War God Supreme

Chapter 1054: Scroll 3

In the main hall, the strong man of Nanyu was killed by the pterosaur beast for a while.

One is not left, so that the strong people of Canghai are dumbfounded.

The original never-ending battle, but changed because of a young man, a young man with only the three gods of Wushen changed all this.

While horrified, the strong man in Canghai felt frightened, if this young man had a chance.

If there is a killing opportunity for them, it only takes one sentence, and one sentence can make them disappear. The strong man of Nanyu is their end.

At the moment of horror, Nanyu's Wushen strong men felt a cold and fierce glance.

This look, like the icy air, made people tremble.

Shaking from the bottom of my heart, everyone suddenly woke up and looked at Li Lingtian with a fearful look.

"Does anyone else want this scroll?"

The face of Li Lingtian was light and breezy, and his eyes crossed across the faces of all the strong men.

The corner of his mouth was wide, and he spoke softly, his voice very flat.

When the sound fell, his eyes had moved away from these powerful men, and his eyes slowly shifted to the mask.

His eyes looked at the scroll inside the reticle with a trace of heat. The reticle was the reticle seen twice before, and so did the scroll.

The only thing is that the mask has a different array.

At the same time, Li Lingtian walked towards the reticle step by step, and the consciousness glanced carefully on the reticle.

This is the caution of being a Divine Array Master. No matter when, when faced with the weak formation, he will be careful.

Drive carefully for thousands of years, and lose Jingzhou!

If you are not careful, you will disappear from the sky!

"I don't need this scroll. Your Excellency can kill Nanyu's thieves and give a breath for Canghai. I'm grateful."

"Yeah, Your Excellency breathed out for Canghai. I can't wait to be grateful."

"Don't need this scroll again."

"If you need help and don't want to be abandoned, I will help you."

"This scroll is useless underneath, and there is no such skill underneath, so you can take it as long as you need it."

"Yeah, this scroll is useless to us."


The eight martial arts strongmen reacted and watched Li Lingtian come to the mask.

This situation is simply not to put them in the eyes, asking them like this is just a courtesy.

Similarly, even if someone needs this scroll, he can also kill it.

Now that they are afraid that it is too late, they will naturally not compete with Li Lingtian for the reel.

What's more, the reel is still in the photomask, they simply don't have the ability to take it out, what qualifications are there to compete.

Besides, even if it is taken out, it cannot be separated from this hall.

"In this way, this seat takes this scroll."

"You're welcome, but this seat will allow you to leave here."

Li Lingtian didn't turn around, his eyes kept looking at the mask, and his voice came out faintly.

A Wushen triple celebrity youth, in the face of the eight Wushen seven or eight celebrity strong, put on this high posture.

And these strong men dare not provoke this young man, this situation looks very strange.

It's stronger than people. The big fist in this world is the last word.

The pterosaur beast and Liu Yiyi are also close to Li Lingtian. In this way, the pterosaur beast can also resist external attacks and protect Liu Yiyi.

Before coming here, Li Lingtian reiterated this mission. As long as he safely left Jiuzhong Mountain, he could give him the dragon spirit of the two worlds, making him a pseudo-real dragon. The blood of the true dragon makes him a true dragon family.

After receiving Li Lingtian's words, Pterosaur Wild Beast was extremely excited.

However, the premise is to leave Jiu Chong Mountain, which is a test of its loyalty.

It turned out that Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi, as well as the Pterosaur Wild Beast, three encountered the formation of five elements in the Pterosaur Labyrinth.

Based on Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, it took a full hour to finally find a solution to the Yanyu formation.

After cracking the Yanyu formation, successfully passed through the maze and came to the teleportation formation.

Turning on the teleportation array, I didn't expect teleportation here. Liu Yiyi and Li Lingtian entered the teleportation array first, followed by Pterosaur Wild Beast.

After coming out, Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi also appeared in the sight of all the martial arts strongmen. All the strongmen only saw Li Lingtian and did not see the pterosaur beast.

This only disappointed and disdain all the strong.

This is also the key to the destruction of both hands of No. 2 Wushen Powerful. If he sees the Pterosaur Beast first, he will not destroy his hands.

However, it is imperative to destroy all the strong power of Nanyu, because Li Lingtian made a murderous attack on the strong power of Nanyu.

"call out!"

As soon as the consciousness moved, a streamer appeared on the eyebrow. When the streamer flashed, the Divine Array appeared in front of him.

The Divine Array flashed a mysterious breath, and Li Lingtian also gradually felt that this Divine Array is somewhat similar to the secular decree.

Li Lingtian had clearly seen the formation above the mask, and he was sure to break it.


"Call, call."

A series of legal decisions were displayed, and at the same time, Tiandao roulette also appeared on top of Li Lingtian.

The celestial roulette wheel is constantly spinning, and it emits a mysterious ray of light, which enters Li Lingtian's body.

Li Lingtian, the law is constantly in the hands, and there is a glimmer of light around the whole person.

Seeing Li Lingtian's ruling law, and the Divine Array in front of him, the powerful players present were shocked.

I didn't expect a young man to have such a skillful decision. It seems that the cultivation of positions is extremely advanced.

It is normal to have a powerful monster in front of a powerful formation master, because the cultivation of a formation master is high and it takes a lot of time to study the formation and delay cultivation.

In the Shenwu Continent, people with powerful deputy professions all have outstanding achievements, and are surrounded by helpers for protection.



The legal decisions in Li Lingtian's hands are getting faster and faster. All the legal decisions are unpredictable. All these legal decisions are shot down on the Divine Array.

At the same time, the golden light above the Divine Array is getting stronger and stronger.

The strong men present were shocked to watch Li Lingtian's serious and dashing movements.

There is nothing strange in the world, did not expect there is such a young array master, such a young Wushen strong.

Time, one second and one second.

Finally, with a slight sound, an amazing golden light erupted on the Divine Array.

The golden light rushed towards the mask, and at the same time, the mysterious radiance on the heavenly roulette also merged into the golden light.

The light falls on the reticle, which is melted like a spring sun and winter snow.

The mask disappeared, and the scroll appeared in front of all the strong.

Looking at the scroll, a few puzzled expressions appeared on the faces of several martial arts strongmen.

Because this scroll is so common, it doesn’t look like a treasure in any way.

However, those present are all the most powerful martial arts masters of Shenwu Continent. Naturally, they will not be fooled by the surface. Although they do not know what this scroll is, they can appear in the palace and are protected by such a powerful mask. It must be What a magical thing, I just don't know it.

The puzzled look turned into envy, but he didn't dare to show greed.

Because I was worried about Li Lingtian, if this Li Lingtian found this greedy color, it would definitely kill the threat in the cradle.


Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and the scroll caught it.

With the scroll hand in hand, Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, and the consciousness moved, and the scroll was installed into the dragon ring.

After finishing everything, he returned to Liu Yiyi and took Liu Yiyi's hand.

Wait for the teleportation of the palace to open, because the first two times, after the scroll goes away, it will teleport away.

However, with the passage of time, the palace did not appear the previous two times, and the palace was extremely quiet.

You Zhicheng and Zhao Yu also felt puzzled, and gradually their faces became ugly.

Li Lingtian, the expression on his face dignified.

However, the expression on his face calmed down when the consciousness glanced over the steps.

Turn around and look at You Zhicheng.

"Your Excellency should know about this scroll, would you mind telling me?"

"And what about your opponent?"

Li Lingtian looked at You Zhicheng instead of speaking, but transmitted the sound into the secret and transmitted the sound to You Zhicheng's ears.

In this situation, the powerful people who were present knew that Li Lingtian was transmitting voices and secrets, but they did not dare to use their consciousness to spy on the conversation between the two. If they were found, it would be troublesome.

"This scroll, I don't know the details."

"But Sun Mingyu told me that there are a total of four scrolls. After fusion, there will be a magical power against the sky."

"As for the sapphire, after coming here, it cast a mysterious break symbol and left."

You Zhicheng also transmitted the voice to the secret, and transmitted the voice to Li Lingtian's ear.

After talking, he looked at the look on Li Lingtian's face.

But disappointed, the look on Li Lingtian's face did not change at all, and even a touch of emotion did not change.

"Four scrolls?"

"Anti-Tian Shen Tong Gong?"

"Breaking the rune, I didn't expect to get such a magical spell, when will we study it."

Li Lingtian fell into meditation.

Four reels, so far, I have got a total of four, and one is outside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know what kind of magical power after these four reels are merged, I have made it. So rigorous.

As for the Breaking Bound, he naturally knew that no one knew better than him, because this was something that the mighty array master could only create.

It's just that in the Shenwu Continent, there is no longer such a powerful array master.

Therefore, the break symbol is also extinct in Shenwu Continent.

After a moment of contemplation, he turned to look at the steps.

Immediately afterwards, a true Yuan was pressed towards the steps.

All the strong men saw Li Lingtian's movements and did not know what Li Lingtian was going to do.

However, I immediately understood that when the real element Li Lingtian exhibited landed on the steps, the space trembled.



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