War in Heaven

Chapter 920: "Devil Hunter"

The two disguised as two-headed demon are mixed in the **** demon, and the companions who emit rancid smell around them speak the demon language that humans cannot understand.

Unlike the demons in ordinary people's cognition, the demons in Sodom's city seem to be extraordinarily "gentle". Although the shape is still horrible, these monsters are not indiscriminate, but they are searching for cursed people everywhere in the city.

As a cursed player, of course, they all hid themselves and got the protection of the gods, making the devil's search action useless.

However, Lin Chi still vaguely noticed that the targets that these demons are searching for seem to be not just cursed.

“Is there still a cult believer in the city?” Lin Chi asked Mo Liya.

"Some, the messenger adults, the wicked people who believe in the light can not kill." Mo Liya replied: "But just to catch cult believers, will not send so many soldiers..."

- Since it is not for the pursuit of cult believers, why are these demons so large-scale?

Lin Chi was considering this issue and noticed that several infernal soldiers on the street, as if they had sensed something, suddenly began to rush to the east side of the block.

"There seems to be something over there..." Mo Liya said weakly.

"Okay, let's see it in the past." Lin Chi manipulated the huge body of the double-headed demon and ran with the **** soldiers.


Some old red trench coats swayed in the dark streets, turning into a blurry red light, sweeping across the street.


The rushing gunshots continued to reverberate on the streets. The heads of several **** soldiers spurted dark plasma, four-armed monsters, waved bone weapons and rushed forward to try to attack several red silhouettes on the street. . but……

A loud bang, the pale smog vacated, the three figures suddenly disappeared, and even the intimate ability of the **** soldiers could not detect the enemy's position.

Just as the demons were shaking around and looking for enemies, the phantom red light reappeared - this time behind the **** soldiers.

The sharp-edged scabbard brings out a long silver light, like the calligrapher's fluent brushwork, and the time disappears into the air. The legs of the two Hell Soldiers were cut off directly, and the Hell Armor of the body was completely unable to block the opponent's blade!

The **** soldiers were madly waving their weapons, but unfortunately they didn't even have an effective attack on the target. Under the violent knife of the enemy, they were instantly cut into several pieces, and they fell to the ground.


When the low-level demons on this street were all killed, a male voice that sounded like a vicissitude, the red man standing in the middle of the three men, smashed the blood on his sword and put the sword. The handle is inlaid with a long sword, and he is back behind himself in a red trench coat.

The man had a white hair, and his face looked very young with a flawless expression. The windbreaker did not have a zipper on his chest, showing a firm chest muscle and several knife marks on his abdomen.

A man and a woman standing next to him, except that the top is not open, is basically the same as his costume. The three are all white hair, and the legs are wrapped in jeans with holes. It looks quite fashionable. The style of people.

"Who else?"

A short-haired woman in red, squinting her eyes and scanning the devil's body on the street. At this time, Lin Chi and Mo Liya disguised the two-headed demon, finally arrived in the neighborhood.

Looking through the alleys of the three people on the street, Lin Chi whispered to himself: "Where did these people have seen it?"

He was about to venture down the street and observe the three people standing on the street. Mo Liya suddenly manipulated the body of the two-headed demon and turned and ran away in the opposite direction.

"What are you doing?" Lin Chi asked.

"Not good, is the demon hunter. Messenger messenger, hurry to leave here!" Mo Liya's voice is very anxious, as if he was scared.

"Devil Hunter……"

Indulging in this name, Lin Chi finally remembered that he had seen a similar role in an old game called "Devil May Cry," and asked: "Are they strong?"

"The demon hunters who dare to enter Sodom City are very powerful, so they will be crowned with the name of 'Devil'." Mo Liya explained: "We can't fight against these demons alone, messenger adults!"

“It’s not ‘devil hunter’ but ‘devil-hunter’.” Lin Chi spit out the interruption of the word.

For the residents of Sodom City, these humans who are hunting demons are the real demons. It is indeed too difficult to fight against the three "demons" with their own double-headed body. A little bit.

- But are these demon hunters also players?

Because the observation time was too short, Lin Chi did not see the names and identity introductions of the three people around him. Now it is impossible to determine whether the three people are heroic npcs or players who enter this game.

From the setting of this map, each player will be assigned to a specific camp. Although the players who are present are all affiliated to the "God's Camp", it is possible that the starter is the player of the Demon Hunter. .

If this is the case, the three demon hunters will undoubtedly be their strong enemies in this game, and maybe even more difficult than the messengers of other gods.


The low male voice rang from the front of the double-headed demon, accompanied by this demon language that couldn’t understand what it meant. A three-meter-high "Bulky Warrior" with blue bones and heavy armor directly tore the space. , striding out from the purple cracks.

The demon body was covered with a heavy spurt, and the dangerous red light was shining in the gap of the bone helmet. He held a blue double-edged sword with a material casting. The sword had cold light. flow.

"Is this...is...a god!" Mo Liya was so excited that she said that she was unfavorable.

Under the gaze of the two, the armored demon with the double-edged sword passed by the double-headed demon. Lin Chi looked back at the guy's handsome back and a red text popped up:

"Devil Maharaja" Talmel, heroic npc (leadership level), can not be recruited.

- So many bosses in this map?

Lin Chi was still secretly feeling that he saw the demon monarch striding toward the street where the three hunters were located. A loud bang, a dazzling red light rushed into the sky, and three lines of text appeared in front of his eyes:

The player "big mouth drinking" has died.

The player "Philip" has died.

The player "Starry Love Song" has died.


Seeing the three lines of death prompts popping up at the same time, Lin couldn't help but be silent. After ten seconds, he slowly started:

"Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay."

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