War in Heaven

Chapter 915: Demon guard

Lin Chi turned back and closed the door, stood beside the bent Moya, gently patted her back, waiting for the woman to relax.

"What happened outside?" he asked.

"Yes...the **** soldier...is outside."

Mo Liya’s shocked and unstoppable gasps, tearing off the mask on her face, revealing a white face: “Hell soldiers everywhere...”

"Is it because of the murder in the territory of the king of God?" Lin Chi stood by the window, picked up a curtain and observed the situation on the street.

In the neighbourhood of the neighborhood, you can see two huge shadows, and the **** soldiers who are taller than the roadside houses are squatting in the territory of Mephistopheles.

"It shouldn't be this reason, the messenger is an adult..." Finally, Mo Liya, who was slowed down, took a wooden chair and sat down and explained: "The reason why the king of the gods sent so many soldiers is probably to hunt down the cursed. , that is, the presence of the messenger."

"Go on." Lin Chi stared at the two demons on the street.

——I was able to solve the **** soldier before, but also thanks to the slow swordsmanship, but the slow swordsmanship has a 20-minute cooldown. In the face of a large number of **** soldiers, there is no blessing of this skill. His current attribute value is simply not the opponent of the Hell Soldier.

Mo Liya had not had time to open it again. The Mayfair altar in the bedroom had already answered Lin Chi’s question: "I thought that only I had resurrected the corpse in order to accumulate strength. Now several other gods are also resurrected. A large number of messengers, feeling the threatening king of God, began to summon soldiers directly from hell..."

"So a large-scale call, is there something like a squad?" Lin Chi asked.

"There is a gateway to **** in the center of Sodom City, and the messenger is an adult." Mo Liya whispered: "With the command of the king, there will be a large number of **** residents coming in."

"And this kind of operation?" Lin Chi put down the curtains, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious.

It seems that this massive demon invasion should be the forced storyline in this map. Other players in the spirit of the gods may have the power to counter. But the one who belongs to the weakest god, Mephistopheles, does not have the power to resist.

However, following the balance of the game, players who are assigned to the Memphis camp should also get a solution. Otherwise, this part of the player can only wait for death, and the game experience will definitely be bad.

"Do you have any way?" Lin Chi looked back at the Memphis altar in the bedroom.

"My other pieces have been taken to refuge." Mephistopheles' voice is particularly low: "But you are my most valued subordinate, you can survive..."

"Other chess pieces, how many people?" Lin Chi went straight to the point.

"The corpse, don't want to do it to them." Mephistopheles is like a "near death and unyielding" look: "Do you think I will put all the bets on you?"

—— Even though I have already seen the power of Lin Chi, and I have gained a lot of benefits, Mephistopheles is still protecting other players under the squad, obviously intending to “multi-line development” instead of relying on a subordinate to return to God. altar.


Realizing that Mephistopheles couldn't fully trust himself, Lin Chi didn't waste time on this topic, just changed the topic: "Can a **** soldier detect the presence of a cursed person?"

"Hell soldiers are blind, but the eyes can see the cursed." Mephistopheles continued the "background introduction": "However, I let Mo Liya bring things."

While talking at Mephistopheles, Mo Liya figured out a bone bent into a u-shape from a bag hanging around her waist and placed it in Lin’s hands.

The bones have almost the thickness of the little finger, and the length is about five centimeters. It is not what the material is. When Lin has picked up the bones of the yellow, the line of sight is also very intimate pop-up items:

Hidden bone:

Special items, consumables.

Item level: excellent.

The cursed person carrying the bone will not be observed by the low-level demons, and the effect will disappear after six hours. This effect does not work when someone other than the cursed carries the hidden bone.

"It is said that the hidden bone comes from a certain part of the body of the demon. This bone can make the cursed disappear from the eye of the eye, and at the same time escape the pursuit of the **** soldiers."


After reading the introduction of the item, Lin Chi did not ask for a good breath: "Why don't you give me such a good thing early?"

"The corpse, this bone is taken from me. Do you think it is so comfortable?" Mephistopte retorted: "This is the treasure I have given you, and I am not going to kneel down and pray for Mephistopheles. Blessing?"

"Get it..." Lin Chi smiled and broke his bone into his pocket.

With this stuff, I can say that it is temporary security, taking advantage of the opportunity that cannot be observed by the outside demon, just to go directly to the "hidden" residence.

In view of this, Lin Chi is also slowly opening the main entrance of the house of worship, just stepping out, a hot wind suddenly hits the face, with a stench that is difficult to describe in words, engulfed his body:

A "brain" with a length of three meters and a height of two meters flies over the street. The brain is inlaid with a deep purple eyeball that is constantly turning and observing the street below with a circular pupil.

The shape of this eye-devil can be described as very curious. By contrast, the three **** soldiers who walked down the street look much "normal": they have blue skin, curved corners and The four-armed humanoid demon, like the eye-devil, ignored the existence of Lin Chi, holding a bone knife and a spear, walking through the street in front of Lin Chi, leaving a deep footprint on the road.

"What if I attack them?" Lin Chi turned back and asked Mo Liya.

"That, messenger adults... please don't treat **** soldiers as fools." Mo Liya licked her mouth and blocked the smell of sulfur: "As soon as you attack the **** soldiers, they will immediately discover your presence."

"Okay, I understand." Lin nodded and waved at Mo Liya, laughing: "Take me your house."

Closing the gate of the house of worship, carrying Lin Chi, the skeleton of the demon god, stepped directly onto the street full of demons and headed southwest of the map.

The sky was shrouded in dark yellow clouds, obscuring the bright moonlight and starlight. Countless **** soldiers and eye-catchers wandered around the city of Sodom, making this city, which is extremely evil in the legendary record, into a real nightmare.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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