War God Supreme

Chapter 1056: Old Sun

The look on the old man's face was dignified, and his eyes looked at the aperture where the six martial gods became powerful.

The true element of the whole body is forced to operate, and the space continues to oscillate.

Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, even if he is injured, has his power against the sky. When Zhenyuan is running, a terrifying pressure is brewing in the air.

With the appearance of this coercion, the formation of the six martial arts strongmen was also greatly affected.

The sapphire on the side, the look on his face is serious.

Although it is the pinnacle of Wushen Yaetian Peak, it is only one step away from Wushen Jiuzhong Heavenly Venerable, but this one step has become an insurmountable heaven.

Compared with His Holiness Wu Zhongjiutian's Venerable Master, he is completely a little witch.

"The old monster of the residual sun, you have been poisoned by the nine-day ice soul **** needle, forcibly running the true yuan, your cultivation behavior will fall, and Shouyuan will be lost."

"In front of the deity's Zhentian Bahuang Formation, even if you are the Wushen Jiuzhongtian, you still do not want to escape from birth."

It turned out that this old man was one of the old canyons in Canyang, one of the four super powers in Canghai.

It is also one of the four esteemed people of Canghai. This time he entered Jiuzhong Mountain, and he compared with Sanyang Real People who reached the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain first.

Just came not far from Seventh Heaven, and met Qing Qing and others.

Qingzhe and Qingzhen are all venerable gods of Wushen Jiuzhongtian. Sapphire and Qingshui are also the characters of the completeness of Wushen Yazhongtian Peak. Then, along with them, there is a Seven Commander, who is also the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak, and, Beside him, there are more than 20 strong gods of the martial arts.

Such a lineup immediately scattered the three Wuyang Goddess Wuzhong Nine Heavenly Venerable.

Sanyang real people face Qingzhen, Longyang real people face Qingzhi and Qingshui, and the concentric big demon faces seven commanders.

The old monsters of the Cannon faced the sapphire, but there were more than a dozen martial arts strongmen beside the sapphire, several other respecters, and opponents had helpers.

Originally in terms of strength, the old monster Wushen Jiu Zhongtian of the Cannon against the sapphire was basically a matter of turning hands to kill, but did not expect that the sapphire and others had cast several formations, and the Jiutian Bing Soul Shen Zhen calculated it.

Several battle groups were completely pulled apart, and countless battles in the Seventh Mountain immediately.

At the same time, the strong men of Canghai saw that their esteemed masters in the sea were besieged by the strongmen of Nanyu, and they all joined the battle group.

All of a sudden, the top powerhouses of Canghai and Nanyu faced up in the Seventh Mountain.

The opponents of the Cannon Monster are the weakest, but the most unlucky and the most dangerous.

"Huh, Sapphire, in front of the deity, you want to play tricks, do you think it is possible?"

"Even if the Venerable has the Jiutian Bing Soul Spirit Needle, it is very easy to wipe you out."

"Today, let you see the power of Xianleqin."

The look on the face of the old canon of the Canyon changed rapidly, from pale to blood red, and Zhenyuan forced it to work.

When did one of the four great respecters in the magnificent Canghai be so insulted?

It was really uncomfortable to be besieged by several martial arts ants.

When the voice fell, the true element of the body had been turned to the extreme, and the power of Wushen Nineth Heavenly Venerable showed, but all understood that his strength could only support a little time.

After this time, the state will fall, and no real element will be available.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Suddenly, the strings of the Xianleqin struck, and a burst of crisp sounds sounded like sounds of nature in the air.

The sound of the piano is heaven and earth, quiet and harmonious between the heavens and the earth, without any killing.

In the face of this piano sound, the aperture of Zhentian Bahuang array also shivered quickly.




The space oscillated, in the void, the pressure of ruining the world was brewing, and finally bombarded hard.

The old monster of the Canyang is constantly waving his hands. The whole person is extremely chic. Between the strings of the strings, a wave of invisible sounds is swaying between the heavens and the earth. The terrifying power of Wushen Nine Heavenly Venerable Master is revealed at this moment.

"Earthquake eight dead array, death!"

At this time, Sapphire's face also changed.

The true element of the whole body is running. I originally wanted to use this method to kill the old monster of the residual sun, but I did not expect that the old monster of the residual sun was still so powerful. It completely fell into the realm after being forced to operate the true element.

Moreover, the old monster of the Canyang has been fighting with other means, and has not exhibited the Xianleqin from beginning to end. Now, the Xianleqin has been exhibited.

I did not expect Xianleqin to be so overbearing, the sound wave attack was invisible and invisible, and the warrior was completely unpredictable.

When the voice fell, a decision was cast out. The decision came with the true element into the aperture. He also joined the battle, and it was even more terrifying.

"Xianleqin, the world is destroyed."

The old monster in Canyang also regrets it. If he used Xianleqin at the beginning, he could kill these little ants.

But Wan Wan didn't think of his intentions, he was attacked by the opponent's formation, and was even calculated by Jiu Tian Bing Sou, so that Zhen Yuan can only exert one-third of his power now.

Now, the situation is endangered, and if there is any hesitation, you may be buried here.

The sound of the piano changed, and it seemed that the sky and the earth would be destroyed. Within a hundred miles, the sound of destruction was heard.

Sonic penetration has reached tens of thousands of miles away. Within tens of thousands of miles, countless creatures and some martial arts powerful people have felt the horror of the piano sound, and the space has also been twisted.

Gradually, the space began to break, just like the end of the world.

"No, Canyang performed the destruction of heaven and earth in the Xianleqin. Could it be that something strange happened to him, or by his strength, even if I could not force him to perform the destruction of heaven and earth."

Sanyang Zhenren was shocked while fighting against Qingzhen.

He understands the strength of the old monster in the Canyang. No one in the Nineth Heavenly Venerable can force him to use his killer skills.

Moreover, the opponent of the old monster of the residual sun is still the sapphire of Wushen Yaetian. At this step, there must be some terrible changes.

"This time things are very strange, no wonder Qingzhen dare to pay attention to Jiuzhongshan, it seems that it has already been calculated."

"I hope that the old monster of Canyang can survive, otherwise Canghai will be in trouble."

Faced with the destruction of Qingyang and Qingshui, the real person of Longyang did not have any pressure at all, and the long sword behind him was not dispatched.

However, I was shocked when I felt the change of the piano sounds of the old monster in Canyang.

As the Venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, naturally understand what is going on.

"Waste, you Nanyu knew that these methods would not work?"

The concentric big demon faced the seven commanders and several strong gods of the seven or eight heavy heavens. The magic weapon in his hand waved, and the magical energy of the sky was surging.

Feeling the sound of the sun in the sun, he immediately started to scold.

"A concentric little demon, dealing with you Canghai is almost as easy as a palm."

"The old monster of the Cannon is attacked by the formation, and after being subjected to the nine days of ice and soul, even if he can break the formation, his realm will fall, and he cannot display the true yuan within a hundred years. If the true yuan is displayed, it will disappear."

"In any case, one of the four of you is one less, and there is less residual sun. How many opportunities do you have to stop us, haha."

The Seven Commanders laughed loudly and said their calculations.

When the sound fell, the devastating attack bombarded the concentric big devil.

Compared with the previous power, the power is completely different.

This change shocked the head of the concentric great devil. It turned out that several guys concealed their cultivation behavior, that is, to determine that the residual sun is going to be destroyed, they dare to unreservedly carry out the most powerful attack.

At the same time, Sanyang and Longyang, both of their opponents have skyrocketed in power, and the pressure has suddenly risen.






The earth-shattering blasts continued, and the blood on the face of the old Canyang monster became more and more strange.

The power of Zhentian Bahuang Formation became more powerful after the addition of Sapphire. In a moment, the war has reached the most critical moment.

"Is the old man about to fall here?"

"Canghai is in great trouble, can the Canyon Valley be spared?"

The look on the face of the old Canyang monster was getting ugly, and he secretly said.

Although the power of Xianleqin was shocking, and the power of Wushen Nineth Heaven Sovereign was horrifying, all this was superficial.

Because he was previously injured, he was even calculated by the most horrible hidden weapon of the Shenwu Continent, Jiutian Bing Soul. If he could rest assuredly adjust his breath, he would be able to keep repairing to the state and recover after a hundred years.

However, the real element is now being forcibly operated, and there has been a reversal of the true element, and cultivation has become loose. It is no longer possible to persist.


In the sky, a devastating coercion bombarded it.

Seeing this coercion, the eyes of the old cannon desperate were full of despair.

This is the most powerful power of Zhentian Bahuang Formation. In the face of such pressure, it is like crushing the last straw of the camel.

Sapphire, the look on his face was extremely excited.

Without effort, one Wushen Jiuzhong Heavenly Venerable was killed, and if there was one Venerable in Canghai, their affairs would be smooth.

"Remnant Sun, admit it."

"Haha, haha."

"Earthquake eight destruction, destroy!"

Sapphire looked at the power of the sky, and a high-grade artifact appeared in his hand. The power of the artifact bombarded the old monsters in the Canyang.

At the same time, I laughed loudly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was like seeing the sun disappearing in the sun.

"Even if the deity is destroyed, you will be put on your back."

The look on Can Yang's face was desperate. Sapphire was right. He had no chance.

Such power, even if he is the **** of the nineth heaven, must fall in despair.

It is really unwilling for the venerable Lord to be killed by a few strong men who are weaker than themselves.

And it was still killed after being calculated, and I couldn't think of it.

Thinking of this, my heart was ruthless, my eyes showed a cruel look, the smile on the corner of my mouth became very bitter, my hands waved faster, and my **** became more bizarre.

There is a strange piano sound between heaven and earth. This piano sound has a sense of the strong man's end and a breath of death.



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