War God Supreme

Chapter 1058: 9 Day Ice Soul God Needle

Seeing Li Lingtian, the old monsters in the remnant Yang were glad.

I didn't expect to come inside Jiuzhong Mountain and meet such a young man who was against the sky.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.

It was a huge gain to meet Li Lingtian, the first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent, and this young man also saved him.

Coming to the practice room, Li Lingtian handed an elixir to the old monster of the Canyang.

The old monster of Canyang took Li Lingtian's panacea, and there was a shocked look on his face. This shock was something he had never encountered in his life.

Because he saw that the panacea in his hand was a gem.

The unparalleled Qipin healing medicine

"Peerless Elixir!"

"It's the best seven-piece panacea!"

"The first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, it really is not a powerful word."

The look on the face of the old Canyang monster kept changing, and after a long time, he said tremblingly.

The shot is the unparalleled Qipin medicine, which makes people dare not imagine.

However, it immediately responded that the young man in front of him was the first recognized first in Shenwu Continent, and also the first holy princess in Dandao.

Only such a strong man can refine the perfect medicine.

It's a terrible Qipin medicine.

Li Lingtian didn't speak, and the expression on his face was dull. For him, such a panacea was simply a hand in hand, and it was nothing.

I saw that between his one-handed waving, an old monster from the Yuan Dynasty in the Yuan Dynasty pressed down.

At the same time, a consciousness was exhibited, constantly glancing in the meridian of the old sun in the residual sun. The old cannon instinct rebelled instinctively, and then gave up the rebellion with one hand.

Because it was Li Lingtian who showed him the true element and the consciousness.

Pressure is the other strong, and will definitely not allow other warriors to enter his Dantian and meridians with true yuan and **** consciousness, because this is a matter of death.

There is no warrior that will allow foreign truth and consciousness to invade.

Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, but the look on his face changed with the passage of time.

After a moment, Li Lingtian's eyes opened.

The old monster of Canyang watched Li Lingtian's complexion change, and his spirit became nervous.

"You have been secretly calculated."

"If this seat guesses well, you have been injured by a needle called Jiutian Bingpo God Needle. In Shenwu Continent, you can have such a domineering poisonous weapon, only Jiutian Bing Soul Needle."

"This nine-day ice soul **** needle is in your body. Even if you kill the other strong men, you will fall, unless you don't use the true yuan for hundreds of years."

Li Lingtian withdrew his consciousness and truth, and said lightly, his face confident.

Even if I say it is a guess, but there is no conjecture, but it is concluded.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the look on the face of the old Canyang monster kept changing, and his face was more shocked.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to be so accurate, as if feeling the same.

There are thousands of weapons and treasures in the Shenwu Continent, but Li Lingtian suddenly stated the name and power of his secret weapon based on his injury. It was really shocking.

Moreover, the conclusion of his injury was extremely venomous, with no mistakes.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that there are such amazing people in the world.

"Lord Tian has supernatural powers, and nothing can escape His eyes."

"Underneath is the abominable Nanyu Powerhouse who was secretly calculated by the Jiutian Ice Soul Acupuncture."

"Although using despicable means to disperse the four of us, using the formation method to confuse the sight below, and then secretly using the nine-day ice soul needle to count down."

"Don't you know that Ling Tian has a way to relieve the cold poison of Jiu Tian Bing Soul Needle?"

When the words of Li Lingtian fell, the old monster of the Canyang asked Li Lingtian.

The tone of the speech is even more polite. It is harder for a Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun to respect a Wushen Santian.

But now, he has sincere respect and politeness to this young man.

This young man is not an ordinary character, but a myth of Shenwu Continent.

"A piece of cake."

"Since using such a poisonous hidden weapon, this seat will try to cure its own body with its own way."

"You take this panacea first, don't worry about the cold poison, let the cold poison attack, try to let the cold poison raging, this seat is waiting."

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a confident smile on his face.

For him, cold poison is nothing at all, and he is still the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.

After he finished speaking, he adjusted the interest rate on one side, so that the old monster of the Canyang could swallow the healing remedies, so that the cold poison would no longer be suppressed.

After listening to Li Lingtian's words, the old monster of Canyang was shocked.

Now, he is numb to the shock caused by Li Lingtian.

This young man is so amazing that he understands the power of this world. He has been in the Canghai for more than a thousand years. He also knows Piaoyun Valley.

But I did not expect a notoriously famous Piaoyun Valley, but there was such a strong man.

It seems that many strong men are hidden in this world.

Otherwise, the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent is hidden so deep, and this young man is not only as simple as Piaoyun Valley, but also has the Danshi Guild.

Immediately, Zhenyuan worked and looked at the panacea in his hand.

A look of reluctance appeared on his face, but this is a seven-piece gem for healing wounds.

I have never seen the best medicine, let alone Qipin.

However, if you don't use this immortality now, you won't have the slightest chance.

He also wanted to see if Li Lingtian's anti-heavy means could recover his injury.

Being able to keep the state and recovering from the injury is a matter of turning against the sky. After all, in a situation like him, it will take at least a few hundred years of convalescence to be able to move to the real element, otherwise it will disappear.

The realm fell is inevitable, now that he has a chance, he will not miss it.

Suddenly, the powerful medicine exploded in the body, and the amazing power of the unparalleled medicine was beyond his imagination. Even if he was the venerable of the God of Warrior Jiu Chongtian, he had never experienced such a medicine against the sky.

Feeling the terrible medicine, I no longer dared to carelessly, and quickly turned the real element into operation.

However, while Zhenyuan was running, the horrible Jiutian Ice Soul God Needle Cold Poison broke out. This cold poison would almost freeze him into an ice sculpture.

But as the Venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, even under such circumstances, he can keep Baoyuanshouyi.

And there is a strong man known as the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent. He does not have to worry about the occurrence of cold poison, but releases the cold poison exclusively.

In this world, only this Lord Holy Master has such a means. If other Saint Masters, he would not dare to take risks.

In the practice room, the cold sky soared, almost freezing the entire practice room.

The same is true of the entire spaceship. Seeing this, Liu Yiyi quickly stopped the spaceship.

The spaceship landed on the ground, and the pterosaur beast was hidden in an invisible place. If a strong man arrived, it would be the first to destroy it.

Because it knows that Li Lingtian may be helping the old Canyang monster to heal.

"Bao Yuan Shou Yi."

Li Lingtian opened his eyes at this time, facing the coldness of destruction, he did not change at all, just like usual.

Speaking to remind the old monster of Canyang, after finishing speaking, swing one hand in the air.

Suddenly, a more terrifying ice-cold air radiated out. Although this ice-cold air is more cold than the cold poison of the ice soul **** needle, it is not cold.

When the cold appeared, Li Lingtian had a mass of ice flames in his hands.

The icy flame is flashing, and the coldness and the heat of destruction are fused together, giving the destruction of ice and fire.

When Han Bingyan appeared, Li Lingtian waved it casually, and Han Bingyan exploded towards the old monster of the residual sun.

Without the slightest resistance, Han Bingyan entered the body of the old sun.

Han Bingyan is as cold as Han Du, so in this way, the cold poison of Bing Soul Needle is unprepared.

Suddenly, the cold poison was constantly destroyed and absorbed by the ice flame.

Frost flame belongs to cold air, but it also belongs to flame. The fusion of the two is many times stronger than cold poison, no one can know.

Two ruinous cold and flames are fighting in the body of the old sun, which almost made the old monster of the sun almost destroyed. Fortunately, his Wushen Nine Heavenly Venerable, in this case, he completely believed Li Lingtian. Bao Yuan keeps one line, let the destruction in the body.


I don't know how long it has passed, and the whole consciousness of the old blame of the residual sun will almost drift away.

This pain caused him to suffer from consciousness.

Just when he could not bear it, there was a mysterious real element in his body. This real element balanced all the breath, no matter what attributes were balanced in front of it.

The cold poison also disappeared, and there was no more pain in the body. On the contrary, it was a little more comfortable, just like being in a hot spring.

"Refine this immortality."

Li Lingtian's voice sounded, awakening the old monster from the illusion, but after waking up, there was no pain in his body, and the comfortable feeling gradually disappeared.

Watching Li Lingtian suspended an extremely subtle blade in front of him, with a trace of chill.

He knew this was the Jiutian Bing Soul God Needle, which was forced out by Li Lingtian.

Without waiting for him to take a closer look at this nine-day ice soul needle, Li Lingtian had already thrown a panacea.

Suddenly, there was a strong fragrance in the practice room.

A Pill of Pills is suspended in front of the Old Sun Monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Old Sun Monster looked at the elixir, and there was an excited look on his face.

Because of the breath of this immortality, the spirit is refreshed.

With this medicinal fragrance alone, I know that it is not simple. Besides, there are a few bad medicines from the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.

However, the moment he held the panacea in his hand, the whole person was dull.

"Dan Jie crack!"

"Stripe, a spiritual panacea."

"Eight Grades, Variations, Unrivalled Condensation Pills!"

"Peak Variation Ningshen Pill!"

The old Cannon monster stuttered, his eyes flashing in horror.

Eight grades of panacea are rarely seen, even those of Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, who rarely take the eight grades of panacea, not to mention variants, and they are also unique variants of Ningshen. ()

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