War in Heaven

Chapter 812: Kill

A diplomat wearing a mercenary uniform and holding a FN-2000 assault rifle stood on the battlefield filled with smoke and Lin Chi, and his face was full of seriousness.

It was a pity that the goods were only "competitive" in less than two seconds, and they were beaten by the enemy's repressive firepower and hugged their heads on the ground. For the diplomats, the scene of the bullets and rains was too horrible.

"Don't lie, go quickly." Lin Chi continued to drag the diplomat forward, and the voice of Woods suddenly sounded in the headphones:

"Commander, don't you feel weird?"

"I found out." Lin Chi's tone is very calm.

Even in the case of early ambush, the enemy did not choose a precise blow, but used a wide range of repressive firepower. In general, the reason why this happens is obviously because

"They want to cover us?" Lin Chi looked at the smog made by Crazy Evan.

"Yes, the Vietnamese often do this on the frontal battlefield, but they are too poorly equipped and die. But the people here are different." Woods’ voice was a bit hoarse: "If they were overwritten, we would It’s dangerous.”

The enemy is now likely to send a small team, ready to launch an attack from the other side. Realizing this, Lin Chi also decisively issued instructions on the radio and began to summon other SOG soldiers hidden nearby.

Although the soldiers of SOG are not good at frontal combat, they can't manage so much now.

More than a dozen soldiers emerged from the ruins, scattered in a fan shape, firing in the direction of the enemy's fire. With the main force of SOG, Lin Qiao's pressure on this side was suddenly reduced. but……

Under the gaze of Lin Chi, the head of a SOG soldier slammed back and a large piece of blood mist sprayed from his head. Even with the body armor plundered from the Polish special forces, the head shot was completely unsaved.

"Polac! Damn..." Woods's throat burst into a beast-like roar, lifting the M16A2 rifle and sweeping the enemy's position.

As the number of people increases, the probability of soldiers being hit by bullets increases. In just one minute of the exchange of fire, two SOG soldiers were shot and two others were injured and fell to the ground and temporarily lost their fighting capacity.

"The enemy's firepower is very strong, and now should retreat!" Woods shouted.

"Wait a minute, now the rash action is the most dangerous. Only the enemy who has removed the package can leave." Lin Chi shook his head.

He still doesn't know where the enemy's smuggled guys will appear. If they are forced to evacuate directly, they might hit the enemy's muzzle.

"Captain, we can't stand it!" shouted a soldier from SOG.

The large-caliber barrage of heavy machine guns swept through the smoke, directly smashing the building bunkers used by the SOG soldiers. A soldier leaning against the broken wall, the left arm directly turned into a **** fog, and even a scream If I didn’t send it, I passed out directly in the pain.

Unlike SOG, the enemy's troops are like pure frontal combat. Whether it is firepower or precision, it completely suppresses this unit of Lin Chi. On the other hand, there is no thermal imaging mirror on the SOG side. It can only be played against the smoke, and the accuracy is also low.

"Come on, or it will be wiped out!" Woods’s voice sounded like a **** mouth.

"Let's wait... I'm looking for an opportunity to get the cards out."

Lin Chi’s voice did not fall. I saw that the diplomat’s face became dignified again. Even though Lin Chi did not say it straight, the middle-aged man was not a fool. In the light of the previous situation, he immediately heard Lin’s words. meaning:

"Do you want me to die?"


At the same time, the commander of the unit that was suppressing the fire on Lin Chi was using a telescope to observe the street a few hundred meters away. Under the tall nose, the corner of the mouth raised slightly, revealing a mocking smile.

This person's ID is "salmon squid". In this tournament, it is not a well-known existence. The pinch face of the game character is also a "cold cool guy" style.

However, since it is the player who is invited to participate in the competition, it is natural to have someone else. Like Lin Chi, the squid in the tomato sauce is also famous because of the winning streak of Lien Chan. As for the fighting style of this person, only five words can be used. Summarized:

"It’s the best to make a fortune...you still have to learn one more..."

The squid in the squid of the tomato sauce muttered a few long-standing famous sayings, and opened the assassination squad that was sent by the radio to be sent out by himself. "How is the situation?"

"I am traveling, not exposed." A cold voice sounded in the headphones.

The assassination troops sent out, like the troops that are suppressing the enemy, came from the British Royal Marines assault brigade. Although this unit is not as famous as the SAS in the UK, the combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

Unlike the SOG that intensified assassination, the soldiers of the Assault Brigade can be described as thoroughly "all-round players", from frontal combat to assassination, and their weapons and equipment are higher than SOG. Now it is possible to suppress SOG. The inevitable result.

The tactics of the squid in the tomato sauce are hidden near the strategic position, and do not try to occupy that position, but ambush those who intend to attack the strategic position. In fact, he ambushed the "star wreck" team not long ago. Although he failed to smash the other side, he killed five soldiers in the absence of casualties.

Adhering to the principle of “speaking and making a fortune”, the squid in the tomato sauce has now earned two points, and what he has to do now is to annihilate the unlucky player on the opposite side and make his ranking further!

"The assassination team is in place."

The icy sound rang from the earphones of the squid in the tomato sauce, as if from the cold wind of the abyss, the four people who were sent out for assassination. At this time, the unconsciously touched the rear of the SOG troops and was not being watched. Lin Chi and Woods of the ambush found.

The next thing to do is to confirm the position of the enemy commander.

Since no information about the enemy commander was obtained before the action, the assassination team was unable to determine the target at this time and could only send information to the squid in the tomato sauce:

"We found three suspicious people, do you want to get rid of them together?"

"All solved, do not leave alive." The order of the squid in the tomato sauce is very simple.

"Roger that--"

The voice of the assassination team was not lost, and it was interrupted by a violent explosion.

"What happened?" The smile on the face of the squid in the tomato sauce disappeared and asked again: "Is it?"

"We...have triggered a thunder, and need to leave this position immediately!" The soldiers of the assassination team responded while coughing: "The two died, the group still has two lives."

- The enemy has a bomb expert?

I noticed that the situation was wrong. The squid in the tomato sauce immediately asked: "Can you continue the mission?"

"Yes, but we need to switch targets." The sound in the headphones sounded awkward: "Now we can only kill two targets at the same time, please give instructions."

I still have no inspiration today, so I am so annoying... I have a third or so around a little, everyone still goes to sleep.

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