War God Supreme

Chapter 1040: Realize the realm of fire

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☞Chapter 1042 Realizing the Realm of Fire

  Because, he found that the inflammation is generally limited.

   had just fought against him, as if he had encountered some horrible suppression, or such a thing would not appear in the face of a decisive victory.

   At the same time, Li Lingtian was also shocked. If there were some restrictions here, his sword field was definitely not an opponent in the field of fire, and he would have suffered more serious injuries.



  The roaring fierce beast kept roaring, and the huge body was constantly suppressed.

  At the same time, the fiery beast is struggling fiercely, as if trying to break away from a certain restriction.

   Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian no longer hesitated.

   The consciousness moved, the heavenly roulette appeared in front of him, and the dictation came out, and a sword of light and shadow was suspended in front of him.

   Suddenly the sea of ​​fire disappeared, a mysterious and simple atmosphere appeared between heaven and earth, and this atmosphere also carried supreme majesty.

   "The sword of heaven."

  Li Lingtian sipped, the sword of heaven condensed all the simple atmosphere and supreme majesty, and finally the sword of heaven heaven bombarded fiercely towards the flames.

   Yan Zhi also felt the horror of the sword of heaven, but was controlled by the mysterious restrictions, and there was no chance to resist it.



   There was a shocking explosion, and the sword of the heavens bombarded Yan Yan, then Yan Zhi shuddered, and the entire huge body was divided into two halves.

  The sword of heaven and earth fell to the ground, and the world and heaven were calm.

   The fierce beasts are scorching away, and a dreadful demon power is continuously emitted, filling the space.

   The breath of flame gradually disappeared, and the air became normal.

   It was at this time that Li Lingtian discovered a mysterious breath flying towards the void, and this breath was weakening rapidly.


   Seeing this breath, Li Lingtian was excited, but the moment of excitement, the delay time made the breath of the group weakened by half.

  Don't hesitate anymore, and with a cold drink, one-handed decision-making will be displayed.

   immediately flew to the air of the air, imprisoned, Li Lingtian's body flashed, difficult to walk through the force of oppression, came to the front of the air.

   The powerful law decided to hold this group of breaths. Looking at this group of breaths, Li Lingtian's eyes flashed with excitement.

   "It's the realm of fire."

   "Haha, haha."

   "The realm of fire!"

  Li Lingtian looked at the field of fire, and other things could not be taken care of.

   A sense of consciousness quickly sensed the realm of fire.

   This group of fiery red breath is extremely pure, as if it is a primal spirit of the strongest.

   He has a broad knowledge, and naturally recognized at a glance that this fiery aura is the realm of hot fire. Although the realm of fire is not so powerful and stable, it is the real realm of fire.

   Reaching the realm of martial arts like him, as long as there is a hint of enlightenment and introduction, you can realize the terrifying talent.

   Often this hint of sentiment and introduction can't be encountered in a lifetime.

   did not expect to encounter the fiery beast in the field of fire this time.

  Liu Yiyi saw Li Lingtian get the breath of the realm of fire, knowing that Li Lingtian wanted to realize the realm of fire at this time, she must protect Li Lingtian.

   Immediately, waving with one hand across the air, the messy atmosphere of the space stabilized.

   Then the consciousness will monitor the surroundings. If there is any danger, it will be resolved for Li Lingtian immediately.

   Fortunately, there is a cliff in this place, and there are no other powerful monsters and enemies. In this way, there is no one to disturb Li Lingtian's realm of fire.

  Liu Yiyi also slowly recovered from her injury, waiting for Li Lingtian to realize the realm of fire.

  Li Lingtian looked at the fiery red breath in the realm of fire, and his consciousness was connected with the breath.

   The whole person entered a misty and magical world of fire.

  In the world of fire, everything is destruction and erosion, as well as terrible destruction.

  Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, realizing the true meaning of this field of fire.

   He is a five-element sacred body and a flame sacred body. He also practiced the five-element Taoist concept and made the five-element great consummation.

   Now it's much easier to feel the breath of this realm of fire.

  However, what he didn't think of was that this time, his feelings had gone beyond a month.

   A month later, Li Lingtian opened his eyes, his eyes were plain.

   But at this moment, a flame flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes.

   Suddenly, the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly increased sharply, and the world seemed to be burned.

   The whole person has also become a blazing world. All this is like the world of fire that began to show off.

   "The realm of fire is indeed powerful."

   "However, unfortunately I only got one-third of the fire area, and the fire area is only a talent."

   "I don't have any real control of the realm of fire at all. Unless I reach Wushen Nine Heavens, I will fully cultivate the realm of fire, and at that time, I will be in the world."

  Li Lingtian said lightly.

The look on   's face was dull, and he got the realm of blazing fire, and his cultivation practice was indeed much stronger.

   However, the realm of the hot fire is only a gift, and it has not reached the power of the real fire field, let alone only get one third of the realm of fire.

   If Yan Zhi really controls the realm of fire, there is no mysterious limitation here, and Li Lingtian is not an opponent in the realm of fire.

   The power of real fire is definitely not that simple.

  However, even if you don't control the real field of fire, but get a trace of introduction, it is enough, as long as you practice every day, every day, you can control the field of fire.

   Now, the realm of fire has gotten some, which is more helpful to his own flame body and the way of fire.

   "Little Brother, congratulations, you got the realm of fire."

  Liu Yiyi's injury has been cured for a long time, and has been protecting Li Lingtian here.

   Seeing that Li Lingtian woke up in the realm of fire, she was also happy. The higher Li Lingtian's cultivation level, the more happy she was.

   This month, she did not leave Li Lingtian one step.

   This place does not seem to be dangerous, but there are hidden unknown threats. Li Lingtian wants to understand the realm of fire, and naturally cannot be distracted.

   And this kind of thing can not be delayed, if you miss this opportunity, you will not encounter the next time.

   The breath of the realm of fire is simply impossible to preserve.

   "I just realized a trace of the realm of fire, far from the real realm of fire."

   "Go, let's find a place to rest first."

  Li Lingtian looked around, where he was, where he was still fighting.

   This place has been destroyed for a hundred miles, but the rich fairy spirit has gradually restored the breath here. I believe that it will not be long before this place will return to its previous state again.

"it is good."

   Liu Yiyi nodded and flew away with Li Lingtian.

   During this period, Li Lingtian's injury recovered and Liu Yiyi's injury recovered.

  Not only that, but the cultivation of the two also improved a lot. If you practice regularly in this place, there is the power of the spirit of fairy spirit.

   Next, Li Lingtian continued to fly upwards.

   flew for several days, the two entered a palace area.

   The palace stretches for hundreds of miles. Although not connected together, each palace pavilion is not far away.

  The spirit of fairy spirits is amazed, and the palace pavilion here is like a nine-day shrine.

   looked at the endless palace, Li Lingtian was horrified.

   did not expect that there are so many palaces in this place, and the palaces here are all built with mysterious white jade.

   Only a few palaces are made of ordinary trees.

  Every palace is extremely majestic, with a strong atmosphere, there is a kind of majesty that is not easy to commit.

   "Let's take a break here first."

  Li Lingtian looked at the palace here, there was no movement at all, and there was no sign of it.

   But even so, this place is still bird-scented and spotless.

   "Okay, just take a break here."

   Liu Yiyi nodded, and the two walked towards the palace.



  Nine-level mountains are expansive, and I do not know how high the mountains are.

   This mountain is completely a huge world. I don't know how big the world is.

   Quiet hills are filled with birds and flowers, and even if millions of people enter here, they will not be able to find any movement.

   The originally quiet space was broken by several sounds of breaking the sky.

   I saw three martial arts strongmen landed, all with a trace of excitement on their faces.

   "Your Excellency Sun Mingyu, wouldn't you say that the void of heaven is here?"

The three figures are all Wushen strong, and they are two Wushen Qizhongtian and one Yaejeong~www.wuxiaspot.com~The talking Wushen Qiangtian is called You Zhicheng, Wushen Yazhongtian, when he speaks, he looks into it Seventh Heaven of a God of War.

   I saw the seven gods of Wushen, known as Sun Mingyu, holding a piece of animal skin drawing in his hand, while looking at the route above the drawing, while looking at the position in front of him.

   "Yes, there is a total of four golden pages in the sky and the sky, this one should be here."

   "When the time comes, we will gather four golden pages of heaven and vanity and fuse the four golden pages, and then we will work together to study the above exercises."

   "Brother Yu, what do you think?"

  Sun Mingyu looked at the palace in front of him, and the expression on his face became excited, because there was such a palace on the drawing.

  The grand ceremony of the annihilation of heaven, the legend lies in this.

  Although there is only a quarter of the golden pages of Heaven and Desolation in this palace, only the golden pages of other places can be found, and they can be merged together.

   "I don't care, mainly because some time ago, Sapphire and they had already come in."

"We are able to enter here, and they opened the entrance of Qingwu Peak. They are all amazing guys. Although we have secrets after entering, we don't need to disperse, but we met one of them, and there was no chance of winning. Must work together."

  You Zhicheng did not have the slightest arrogance on his face, even if his Wushen Yaetian was in front of the two Seventh Heavens, there was no slightest display.

  Because he knew that Sapphire had come in, if he met one of them, he was not an opponent, and now he had to unite, at least wait for someone with a pad to stop him.

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