War in Heaven

Chapter 913: Devil's warning


"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

The sound of the bone saw is unusually soft, like a young father who is sleeping with a child. When he heard the other party’s unusual speech, Lin Chi’s body began to get nervous and he was ready to play at any time.

According to his experience, this seemingly "gentle" enemy is likely to be extremely dangerous in the game. Compared with those real fierce men who are hard-pressed and hard-pressed, the opponents who hide their swords are more difficult to cope with.

I haven't seen the figure of the bone saw. The scalp and numb voice of the other party has already floated over. When the sound is getting closer, I will lift the dark sword in Lin Chi, and prepare to fight with the other side. The footsteps... stopped.

“Really no one? Bored...”

The bone saw sighed, apparently a pity, and the footsteps that were close to it were far away.

What is the situation of this person?

I don't know why, Lin Chi felt a subtle sense of familiarity and always felt like he had seen similar enemies somewhere.

In the All-Star Invitational that just ended, there was no such name. The game of War Heaven is also not allowed to open more accounts. Each player can only use the first account created by himself. Change the shape of the virtual character, the name is completely unchangeable.

"Is it an illusion?"

Lin was brows and waited for a moment until the other's footsteps disappeared completely, and finally took a step back to the corridor of the fortress.

The figure of the bone saw did not appear nearby, and it seems that it should have really left. The guards outside the fortress were solved by the players, and even if the battle was over, they still did not return to this side.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to have no enemies in the fort, Lin Chi continued to search for the unspoiled parts of the building, looking for the location of the legendary Crimson Book. When he reached the deepest part of the maze, he finally found himself. What you want:

A somewhat decaying wooden box, displayed on a rocky table, stands quietly in the center of the circular room. There are several red lights in the cracks of the board, and something is shining inside.

This is the book of Crimson?

Lin Chi walked lightly and gently, and cut a faintly visible filament next to the box. The huge sickle fell from the front and squatted on the floor directly in front of the box.

For him who had ventured in the city of the government, this kind of rudimentary institution was too inferior and could not cause any threat.

Also easily cracked a few small traps in front of the box, Lin Chi used a tiger claw hunting knife to open a wooden board on the wooden box, and took out the hard cover of the red skin from the inside, the dazzling red light suddenly disappeared.

In the moonlight, the cover of the book is so popular that the color is more like a strange substance that can "receive the soul" than the blood, so Lin Chi can't help but be a moment of disappointment, staring at the cover for a while. It’s not until the item prompts that it finally comes back:

Crimson Book:

Special items.

Item Level: Epic.

The blood **** of the undead zone needs this book, but it may have other uses.

“The collections of Sodom City are so vast that they are too large to count, and some of them contain strange powers.”

From this introduction, this book should not be as simple as the task props that are handed over to npc.

Because the light inside the ruins was too dark to read, Lin Chi stuffed the crimson book into the backpack and walked decisively before the guard arrived.

Of course, he did not go directly to the book to the blood god, but first returned to the sacred house that was cleaned up by himself in the Mephistopte territory, lighting the oil lamp in this temporary safe house and turning it over. The first page of the Crimson Book.

Then he immediately discovered a fatal problem:

"What is this written?"

The text in the book of Crimson is a kind of strange font that is constantly curved and looks like a dragonfly. There is no horizontal or vertical line. Lin has never seen similar words. In the case that the Chinese system is not effective, it is also fundamental. Unable to interpret the contents of the book.

Perhaps, can anyone in the city interpret this text?

On the street outside the door, the footsteps of the guards sounded. Lin Chi turned off the oil lamp and sat on the cold broken chair and looked out the window.

"The dead body..."

The devil's whisper sounded from the ear, and Lin Chi still did not move.

"Hey, the dead!"

Mephistopheles added a tone: "Come to my altar!"

"I don't have anything to exchange with you at this time." Lin Chi, while talking, broke the book of Crimson into his backpack.

Mephistopheles' strength is too weak, even if he gives him the spirit, he can only get a small amount of power, it is not very cost-effective. Although with the spirit of Samuel on hand, Lin Chi did not turn over to Mephistopheles, just want to go to the altar of Mamen to ask about "market conditions."

"The dead body, I am not talking about the soul," Mephistopheles whispered.

Under the urging of this weak god, Lin Chi returned to the sizzling wooden bed in front of the small altar in the house and asked straight away: "What are you doing?"

"Don't talk to me in that tone, go to the dead." Mephistopheles is a bit angry: "Don't forget that I gave you a second life..."

"I have already got a good living sacrifice for you, only got such a little strength." Lin Chi raised his right hand and shook in front of the statue of Mephistopheles: "Even the problem of the body is also solved by other gods. ""

"My strength is recovering..."

Mephistopheles coughed and whispered to Lin: "God, help me get a new live sacrifice, I will give you a powerful power..."

"Get it, this trick can only lie to fools." Lin Chi smiled.

After feeling the "power" given by Mephistopheles and witnessing the power of other angelic messengers, Lin Chi had no expectation for this firewood god. However, since there is a task, it is natural to pick it up...

Start the mission: new sacrifices.

Mephistopheles sensed a powerful force at the west gate, found the source of power, and sent the living sacrifice to the altar of Mephistopheles.

Mission Reward: The power that Mephistopheles gives.

After listening to the mission goal described by Mephistopheles, Lin Chizheng was about to turn away from the house. The devil's whisper sounded again in the ear:

"The dead body, are you touching something that shouldn't be touched?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Lin Chi reached out and grabbed the doorknob.

"Remember, even if you are cursed, something can't be touched."

Speaking of here, Mefister, who has been weak all the time, suddenly sounds serious: "Unless you are willing to rob you, don't touch the ancient creations easily."

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