War in Heaven

Chapter 1114: The cause of confusion

The "primitive" soldiers who were driven out naturally would not give up their base so easily.

Not long after, in the wilderness far away from the base, the outlines of several tanks appeared looming, and the hum of the heavy-duty engine was running.

Back to the ground, Lin Chi, immediately noticed that the enemy launched the attack again. Seeing those guys who refused to give up, they smiled contemptuously:

"It’s just dead, these people."

Now the radiation value in the base has reached the point where human beings cannot survive. The troops that have been attacked are probably ready to destroy the base and leave nothing to the enemy.

According to ordinary thinking, destroying the base is indeed the correct tactic. But the primal commander apparently did not consider that the enemy that polluted the outpost was not an enemy that could be solved by tanks alone.

When I just drove to the base, I saw Lin Chi’s eagerness to try and ask, “Where are you going?”

"I will deal with them." Lin Chi’s voice has not fallen, and his figure has disappeared beyond his face.

Five minutes later, he returned to the base courtyard unharmed, and the tanks on the wasteland all turned into twisted metal wrecks.

"I am fine." Lin Chi nodded to his face.

"You...you go, I stayed on it to observe the situation." The voice of the face was a little flustered, and the degree of goodwill improved again.

I witnessed the inexplicable power of the "God of Nuclear Energy". At this time, the leader of the wasteland explorer has already become a loyal fan of Lin Chi, and the degree of goodwill is close to a thousand points.

"Take it to you."

Lin Chi, who is reassured with a sly face, returns to the underground of the main building of the base and continues to look for things that can come in handy.

The enemies who had just evacuated were in a hurry, and certainly had no time to take everything away. In Lin Chi’s opinion, the base will certainly find some clues.

"It seems like some researchers are here."

Look at the white coat on the floor full of footprints, and the damaged tablet that falls next to it. Lin Chi walked in the circular passage and soon found the metal door marked "laboratory".


It was also a door with a big foot open and locked. Lin Chi, who was about to enter the laboratory, noticed the "no fire source" sign attached to the door, and the pace stopped again.

- The flame wings behind you may ignite the entire laboratory. To get in, you must first learn to control the power of the Ark reactor.

This pair of "angel wings" is pulling the wind, but in a small building or in a closed environment, it is not so easy to use. If there is no way to put away this stuff, then it is very likely that the useful props will be burned.

In the underground world, Lin Chi was to release extra power behind his back in order to avoid his own "explosion." By now, his body is almost ready to adapt to this powerful force. Then...

"Come and try..." Lin Chi whispered.

He calmed down and began to try to close the two "exhaust pipes" behind him. The glowing light wings began to shrink rapidly, and the violent energy created by the Ark reactor was temporarily forced into the body.


The scene in front of Lin’s eyes kept spinning, and the continuous tinnitus began to attack his head.

Even if it is adapted, the violent energy of the Ark reactor can not be completely accommodated by this body alone.

However, as long as you control for a few seconds, it should be enough.

Within five seconds of the disappearance of the light wing, Lin Chi had already rushed into the lab, picked up a laptop from the desk and stuffed it into the backpack. By the way, the few letters that were filled with words and the brain were stuffed. Into the backpack.


He was reaching out to grab another laptop, and suddenly there was a dangerous white light in front of him.


The barracks building of the military base suddenly shook abruptly, all the windows shattered in an instant, and then collapsed, the yellow walls of the building.

The gray smoke rises and hangs over the base. Looking at the building that was collapsing, he shouted: "Newcomer, are you okay?"

As if from her call, the "angel" who was transformed into a crystal man rose from the ruins to the sky. It was still as unscathed as it was just now, and it was completely invisible to experience the big bang.

"Nothing, just can't stop." Lin Chi smiled.

The lab was detonated by the light wing behind him, but the collapse of the entire building should be attributed to the sudden burst of energy in his body.

At this time, Lin Chi, finally realized the troubles caused by "excessive strength." It takes about some time to use your body to control the energy emitted by the Ark reactor.

- Still look at the things that are rescued from inside.

Lin Chi took out the laptop and found that the battery of that machine had been burned, and the fuselage was also emitting a smoky smoke.

Seeing that the notebook couldn't be used, he turned his attention to the letter paper he just got. Fortunately, the papers were fairly complete:

The title of this material is "Evolutionary Experiment Report". Seeing this topic that seems to be closely related to himself, Lin Chi also immediately came to the interest to read the above recorded contents as fast as possible before the heat on his body burned the stationery:

“According to Dr. Vincent’s request, the soldiers captured some of the radiation people who were wandering on the waste soil and used them as experimental tools to analyze the “evolutionary model” of the radiation.”

- Dr. Vincent?

After reading the familiar name, Lin Chi’s crystal eye flashed a glimmer:

"According to our research, the radiation of this species has always been in the process of evolution. The variation brought about by nuclear radiation will cause fatal negative feedback to us, but in them it is positive feedback greater than negative feedback."

"The greater the dose of radiation, the faster the evolution of the radiation. From Dr. Vincent's experimental data, when the radiation person is suffering from near-fatal damage, if the original physical strength is strong enough, it may even trigger the name. For the 'special evolution' mechanism, move forward to a new form."

"The principle of this particular evolution should be derived from the self-healing mechanism that radiates the human body. They can perform high-speed recovery under strong radiation conditions."

"It is recommended that soldiers fight the enemy when they are fighting against the radiation. Don't leave them a chance to re-evolve. Once a special evolution is triggered, there may be extremely dangerous structures."

After reading the contents of the document, I watched the letter paper bend and quickly turned into ashes. Lin Chi recalled the last readings and squinted at the collapsed barracks.

- This special evolution sounds quite interesting.

If you are suffering from a fatal injury, you may be able to evolve to the unknown "fourth form" under the energy supply of the Ark reactor.

If this is the case, the so-called special evolution should be the last killer of your own, helping yourself to complete the Jedi turn at a critical moment!

However, from the strength of the enemies that we have just encountered, the special evolution is completely useless.

"Don't be in a daze, the enemy is coming again." Standing in the face of Lin Chi, not far from the face, reminded.


Lin Chi came back and looked at the human army that reappeared.

"I am going to solve their base," he said.

"Ah?" His face made a strange voice: "To attack the base of the primitive people? That base is much more than here, are you really going?"

Unlike the outpost here, the real main force of mankind is stationed in another military base 50 kilometers away from the land of light.

If it is a bunker, there is a fortress over there. The size and firepower of the two bases are not at all a level!

My face knows that even this new person in his own organization has evolved into a realm that no one else can match. If you want to sweep the entire military base on your own, you may still be in danger.

However, Lin Lin is now very confident:

"Leave here to wait for my good news."

After the speech, his whole person rose to the sky again and turned into a fiery "meteor", and swooped down to several self-propelled artillery on the wasteland.

At the same time, the lightsaber warrior wearing a light leather armor is also trekking in the wasteland.


The "mercenary killer" who used to be a member of the wasteland explorer looked up and looked at the light shining in the distant sky, hiding the face under the glass mask, and wondering what expression was being revealed.

Although the opponent's speed is so scary, the mercenary killer Hughes recognizes the other's identity: the guy who is flying should be a dangerous crystal man.

Even if you hold a lightsaber in your hand, it is still very difficult to solve the crystal people.

However, the goal of the crystal man seems to be the same as himself.

"Hah, are you also looking for the ‘Devil'?” The gloomy laughter sounded under the mask of the mercenary killer.

For a long time, he has followed the demon king as his own duty, and has followed the demon king who has been running away, passing through several worlds.

He has a strong sense of foreboding: this should be the end of the journey.

After a long and difficult journey, I went all the way to this ghost place. The power of the mercenary killer has weakened a lot, and the devil must have been weak, and probably can't continue to run away.

As long as the devil is solved here, his mission will be over. then……

Then what should I do?

Thinking of this, the mercenary killer who was trekking on the wasteland suddenly bent down and slammed down, and the violent pain that broke out from the skull spurred his nerves one after another.

The feeling of the mercenary killer at this time was like being smashed through the brain. The incredible pain caused his body to start to get out of control. He collapsed into a mass on the wasteland and kept picking up.

- What should I do then?

- Why am I here?

- What are you doing now?

In the fragmented consciousness, a large number of questions continue to pass.

I don't know how long it took, the mercenary killer finally recovered consciousness a little. The pain that was crazy before, finally disappeared.

"What's wrong with me?"

The horrified mercenary killer Hughes took off his helmet, revealing the vicissitudes of no time to take care of, and a white hair soaked in sweat.

He usually has a headache sometimes, sometimes it feels like he has forgotten something. But for such severe pain, this is the first time it has appeared.

So, what happened just now?

The mercenary killer touched his forehead, his fingers crossed his cheeks, and he did not touch any scars.

The pain should not come from trauma, but it is not hurt by any internal injuries. Could it be that……


The mercenary killer bowed his head and confusedly staring at his hands wrapped in tactical gloves. There is a soft female voice in my mind that is calming his emotions:

- You are safe.

--Do not think too much.

- No need to think so much, just kill her.

The numbness of this voice is no small feat, and the eyes of the mercenary killer begin to become a loss. But a question that suddenly jumped in the brain made the mercenary killer who should have forgotten all of this, and immediately reawakened:

"Where did this sound come from?"

The mercenary killer widened his eyes, stood up and jerked back, observing the situation around him. This piece of wasteland is as ridiculous as ever. Apart from itself, there is no other living thing in this area.

So, who is talking just now?


The mercenary killer pulled out the lightsaber and pressed the switch, and the red blade began to shine. He doesn't know whether this weapon can come in handy when facing "ghosts", but this sword can at least bring a little sense of security.

"Is anyone there?" The mercenary killer whispered to himself.

The strange thing is that when he noticed that the situation was wrong, the female voice disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had an illusion.

"No, this is not an illusion..." The mercenary killer bit his teeth.

- I have been trying to kill the demon, and I am used to the days of chasing each other.

But now, when he realized that the situation was wrong, this rock-solid "mission goal" suddenly began to waver.

"Why should I kill her?"

The mercenary killer frowned and thought about this problem, trying to find out the reason for his "revenge."

Later, he discovered a horrible fact: he did not actually have any reason for revenge!

Think carefully, the so-called hatred does not exist at all, even if you try hard to think, you can't think of any reason why you must kill the woman.

In other words, if you can't find the reason, you will continue to pursue the "Devil"! That's it...

"Am I crazy?"

The mercenary killer sneered and laughed and put on his helmet again.

- The demon who has been being chased, may have the answer to this question. If you want to find out the truth, you can only find the "Devil".

He put away the lightsaber and continued to travel to his original destination, leaving a series of twisted and twisted footprints on the wasteland behind him.


The game player's holiday is coming again, and March is a feast. I will try to ensure that it is updated, probably...

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