War God Supreme

Chapter 1050: Pterosaur Labyrinth

"Hand over your soul and soul."

"If you dare to play tricks, this seat will fulfill you."

Li Lingtian's heart moved, and this approach was not bad.

As long as the pterosaur beast surrenders one soul and one soul, he refines his soul. If the pterosaur beast wants to play tricks, he will know the first time.

In the same way, he can also kill this soul according to this soul, a thought and a consciousness.

I just didn't expect that the Pterosaur Wild Beast would surrender a soul and a soul. In this way, he undoubtedly gave his life and death and freedom to him, but I thought the other way around.

Now if it does not submit, it may be destroyed by the smoke and clouds.


On the ground, a gray breath, a delicate pterosaur beast flew out.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Li Lingtian, suspended five meters from Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the pain of pterosaur beasts appeared underground.

To split the three souls and seven souls out of one soul and one soul, this pain, even the mighty pterosaur beast, can't bear it.

This pain is not physical, but spiritual and spiritual or even conscious pain. Such pain is beyond description.

The warrior may not be afraid of suffering, but his consciousness and consciousness are afraid of suffering.

All spirits in the world are like this.

Pterosaur mad beast, in order to survive, had no choice but to break their points.

Li Lingtian watched the spirit of the Pterosaur Wild Beast coming to his face, the expression on his face was calm, and his heart turned sharply.

After pondering for a while, the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Dao Roulette appeared in front of him, and a series of magical decisions were displayed.

A moment later, the spirit of the Pterosaur Wild Beast was connected with him, and the soul was refined, and finally entered the Divine Array. At this time, Li Lingtian could destroy the Pterosaur Beast with only a divine consciousness.

After doing everything, spitting out a bite of blood again, this time, it was already unbearable.

Between one-handed swings, the gray dragon gas light cluster suspended in the air shot down towards the ground, floating on the ground.

"Come out!"

"This is a reward for you."

Li Lingtian shouted loudly, but his voice was weak.

After he finished speaking, the pterosaur beast dared to appear on the ground, looking at the light cluster in front of him, and suddenly his eyes showed excitement.

This group of dragon spirits is extremely pure. If you truly refine it, your cultivation will be greatly improved, and you may be able to break through.

It is closer to the true dragon, and to become a true dragon family is the greatest wish of all monster monster branches.

"This seat needs rest to heal."

After Li Lingtian finished his consciousness, he sacrificed the spaceship and quickly flew towards the distance. He came to Liu Yiyi and led Liu Yiyi to the distance.

The pterosaur beast followed.

"I have a place suitable for cultivation."

Watching Li Lingtian fly away with the spaceship flying, and the Pterosaur beast accelerated to catch up, he said to Li Lingtian, although the sound was rigid, Li Lingtian could understand.


Li Lingtian stopped the spacecraft. Now his injury is extremely serious. He must immediately adjust the interest rate to suppress the injury. Only when the injury is restored can he dare to walk inside Jiuzhong Mountain.

This pterosaur beast does not know how many thousand years have passed in Jiuzhong Mountain, so naturally familiar with it.

The powerful monsters have their own chassis. It must know that there are some monsters here. If he runs around and meets the monsters of the ninth level and the ninth level again, it will really be over.

"Pterodactyl maze."

The dull and blunt voice of the pterosaur beast sounded, and huge eyes looked at Li Lingtian.

"it is good."

Li Lingtian nodded, and now he and Liu Yiyi both have to rest, so naturally they don't want to run around.


The pterosaur mad beast saw Li Lingtian's promise, and suddenly his body changed strangely.

The huge body that was originally two hundred meters in size quickly transformed into a few meters in size, and became a reduced version of the pterosaur beast.

Immediately, the pterosaur beast quickly flew away into the distance.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate, and quickly drove the spaceship towards the pterosaur beast.

According to memory, this direction is not the direction from which it started, and it has to be shifted a lot, so that it can avoid encountering the strong man who chased him.

Killed a 32nd, obviously there are other strong men, at least one companion, he did not want to meet the companion of the 32nd.

In ten minutes, the Pterosaur Wild Beast took Li Lingtian and they came to a lake and stopped.

This place is a little further away from the places of the two wars. Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was also a little relieved.

When he came to the lake, the pterosaur mad beast flew into the lake.

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, and with a sense of consciousness, he put away the spaceship and led Liu Yiyi towards the lake.

Entering the lake, the turquoise water makes people addicted.

However, by virtue of their cultivation behavior, they followed closely behind the pterosaur beast.

Going down continuously, Li Lingtian probably estimated that the whole person swam down to a depth of 10,000 meters and came to the place of 10,000 meters, which is the gate of a huge palace.

Pterosaur Labyrinth

Four vigorous characters are engraved on the gate of the palace. Li Lingtian found that within a few meters of the gate of the palace, it seemed to be isolated from the above. The lake water could not enter the edge of the gate of the palace.

The pterosaur beast did not pause at all. Under the flashing figure, it came to the outside of the palace gate.

The gate of the palace opened automatically when the pterosaur beast arrived, and when it opened, the lake was not close.

Stopped in front of the gate of the palace, Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi also hurriedly came to the side of the pterosaur beast. I saw a strong demon power appeared on the pterosaur beast. The appearance of the demon power suddenly appeared in the palace door. turn on.

When the gate of the palace opened, I saw a deep passage behind the gate of the palace.

The passage does not know how deep it is, and, from behind the gate of the palace, there is a damp breath, which looks terrifying.

"This is the pterosaur maze."

Pterosaur mad beast sounded loud, huge eyes looked at Li Lingtian.

"This seat needs healing, let's talk about it first."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, and now the two of them are seriously injured. It is good to have a place to take a rest first.

Where the pterosaur beasts live, the outsiders are naturally unaware.

As long as there is no strong man to disturb, it is safer. As for this pterosaur beast, it is natural to find a way to separate it. Although this pterosaur beast gave him a soul and a soul, he was still not worried.

Immediately, the pterosaur beast first entered the palace. After entering the palace, the pterosaur beast was very familiar with this place and flew quickly inside.

After Li Lingtian went in, he quickly followed Liu Yiyi.

Shenshen looked around. This place is a hard stone wall. The passage is ten meters wide, which is similar to the last passage that entered the face of Lord Shenxi.

The only thing is that this passage is much wider than that of Lord Shenxi's face.


"Call, call."

The sound of the wind rang, the pterosaur beast led the way, and Li Lingtian dragged Liu Yiyi to follow.

Both of them and the Pterosaur Wild Beast were seriously injured, and they both had to practice rate adjustment without daring to delay.

After flying for a full half hour, Li Lingtian discovered a problem. This passage has been facing upward and the **** is also very large.

According to the speed of his flight, it must be hundreds of miles higher than the original position.

Moreover, this passage is still endless, and it continues to extend upward. Li Lingtian thought that if this continues, he can completely ignore the oppressive forces of the mountains and reach Jiuzhong Mountain.

However, just as soon as this thought occurred, the pterosaur beast stopped.

"I lived in this place before, so I dare not go up."

"Because the maze ahead."

The pterosaur beast stopped, and after stopping, when it walked hundreds of meters quickly in front, it left the end of the passage.

After speaking, huge eyes looked at Li Lingtian.

And with a trace of excitement in his eyes, Li Lingtian understood that this guy wanted to get rid of them, so that he could refine the dragon spirit.

"You go to heal yourself."

"This seat, thanks to you, the last time this time was so severe that it was impossible to recover without a month or two."

"This seat needs quiet healing. During this time, you can refine the dragon qi. However, if you want to become a real dragon, you must have the blood of the real dragon. As long as you calm down and make this seat satisfied, this seat gives you The true dragon family."

Li Lingtian glanced at the pterosaur beast and said lightly, the expression on his face was extremely dull.

When the voice fell, his eyes turned away and he looked towards the end of the passage.

At the end of this passage, there is a huge palace. It is not so much a palace as a kennel for pterosaur beasts. There is a mess here and there is a breath of pterosaur beasts.

However, beside this palace, there are hundreds of entrances.

If you don't pay attention, you will be trapped here forever, and this place is like the center of the labyrinth.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian was also relieved that he could rest and heal with peace of mind.

Environmentalism, no matter when and where, is the best way to imperial imperial palace. When Li Lingtian was in Xuanzhou, he was a ruler of Xuanzhou, and he was even more comfortable with imperial imperial imperialism.

So many powerful people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can all go to death for him, let alone a pterosaur beast.

Even if the pterosaur mad beast reached the peak of the ninth level and the ninth level, it can also understand human language and extremely high wisdom, but in front of Li Lingtian, it is completely a child.

"You have the blood of a real dragon?"

"Who the **** are you? Why is there true dragon spirit?"

The clouds on Li Lingtian's face were light and breezy, and he was flat when speaking.

But this sound entered the ears of the pterosaur beast, it was like a thunder on the ground, and the huge eyes showed horror, and more of it was excitement and surprise.

At the same time, I was also puzzled. The young man in front of him was a real human being, but he controlled the spirit of the real dragon.

Such shock made him completely unable to adapt.



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