War in Heaven


After exiting the game, Lin Chi left the game bin. First, he checked the phone and confirmed that there was no new information worthy of attention. Then he leaned back on the sofa and pressed the switch on the coffee table.

The air in front of the wall facing the sofa suddenly twisted, and a few holographic projections were found. The short hair beauty anchor wearing a gray business suit stood in Lin Chi’s bedroom and made today’s news in a gentle and calm tone. Report:

“Everyone, welcome to the “Information Newsletter.” The main content of today is...”

The postal-shaped housekeeping robot slid across the floor, handing a bottle of cola to Lin, the "old salted fish" leaning against the sofa, squinting at the projection of the TV.

Even after him, after opening the "extreme state" and the blood blade of the same pioneer, he was still exhausted and went directly into a weak state.

Lin Chi had to say that the combat power of the blood blade is really amazing. Even if he did not release the water at the end, the winner of the duel is likely to be a **** blade.

However, for the fierce murderous madman, the "sword blade" is a painless game that will be more difficult to play...

With this in mind, Lin Chi took a sip of Coke and focused on the chest of the female anchor who seemed to be in the living room... After two seconds, she decisively moved to the woman's face.

"Today's headlines, a joint research institute of fifteen countries, has successfully created a replaceable artificial heart, marking a new phase in the study of artificial organs."


Upon hearing this, Lin Chi stared at the holographic projection in the living room with interest. It appeared in his sight, a white wall laboratory, and some staff members wearing blue clothes were walking around. I don't know what I am doing.

With the advancement of technology, the brain-computer interface that used to appear only in science fiction has been civilianized five years ago. Artificial organs that have been developed at the same time as the brain-computer interface are also beginning to enter people's lives.

According to Lin Chi, transplants of artificial liver, kidney, lungs and other organs are now available in large hospitals.

Unlike the inferior products that can only be used for hundreds of days in the past, the artificial organs can be used for tens of thousands of days, and even if the owner is dead, it is still functioning normally.

With the start of the application of artificial organs, the threat of cancer that has plagued humans for many years has begun to shrink. Even if the organ is completely removed, the replacement of the artificial organ can complete the operation of the original organ. For the spread of cancer cells, people have also found a new treatment method -

Just thinking of it, the words of the somewhat bald middle-aged man in the projection interrupted Lin Chi’s thoughts:

"We have now produced a high-profile artificial heart and have completed experiments on orangutans. The orangutan transplanted with an artificial heart has a 100% survival rate and no adverse reactions." The man said in English, air Chinese subtitles automatically appear in the middle.

"Would you like this artificial heart, when can it be officially put into use?" The female reporter asked in English.

“Even if safety has been determined, we still need to conduct a series of tests before we can start installing artificial hearts on human volunteers.” The researcher explained: “Because the heart is one of the most important organs of humans, the test in this area will It will be very strict."

During the speech, the lens was transferred to a dark red irregular spherical object, and the one placed in the tray that connected the plastic "blood vessel" was obviously the artificial heart created by the R&D team.

"Ha..." Lin Chi smiled.

As previous scholars have said, the speed of human science and technology development is not linear growth, but an exponential surge. The progress of human science and technology can be described as ever-changing. If ten years ago, he could not imagine the level of technology today.

In 2035, ordinary mobile phones in people's hands are faster than IBM's supercomputers in 2025. High-profile artificial organs that were once thought to be impossible to produce in 50 years have also been transplanted to the patient's body, saving many people's lives.

- Now the artificial heart is about to be officially available. At this rate, perhaps in another decade, many critically ill patients who are lying in the hospital will become semi-human and semi-mechanical "reformers."

The researchers in the projection are talking and dancing, and the voice is full of pride: "Our research team is composed of technical elites from China, the United States, Russia, the European Union and many other countries. Although security tests are still in progress, I can proudly say that when it comes to mass production of artificial hearts, with the artificial blood vessels and blood dredging technology already on the market, humans may be able to say goodbye to all cardiovascular diseases."

"At that time, the 'killer' of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, sudden cardiac death, etc., will completely become the legend of the old days!"

Listening to this person’s impassioned speech, Lin Chi drank a cola and muttered: "In a few years, human beings should live forever..."

- It is indeed one of the research directions of modern technology to completely mechanize the body and upload consciousness to an absolutely secure server. In fact, these artificial organs that can operate for a long time are also the products that appear in this research direction.

If things are the same as Lin Chi’s thought, it’s self-evident that the development team that burns hundreds of billions of dollars a year will do the next thing:

“What is your next research project after completing the artificial heart?” the reporter asked.

The researcher standing next to the tray, glanced at the artificial heart next to him, raised his head and looked at Lin Yue, who was leaning against the sofa, and the eyes seemed to be flashing with excitement:

"When the artificial heart project is over, what we are about to start is the final topic of this research group - the production of artificial brains!"

“Now, some of the research team is working on the reverse engineering of the human brain to study how the brain works. At the beginning of the artificial brain project, we will fully invest in this research to present the human 'evolution'. The last gift!"

"Don't you worry about ethical issues?" the reporter asked.

"We are not simply replacing the human brain with a rude, but the 'uploading' of human thinking and memory into the artificial brain. This project may take a long time, we will do our best to strive to complete as soon as possible. The researcher completely ignored the reporter's question, as if he was in a state of enthusiasm.

- This is just like the "mad scientist" in the novel...

Thinking of this, Lin sighed and put down the empty cans in his hands.

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