was meant to die. Looking at the sword saint's face, this seat can give you a chance to exhibit the most powerful moves of your sword sword pavilion, otherwise you will not regret it."

"You hurt my sister, this seat will abolish your Wushen cultivation behavior today, as a punishment!"

Li Lingtian took the Master Tianyue Palace's hand and walked forward step by step. The whole person calmly calmed down.

The look on his face is also light and breezy, just like saying a very ordinary thing. He does not regard the sword swordsman in front of him as a martial arts strongman, but as a trashy junior.

When speaking, I spoke directly to Master Juggernaut, and the tone was amazing.

The strong man present, that is not Wu Sheng Wu God, that is not a party overlord and a big brother, but in front of Li Lingtian, he felt his insignificance.

The other party is a **** of martial arts, and facing the goddess of the **** of the seventh heaven of the **** of war, he does not look at the **** of the sword.

To know the status and identity of this swordsman, and the strength of the sky, no one can provoke him.

It is completely beyond Li's imagination that Li Lingtian is now so shocked. If Li Lingtian had just injured the swordsman with his sword, Li Lingtian would be regarded as a lunatic or a fool.

Especially when Li Lingtian said that the **** of swordsman came to Cangnan region, all the strong men were refreshed, because the **** of swordsman started not to see Cangnan region in his eyes, Li Lingtian is now helping them out.

"Good, good, good."

"There are people like Cangnanyu who are looking for death like you. My son won't take you out of the soul today."

"The woman next to you, the son is asking for it, and the son will take care of her for you, hehe."

"Dare to provoke my sword pavilion, no one on the earth can save you."

The Excalibur has shivered with anger, and no one has ever insulted him like this.

From small to large, they are all high. Even when he is a warrior, no one in the Shenwu Continent dares to despise him because of his identity and talent.

Wherever he goes, it is a godlike existence.

He is also the future patriarch of the Sword Sword Pavilion, and he is hopeful to surpass the existence of Lord Sage Saint.

It is also one of the most likely figures for Shenzhou.

But Wan Wan did not expect to come to Cangnan region this time, but encountered such a thing.

Not only did someone defeat him with sword intent, but also insulted him like a strong man in the world, it was even more abominable that he did not look at him in the eyes, and said directly that Lord Sage Saint, he simply thought that he did not exist. He was still uncomfortable.

When he spoke, he stared at the Master of Tianyue Palace and angered him. He would vent all his anger and humiliation to Li Lingtian and the people around Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the true element of the whole body works, and the horror of the sword is more horrible than before.

With one wave of a hand, a long sword appeared in his hand, and his eyes looked at the long sword in his hand seriously. In the air, the sword became a sword.

"Sword momentum."

"Surely cultivated the sword potential, it really is the super genius of the Excalibur."

"The power of the sword is shocking, and it is invincible in the same rank."

"Retreat farther and worry about being injured accidentally."

"I don't know how he can fight against the swordsman."

"Hopefully, it's just a matter of lip service, lest we in Cangnan will also suffer the anger of Shenjian Pavilion."

All of a sudden, the sword spirit and sword momentum in the air were shocking.

At the same time, the coercion of destruction broke out fiercely, and the Excalibur was horrified by Li Lingtian's sword intentions, but he knew that even if Li Lingtian turned against the sky, there would be no strength in coercion.

The coercion of Wushen Seventh Heaven is quite different from that of Wushen Seventh Heaven.

With coercion and sword power, you can use the power and sword power to crush Li Lingtian, so that you can get your face back.

The strong men present, feeling the coercion and sword power of the Seventh Heaven of the God Sword Master Wushen, were all terrified, and quickly backed away.

Wushen's Seventh Heaven can directly crush all the strong men present. If it is crushed by this coercion, it will instantly fall and disappear.

"In front of this seat, such a person does not know the geometry, but no one can see the sun the next day."

"Don't you know how to change your words? It's just such a few threatening words, how boring, there is no threat."

"Learn to learn this seat, dare to have bad thoughts about the people around this seat, damn, there is a hint of threat to this seat, there is no amnesty to kill!"

A look of disdain appeared on Li Lingtian's face, his eyes getting colder and colder, and finally there was no slight emotional change on his face.

Let go of the master of Tianyue Palace, and the figure straddled a step forward, and under this step, it came to a hundred meters away.

At the same time, his sword-like horror broke out.

"The prestige of heaven and earth, superb power."

"Sky and Dao, Heaven Demon Domain."

The momentum of Li Lingtian's body rose sharply, and the momentum continued to rise. The God of Wushen's cultivation practice has reached the level of Wushen's Seventh Heaven.

Horrible coercion was also displayed at this time.

The Jin Zhiyi in the Five Elements Taoism is also filled with space at this moment. The appearance of the Jin Zhiyi makes the sword Yi more powerful and overbearing. The sword Yi continues to ravage the space, and then the sword Yi turns into a sword momentum.

Around the whole person, the sword was turned into sword silk, and no long sword was used, but the sword silk had already swam in the air.

Li Lingtian at the moment is like a sword between the world and the earth.

At the same time, the terrifying coercion and the mighty bombardment towards the swordsman


Both men's coercion and majesty attacked each other fiercely, as if to crush the other to death.

I saw two ruinous powers in the square rolled out with a light curtain.

At this time, in the eyes of all the powerful people, Li Lingtian was no longer the **** of the Wushen, but had the ability to fight against the sword swordsman.


The two powerful and powerful bombardments together, Li Lingtian's body violently drove forward, and the ruinous Tianwei bombarded away.

At the same time, the sword power of the sword spirit was turned towards the sword master at this time.

"Prestige of Excalibur."

"The body of the sky sword."

The God of Swordsman felt that his own might was inferior to Li Lingtian, and he was extremely shocked. The coercion of the Seventh Heaven of Wushen was not as great as the Heaven of Wushen.

Both failed in coercion, and an inexplicable humiliation surged in my heart.

Even with the pressure of the cake, the heart felt a tremor, and it was about to hurt again. I dare not hesitate at this moment.

The sword power of the whole body burst out, and the body of the sky sword also burst out.

The **** swordsman, the famous existence, is because he is the body of the sky sword, and he is also in control of an ancient artifact, turning the ancient artifact into a mortal artifact.

After decades of refinement, this artifact has become one with him.

He is the Excalibur, and the Excalibur is him, and with the body of the Heavenly Sword, he became the first genius of the Excalibur.

The might of the Excalibur and the body of the Heavenly Sword exploded, and the bursts of space shattered.

Wushen Qizhongtian performed his killer skills, which was terrifying.


All the powerful men were astonished to watch the power and pressure of the two, as well as the sword bombardment.

The strength of these two people is too abnormal.

Only this mighty power and sword will crush any strong man here.

Thinking of Li Lingtian, a martial **** and a heavy sky, there is still a way of pressing the sword swordsman, I don't know how to describe it.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe that Li Lingtian was the opponent of the Excalibur.

But when the Excalibur exhibited the might of the Excalibur and the Body of the Heavenly Sword, all the strong men were even more shocked.

At the same time, the figure also quickly recedes. If it is slower, they will be crushed to death by the coercion of the two.

Feeling the power and pressure in the air, and the horror brought by the power of the Excalibur, he pinched a sweat for Li Lingtian. Even if Li Lingtian cultivated the sword and sword, but the Prince of Swords is recognized as the first sword of the continent. Repair genius.

Now the swordsman is exhibiting his killer skills. In their hearts, Li Lingtian has only one way to go.

The Seventh Heaven of the God of War, really is not imaginable by the ordinary strong man, the strong man of the Sword Master is definitely not comparable to the ordinary sword repair.

"Remember, this son is not something that ants like you can provoke."

"On this marvelous continent, only the principal son would submit to others, and no one could provoke the principal."

"You are Jianxiu, cultivate a little sword and sword, thinking that you can defeat your son? Whimsical!"

Excalibur face

With a faint smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one can resist the power of his own Divine Sword, even the Wushen Yaejeon may not be able to resist his Divine Sword, let alone a Wushen .

When speaking, the tone is extremely arrogant, and the strongest in the world is not seen in the eyes at all.

When looking at Li Lingtian, it was like looking at a dying ant.

"Ignorant, you are so pitiful in front of this seat."

"Actually, you don't even have the qualification to be pityed by this seat. You dare to be arrogant about this skill. This seat will only be ashamed of your ignorance."

"This seat doesn't dare to say that the world is the first, let alone you, remember, don't be crazy after a while, because you can only feel inferior, you are nothing in front of this seat."

Li Lingtian looked at the Excalibur, and his face was disdainful.

It used to be that the swordsman was a character, but now it seems that it is basically a arrogant guy, and it is still a pitiful kind.

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