War in Heaven

Chapter 1014: Slaughter of underground warehouse

After the episode just now, Lin Chi’s next move was exceptionally smooth.

The nearby Lions members seem to have been killed by the mysterious people just now. Lin Chi did not encounter any enemies on the road and completed the search for the west side of the shopping center.

Except for the bodies of the lion members who were disposed of, there are no other things worth paying attention to. The poor worms that are killed are just ordinary guards. There is no such thing as a senior cadre.

At the same time, the other three people basically searched the entire first floor of the shopping center and could not find anything.

So what to do next is obvious:

"Upstairs or downstairs?" The wolf's voice was a bit boring, and it was very low in order to avoid being heard by the guards of the Lions.

"The possibility of underground is greater." Lin Chi immediately made a judgment: "Let's go and see below."

The abandoned shopping center has only two floors on the ground, and the possibility of building a secret warehouse on the second floor is very low. How to drive the truck to the second floor is a problem. Since the secret base is not on the first floor of the shopping center, it should be sure to hide underground.

- However, the geek who just fought with himself seems to have ran towards the ground.

"Would you like to come to the second round..." Lin Chi laughed and walked up the stairs to the underground area.

By convention, there are still things like infrared alarms that block his way. Of course, for Lin Chi, who has already seen various organs in the game, these alarms are nothing more than "brothers". It is completely easy to sneak into these things.

Bend back and avoid the infrared rays sweeping from the top of the head, skipping over the pressure sensor and entering the dead corner directly below the surveillance camera. Lin Chi's series of actions can be described as flowing, exquisitely avoiding any sirens.


Lin was long and sighed.

He remained in a state of full concentration until he passed through the most dangerous passage and successfully entered the underground area before finally relaxing. However, just entering the passage leading to the front, there was a dark metal door blocking the way.

Although a lot of alarms were installed, in the secret warehouse of the Lions, there was no copper wall like a military base. Lin Chi soon noticed that there was a small door for people to enter and exit the metal gate, and that The small door is still in a state of ignorance.

- Is the mysterious person just entering?

Lin Chi pulled out the saber again and stood next to the hidden door. The light in the crack of the door reflected the dark underground space.

Before opening the door, I used a mirror to peep from the side. It was a wide cargo passage. From the light from the ceiling, you can see the large tire print on the ground, apparently left by the truck.

The "garbage truck" that just shipped the cargo may be the warehouse that entered the underground from this passage. Lin Chi knows that he should be very close to the goal. but……

"I arrived at the entrance." Mason sent a message.

"I don't think the situation is right." Lin Qiao frowned and shrank his body in the corner next to the door: "There are other people who sneaked in before us, and there may be ambushes."

"Man, you think too much, I will not be caught." The wolf's voice is very contemptuous, like a very confident look.

"I am not talking about the ambush of the Lions, the ‘Agent’ who just fought with me.” Lin Chi whispered: “The purpose of the guy is not clear, maybe it will sin inside us.”

"Everything is here, just give up directly?" The wolf is a bit depressed: "You don't want to leave, friends?"

- Do you want to go in and see?

The rest of the radio was silent waiting for the commander's judgment, thinking for a moment, Lin Chi slowly opened again:

"Sneak in, once you trigger an alarm or an accident, immediately concentrate on Jane."

The strongest fighting presence in the four-person group is the youngest "super-powerful teenager". Even if there is a real fraud in the warehouse, as long as it can be combined with Zhen, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Understood." Mason said the sentence and then cut off the call.

After confirming the next action plan, Lin Chi also crept back to the small door and reconfirmed that there was no such thing as a thunder on the door. He slowly opened the door and slid into it. The underground warehouse of the Lions.

The warehouse seems to have been converted from the underground warehouse of the shopping center. There is no guard at the entrance, perhaps it was killed by the mysterious man just now.

Lin Chi’s hands were holding pistols and sabers, posing close to the fighting technique (cqc), and vigilantly entering the cargo passage. I saw that the gray walls on both sides were covered with black stains, like dragging something. Left behind.

The icy light of the fluorescent lamp reflected the underground warehouse. Lin late noticed that some sandbags were piled on the right front of the passage, and a heavy machine gun was placed on the sandbag to create a simple "underground machine gun bunker." However, the lion gang who should have guarded the bunker, I have no idea where to go.

"This ghost place should not be a boss battle..."

Looking at the complex open space in front of the scene, Lin Chi’s heart raised a hint of ominous premonition. According to his experience, this underground warehouse looks like a standard leader battlefield. Even if the text prompt "Boss has started" suddenly popped up in front of him, Lin Chi would not be surprised.

He walked slowly to the bunker where the sandbags piled up. The probe looked inside and saw the body of a lion member. He was curling up in a small space surrounded by sandbags. The thick blood flowing under the body covered the side. Floor tiles.

Judging from the bleeding wound in the body, he should have been killed a few minutes ago. In this way, the mysterious person who just walked should be this road, and also helped Lin Chi to dispose of the guards along the way.

However, even if a lot of effort is saved, Lin Chi is completely unhappy. It was just a dignified appearance that accelerated the pace and ran towards the depths of the warehouse.

- The purpose of the mysterious man is not clear, maybe it is to destroy the warehouse. If you continue to delay, the upper-level cadres and contacts you want to find may be killed directly by the mysterious people!

Lin was rushing through the corner and entering the passage next to it. The bodies of three members of the lion's gang appeared in front of him. Three hk-417 rifles were dropped by the body, but no shell was visible nearby.

Obviously, the three poor worms didn't even have the chance to shoot, and they were killed by the mysterious man. Just as Lin was a quick step and searched the warehouse area, Mason suddenly sent a contact:

"Commander, I found the ‘vulture’ you said.”

"How is he?" Lin Chi asked questions immediately.

"he died."

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