War in Heaven

Chapter 837: Stellar wreck, crazy battlefield commander

"The enemy commander was missed and a soldier was shot."

The ghost of the battlefield wearing Geely suit, while taking up the M24 sniper rifle, used the throat to report his own results.

Hearing the words of the ghost of the battlefield, the coach who is using the telescope to observe the battlefield said: "Retreat."

- Although it was not able to kill the guy who had teamed with him, but the previous battle killed the guy's entourage and several special forces soldiers, it is worth the price.

Looking at the two guards from the Navy’s hunting team, the coach was about to turn away, and the cold voice of the ghost of the battlefield rang again:

"I found the enemy soldiers with hounds, do you want to kill them?"

"No, he is not coming to us." The coach said, turning to look at the mercenary hospital at the end of the street.

The geek with the hound is obviously going to seek revenge on the "countercurrent". Even if he let go, he will not continue to pursue himself. Keeping him can further disrupt the enemy's pace.

Upon receiving the command of the commander, the ghost of the battlefield immediately carried the sniper rifle behind him, ready to evacuate the wreckage of the house that was just used as a shooting spot.

But he just turned around, the picture in front of him suddenly darkened, and then the neck was hot, and the pain spread to the brain in an instant, and began to destroy his consciousness together with the feeling of suffocation.

The ghost of the battlefield was cut off!

While the follower covered his neck and fell to the ground, there was a figure in black combat uniform behind him. Sam Fisher licked the blood stain on the blade and disappeared into the shadow again.


Hearing the current noise flowing through the headphones, the coach frowned slightly and wanted to use the radio to contact the ghost of the battlefield, but received no response.

"Retreat, someone is coming." While he was talking, he turned his attention to the position where the ghost of the battlefield was originally hidden.

At this time, the wreckage of the star that had just arrived nearby was hiding in a ridiculous ruin, waiting for the message from the agent.

Since relying on the assassination of Sam Fisher, after killing the player named "Salmon Squid", he tasted the sweet star wreck and chose to continue to send the super agent to assassinate other players who tried to occupy the strategic location. Or their subordinates.

For the stellar wreckage, whether it is the so-called "honor" or "viewing", it is completely irrelevant. Only the removal of other commanders is the most important. The celebrity is a tall man, and the officer wearing a brown beret is better than any other player.

After receiving a report from Sam Fisher on the sniper's report, the star's wrecked face was close to the square, revealing a shallow smile, and the face muscles moved with a lot of wrinkles.

But what he is thinking now is not to win the tournament as a player, but...

"I will complete the mission of the Special Operations Command."

Leaning against the cold wall, the star wrecked the handle of the saber in his hand. The eyeballs are constantly turning around, and the eyes seem to have lost their focal length. It seems to be hypnotized by something.

"Commander, please give instructions."

A KSK commando soldier around him, seeing the wreckage of the star seem to be in a daze, asked a tentative question. But when he saw the commander’s original serious face, he suddenly opened his mouth and revealed a strange smile.

- Shouldn't he be crazy?

The soldier looked at the face of the stellar wreck with some surprise, but found that the strange expression of the commander had disappeared and his face was serious again.

"What did you say?" The wreckage of the star turned and looked at the soldiers under his arm.

"We are waiting for the next step." The soldier said, raising his hand and blinking, once thought he had an illusion.

"Oh, keep staying here, let Sam do it alone." The stellar sigh sighed: "With our current manpower, it is no longer possible to fight in front."

After the five soldiers were torn by the leprosy gnome, there are only three survivors left by the KSK commando soldiers. The wreckage of the stellar knows that to complete the mission of the Special Operations Command, only relying on Sam Fisher will have an odds. but……

"I'm a little……"

He reached over his forehead and the five senses began to distort.

"Commander, are you okay?" The soldier looked at him with some concern.

"Nothing, just a little dizzy." The wreckage of the star shook his head.

He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a while. Now he is only the commander of the KSK commando, leading the army to annihilate other special forces in the city, and by the way, to carry out some "living work to save the hostages." "It seems that there is nothing else that is important to be able to think of it."

However, this kind of irritability that lingers in my heart, what is going on?

The wreckage of the stellar stunned his head, still decided not to think about it, just contacted Sam Fisher and issued the following instructions:

"Continue to look for enemy commanders, he should have not gone far."


Agents in black quickly left the scene of the killing, and even though the hair became white, the movement was still agile.

The agent from the fourth echelon of the National Security Agency (NSA) may be the best person in the city of Kayaland to ambush and assassinate. And what he has to do now is to find the enemy commander and then end the life of the other party!


"Is it really okay to do this..."

Sitting in his private house to watch the live broadcast of the "Terminator", after witnessing the wreckage of the star, he couldn't help but spit.

As one of the famous players in the war paradise, although the "Star Scrap" is very strong, but his combat power is actually different from those who participate in the invitational tournament.

However, this person still received an invitation from Pulse Entertainment. Everyone can see that this invitation is not based on his strength, but on his unique gameplay.

- In a sense, "Star Scrap" is the most professional player in the war paradise, because this guy will completely put down his original identity in each game, completely substituting into the character itself!

In other words, after entering the game for a while, the guy will forget that his "ontology" is the player lying in the game bin, but he regards himself as the character in the game. He can even create a new "virtual identity" for himself through strong psychological cues.

Since every game in the war heaven is time-limited, after the game is over, the "star wreck" will naturally return to reality, recalling who it was. This may also be the reason why he did not choose other intra-brain imaging games - if you play games that can be online forever, this guy may starve to death in the game bin because he forgot how to go offline...

- Is it really the right choice to let this crazy guy participate in the invitational tournament?

Looking at the spherical camera to capture the starring eyes of the stellar wreck, as the end of the audience watching the game, also began to think in the heart.

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