War God Supreme

Chapter 1045: Scroll 2


"Silk, silk!"

"Oh, ah!"

Bursts of subtle sounds emanated from the mask, and the golden light on the God array in front of Li Lingtian was more and more dazzling.

Li Lingtian was playing a dharma decision in his hand, but secretly prepared in his heart, as long as the photomask was removed, he left the hall with the scroll.

However, the other sapphires and Zhao Yu were all top fighters of Wushen Qishoutian. They were extremely cunning and seemed to care nothing.


As time passed, Li Lingtian's decision was getting faster and faster.

The final decision was cast out one by one, and the Divine Array suddenly shone with a golden light, which was dazzling.

The golden light landed on the mask, and at the same time, the mysterious light above the heavenly roulette also entered the golden light.


A loud clatter sounded and the mask was finally broken.

At the moment when the mask was broken, the reaction of the four Wushen Powerhouses reached the extreme, and four powerful forces grabbed the reel. This speed was faster than that of Li Lingtian.


Four powerful forces collided fiercely together, and suddenly there was great energy flying inside the hall.

Sapphire, Zhao Yu and others all stepped back, the look on their faces was extremely ugly.

Li Lingtian's body flashed and the strange disappearance disappeared. At the same time, the scroll above the steps disappeared.


Seeing the scroll above the steps disappeared, Sapphire and Zhao Yu all roared.

Flashing in shape, it is necessary to block the hall door.

But when the figure just flashed, the space of the hall burst strangely.

Suddenly, all four flashed in the space, avoiding the fragmentation of the space.


With a breeze, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared outside the hall door.

The figure was fleeting and saw that Li Lingtian had left the hall, and the four martial arts strongmen were extremely angry.

"court death."

At this time, Sun Mingyu's figure also became erratic, and he also left the hall door.

Just as Zhao Yu and the three were leaving the hall, the space inside the hall shook even more, and the suction of destruction pulled the three away and disappeared into the hall.

In the hall, Li Lingtian disappeared under the flash of his figure, completely disappearing in this world.

"I want to go, it's not that simple."

Sun Mingyu watched Li Lingtian disappear, and his face showed unwillingness.

The things that he had worked hard to find were taken away by an outsider. It was simply intolerable.

If he was robbed by his own companions, or sapphire, he would also like to think a little bit, after all, several people have competed with each other, and the opponents are strong players.

But now it has been robbed by a young man of Wushen Double Heaven, which cannot be tolerated.

What's more, this Wushen Double Heaven makes full use of them.

He didn't know if he and others were using Li Lingtian to get rid of the mask.

Divine Consciousness found that the three martial arts strongmen in the main hall had disappeared inexplicably, and was very happy.

The three most powerful strong men disappeared, leaving only one person, facing a martial **** double sky, getting the scroll easy.

Thinking of this, I was excited, my mind moved, and I searched for it on a large scale.

Soon it was discovered that Li Lingtian's position flashed, and Li Lingtian's position was instantly reached.

However, when I came near Li Lingtian, the whole person sank and felt something was wrong.

Because Li Lingtian came out before him. With the realm of Wushen, a teleport is a few hundred miles, but now this place is only a few hundred meters away from the temple gate, and Li Lingtian did not leave. There must be something strange between them.


A sound of breaking the sky sounded, and I saw Li Lingtian pull the previous woman away quickly.

But the space around him is imprisoned.

Suddenly realized that I was calculated, the trap in this place, the other party was ready from the beginning.


"Damn, damn!"

Sun Mingyu watched Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi disappear, but he couldn't leave here, and suddenly became furious.

The destroying Zhenyuan bombards the space here, but cannot destroy the imprisoned space here.

In the blink of an eye, Li Lingtian's figure has disappeared into the sky, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker, proving that the distance between them is getting farther and farther away.




In the formation, Sun Mingyu was constantly bombarding, and the formation was also constantly destroyed, but it was impossible to destroy all of the formations for a while.

Li Lingtian took Liu Yiyi to fly fast.

This place is a heavy mountain. Although it is a heavy mountain, it is like a world.

In this world, there is no direction at all.

The only thing that can discern the direction is that it is based on Wu Shen's feeling of space pressure.

The more you fly upward, the stronger the force of space oppression is. This is the only way to distinguish.

"This place is called Jiuzhong Mountain."

"And listening to the tone of these guys, there are a lot of strong men coming in here. It seems that the strong men coming in are all Wushen strong men who have more than five layers of heaven."

"So, to leave here is not without opportunities, the premise is to be in front of these powerful people."

After Li Lingtian flew hundreds of thousands of miles with Liu Yiyi, this was a little reassuring.

Moreover, while flying, he constantly wiped off the breath of the two of them, and did not give the strong men who came after him a chance to follow.

After leaving so far, as long as you are in the formation, you will be able to leave safely as long as you block the strong players behind.

Although that formation is powerful, it is impossible to completely trap a Wushu God's top strongman.

"We should have entered a hidden danger."

"And the place we come in is not the same as the place they came in, but the goal is the same."

"Shenfeng Palace and Shenxi Phoenix can be connected here, so there should be some secrets, this time is an opportunity."

Liu Yiyi nodded, and as long as she had the opportunity to leave here, she felt a lot relieved.

However, the strongmen who come here are super anti-natural, and it is not a simple matter to deal with these strongmen.

"Let's find a place to practice first."

Li Lingtian groaned for a moment, glancing around the consciousness.

Cultivating him for Wushen Double Heaven, his current strength of consciousness has been able to extend to 20,000 miles.

This kind of strength of consciousness, even if it is the seven or eight days of Wushen, will never compare it.

According to the strength of the Divine Consciousness of the Divine Martial Continent, the Divine Consciousness of the Divine Martial God is only ten thousand miles. For every breakthrough of the Divine Spirit, the Divine Consciousness can increase the distance of five hundred miles.

This distance is not to measure the strength of the consciousness, but the stronger the consciousness, the farther it extends.

Li Lingtian's present consciousness has reached 20,000 miles.

This is also the benefit of the purpose of his cultivation of the devoured light and the spirit of the soul, specializing in the cultivation of consciousness.

Two kinds of supernatural powers of cultivating consciousness naturally achieved his consciousness.

Afterwards, the two flew quickly, while flying, searching for super powers nearby, as well as finding a place suitable for cultivation and rest.

Finally, two hours later, the two came to a small hidden canyon.

There are cliffs on both sides of the canyon. Instead of living in the canyon, the two chose the cliffs on both sides of the canyon because there are some large and small stone caves on the cliff.

From these stone caves, a large stone cave was found.

This stone cave is five meters in size.

After entering the stone cave, Li Lingtian cast an illusion outside, concealing the opening of the cave, and then cast several defensive formations inside.

Liu Yiyi also sorted out the stone cave, which was only five meters in size, with two people inside, it seemed a little crowded.

However, the two have been together for a long time, and the relationship is very close. Naturally, they will not care about these.

Besides, the warrior settled down with the occasion, and it was commonplace to spend the night outside.

Liu Yiyi cast a law inside the stone cave, which was immediately warm, and then took out the quilt and padded it inside the stone cave.

After doing everything, the two began to meditate and practice.

Originally it was necessary to rest in the palace, but I did not expect that Liu Yiyi touched the organ and was transferred to the underground palace.

Encounter a light mask in the underground palace, use the formation method to crack the light mask to get a scroll.

After getting the scroll, without any wheezing, he was teleported to another palace.

After appearing, he met a few super powerhouses, with a dignified mind, and circulated among several martial gods.

It also took real elements to crack the array, and got the scroll to escape. In this way, the whole person's real elements were almost exhausted. More importantly, the energy was exhausted.

This practice is two days.

In two days, Kung Fu, Zhen Yuan and Sense have returned to their peak.

The energy has also recovered, and when Li Lingtian wakes up with his merits, it is still late at night.

Liu Yiyi had already finished training and fell asleep on the side.

Seeing the quiet look on Liu Yiyi's face, she still had a slight smile on her face, as if she was doing something beautiful.

The smooth skin and beautiful face make people almost dizzy.

A smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, reached out and stroked Liu Yiyi's face, and then lay down beside him.

The warrior is also a person, who is going to sleep.

Although the strong can reach a certain level without sleeping for a few days and months, but this way, I will feel a little tired~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian felt a little satisfaction in thinking that this sister had fallen asleep with confidence.

Unconsciously, the whole person fell asleep.

When he woke up, another two days passed.

When I woke up, I saw Liu Yiyi staring at him with his chin, and the whole person seemed to be fascinated. Li Lingtian woke up and she didn't react.

"Sister Yiyi."

After a long time, Li Lingtian yelled softly.

"Brother Junior, you are awake."

Liu Yiyi woke up and found that she was out of state, suddenly a little blush appeared on her small face.

The appearance is even more beautiful.



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