War in Heaven

Chapter 1071: Duke's decision

- Where is this guy who is talking to himself hiding?

Mo Liya’s line of sight continued to move in the reception room, looking for the traces of Masa Sala. The guests present were paying attention to the two statues in the secret room. No one seemed to care what Molly was doing.

However, in the view of Mo Liya, everyone here is very suspicious.

She is about to continue talking to the mysterious guy, and the voice of Maz Sala has reappeared in her consciousness:

"Don't waste time, my body is not here. But I think you should see it, the Duke of Fagna has already got a trap."

“Why do you say this?” Mo Liya engaged in “God” in the consciousness.

"This 'Bellock' deliberately provided ancient books, so that the Duke of Fagnana found the so-called angel corpse. He was actually a black magician, but used the Duke of Figna for his own goals."

Having said that, the tone of Masla Sala is slightly raised, with a little ridicule: "Human always is like this, too easy to believe in the lie of 'friends', only to suffer a loss can wake up. But Fagner is afraid there is no This opportunity is over."

Seeing that the Duke of Faigner had not uncovered the red cloth on the statue, Mo Liya stared at the back of the alchemist Belllock. The thin bald man, the blue veins on the skin were clearly visible, but it was true that the appearance was not Like a good person.

However, it is hard to suppress Moliya, who is impulsive, and naturally will not believe in the words spoken by Maserala. He just asks: "How do you know this kind of thing?"

"Because that book was handed over to Bellock." Ma Shiraza made a viper-like snoring, wondering whether he was laughing or expressing some other emotions.

"You scum." Mo Liya frowned slightly.

She wanted to stand up and interrupt the introduction of the Duke of Fagna, but Mo Liya also knew very well that even if she did this, few people would believe in herself, but it would be more likely to be driven out.

Although the fascinating ability of the blood family can make most people in the field lose their minds, Belloc does not eat this set at all. The worst case is that there is a battle with Bellock here, and it will definitely be a **** rain in the guest room. The wind, including the Duke of Figna, guarantees that all will die.

Mo Liya sat on the wooden chair and thought about the way to save the Duke of Fagna. The voice of Ma Shiraza once again appeared in the ear, mocking and laughing:

"Please, are you not a blood race? Do you want to save him?"

"He is my friend." Mo Liya replied.

"I didn't expect you to be so naive, it was much more naive than I thought." Masla Sala sighed lowly: "Forget it, I thought you could understand me..."

"What exactly is that statue?" Mo Liya interrupted the words of Ma Shisala.

Upon hearing this, Maslahla answered very honestly: "Figner is right, it is indeed the body of the 'angel', and it can indeed bring eternal life to them. At this point, I have not Deceive them."

"What is your purpose?" Mo Liya asked straightforwardly.

"Hah, my purpose... of course, let them also experience this eternal 'curse'." The laughter of Ma Shisala seems to carry the cold wind, making Molly chilly: "One day you I will understand, see you next time."

After leaving this sentence, Masla Sala was finally silent forever, as if it had never appeared before, leaving no trace.

At this time, the Duke of Fagna also finally unveiled two red cloths on the "status":

"Look, friends, this is the embodiment of an angel!"

Like the rest of the audience, Mo Liya also stood up and went to stare at the two "statues" that revealed the truth. What appeared in her sight was two unusually vivid bodies, from the skin color. Look at what is not like a body.

The big man standing on the left is a strong man with white hair and long beard and muscular development. The armor on his body is extremely simple. He tied the iron piece to the body with a chain and exposed it. The strong body is covered with countless scars.

The statue on the right is a young woman wearing a purple robe. The black-haired black scorpion looks like it should come from an oriental country. With a small staff in his hand, he keeps his eyes open, as if The starlight is flashing.

"Isn't this an angel at all?" A guest made a confused voice.

"They are not pure angels, but they are flowing with the blood of angels." The alchemist Belllock, who was squatting, stepped forward and answered the question for the Duke of Figna: "These two people came from the ages of the ages, their The blood of angels is flowing on the body, and even today, this blood is still pure."

"You said that they are ancient warriors, I will still believe. But how can you say this is not a descendant of angels?" The lady who had just talked with Mo Liya continued to raise her own doubts: "They are There is no sacred breath of angels at all. If it is an angel, it should not be more... that..."

The lady who couldn’t think of the adjective was stunned, and a gentleman next to him said, "It should be more holy."

"Yes, I want to say this." The lady nodded in a hurry: "They don't look sacred at all, especially this man, it's too rough..."

The guests began to talk about it, and everyone who saw the scene did not trust themselves. The Duke of Fagna was about to speak. Bellock had patiently explained it again:

"The male body is from the ancient barbarian race. They used to live in the holy mountain of Ayrite. After the stone of the world was destroyed, they left their original home. As for the woman next to it, it is from the ancient kingdom. 'Since' magician..."

"Who do you know this?" A young man complained: "These names have never heard of it!"

"Well, sorry." Bellock grinned, and the top of the shackle in his hand suddenly burst out of purple mist.

Almost everyone in the reception room, including the Duke of Fagna, fell into a coma. Seeing that his magic came into effect, Bellock nodded with satisfaction, but saw a pale figure in the fog.


The short knife cut Bellock’s throat, and the deep yellow blood was sprayed from the wound. Mo Liya stepped back to avoid the gushing blood, and the machete in the right hand flashed a trace of coldness:

"Don't think you can succeed," she whispered.

The strange thing is that the magic effect that made the guests lose their consciousness still did not disappear when the initiator was cut. Bellock, who was fatally wounded, suddenly flickered and disappeared into the dark purple smoke:

- Is it illusion magic?

Realizing that the situation was not good, Mo Liya slammed back, but it hit a cold and hard thing. Her chest was suddenly hot and a blood spurted in her mouth.

The translucent magic blade pierces the jasmine's chest, tearing the flesh and skin, and destroying the white dress of Mo Liya.

It is a pity that this kind of attack is not effective for the blood family.

The body of Moliya is dispersed as a group of bats, which is formed at the other end of the reception room. The pieces of cloth on the body fall down and are replaced by dark red light armor that covers the whole body.

For the blood family, the "armor" forged with blood can be regarded as the ultimate defense. Mo Liya’s door to the guest room was about to leave the place with the Duke of Fagna, but saw that Bellock had taken the collar of the Duke of Fagna and lifted the unconscious old man.

"Are you looking for him?" Bellock smiled.

"Let him go." Mo Liya frowned.

"I really can't think of it, the vampire would be so kind." Bellok smirked. "You make me very embarrassed, little girl."

"I want you to let go of her." Mo Liya repeated it again, a long knife condensed by blood, slowly floating in the right hand.

"Do you think--"

Bellock’s triumphant still wants to say something. The fast blade has cut his head. At the moment when the illusion disappears, Mo Liya grabs the Duke of Fagna’s collar and drags the old man from the reception room. Go out.


A few fireballs chased out from behind the door, dragging a long flame toward Mo Liya, but was easily escaped by the flexible blood family. Mo Liya flew directly out of the temple with the Duke of Fagna. The street shrouded in the night, hiding in the dark alley.

The sneaky black magician did not chase it out. The Maserah who had communicated with him did not know where to go. Mo Liya put the Duke of Figna to the corner and pushed his shoulders hard to try to wake up the old friend.


The Duke of Fagna was twitching with a wrinkled face, slowly opening his eyes and asking, "Where is this? I can't see anything..."

"Your friend lied to you." Mo Liya said softly.

Even in the darkness of the five fingers, her eyes are still clear, but the Duke of Fagna, who is human, still can't see anything, and can only identify each other's identity by voice:

"Ms. Maria? Is that you?"


"What happened, where am I? It doesn't seem to be a temple." The Duke of Fagna, who had just woke up, was a little unconscious.

Seeing the face of the Duke of Fagnana, Mo Liya explained what happened just now, and the expression of the Duke of Fagna became more and more dignified:

"It turns out... Bellock deceived me..." Fagner bowed his head and kept blinking, as if he didn't want to believe the facts he just heard.

"He used magic to let you faint." Mo Liya nodded and added: "Please believe me."

"Well, I know." The Duke of Fagna was frustrated by the wall: "In fact, I have been faintly aware of something wrong. When I saw the two 'statues', I thought they were the bodies of angels. It’s like being hypnotized by something.”

"You should pay attention." Mo Liya said seriously.

"Yeah, if I can realize that Bellock is cheating on me soon." Duke Faigner stood up slowly against the wall and turned to look at the streetlights at the exit of the alley:

"I have to go back."

"Belllock will kill you." Mo Liya was in front of the Duke of Fagna.

"Thank you, Maria." Faigner's old face showed a grateful smile, but there was no retreat: "I know that you are trying to save me, but I have to go back, otherwise the other people in the temple will also Will suffer."

"You don't have to pay so much for them." Mo Liya couldn't understand the old man's thoughts.

- The "Eternal Life is a curse" that Ma Shizala said just now is somewhat difficult to understand. The current Duke of Fagna is also confused by Mo Liya.

Why do humans sacrifice themselves for others? For Mo Liya, this kind of thing is totally unreasonable. However, even if he knew that he was not an opponent of Bellock, the Duke of Fagna was still very determined:

"Thank you for saving me, just like you saved me. Everyone in the temple is my friend. I must protect them. Otherwise, even if I survive, I will always suffer condemnation from my heart."

In the face of unanswerable words, Mo Liya was silent again.

——Moriya, who is often dealing with humans...exactly as “food”, has already seen the ugly humanity: in order to attract his attention, the mother’s baby who has left her arms flees. My sister killed her sister and left the body and threw it in the house, bringing the food that would not be resisted to the door. This kind of thing can be described as countless, and she has already become numb.

However, the action of the Duke of Fagna, which made Moline's deep-rooted conclusions, caused a little shake:

Is human being this selfless creature? What are the ugly "humans" that I have seen before?

"I have to go together too." Mo Liya whispered.

"You are still young, don't have to take risks with me." Duke Fagner shook his head.

"I am older than you." Mo Liya said seriously.

When they returned to the gate of the temple, they saw that the guards in front of the door were all in the pool of blood. A khaki-like phantom was floating around. After discovering the visitors, they immediately returned to the two:

"My old friend, you are finally back, I know you will not abandon your companions!" Bellock's hoarse voice, with undisguised sarcasm, sounds more disgusting than usual.

"Please let them go." Duke Faigner bowed to Bellock’s afterimage and asked: "I can give you all my property, please leave their lives."

"You are such a good old man, Fagerner..." Bellock scorned and raised his eyebrows: "When you were young, it seemed to be a general. How can you become so weak now? It really makes me open my eyes."

"I am old, I don't want to make any more death." Duke Fagner lowered his head and tightened the still powerful fists: "Please don't hurt them."

Mo Liya stood silently and stared at the old Duke of Fagna. I don't know why, the back of the scorpion is in her opinion, but it is even more stalwart than the barbarians who are two meters tall.

There is something in the heart that has been touched, so that Mo Liya, who has always been indifferent, seems to have experienced some new emotions.

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