War in Heaven

Chapter 1158: Curse power

The man walked in the wilderness, and every time he took a step, he left a blood footprint on the mud under his feet.

The black-red plasma rushed out of the dozens of wounds in his upper body. Below the rough stitching marks on the chest, the flesh and blood seemed to be squirming. The poor man wanted to commit suicide, but his arms were cut off, even his own. There is no strength.


He kept muttering the ambiguous words, the plasma rushing out of his mouth, the chopped tongue swollen like a sausage, but the "smart" did not completely block the throat, still leaving room for breathing.

The man who accepted the cruel torture had to face a more cruel fact - the other side left his life.

Consciousness began to be wiped out in the pain, leaving only the instinctive reaction. Although the shape is still human, the IQ of this individual has been reduced to the level of small rodents, and a large part of the brain has long since stopped working, leaving only a small part of the area still struggling.

His congested eyes continued to rotate, and slowly settled in the remote wasteland. Several cowboys rushed over. When they saw the horror of this person, they immediately stopped Lema in the distance.

Although the guy has been tortured to be uninformed, the cowboys recognize the identity of the person from the few pieces of cloth left on him and the big birthmark on the right cheek.

"Holman? How did you become this ghost?"


The cowboy called Holman tried hard to say something, but a chaotic consciousness could not think of anything. The swollen tongue also affected his pronunciation. Other cowboys got close to him and finally heard this guy think. What to say:

"Kill... I... hurry..."

A strong young man pulled a gun and aimed at Holman's head, and he helped him end the boundless suffering. When this poor man fell to the ground, a more terrifying scene took place.

"哗啦", Holman's suture marks on the chest collapsed, the misplaced internal organs slipped out of the chest, and laid flat in a large pool of blood.

"He, what happened?"

I witnessed the terrible horror of the hunting, even the cowboy who was not soft when peeling the Indian scalp, was scared to retreat. Then they quickly realized that Holman’s death was designed.

A cowboy bent down and tore off a nailed note from Holman's back, only to see a line of scribbled text:

"I killed five people and came to me when I came."


The cowboy forced the paper into a ball and threw it under his feet.

- Holman should have been sent to the south by the Indians. They are indeed five people. According to the words on the note, the other four should be less fierce.

"What are you doing? Go back and call the reinforcements!" The tall cowboy looked back at the several companions next to him.

He doesn't know what the enemy is, but such cruel and subtle means are definitely not for Indians to do. The robbers in the wilderness only want to rob the money, and generally do not make such a big mistake.

That is to say... what they are facing is the savage sinner in the wilderness, and certainly more than one.

However, even if the other party is so arrogant, it can't resist the wave of American pioneers!

"You are dead, the **** is raising..."

The tall cowboy turned back to look at the wasteland in the distance, then drove back to Mayuan Road and began calling the reinforcements to the nearby denim gathering place.

At this time, Bloodblade, Lin Chi, and Andrea, arrived at the Indian settlement where the cowboys slaughtered.

The houses here are made of thatched grass, and there is a pile of extinguished campfires in the middle of the "village". There is nothing else. Compared with the houses built by the cowboys, the Indians seem to still live in the primitive society.

"The idea of ​​someone building a safe house is shattered." Lin Chi smiled.

"This is too bad," bloodstain sighed. "I wanted to get a base here or something."

"Maybe you can make a base, but after your provocation, the cowboys may be coming over." Lin Chi looked thoughtfully at the wasteland outside the settlement.

Before the blood blade was carrying out cruel "treatment", Lin Chi, who had nothing to do, watched the whole process, and he naturally saw the provocative text written by the blood blade.

"Don't you be afraid that they won't be?" The **** blade stunned Lin.

"If we have too many people, we can't get it." Lin Chi spread his hands: "If you come to 30 people, do you think we can get it?"

If time is sufficient, you may be able to prepare things like traps, but the cowboys here are basically riding horses, and they have no time to prepare anything. The enemy should arrive.

In the village on the plains, there are no reliable bunkers. If they are surrounded by a large number of cowboys, they can only be targeted.

"I just played a bit awkwardly." The **** blade smashed the blood on his hand: "Does more than a few people just provide a sacrifice for your ‘god?’”

"The sacrifices it wants are 'horrible warriors', not these miscellaneous soldiers." Lin Chi reminded: "By the way, you have not answered my question yet."

- The original words of the ancient gods are "in the southernmost part of the wilderness, inhabited by horrible warriors." From the map, this should be the southernmost edge of the map.

Lin had tried to reach the edge of the map before, and found himself blocked by the invisible "air wall." But the NPC and the followers can cross the margin and move outside the wall.

"There is no problem with Andreas anyway." The blood blade whispered.

However, at this time, Lin Chi, who was viewing the map, did not respond to her words, but turned around absent-mindedly and looked at several huts on the west side of the village.

"The ‘terrorist warrior’ may be here?” he said.

"You mean Indians?" The blood blade reacted immediately.

"Yes, this should be the southernmost point of the wilderness." Lin nodded. "The sacrifices demanded by the ancient gods may be an Indian who lives here."

"Then you should go back to the bunker, the body is there." The **** blade shook his head.

"I think the 'terrorist warrior' should not be moved so easily." Lin Chi said with deep meaning, and turned his attention to the firewood in the center of the village: "You don't think that for the campfire, the firewood here is a bit too More?"

As soon as this was said, Bloodblade and Andreia immediately turned to look at the woodpile.

The three men walked quickly and moved the firewood piled up above. Then came the eye of a **** body:

It was a big man with a height of at least two meters. The red skin was covered with white oil and the neck was covered with feather ornaments.

His neck was cut out of the deep visible bone gap, and there were at least a hundred gunshot wounds and knife wounds on the whole body, but even if he had already died of excessive blood loss, he still held a spear and a short knife in his hand.

Judging from the scars on this man's hand, the Americans should have used a shotgun and a long knife to try to pay off his weapon, but nevertheless he could not cut his hand bone.

Even though he died, the soldier’s eyes were still round and his face was still angry, as if he could stand up and continue fighting at any time.

"This is... a warrior of terror."

The blood blade smashed to the corpse, reached out to touch the cold skin of the other side, and always liked to use the human body to make some "crafts", but this time it did not.

Lin Chi took the blood-stained skull from his backpack and placed the temporary altar next to the body of the Indian warrior. A translucent cloud floated out of the body of the Indian warrior and was sucked into the skull.

Then, the purple light flashes again from the eyelids of the skull:

"Make a wish, you offered a sacrifice."

"A group of pioneers have attacked the village, please curse them." Lin Chi straightforwardly said his request: "We will offer you a better sacrifice, please keep our lives."

"Before the darkness comes, the gunmen who are close to this place will suffer my curse."

The voice of the ancient gods echoed in the ears of three people: "In the north of the wilderness, powerful warriors are wandering, offering his flesh and blood, and I will fulfill your next wish."

After that, the light in the blink of an eye fainted again, as if it was exhausted.

The village was restored to its former silence. Only the snoring of the flying insects, the curse of the ancient gods was silent, and did not seem to bring any substantial changes.

"I still think this product is deceiving." Blood blade frowned and looked at the skull in Lin Chi's hand.

"Is it a lie, we should know it soon." Lin Chi put it up and looked at the edge of the wilderness with great interest.

I still can't see the shadow of the cowboys. However, if someone discovers Holman’s body, their “vengeance army” should be coming soon.

The soldiers are very fast, and the cowboys must understand this truth. If the time is delayed for too long, those "criminals" who torture their companions will certainly run away.

Then, it depends on when these cowboys can find the poor worm.

The sound of the hooves rang from afar. Twenty minutes after Lin Chi completed the sacrifice, the tide of angry revenge finally arrived.

The Indian villages are floating in all directions, and at least 30 people form a circle, slowly approaching the slaughtered village from the outside.

The pioneers riding on the horse carried a rifle, aimed at the seemingly uninhabited village, and stared at the huts that had not collapsed, to guard against the sudden attack of the enemy.

Unlike the cowboys who have just carried the bodies, this time they arrived at the village, they are all accurate and accurate shooters. Among them are veterans who have participated in the American Civil War.

For those soldiers who have experienced a brutal battle, whether it is an Indian or a wilderness robber, it is nothing but a fragile waste. The commander responsible for the siege was also a veteran who participated in the Gettysburg Grand Final.

"Light the house and burn them out..."

The veteran said loudly, the knife in the corner of his mouth continued to change shape as he spoke, and several cowboys with torches began to be alert to the remains of the cottage.

Regardless of whether the enemy is hiding here or not, it is necessary to eliminate hidden dangers. There are only huts and firewood in the village, and these things are "coincidentally" very flammable.

The pioneers swept around, not missing any corners, and the cowboys holding the torches continued to approach the huts in the village.

Just then, an earthquake suddenly occurred in the village.


The sight of the pioneers suddenly trembled, and the intense tinnitus instantly cut off normal hearing.

They soon realized that it was not an earthquake, but that they were shaking!

"Fast... withdraw..."

The veterans only had time to shout out this sentence, and they fell from the horseback because of a heart attack. Other pioneers fell to the ground one by one and screamed in pain.

At this time, they feel like they are in the burning hell. Although there is no trauma, the organs in the body seem to be melting, and the incredible pain is unmatched by any trauma.


A cowboy opened his mouth and spit out black and red plasma. His body became weak and his eyes widened with extreme fear: he saw his dry heart and was vomited!

"It's a witch... poison..."

A pioneer who survived, feared to escape, did not run out of two steps and fell heavily, the burnt internal organs spewed out of his mouth, drawing a decadent abstract painting.

"Is this too handsome?"

The **** blade that was previously skeptical about the ancient gods, after witnessing the effect of the curse, like a child with a perfect score on the exam, excited eyes are coming out quickly: "It is a god, too gorgeous!" ”

"Master, you are too excited." Andrea Li reminded.

"Come tell me, where did you get this ancient god?" The blood blade swayed the shoulder of Lin Chi sitting in the hut: "I can pay, as long as I can recruit this!"

"Forget it, this power is not something you can afford." Lin Chi casually **** a reason.

"Then how can you?" Blood blade frowned and stared at him.

"I have always been handsome and witty that doesn't match my age." Lin Chi smiled.

"Don't be awkward, I can really pay." The blood blade said with no anger: "Or exchange with other things, such as the information you need..."

"This is personal privacy." Lin Chi's attitude is still determined: "Still forget it."

"Master, I don't recommend that you get involved in the realm of the ancient gods." Andrea stood up and walked out of the bunker, looking down at the body and curling into a sphere, a pioneer who was rushing.

"Humans should not rush to contact the gods, or they will incur irresponsible tragic endings. This gentleman, you know very well?"

"I can accept this tragic ending." Lin Chi did not care about the hand, but also walked out of the hut and returned to the village where the fighting had just taken place.

The 30 or so pioneers who surrounded the village had all died, and their mounts were unscathed, but they had long since escaped.

According to the ancient god, the curse should continue until sunset, which means that the next few hours should be absolutely safe.

"First take a break and go to the north to see at night." Lin Chi said.

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