War God Supreme

Chapter 1035: Shenfeng Palace


The sudden change, Li Lingtian was also unguarded, and the overwhelming pressure came from the bombardment.

Suddenly, the defense of the True Dragon's Qi subconsciously resisted. In the Divine Phoenix Palace, under the coercion of the True Dragon's Qi and the Phoenix Statue, a destructive explosion erupted.

Li Lingtian was shocked when she saw such a situation.

It was more of a wry smile. I didn’t expect this Shenfeng Palace to be so miraculous. Such a situation would happen under the fluctuation of my mood.



When the figure was struck by coercion, Li Lingtian came to Liu Yiyi by the power of retreat.

Powerful coercion was put on display, protecting Liu Yiyi.

Suddenly, the true dragon spirit and the coercion of the Phoenix family bombarded him, and Li Lingtian also displayed the power of the world and the power of the gods. In this way, it will not be crushed by coercion.

"The phoenix is ​​flying, the **** is phoenix."

"Tianfeng is born, the wisdom of Divine Phoenix!"

At this moment, a noble golden light erupted above the Phoenix statue.

When the golden light appeared, an oracle-like voice sounded, with the voice of terrifying pressure.

The shocking coercion crushed Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi mercilessly.

Liu Yiyi was better, protected by Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian was under the pressure of coercion.

Even if he controlled the prestige of heaven and earth, divine prestige, as well as the heavenly demon domain and the real dragon bodyguard, these means against the sky, but now in front of this coercion issued by the Phoenix statue, it is totally worthless to mention.

The blood on the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, and his face was pale and weak.

Fortunately, after a simple sentence fell, the coercion gradually weakened.

At the same time, the phoenix statue began to shatter.

I don't know what the Phoenix statue was made of, but now there are countless cracks on the statue. When the cracks appeared, they began to break apart.

When shattered, the shattered crack gave off a mysterious light, which was dazzling.

The speed of fragmentation and destruction was extremely fast, beyond Li Lingtian's imagination, and did not expect the Phoenix statue to fragment at this time.

Just when the two people reacted, the Phoenix statue had completely disappeared, and a slap-sized colorful Phoenix sculpture appeared floating in the air.

The colorful phoenix is ​​almost crystal clear, but it has a colorful light on it.

The carving is lifelike, like a phoenix trying to spread its wings.


"Click, click."


"Boom, boom, boom."


Shenfeng Palace, at this time, is constantly destroyed.

The entire palace is constantly collapsing as if it is about to disappear.

Moreover, the stone gate of the palace was destroyed. This situation shocked both Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi.

I was originally excited to look at the carvings of the colorful Phoenix, but Wan Wan didn't expect the Shenfeng Palace to be destroyed instantly.

The ground is also constantly cracking and sinking continuously.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian could no longer care about anything. He grabbed the colorful phoenix sculpture in his hand with one hand and grabbed Liu Yiyi. The two quickly fell down.

It was like falling into eighteen layers of purgatory, the palace was destroyed, and countless megaliths fell like rain.

At this moment, even with powerful means, there is no way to face such a situation. You can only let the body fall, and a light shield appears in the defense. The light shield protects the two.

But the boulder was bombarded like a storm, and the defensive light shield continued to tremble.

The two continued to fall and were continuously bombarded by boulders, not knowing where to fall or when they could stop.




Deep in the sea of ​​Qingwuhai, there is a mountain as high as 10,000 meters. The ancient wind stands in the center of the sea, just like the link between the sky and the sea.

Very few people originally came here, because here, there is a Venerable Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

The entire mountain peak is inhabited by him alone, and the Venerable God of Warrior Jiuzhongtian, even in Shenzhou, is also the most powerful warrior.

Therefore, even if the strong man hunts in the sea, he dare not be close to this mountain within a thousand miles.

But I didn't expect four powerful figures to come this day. The four figures cut through the air and finally floated in front of the mountain.

"Lao Qingxiao, old friends are here, don't you come to meet them?"

Four figures were suspended in the air, and one of the old men in black and white hair shouted loudly.

The sound was like thunder, which stirred up the waves.

The terrifying waves rise up like the end of the world.

"Qingqie, are you still dead?"

A dull voice came from the mountain peak. After this voice appeared, the terrifying waves disappeared.

At the same time, the overwhelming bombardment bombardment came and bombarded the four figures directly.

Before they met, the war had already appeared. Obviously, there was no end to death between the two.

"Qingxiao old monster, Master left this Qingwu Peak, not for you alone."

"What's the use of guarding this lonely mountain, you might as well leave it to me to manage it."

"Five hundred years ago, if you didn't kill me, you were doomed to your destiny today."

The black-haired and white-haired old man, known as the extinction, showed a crazy look on his face, and the pressure of the whole body also pressed hard over the past.

Suddenly the sea area exploded, and the terrifying waves appeared again.



The terrifying pressure crushes, the space is torn, and the sky and sea tremble.

The four figures were suspended in the air steadily, with cold and delicate flashes in their eyes.

"Wushen Jiuzhongtian, you have also reached Wushen Jiuzhongtian."

"To come with a helper today, don't you think that this way of defeating the poor?"

"Qingwu Peak falls into your hands, and the destruction of the Cangnan region is undoubted."

Qingxiao in the mountain felt the coercion of annihilation, and also found the meditation of annihilation as the realm, which reached the realm of Wushen Nineth Heaven Sovereign.

His Holiness was bombarded with pressure, and the sky and sea seemed to be destroyed instantly.

"Qingxiao, you should know them."

"All are your good brothers and brothers, Brother Qingzhen, Brother Qingyu and Brother Qingshui."

"Qingwu Peak is not yours alone, we have already negotiated, and Qingwu Peak is managed by us."

"Brother Qingzhen, Brother Sapphire and Brother Qingshui, let's do it. Qingxiao can't easily agree with us, kill him, we will enter Jiuzhong Mountain."

The pressure of Qingzhi's whole body kept resisting the pressure of Qingxiao, and he was also the **** of the nine gods, but Qingxiao was much stronger than him.

The body was shaking steadily as the pressure struck.

While resisting Qing Xiao's coercion, he shouted to the three fellows around him.

"Okay, let's do it together."

Qingzhen nodded and glanced at the other two brothers.

Suddenly, the three men exerted coercion at the same time, assisting Qingni to attack Qingxiao together.

The four voices that came out, Qingwu Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, Qingzhen Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, Qingshui and Qingyu are both Wushen Yazhong Tian.


The four joined forces, and the power was shocking. Suddenly, the terrible coercion directly overwhelmed the past.

The sky was torn, and the mountain peaks were shaking.

The coercion prevailed, and the four continued to bombard them with fierce attacks.


In the mountain peak, Qing Xiao's spurting blood sounded.

At the same time, a figure flew out, and the figure flew away as the afterimage flew toward the sky and sea.

Obviously, this figure has a strong momentum, but the body is injured and the breath is unstable.

"Qing Xiao escaped."

"What shall we do now?"

Qingshui saw the figure flying away, recognized the figure's owner, and seeing such a situation, quickly asked the three brothers.

At the same time, all four stopped the attack and the look on their faces changed.

"Qing Xiao knows that it is not the opponent of the four of us. If you stay, you will only fall."

"He escaped, and he must find someone else."

"We don't care about him anymore. His body style is the most powerful. We can't catch up. Now we hurried into the Jiuzhong Mountain, and the rest don't care."

"Otherwise you will get nothing."

Qing Mei groaned for a moment, and he knew the same thing as himself.

If you want to catch up with Qingxiao, it is simply delusion.

Immediately, he decided that he could only enter the Kokonoe Mountain first, and when the others arrived, they already had what they needed.

"Okay, go."

Qing Zhen also nodded, and the four of them flew away toward the mountain.

Entering the mountain peak, come directly to an altar above the mountain, a magical altar, a mysterious breath radiates from the altar, which makes people feel trembling.

A moment later, a beam of devastating light radiated from Qingwu Peak,

The Qingwuhai, which is hundreds of millions of miles in size, trembles, and countless powerful hunters have also discovered the changes in the sea area. They are all looking at the depths of the Qingwuhai in shock.

This tremendous beam of light, with the pressure of destruction, spreads over thousands of miles.

At the same time, the entire sky and sea of ​​the blue mist became blood red, and it looked terrible.

After the shocking light beam appeared, the four extinct people also entered the light beam, and then disappeared.

The countless powerful men who hunted above Qingwuhai looked at this situation and were shocked.

"No good, something bad is about to happen."

"This is a sign, a bad sign."

"I don't know who caused this sign of destruction."

"The Cangnan Tribulation is about to come~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hurry away from the sea, otherwise what will happen."


Suddenly, the powerful men who hunted above the Qingwu Sea were horrified and quickly flew towards the edge of the sea.

A beam of light of full size, directly into Jiuxiao, the forces and cities around the entire Qingwu Sea, the strong and the warriors saw this situation.

The beam of light lasted a full minute of effort, and finally he laughed and died.

After the beam of light disappeared, Qingwu Peak was also destroyed in half, but it left a dark crack, a few miles in size, which exuded a mysterious atmosphere, just like a monster that was eaten by people.

At the same time, the mysterious breath continually emanates, and the breath slowly permeates the misty sea.

The strong men above the Qingwu Sea are all fleeing toward the edge of the sea and return to the coast. They pass the Qingwu Peak's affairs. For a while, the Qingwu Peak's things spread more and more widely. . ()

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