War in Heaven

Chapter 621: Bloody madman-3

The successful use of the burning bottle weakened the fighting power of the worshippers, and Lin Chi and the hunter finally reached the ladder leading to the second floor.

By this time, there were only two burning bottles in Lin Chi’s hands.

It is obviously impossible to kill the blood worshippers by relying on such Soviet-made weapons. But by this opportunity, the hunter with a keen sense of smell has found the position of the worshippers.

"On the top."

The hunter snorted with a sigh of relief, carrying Lin Chichong's stairway soaked in blood, turned around the corner and entered the second floor of the labor camp, and then strode to the middle of the ring prison.

The **** atmosphere on the second floor is much stronger than the first floor. The air seemed to float with blood, which made Lin's line of sight begin to blur.

The black-eyed beast, striding into one of the cells, and then entering Lin’s line of sight, was the wall that was pulled out of a large hole.

The hole in the wall was dark and nothing could be seen. The above is also covered with a "cobweb" of blood. But this time, perhaps because of the injury just now, the protective cover made by the believer was simply unable to withstand!


The hunter slammed into the gap in the wall, and the strong body slammed into the broken wall of the cell and rushed into the secret room inside.

When the bright green light on the beast reflects the inner wall of the house, and then appears in Lin’s line of sight, it is an incredible picture:

Countless "blood vessels" tremble on the ring wall of the house, connected to the center of the room, a thin body with only the upper body.

The man has no skin, the muscles of the whole body are exposed, and the huge heart that occupies the entire chest is vigorously beating, pressing the blood from the blood vessels on the wall to other places in the labor camp.

At this point, the monster looks very painful, the body keeps twitching, revealing the muscles of the scarlet face, facing Lin Chi and the hunter, opening a big mouth and making a crazy buzz:

"Don't come over... Kroger will protect me..."

At the same time, Lin Chi saw a line of dark red text appearing next to each other:

Crazy worshippers, heroic NPCs, are not recruitable.

"Stupid cultist." The hunter said that he would come forward to give the other a happy, but was stopped by Lin Chi.

"I want to talk to him." Lin Chi patted the back of the beast under him.

"But he is... a cultist."

Despite the whispers of Lin Chi’s approach, the hunter stood aside and opened the “safety belt” on his back, letting Lin Chi down.

Obviously, the hunter is also very clear about what Lin Chi wants to do. Under the watchfulness of the beast, Lin Chi walked into the **** control room and stood in front of the monster hanging in the middle of the room, opening:


"I... won't give in!" Only the monsters in the upper body were angry and asked to roar.

"I didn't plan to let you surrender." Lin Chi raised his hands and said that he was not malicious. Continue to look at the monsters in front of you with interest.

——This blood-believing believer, although gaining the power to control the blood, is obviously far worse than the “blood god” Kroger he has encountered.

Lin Chi can see that this believer does have a strong ability to control blood, but he does not know how to control the blood to fight, just use the original "touch" to try to digest all the people.

This type of combat is very effective for prisoners who are tortured by mercury in prison. However, in the face of Lin Chi and the hunter, this kind of rough and thick battle master, it will not play much role.

It is for this reason that they will find the body of believers so easily.

This battle is too simple, and it has not been judged as the category of "BOSS battle" in the game. This is also the reason why Lin Chi saw the weird fighting tips!

- What I am facing is a poor worm that cannot control powerful forces.

After knowing this, what Lin Chi is doing now is to convince this guy to turn to the burning organization!

"Don't forget who put you in this prison." Lin Chi said seriously.

The monster is silent.

"We are also the insurgents who rebelled against the incineration organs. Now we are fighting the soldiers of the incineration organs. You should have felt the explosion next to you?" Lin Chi continued.

Silence for a while, the half-length man without skin finally spoke again: "Yes..."

"When you kill the prisoners in the labor camp, the soldiers stationed next to us have already been killed by us." Lin Chi said in a plain tone, his eyes were not blind and he looked at the monster and continued: "But You should also know what will happen next?"

Upon hearing this, the halfling slowly shook his head and the voice began to tremble slightly:

"Burning the body..."

"Yes, the incineration agency will soon discover the changes here, and then send troops equipped with flamethrowers to come here. The flames they make are much more powerful than the burning bottles in my hands." Lin Chi smiled: "How long should you be in the fire of a flamethrower?"

"I won't lose to them..."

The worship of the worshippers is still stubborn, but the two blood marks that flow down the corner of the eye indicate the fact that he is fearing.

In fact, this believer did not know what happened. He only knew that the cell in his custody would not be monitored by the managers of the labor camp. Then he accidentally found the hidden wall. Sledgehammer and shovel.

At that time, this simple-minded worshipper believed that he had become a guinea pig. He took advantage of the noisy white time in the cell, smashed the wall leading to the cell next door with a heavy hammer, rushed in to block the peephole, and smashed a man held in the cell by the hammer.

After killing the prisoner, he was a **** fanatic and he drank the blood of the deceased. Although he used to drink blood before, in the city of Holomansk, these human beings with alienation ability, the blood is "stronger" than the blood of normal people.

Then, on this **** believer, the evolution of terror began.

His symptoms of alienation soon began to occur, and in the ring-shaped prison where he was not seen, he did not have to worry about the sun. After absorbing the blood of another alienated citizen, the blood vessels in his body began to grow at an extremely fast rate, and he also possessed the ability to perceive all the blood in the vicinity.

- This guy evolved into the "blood god" that governs the blood!

That being said, the evolution of this blood-believing believer is certainly not complete, and it cannot be compared with the real blood god. Even with the hunting instinct, the spread of blood vessels kills everyone in the labor camp, but it also Not a warrior, just a beast that is simply eager for blood.

"I won't... give in!" the believer shouted.

"But their flames will burn your body, and you can't stop it." Lin Chi said the cold reality.

"No... not like this! Kroger will protect me!" Fanatic believers kept twirling, as if they were dancing ugly dances.

"He... no medicine can be saved." The hunter shot on the ground with a claw and shook the whole room and shivered: "Kill him."

"No, I think he will become an ally against the incineration organs." Lin Chi said seriously.

That being said, Lin Chi actually only used this believer as cannon fodder. Fortunately, his face was covered by white bones, otherwise the blood believers would probably see the smile on his face.

"Do you want to resist the rule of the incineration agency? Want to escape from the murderer?" Lin Chi, while asking questions, looked back at the monster without skin.

"I... don't want to die..." The blood worshippers said painfully.

"I know that you want to live, otherwise you will not turn the labor camp into this." Lin nodded and said: "We can help you solve the burnt corpse, but you have to help us." Fair trade, how?"

"Will you attack the incineration agency..." The believers quickly reacted.

"Yes, we will help you to fix the burners in this area. After that, please attack the headquarters of the incineration agency in the city center directly. We will **** you around and kill any bots who dare to approach you."

Having said that, Lin Chi looked at the blood vessels that are spreading around the wall: "With your ability, you have to move to the city center, should there be no problem?"

When this was said, not only the blood worshippers, but even the hunters who stood by the side were surprised. They asked, "Do you want to attack the headquarters directly?"

"The thieves first smashed the king, as long as they took off their base camp, the burning organs would have no play." Lin Chi nodded without hesitation.

"That is... impossible." The hunter pointed out Lin's mistake with a hoarse voice: "We can't fight against the Tsar alone."

"Do not try to know how to do it?" Lin Chi did not breathe the hunter's words, then went back and continued to look at the horrible blood worshippers and asked: "How is it considered?"

The blood-believing believers were silent again, as if they were making difficult choices. Two seconds later, the believer’s upper body trembled fiercely, and the bloodshot eyes in the eyes were much more than before:

"The corpse is coming..." He shouted in panic and waved his arms in a random way, which looked quite funny.

- The incineration agency is quite cooperative.

While Lin Chi secretly praised him, he still stood in front of the believers quietly, waiting for the other party's reply.

"Ah, ah! Kroger, please help me!"

The believer said that he began to twist his body again, like a live fish placed on the chopping board. When he saw the miserable appearance of the goods, Lin Chi gave a look to the hunters around him, turned and left the room where the believers were hiding, and returned to the labor reform. In the second floor of the camp.

"Really... want to help him?" Hearing the hunter's questioning tone, he knew that he did not agree with Lin Chi's plan: "He is a demon at all."

"It is sometimes necessary to fight the demons with the power of demons." Lin Chi said that he strode to the stairs and said no to his head: "Why is this prisoner successful in 'jailbreaking', I think you should also see it. Is it?"

"Experiment..." said the hunter's teeth.

The hunters who once sent many prisoners to the labor camps are very clear that this place is not easy to break through. The mercury in the house can prevent prisoners with alienation ability and transform directly in the cell.

Even if the believers of the blood religion are so strong, it should not be possible to complete such killing in the cell. As for how the guy escaped, there is no need to explain it anymore...

There is no doubt that the incineration agency carried out some kind of experiment in the labor camp to cultivate such a huge monster.

Now, when the monster is out of the control of the incineration agency, the corpses they sent are also very time to arrive!

With this in mind, the hunter's feline-like face once again showed a sly expression, and rushed down the stairs without saying a word, moving to the entrance of the labor camp.

Seeing that the guy was smothering, Lin was happy to be free, sitting down on the **** wall of the first floor of the labor camp, waiting for the hunter to send a good report.

Lin Chi is very clear, even if he is also in a state of alienation, it is not likely to be the hunter's opponent, the big cat with a dark skin is much stronger than himself.

So now, as long as you wait patiently, there is no problem...

"Open fire!"

There was a roar outside the yard of the labor camp. The screams of dozens of AKs were shot at the same time, like a cannon, and they continued to echo in Lin’s ear.

You don't have to look at it, the burnt corps has used a flamethrower to burn the barriers made by blood worshippers.

But these unfortunate soldiers now face more fierce opponents than believers - from the Soviet superpowers, once the "hunter" of the idol-level role in the burning organs!

The gunshots outside were weakened at a very fast speed, and the screaming screams were faintly heard. The soldiers who burned the organs were not the opponents of the hunters. After only one minute, the gunshots and screams stopped completely.

Lin Chi stood up and walked out of the main entrance of the labor camp, and it was the dozens of bodies that had been cut and smashed, and the dark beasts that were standing in the center of the labor camp.

Seeing that the other side resembles the action of the wolf, Lin Chi suddenly thought of a new question and said: "Are you a cat or a dog?"

Looking at the shape, the hunter should be a feline, but the roar of the guy and some movements reflect the characteristics of the canine.

For this reason, Lin Chi is also very interested in the true identity of the hunter.

"I am...human." The hunter said with enthusiasm.

In the answer, it opened a large mouth, revealing a mouthful of fangs, apparently not intending to continue this topic. However, Lin Chi did not intend to give up, reminding: "Don't deceive yourself, we all know that you are an animal."

"Believe it or not, I tore you..." The hunter whispered a threat, waving his claws and smashing the head of a patrol corpse.

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