War God Supreme

Chapter 1042: The strong come

Before casting the decision, the formation and composition of the mask were clearly observed.

Otherwise, don't dare to rush into the formation.

Array Master, if you want to crack a formation, the first thing is to understand the origin and composition of the formation.

And the power of this formation, and the absolute understanding of this formation.

Even, if you can break this formation, there is more than one chance to cast such a formation.



The bursts of decree continued to shoot down on the Divine Array, and the golden light on the Divine Array was getting dazzling.

Moreover, there were lines in the Divine Array, which seemed mysterious.

Liu Yiyi looked seriously on the side, with happiness in his eyes, and gradually the whole person froze.

In her eyes, nothing can stump Li Lingtian.


I don't know how long it has passed, Li Lingtian doesn't know how many decisions were cast.

At this time, Li Lingtian spoke, and after a sip, he showed off the final decision.

Suddenly, the dazzling golden light pressed towards the mask.

At the same time, a mysterious radiance on the heavenly roulette was suppressed, and the mysterious radiance and golden light merged together.

The fusion of brilliance and light, with a mysterious atmosphere of heaven and earth, this atmosphere is like the heaven's prestige in heaven.


With a clatter, the mask was melted.

Just like the spring sun, winter and snow, the disappearance of the mask exudes a simple atmosphere in the mask.

This breath, Li Lingtian was surprised for a while, because this breath is somewhat similar to Shenfeng Jade, but there are some differences between the two.

But immediately, Li Lingtian discovered.

Mysterious and simple bronze scroll, the atmosphere above is similar to that of the Great Void God.



The space of the palace became a little trance, giving people an unreal feeling.

On the bronze scroll, there is a faint light.

"not good."

At this time, Li Lingtian felt a potential threat. This feeling was the subconscious potential of a strong man, as if he could predict something.

When I felt that something was going to happen, I exclaimed.

Just when exclaimed, the figure flashed, grabbed Liu Yiyi to levitate, and the bronze scroll on the steps gave a dazzling light.

When the light appeared, the palace seemed to disappear.

This feeling is somewhat similar to teleportation.


"Boom, boom."

Bursts of noise appeared, the space of the palace broke, and the whole space was like broken glass.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi worked out the magic of the Great Void.

At the same time, the space pennant also appeared in the hands of Li Lingtian, and the Tiandao roulette appeared again on the head, and a series of laws and regulations were displayed.

However, no matter how he used his methods, the space was still fragmented.


A terrifying power of attraction appeared out of thin air, sweeping Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi in.

Without the slightest resistance, both of them entered the strange channel of power. In the face of this channel of power, Li Lingtian Wushen Chongtian had no resistance at all.

However, just when Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi disappeared in the palace.

Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and the bronze scroll above the steps was caught and fell into Li Lingtian's hands.

In an instant, the two disappeared in the palace and entered a strange channel of power.





The bursts of bangs kept ringing.

You Zhicheng, Zhao Yu, and Sun Mingyu bombarded the gate of a palace.

All three are super powers of the God of War, but they are blocked by the gate of a palace.

I saw the three characters of Jizi Pavilion on the palace.

"Brother You, Brother Zhao."

"The three of us shot together and broke the gate of the palace, and the sky was gone."

Sun Mingyu stopped and shouted to the two on the side.

The gate of this palace looks simple, but never imagined that it was so strong.

It took three people a long time to find the entrance of this palace, but they couldn't imagine that it was so difficult to enter.

"it is good."

"it is good."

You Zhicheng and Zhao Yu nodded and answered.

"Sky Fist."

"The power of the Valkyrie."

"Broken shuttle!"

Suddenly, all three were drinking lightly, and the destruction power of Wushen's Seventh Heaven and Eighth Heaven broke out.

Three devastating attacks bombarded the temple door fiercely.



With a loud explosion, the door of the hall burst into cracks.

However, the hall door was not destroyed, but a crack appeared.

The crack is one and a half meters in size. After this crack appeared, it was just in a blink of an eye.


Two sounds of breaking the sky sounded. After the sound of breaking the sky disappeared, the hall door was closed.

Outside the hall door, only You Zhicheng stayed outside.

Both Zhao Yu and Sun Mingyu entered the hall gate. This situation changed the look on You Zhicheng's face.

He did not expect that the temple gate was so strong that it could not be broken under such an attack, nor did Zhao Yu and Sun Mingyu react so quickly.


Looking at the closed temple door, You Zhicheng became furious and bombarded the ground with a punch.

But what I didn't expect was that the ground trembled a little, and the hall door slowly opened.


You Zhicheng was also blinded by the situation in front of her.

Such a thing can also be encountered, which really makes him feel a bitter smile.

He naturally knew that he had touched the organ of the hall door, which easily opened the hall door.

The hall door opened slowly, and You Zhicheng entered the hall.

"Brother You."

"Brother You, how did you come in?"

Zhao Yu and Sun Mingyu were surprised when they saw the hall door open.

They naturally knew the strength of this temple door, but they did not expect You Zhicheng to have a way to open it.

There was a slight suspicion in both of them. You Zhicheng had a way to open the hall door.

"The organ of the temple door was touched underneath."

You Zhicheng said faintly. While talking, her eyes kept looking at the hall.

The hall is very large and the inside is extremely luxurious.

His eyes finally fell to the center of the hall, and a step appeared in the center of the hall.

At the same time, the mysterious light fell on the top of the hall, and the dazzling light radiated from the steps. The light and the mysterious light touched together.

A mask appeared, and gradually, the brightness and light disappeared, leaving the mask above the steps.

Zhao Yu and Sun Mingyu also looked at the mask, and the three people's eyes showed excitement.

But at the moment of excitement, the look on his face also became ugly, because he encountered the formation and prohibition again.

The strong man is more powerful, but in front of the formation and prohibition, there is no way out. It is simply that the dog bites the hedgehog.

"This is the golden page of the sky and the sky?"

You Zhicheng looked at the scroll inside the reticle and asked, her eyes never left the reticle.

"Yes, this is the scroll of heaven and void, but only after the four scrolls are brought together can we see the true heaven and void."

"Let's find a way to get rid of this mask."

Sun Mingyu said seriously, the expression on his face changed several times.

"Okay, only a forced attack."

You Zhicheng glanced at the mask several times, and finally nodded.

This mask is a mysterious formation. The three of them won't be in formation. The only way to get rid of this mask is to force attack.

"No, if we forcibly attack the formation, we will all disappear when we encounter a rebound, and everything in the formation will also disappear."

"This method is not advisable, think of another method."

Zhao Yu shook his head. This formation was not a hall gate, and there was no obvious formation.

But this mask is even more dangerous than the temple door. If this mask is destroyed, the scroll inside the mask will be destroyed when they explode, and they will also be destroyed.

"Think of another way?"

"Someone is here, and if we delay the time, we don't want to get the sky gone."

"Even if we got this one, we still have to find the other three, so we have to be in front of others."

The look on You Zhicheng's face was cold, and her eyes were also coldly looking at Zhao Yu. The power of Wushen Yaetian exuded, and there was no such harmony.

While speaking, the consciousness keeps glancing.

The consciousness extends beyond tens of thousands of miles, and feels that there are powerful people flying from this distance, and the other party also discovered their existence.

"Someone came?"

"It's fast."

A shocked look appeared on Zhao Yu's face. When he finished speaking, the look on Sun Mingyu's face shook.

Because no one has been found yet, but within a few seconds, the other party has already appeared within the scope of his consciousness.

Between the Seventh Heaven and the Eighth Heaven of the God of War, there is a difference of one or two thousand miles between the consciousness.

In just a few kung fu, it has spanned a thousand or two thousand miles. This speed is too horrible. Even if they are the gods of war, their confidence will not reach this point.

"It's too late to break this formation."

"Brother You, Brother Sun, what do you think?"

Zhao Yu also discovered the arrival of the strong. If the three of them break the formation here, they will surely send out strong movements.

Judging by the speed of the other party~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is absolutely powerful. With this speed, it only takes a minute to come here.

"Let's try it first. Taking advantage of this time, we strive to break this mask and then leave here."

"If we wait for the strong man to arrive, our chances will be much smaller."

Sun Mingyu said, his face unwilling.

It took him a lot of effort to get the news of the silence of heaven. If he just gave up in this way, he was really unwilling.

And the emptiness of heaven is in front of my own eyes.

"Let's wait for a while to see the strength of the other party, then the three of us will join forces."

You Zhicheng pondered for a while, and quickly stopped Sun Mingyu. If you forcibly attacked, it would definitely destroy the contents, and three of you might be injured.



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