War God Supreme

Chapter 1037: Qingyangzong

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☞Chapter 1039 Qingyang Sect

  Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi both rubbed their eyes.

  After seeing the other person's appearance, he also understood that everything in front of him was real.

"What does it mean?"

  Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian and asked curiously, Li Lingtian was the most aware of these.

  She didn't know the meaning of just twenty words, so she asked Li Lingtian.

   "Probably means that this place is called Kokonoe Mountain."

   "Kokonoe Mountain, each mountain is a world, a world, describing the vast expanse of this place."

   "If you want to reach Kokonoe Mountain, it is not so simple at all, so the road ahead of us is very long, let's go."

  Li Lingtian pondered a little, analyzed more than twenty words, and then spoke slowly.

   Then, Liu Yiyi walked up the ancient road.

   The ancient road was only one meter wide. After walking a few miles, the two found that there were more than a dozen roads ahead. Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi felt stunned.

  When encountering such a thing, the most difficult choice is the way. If you choose the wrong way, you will often encounter horrible things and even disappear.

   Then, the two pondered, Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, the **** array and the heaven and earth roulette sacrifice came out, after studying for a while, he chose an ancient road and flew directly towards the front.


   Qingyangzong, the sky blue sea, is known as the largest force in the Cangnan region.

   and the demon capitals of the Canyon Valley and Tianmen and the Demon Race, known as the four super powers, overwhelm the Cangnan region.

   Even if it is a big force like Shenxi Jiange, compared with the four super powers, it is completely different from the cloud, and the two are not at the same level.

   This day, a figure came across the border.

   came to Qingyangzong and fell down, the spitting blood came out.

   I saw that the person's face was pale and very old, with blood on the corners of his mouth.

   "The deity Qingxiao, Brother Xiyang quickly came out to see the deity."

   It turned out that this old man was Qing Xiao, who had just escaped from Qingwu Peak in Qingwu Sea and came to Qingyang Sect.

  Just after falling down, Qingyang Sect came to the patrolling Wudi strongmen.

   "Senior Qingxiao, why are you hurt so badly?"

   "If you please go to Qingyang Palace, I will immediately report to the teacher."

  Minghui is a genius of Wu Emperor's Seventh Heaven, and in Qingyang Sect, it is also an extraordinary genius.

   naturally knows that the strongest person of Qingyang Sect is Sanyang Zhenren. Qingyang Sect is also proud of Sanyang Reality, because Sanyang Reality is known as the first strongest person in Cangnan Region.

   is also one of the Four Great Venerables. In front of him, this person dared to call Sanyang Real Man a brother, and immediately thought of Venerable Qingxiao in the Qingwu Sea.

   Even Venerables such as Qing Xiao were injured like this, there must be something important, or they would not come to Qingyang Sect.

  After finishing the speech, he personally helped Qing Xiao fly towards Qingyang Palace, and a powerful Emperor of Wu Emperor went to report and teach.

  Qing Xiao and Ming Hui just came to Qingyang Palace, and within a moment, a priest dressed up as a priest came to the palace.

   "Brother Qingxiao, what's going on?"

   Sanyang Zhenren waved the dust in his hand, a mysterious and powerful breath covered Qing Xiao, and the peaceful Zhenyuan stabilized Qing Xiao's injury a little.

   Seeing Qingxiao, the expression of Sanyang real man's face was puzzled.

   "Brother Sanyang, quickly notify the old monster of Canyang and the concentric big devil, and the real person of Longyang, Qingwuhai has an accident."

  After Qing Xiao took a breath, he quickly said to Sanyang, who was very anxious when speaking.

  It can be seen how serious the situation is, and Sanyang Zhenren also feels that something big happened.

   "What happened to Qingwuhai?"

   "Could it be Kokonoe Mountain?"

   "Who entered the Jiuzhong Mountain in the end, depending on your cultivation behavior, it is impossible for Cangnan Yu to injure you."

  Sanyang real person stood up, and the look on his face changed.

   Qingwuhai accident, even if Qing Xiao did not say, he guessed what, because this secret is only known to the four super powers.

   The outsiders didn't even know it, and Qing Xiao was the venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, even if he was known as the first strongest person in Cangnan domain, but he might not be able to injure Qing Xiao.

   Now that Qing Xiao has escaped with such serious injuries, there must be some unbelievable strong.

   "Yes, Brother Sanyang guessed pretty well, someone entered the Jiuzhong Mountain."

   "People who enter Jiuzhongshan are the traitors of the traitors, Qingmei, Qingzhen and Qingyuqingshui. Four of them, two of them reach the Wushen Jiuzhong Heavenly Venerable, two of them are the Wushen Yaezhong Peak Great Consummation."

   "I was wounded. I had no choice but to escape and report first. I hope Brother Sanyang will preside over it and don't let a few traitors succeed."

   "Otherwise, I will be in chaos in the Cangnan region. After letting a few of them make trouble in the Jiuzhong Mountain, the Cangnan region will be in chaos and even affect the entire Shenzhou."

  The expression on Qing Xiao's face was anxious. He guarded Qingwu Peak, but he didn't expect that several traitor brothers had done such a thing.

   He is the most aware of what will happen after Qingwufeng is contested.

"it is good."

   "Brother Qingxiao, you are treating me in Qingyangzong."

   "I'm going to inform the old monster of Canyang and Brother Longyang that the concentric big devil is naturally indispensable."

  Sanyang real person did not hesitate at all, and now such a thing has happened, naturally it cannot be delayed.

   As the four superpowers, dominating one side, they are not worried about opponents attacking their ancestors, but worrying about the catastrophe in the Cangnan region. If they encounter natural disasters, even the four superpowers cannot resist.

"Do not."

   "Brother Sanyang, take the sword of Qingyang, let the old monster of Canyang and the real person of Longyang bring the treasure, try to kill the four people of Qingqing, and they will open the Jiuzhong Mountain."

   "I was responsible for guarding Qingwu Peak, and staying here to heal can not be relieved."

   "I will go back to Qingwu Peak first to prevent other strong men from entering it, and entering it will just die in vain."

   The expression on Qing Xiao's face was resolute, something happened in the place he was guarding, and it was caused by several of his traitor teachers. If he healed here, he would not be at ease.

   "Well, you go back to Qingwu Peak first."

   "By the way, I asked Brother Lin Yang to go with you. You two guard Qingwu Peak. I believe no one dares to enter it easily."

   "I immediately inform Brother Longyang and the old monster of Canyang, the big concentric head, and try not to make him too strong. After all, the place like Jiuzhongshan is not a good place."

  After Sanyang real man finished speaking, he subpoenaed him to let his brother Lin Yang come to Qingyang Palace.

   Then he opened Tiansoudi in Qingyang Palace to listen to the other Xeons.

   Qing Xiao and Lin Yang quickly left Qingyang Palace and returned to Qingwu Peak.

   The four seas of the Canghai, countless cities and great forces, some top strongmen, all knew that Qingwu Peak had an accident.

   Some Wushen super powerhouses rushed to Qingwu Peak.

   For a short time, Qingwuhai was extremely lively, and Qingwu Peak was gathered by countless strong people.

   I saw that Qingwu Peak had destroyed a large part of the solitary peak that was originally 10,000 meters high, but now only five kilometers high.

   Above the top of the mountain, there is a large dark hole. The hole is now only about a mile in size, but there is a terrifying breath inside, which makes people feel trembling.

   Moreover, inside this hole, from time to time, there is a mysterious breath halo flashing, looks magical.

   But in the eyes of all the martial arts strongmen, this hole is like a monster eaten by others.

   However, the more this is, the more curious people think that there is a powerful treasure inside, because this Qingwu Peak was originally 10,000 meters, and now only half of the height, there must be some treasure that made it like this.

   "Could there be any treasure to appear?"

   "Impossible, looking at the situation here, it should be a passage to a certain place."

   "But the following looks too scary, I believe that even the God of War will not be able to pass."

   "In this cave, there is strong coercion, and there is mysterious gang wind and aura of destruction. I haven't reached the five gods of Wushen. I believe I can't go in."

   "You don't go in, the deity has gone in advance."

   "I also go to see."

   "I heard that the following is leading to a place called Jiuzhong Mountain, and the deity also went to see it."

   "It also counts as the next copy."


   Above Qingwu Peak, countless strong men looked at the dark hole above Qingwu Peak.

   Inside the dark hole exudes a mysterious breath, as well as endless wind and destruction.

   Seeing the situation here, some martial arts strong men feared.

  However, there are a few martial arts strongmen of the six or seven heavens flying down and disappearing into the breath of destruction.

  In one moment, the martial arts gods who entered the six or seven heavy heavens reached twenty or so, and there were two martial gods eight heavy heavens.

  Time is also a day in the past, and there are more and more powerful people entering it.

   But those who entered it were all strong men above sixfold heavens~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On this day, two figures in the air came quickly, and finally came to Qingwu Peak.

   The person who came was Qing Xiao, and there was a strong man of Wushen Yae heaven.

   After they landed, they constantly looked at the hole.

   "Hey, sin."

   "Brother Lin Yang, you and I, try not to let other people enter."

  Qing Xiao sighed, then said to Lin Yang.

   "Okay, Brother Qingxiao, take a good breath adjustment and watch first. If there is any problem, Brother I will call you again."

   Lin Yang nodded, then the two came to both sides of the cave entrance, and they each guarded one side.

   "My Excellency, no one is allowed in this place."

   "Even if you go in, you are still dead, and I forgive you all."

   When Qing Xiao sat down, his eyes turned to all the powerful people in the air.

   The expression on his face was extremely serious, and the spirit of Wuzhong Jiutian in the whole body was emitted.

  Although he was injured, the cultivation of Wushen Jiuzhongtian was placed here for the realm. All the strong men felt a trembling in their hearts, and did not expect that there was a Venerable in front of them.

   The strong guys present are all below Wushen Sixth Heaven, so they will not enter it.

   So no one objected to Qing Xiao's words, but looked at the hole curiously.

   "Does this place have to be monopolized?"

   "I want to join in the excitement, let's take a look."

   A faint voice sounded, when the voice appeared, a figure also appeared in front of the Qingwu Peak, a powerful momentum stirred the air, the air twisted in front of this momentum.

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