War in Heaven

Chapter 827: Destruction Wind-1

Entering the office that is not spacious, Lin Chi held the saber and leaned against the door to listen to the footsteps in the aisle.

The four mercenaries also walked around regularly in the passage, but even if they mastered the movements of these enemies, it is completely dead to go straight out and shoot their dog's head.

Those patrols did not seem to find the irregularities in the office, and they still patrolled step by step. Just when Lin Chizheng wanted to contact Woods and Eric, who stayed next door, the voice of the Spaniard suddenly sounded in his headphones:

"The silver shield kids, pay attention to the enemy's reinforcements is coming soon!"

"Where did you come from?" Lin Chi asked.

"They threatened us with the hostages and asked the helicopters carrying the reinforcements to be close to the building. We have no way to do it." The Spanish speak very fast: "The plane is estimated to be coming, you must not do it." !"

“Is the PMC federation so embarrassing?” Lin Chi sighed.

"What do we do? The boss of Laozi is still locked up!" The Spaniard also said a lot of masking words: "Be careful, don't mess up!"

The engine sound of the helicopter quickly went far and near. Lin was leaning against the window and saw that a dark OH-6 "Bird" helicopter was hovering outside the floor. Four black soldiers were mounted on the outside of the helicopter. The calm and incomparable appearance does not seem to save the hostages.

At this point, a window closest to the helicopter has been opened, and a black soldier is standing there shouting something. At the same time, the footsteps in the aisle disappeared.

"Commander, do you want to kill them?" Woods asked in the radio.

"Don't worry about them, we are now sneaking in and killing as many as possible." Lin Chi said with a pistol and carefully opened the door.

Now they are performing secret rescue missions. Although they can directly bomb the helicopter at this distance, if they do, the mission will undoubtedly fail immediately.

Lin Chi looked through the door to the aisle, only to see that the four soldiers had disappeared. It is estimated that they would "take the plane."

At this time, Woods and Eric also sneaked out. The three watched the opportunity to monitor the camera and turned to the other side, and quickly walked to a room in front of the left.

The silver metal nameplate next to the door is engraved with the small black word: "Main control room, MAIN-CONTROL-ROOM". Needless to say, this should be where the monitor is.

It was found that the surveillance camera installed at the end of the wall slowly turned back. Lin Chi did not have time to confirm the situation in the house. After giving a look to the two behind him, he did not hesitate to open the door.

Three firearms with silencers were placed, and at the same time, all objects in the house that looked like humans were fired, and the shells landed on the ground to make a crisp "jingle" sound. The three soldiers who were still looking at the monitor screen were sent to Xitian even before they could talk.

After solving the mercenary in the monitoring room, Lin Chi went forward, dialed a corpse lying on the table, sat on the chair where the corpse was, and began to observe the forty-nine and fifty-story two on the monitor. The situation of the layer.

Although there are many enemies, the troops are scattered. Basically, there are one or two soldiers standing in each room. In the conference room on the 50th floor, those who shook their hands and trembled around the wall should be hostages.

"They concentrated the hostages in a room, the standard way of kidnapping." Lin Chi said here and smiled: "We don't have to worry about killing the wrong person."

The sound of the helicopter quickly went away, and the smile on his face was taken away - without the noise of the helicopter, the next sneak action would become more difficult.

On the screen of the monitor, the four soldiers who had just patrolled returned to their original positions and patrolled back and forth in the corridor.

The four soldiers who had just come down from the helicopter also joined the ranks of the forty-nine guards.

Seeing this scene, Woods said: "We seem to be doing nothing."

"At least we have occupied the main control room, we don't have to care about the monitor."

While talking, Lin Chi stared at the four screens on the middle screen and saw the patrols begin to approach the main control room. He lowered his voice and gave instructions: "When they pass this door, they will give it to you. Two, remember not to be discovered by people in the house."

"Give it to us, this is the old line of SOG." Woods laughed and raised the saber in front of the black metal mask.

Under Lin Chi's gaze, Woods and Eric stood in front of the door of the main control room, listening to the footsteps that gradually approached the door without saying a word.

The two don't even need to talk. The "the eye contact" has already determined the next tactics. As an old comrade who has been fighting for many years, the tacit understanding between them is unimaginable:

The moment the sound passed from the door and began to go to the other side - the slaughter of SOG soldiers began.

Woods, who slammed the door openly, sprinted with a gun in one hand and stuck it behind the four soldiers in less than a second. He pulled the pistol and pulled the bullet into the side of the second soldier on the right side. The blade of the M9 saber smashed into the back neck of the soldier on the far right and made a "beep".

The two soldiers he was responsible for could not make a sound, and the body fell like a noodle. At this time, Eric was silent and stood in the same place, and solved the two soldiers on the left. Any chance for an enemy to turn back!

The surveillance camera above the channel is still spinning slowly, and the killing picture just taken, but did not trigger any alarm. Woods and Eric dragged the four bodies into the main control room as quickly as possible, and piled the bodies in the corner of the room like garbage.

"It's beautiful." Lin Chi said with approval.

"There is no time to deal with the blood in the channel." Woods looked back at the spray-like blood marks left on the ground.

Lin Chi looked at the four bodies of blood under his feet and shook his head and said: "No, there are less than ten enemies on the forty-nine floor. Kill them all and clean up the floor."

From the situation shown on the monitor, in order to guard the hostage, most of the enemies are on the upper floor. The enemies on this floor counted four people who had just descended from the helicopter, and only about ten were left. Even if all 10 people are assassinated, it won't take long.

Under the command of Lin Chi, the three were scattered in various rooms for "cleaning work". Except for the four soldiers who came down from the helicopter, they spent a little effort, and everything else went smoothly.

Soon, on the 49th floor, there are no other living people besides them.

"Found the bomb."

Eric’s cold voice came from the intercom, and Lin Chi and Woods both rushed to his room.

In the messy office, two reclining bodies lay in the corner. Just entering the house, Lin Chi heard the "drip" sound of the electronic watch, which was particularly embarrassing in an unusually quiet environment.

"Where is the bomb?"

Upon hearing Lin Chi’s question, Eric raised his hand and pointed to the wooden desk leaning against the wall.

There was an open black briefcase on the table, and after confirming that there were no organs and connections on the ground at the table, Lin slowly walked over and gathered in front of the briefcase to see what was inside.

The first thing that caught your eye was the silver metal cylinder in the box. The countdown number displayed on the LCD screen hanging on it was 26:27, which coincided with the remaining 26 minutes of the task countdown.

The interior of the box was lined with a variety of cluttered wires and wires. With the complexity of the thing, the three people present were obviously powerless. The only thing that might have been removed is the crazy Evan who was left downstairs.

"These mercenaries are ironic and intend to execute the hostages..."

Seeing that the other side installed a bomb on the floor, Lin’s blood-stained face showed a serious expression:

It now appears that if the hostages were not rescued before the end of the time limit, the consequences would not be as simple as the failure of the mission.

Although this small bomb can't collapse the entire building, it is not difficult to "clean up" the forty-seventh floor. The fifty layers should have the same thing. It seems that these crazy rebel mercenaries are doing a good job of "generously treating the righteousness" without the money...

Lin couldn't waste time here because of the inability to dismantle the bomb. When the task countdown was twenty-four minutes, he returned to the main control room and called the camera on the 50th floor to start researching the distribution of enemies upstairs.

In the 50-story corridor, the number of patrols was much higher than that of the 49th floor. Twelve mercenaries were divided into three groups and kept on and off.

Faced with such a tight patrol, it is simply impossible to accomplish the task of killing all the enemies without being discovered.

Even if SOG's "Assassin" can really kill the success, it will certainly waste a lot of time. Now there are only 20 minutes left, and there is no time to wait for the opportunity.

"Do you want to go straight up?" Woods stood with his arms folded, his eyes staring at the picture on the display.

"What a joke, the hostages will be executed."

Lin Chi’s voice did not fall, and a male voice suddenly sounded on the radio in the main control room:

"Hello, is anyone around?"

"Yes." Lin Chi dumbly asked: "What?"

"What happened to your voice?" The mercenary voice at the other end was a little suspicious.

"It’s smoked and dumb." Recalling the conversation in the office that he broke into from the window, Lin Chi’s current school now sells a reason.

"Oh... Carlos, how are you monitoring, other people?" the mercenary asked.

"When someone goes to the bathroom, they will come to me to take the class." Lin Chi continued to mutter the other person, imitating the voice and tone of the man who died in the office: "Do you have anything? Have something to say."

"We can't contact the forty-nine-tier patrol here. What happened? What happened next?" The mercenary said his doubts.

"The monitor shows that they are still patrolling, maybe there is a problem with the radio." Lin Chi is a serious nonsense: "Do you need me to inform them?"

"It won't be the following mercenaries who are doing ghosts, or do we first execute the two hostages to shock them?" The mercenary smiled, apparently not taking the hostages seriously.

"No, it will affect our ransom." Lin Chi vetoed the other party's proposal.

"What ransom... Have you forgotten our business?" The mercenary smiled. "The people of these PMC federations must die anyway. It is the United States who hired us to kill them. The hostages are nothing but a scorpion." After solving them, we can go to the United States to make a fortune!"

- Is the Americans planning this hostage incident?

After hearing the mercenary's remarks, Lin Chi looked at Woods and found the guy with his head down, as if he was somewhat depressed.

Even as a kind of SOG soldier who helped the United States in Vietnam to perform various unscrupulous activities, it is a bit embarrassing to know that his country is still engaged in these moths in front of foreign commanders.

"Sorry, I was a little bit smoky, and I blamed the idiot for smoking." Lin Chi coughed.

"I know that the smoke he smoked can't stand it." When it came to this, the mercenary suddenly turned around: "I said Carlos, have you considered me?"

"Considering what?" Lin Chi asked.

"That was the one I said last time, you know..." The mercenary smiled cumbersomely.

In order to avoid wearing clothes and not wanting to waste time here, Lin Chi wanted to end the conversation quickly. However, if you cut off the call directly, it may cause suspicion of the upstairs enemy. Now you can only adapt to it:

"I'm still a bit embarrassed, can you specifically say it?" He coughed a few more coughs.

"That's the thing, oh~" The mercenary's voice suddenly became extremely cumbersome: "You and the idiot are also tired of it, should you change your boyfriend? How about we play?"


As soon as this was said, even Lin Chi’s thoughts also showed an instant pause. Woods and Eric, who had been standing in the main control room without saying a word, had no body, and suddenly began to tremble slightly.

- What kind of plane? Is there such a plot?

At this time, Lin Chi, who stayed in the main control room, seemed to see the scenes of the players who were watching the live broadcast in the game and laughing in the stomach. However, even if he wanted to break the man's neck at the other end of the radio, Lin Chi chose to "bear the burden" in order to successfully complete the task:

"We are not suitable..." he whispered.

"How did you change your mind? Last time you said that you would consider me coming!" The mercenary looked like an angry look: "Your boyfriend has changed a dozen, and must sleep with everyone else." Is it my turn to be my turn?"

- Is this "Carlos" a social flower...

Strongly resisting the urge to vomit blood, Lin Chi said: "This is still to be said later, I have to pay attention to the monitor, first hang."

After the speech, he cut off the call directly and nodded to the two mercenaries around him:

"Solve them right away."

"Commander, do you want to think about me?" Woods's voice suddenly became very magnetic.

"You will kill you if you talk about this topic." Lin Chi pulled out the saber and shook it in front of the other side.

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