War God Supreme

Chapter 1060: Perception rhythm

More importantly, in the event that several people are injured, it is definitely a guarantee that there is a first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

After talking, he looked at Li Lingtian, with a rare smile on his face.

The name of the old monster of Canyang is only based on Canyon Valley, but his character and behavior also make people feel strange and different from ordinary people.

The higher the cultivation base is, the more fearful the outsiders will be. Gradually, the old monster of the residual sun will give people a weird feeling.

But in front of Li Lingtian, he did not like this, because Li Lingtian was more mysterious and anti-celestial than him.

"Cultivation at this point is just to see the excitement."

Li Lingtian smiled, he didn't want to be big, even if something happened to God, he would not be too full of words now.

Faced with such an old monster, he would not be fooled.

"Oh, Lord Ling Tian."

"When you were rescued two days ago, it seemed that you played a piano sound, which was a terrifying sonic attack."

"I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful sonic attack in this world. I don't know if your Excellency Ling Tian could perform it again, so I can learn it from now on."

The old monster of the Canyang finally said the most wanted thing.

He likes the rhythm of his life, and his life is all on the Xianleqin. All the cultivation is Xianleqin.

Entering the Tao with a piano, the sound waves attack the terror to the extreme, making people unpredictable.

He never imagined that one day he would encounter a more terrifying sound than him.

And he is still a young man, a young man of Wushen Triple Heaven, His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the first holy pill master of Shenwu Continent.

"Ha ha."

"This seat does control a powerful piano sound, which is also one of the killer skills of this seat."

"Look at it, if you can feel something from the piano, it's your own business."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, and he naturally knew that this old devil would have such a request.

There is nothing more curious about a strong man who cultivates a sonic attack and encounters a stronger character than himself.

Therefore, it is justifiable for this old devil in the sun to make such a request.

Moreover, the old monster of the Canyang still lowered his posture and said it was learning.

Such a low profile is enough to prove respect for Li Lingtian.

In the Shenwu Continent, although this low profile is nothing, but for other strong people, at least it is also a kind of respect, and it is also a low profile to give up status.

Immediately, with one-handed touch, a slap-sized Guqin appeared.

Heavenly Demon Qin has appeared in his hand. The Heavenly Demon Qin exudes a mysterious breath, and also carries Li Lingtian's breath. This breath is closely related to Li Lingtian.

Similarly, Tianmoqin is like a part of Li Lingtian's body.

Moreover, there is a strong coercion on the sky magic piano, which makes people feel a sudden palpitations.

"Magic piano?"

"Lord Tian Tian is the legendary Tianmoqin."

The old monster of the Canyang saw the breath on the Sky Demon Qin. Although there was no devil qi on the Heavenly Devil Qin, it was recognized by the old Devil.

When he saw Tianmoqin, the look on his face was horrified.

This Demon Qin, but the treasure of the legendary Demon Princess, is the treasure of the Devil.

This legend is just a legend, and no one has really seen it.

But I never imagined that this Demon Qin appeared, and it also appeared on a righteous human youth.

"Yes, this is Tianmoqin."

"How do you know this Tianmoqin."

"Although this celestial piano is rarely used, no one has ever recognized it."

Li Lingtian's face showed a hint of murder, which was not hidden in the slightest.

At the same time, the breath on his body also became cold.

The old monster in Canyang felt the shock of Li Lingtian's change, and his face was shocked.

This killing made him feel threatened by Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

"See below from the ancient books."

"Remnant Valley, both up and down are practicing temperament, naturally know a lot about some powerful musical instruments in the world."

"The Xianleqin in the lower hand is not as good as the Devil's Heavenly Demon Qin, but it is also a treasure against the sky, but it cannot be used to exert its power."

"Lord Tian Tian does not need to be so careful. Although the demon and humans cannot coexist, there are many people who practice magic skills and use devil treasures."

The old monster in the Canyang took a look, and took out the Xianleqin.

Similarly, this Xianleqin exudes powerful coercion from the mighty artifact.

However, compared with Tianmoqin, this coercion is still much worse.

When Li Lingtian was careful, a smile appeared on his face.

"Indeed, this seat is too careful."

"It's a pity for this seat, this place practices human Xeon Gongfa, but unexpectedly got this Tianmoqin, hey!"

"Your Excellency, please."

Li Lingtian said lightly, and then relaxed.

He still didn't want other powerful people to know his skills. After all, he practiced the true solution of the Demon Supremacy Sage Demon, controlling the Demon Treasure Demon Zhang and the Sacred Dragon Blade, and this Demon Qin.

Anything is enough to shock the world.

At the end, Li Lingtian looked at the old monster in the residual sun and touched it with one hand on the Tianmoqin. With a sense of consciousness, the Tianmoqin became three feet long.

Tian Moqin hovered in front of him, and suddenly Li Lingtian's breath changed.

The whole person seemed to be fully integrated into the Tianmoqin, with a focused look on his face.

Seeing such a situation, the look on the face of the old Canyang monster also changed, and I admired it.

This is a truly strong man, no matter what he does, he is dedicated to it. Only in this way can he do a good job.

Immediately afterwards, the old ghost of Canyang took back his mind and paid attention to Li Lingtian's every move. He did not dare to be negligent and worried about missing something.



Li Lingtian, put her hands on the Tianmoqin and gently touched it, just like touching her beloved.

Suddenly, the fingers changed, and the strings were plucked.

A misty sound of piano sounded in the air, and the sound of the piano sounded like a sound of nature.

Between heaven and earth, entered a world of perfect harmony.

In this world, there is no killing at this moment, only perfection.

The old monster of the Canyang is also a strong master of the temperament master, naturally knowing the horror of the piano sound.

While enjoying the piano sound, protect your own mind.

At the same time, he also paid attention to Li Lingtian's **** and felt the change of the piano sound, hoping to find a mysterious law from the piano sound, or find a law that can break the law.

Because only in this way can he get a breakthrough on his Xianleqin.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"


The beautiful piano sounds in the air drifted out, the look on the face of the old yang monster changed constantly, and the whole person entered into a fascinating, while at the same time, the whole person seemed to enter a state of emptiness.

Liu Yiyi was also dumbfounded. This time, Li Lingtian's piano sound, although absolutely beautiful, carries a murderous opportunity, with the power of ruining the world.

However, Li Lingtian's control over Tianmoqin became higher with the improvement of Xiuwei, and he could control the piano sound completely, so as not to hurt the innocent.

The pterosaur beast was also influenced by the sound of this piano, and a harmonious quiet appeared in his eyes.

Do not know how long it took, Li Lingtian stopped his hands.

Qin Yin also gradually stopped in the air, but there were still sounds in the air.

Tian Moqin put it away, seeing the situation of the old monster in the sun, Li Lingtian's mouth overflowed with a smile.

Then he took Liu Yiyi into the spaceship, leaving the old ghost of the Canyang alone to feel outside.

The next day, the spacecraft flew fast and kept flying upward.

This place is Qieshan. If you want to fly to Yaeyama, you don't know how long it will take.

However, there are old monsters in the sun, but there will be no general error.

Now the old monster of the Canyang, the atmosphere of the whole person has changed a lot compared with before.

Because yesterday, after listening to the Tianmoqin, the whole person entered into a feeling.

Such a feeling is extremely rare for a warrior, and the Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, like him, wants to make little progress, it is difficult to reach the sky.

Because he wants to realize, unless there is a chance against the sky.

Or communicate with a strong man of his own rank, but there is rarely a chance for communication to communicate. Besides, there are very few Venerable Gods of Wushen Jiu Chongtian, where to communicate.

More importantly, he practiced the temperament, the Wushen Jiuzhongtian who understands the temperament, he has not heard of it, let alone communicate.

Now, I did not expect to meet a strong man who understands the temperament. Although it is not Wushen Jiuzhong, it is much stronger than him in terms of temperament.

The temperament of the two is an extreme. Li Lingtian's temperament is the Devil's Treasure, and his residual sun is the Xianleqin.

However, everything in the world is inseparable from its ancestors.

This is even more true for cultivation, whether it is a demon race, a human race, or a demon race, or a tribe race, or a sea race, all races in the world are creatures between heaven and earth, so practice is the same.

After gaining insights, Xianleqin's temperament has been sublimated~www.wuxiaspot.com~The whole person plus the previous post-healing repairs have been refined, and now it is a higher step.

Compared to when I entered Kokonoe Mountain, I am now completely different from now.

I am grateful to Li Lingtian in my heart.



The spacecraft pierced the space and flew upwards quickly.

Along the way, Li Lingtian extended his consciousness, and took away the treasured herbs.

Although above the spaceship, it is thousands of meters above the ground, but it will not miss the medicinal materials below.

Because what he sees right now is the medicinal materials over 100,000 years old.

For medicinal materials that reach more than 100,000 years, the aura and spirituality are obvious. At a glance, the more important medicinal materials more than 100,000 years have a terrifying aura, and they are all grown in the place where the aura is rich. .

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