War in Heaven

Chapter 850: The person chosen by the heavens

In the sky of the city of Kayaland, there is a faint cloud.

On the second day of the game, the battle in the city has entered a fever with the unlocking of strategic locations. When a group of players such as leprosy gnomes, squid squid, big arcian and scorpio exit, they can still stay on this battlefield. They are all real sly characters.

For example... "Valkyrie", which is now marching toward a strategic location on the map, is one of the most highly regarded players in this tournament.

As one of the peaks among female players, although many people think that Valkyrie has the suspicion of excessive hype, no one has questioned the strength of this player.

Regardless of the wind review, the strength of the Valkyrie is placed there. She is indeed the strongest female player who is also known as the "double king" with Carol. Of course, after the publication of the "blood blade" gender, the current situation has almost changed from a double king to a three-legged.

"Is it going to rain?"

Looking up at the thick clouds, the slim soldier with short hair speeded up the pace, three dark silhouettes, quietly followed her.

Soldiers in black combat uniforms, holding the MP5SD6 micro-sounding submachine gun with telescopic **** and built-in silencer, the face is covered with a mask, and only the eyeballs that keep turning are exposed.

The troops chosen by Valkyrie are the ninth battalion of the famous German border police. (GSG-9). This force has already appeared in the computer game "Counter Strike" at the end of the last century. Later, it often appeared in various games, movies, and novels, and became a frequent visitor to the players.

Although the GSG-9 is nominally a police force rather than an army, few people can do better than these guys in implementing counter-terrorism operations. To save the hostages in the ruined city, the GSG-9 guys are almost the best choice.

In addition to the three soldiers responsible for the guards, a follower of the Valkyrie is still alive, and is also with her:

"There is no sign of life in front."

He is talking about a young man who can eat on his face, but he is on the battlefield. His beautiful face is like the statue of ancient Greece. Even wearing a thick camouflage suit, he still can't cover the good figure that can make countless fans drool. . In addition to the slightly higher hairline, this blond man can almost be called the incarnation of the word "beautiful man".

"Not yet, continue to observe." Valkyrie looked at the followers.

Now they are about a kilometer away from the destination "mercenary hospital". Since the area has been blown up to the ruins, the hospital's three-story building is now clearly visible. but……


When I saw the building that was dyed dark red and the horror of the open space, even the soldiers of the GSG-9 had a moment of consciousness:

The suffocating **** taste permeates the air, and it seems like it has been washed away by plasma. It seems that tens of thousands of people have gathered in the square and then bombed into pieces by bombs detonated from the body.

"This is really...somewhat strange."

The beautiful man who has always maintained a calm expression, his face is slightly darker. The picture in front of us is beyond the limits of human tolerance.

"Commander, I suggest leaving this place." A guardian of the GSG-9 said his proposal.

"Look at the situation." The Valkyrie wore a black mask with a enamel pattern to block the pungent smell, but the disgusting smell still lingered.

Judging from the text displayed on the map, this strategic location was occupied by "countercurrents" and is now in an unoccupied state. When seeing the horror in front of the hospital, the Valkyrie probably guessed the reason why the player fled.

Even if it is a game, it takes a lot of courage to stay in this ghost place for a long time. After the man gave up the place directly, he would definitely not stay here for a long time, but went to other places. and so……

"I will accept this building!" Valkyrie waved her fist.

- Really want to go in...

The GSG-9 soldiers also disagreed when they heard the commander's words. But as soldiers, they did not violate the commander’s right, and they could only do it.

A team of five people walked cautiously toward the hospital, and as they approached about five hundred meters, a line of tips appeared in front of Valkyrie:

-- The strategic location of the Kayaland City "mercenary hospital" has been occupied by the demon.

"Damn, how could it be him?" The Valkyrie was annoyed and kept shaking her head.

Seeing that the commander was very depressed, the soldiers and the followers stopped nearby. The Valkyrie looked up at the three black soldiers and sighed: "Slow, I will attack the enemy here."

For her own strength, Valkyrie is absolutely confident. But "flame", the "horror legend" that scares other players, she naturally heard.

The old players who play games all the year round are very clear. Some of the legends in the game circle are actually stories that have actually happened. Some of them are ridiculous in others, like strange things that are completely impossible, but they all exist. of.

Luck, or the illusory thing of "personality", is indeed good or bad. The lucky value in War Heaven is the quantification of this attribute.

But even in other games without lucky attributes, the real "European Emperor" can still turn the tide and complete some incredible operations.

For example, if it is a copy of the final BOSS, there is a 1% probability of dropping a rare mount, which is randomly assigned to the three players in the 20-player team.

Players with very poor character may not see the picture of the mount falling. People with poor character may encounter the situation of dropping the mount once or twice, but they will not be assigned at all.

Players with luck, after playing many copies, should also be assigned to the mount. And those "Europeans" who are better off may have only played one or two copies, and together with the other two lucky ones on the team, they got the ride and walked away.

However, the situation of "burning the devil" is different from everyone else above...

If the demon is in the team, the mount will definitely fall and then be assigned to his backpack. But... the three mounts that should have been dropped, this time only one will fall. In addition to burning the devil, the other two who were supposed to get the mount did not get the loot they deserved.

- "Burn the flames" This mixed ball is not only good luck, but also can absorb the luck of teammates, as if it comes with a "helium aura." For his enemies, this guy is a complete nightmare...

Although Valkyrie believes that the rumors about burning the devil should be somewhat exaggerated, she knows that it is still careful.

In order to avoid being affected by the horrible halo of the demon, she squatted directly down the 500 meters, lying in the **** ruins, taking out a city camouflage CheyTacM200 sniper rifle from the backpack, aiming at that Bloody hospital.

"It shouldn't be affected at this distance..." she muttered aloud. A new order was issued to the soldiers around me:

“Observing the situation in the hospital window, I found someone reporting the location immediately. But don’t come close.”

"Roger that."

The guards from GSG-9 took out the telescope directly to observe the situation in the hospital. Other soldiers who had been hidden behind were also observing the hospital.

The interior of the window of the hospital building was also reddish with blood, and there was no visible figure. It was like a fierce battle. The walls on the first floor were already ruined, and you could directly see the situation in the corridor.

The Valkyrie patiently observed for a while, and did not see anyone. It seems that the demon and the soldiers under his arm should be hidden.

"It’s so annoying..." The female martial art secretly complained.

If other players have occupied the hospital, she has already launched an offensive directly, let alone "reverse", even if it is a coach, Valkyrie is still a battle.

However, the deterrent of the name Burning Demon is stronger than anyone else in this game. The Valkyrie does not want to be inexplicably hanged because of an accident, so it can only be temporarily hidden.

She opened the status bar and looked at her current lucky value of 15 points. Not too high but not too low, almost the same as the average.

--it should be no problem?

The female martial **** brows her eyes and stares at the hospital window locked by the crosshairs, ready for the fire.


At the same time, the devil went to the back door of the hospital to observe the situation outside.

Needless to say, the player who had occupied the hospital before, is just right to escape from here. If the guy escapes in a hurry, maybe something will be left...

With the "burning demon" of the hen's head, he just noticed the body of a mercenary and the tablet next to the body.

It seems that it should be one of the contestants, and it is used to contact the computer of the special forces. Even if you are in a hurry, this kind of prop can't be dropped from the backpack. In other words -

"Is it... trap?"

There was a smile on the pale face.

He has always had absolute confidence in his luck. Of course, this kind of good luck often causes trouble, but now, looking at his own lucky value of 70 points, the demon has no fear that this trap will cause harm to himself.

Unlike games that don't have a lucky character, the game of War Heaven has a lucky value. At this point, the burning magic has already been verified in the game.

Moreover, the first skill in his skill bar is also the reason for the self-confidence:

The person of the day (level 3):

Passive skill.

For players with this skill, the lucky value will increase by 50 points. And the release of the aura of fortune against any hostile force within a kilometer, which reduced their luck by 50%.

The damaged device you get, as well as the device that you can't use, has a 50% chance of recovering itself and becoming usable.

"Sorry, I am just lucky. - mysterious player."

There is no doubt that this skill is the strongest halo effect in this game. Bringing the lucky special effects and the devil of the doom halo, not to mention picking up the tablet directly, intending to read the enemy's information.

The chat history on this computer seems to be undelete. Regardless of the "countercurrent" for what reason to leave the computer here, no doubt has made a huge mistake...

The demon smiled and turned on the computer, and saw the white text on the screen:

"Coordinates are being sent."

When I saw the line of text, the burning hand slightly shook a bit, then immediately resumed the normal state, whispered: "Don't be kidding, there is no signal at all..."

The voice did not fall, he saw a dazzling white light shining in the distant sky.

It was completely unexpected that this would happen, and the burning of the computer immediately thrown away the computer, but it was too late.

- His own "natural selection" skills have changed the nearby radio signal, so that the signal that was originally blocked by the jammer was successfully sent out!

"Is it a call missile?"

At this point, the demon has finally understood the intention of the other party to leave the computer. However, he is also very clear that at the speed of his own body, it is impossible to avoid the missile attack.

So, what you should do is very simple...


Burning the magic without fear, step forward and look directly at the light that comes from the speed. The missile broke through the dark clouds above the head and turned into a vague light and shadow, and collapsed toward the mercenary hospital!

The soldiers of DEVGRU have begun to look for bunkers, but the devil still does not avoid the flash, facing the flying missiles. then……

A golden "thin line" flashed away, and the interceptor launched by the Sade anti-missile system on the open space in front of the PMC Consortium directly hit the flying missile. A huge fireball appeared directly above the mercenary hospital, which made the already dim sun darken again.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The burning demon standing in the field came out with a laugh.

The intercepted missile fragment fell, but under his super-high luck, the high-speed falling metal fragments seemed to have long eyes, all avoiding his body and falling on the nearby open space.


A piece of silver metal slashed like a blade, and it was placed in the ground less than ten meters away from the burning demon, causing the dust of the sky.

But "the man" is like nothing, still standing still.

"Hah, to kill Laozi, it is still not enough..."

The words of the devil have not finished yet, and the red text suddenly popped up in front of me.

The player "Valkyrie" has died!


Seeing this line of death tips, the burning devil turned back and looked at the **** red ruins behind him.

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