War in Heaven

Chapter 930: The rise of blood god

The tremulous candlelight illuminates the face of Molly, the saint of the Mephis, now hiding in the house of worship, staying with the body on the bed, through the small altar in the bedroom, The supreme **** communicates:

"The messenger did not come back..."

Mo Liya’s tone was a little unstable, her hands were tight on her chest. Out of concern for the messenger, her face had already fallen a lot of sweat, making the original makeup look ugly. "zebra crossing".

"Don't worry, that corpse will not be easily killed." Mephistopheles's whispered: "His strength has exceeded my previous predictions, you don't have to care."

Speaking of this, Mephistopsy turned: "Servant, you should worry about your safety, I feel a troublesome guy awakened."

Mo Liya still wants to say something, but in the end she only slowly nodded and said with a sincere voice:

"Follow, my lord."


While Moorea communicates with his own gods, on the other side of the city, the demon who are wearing blood-stained armor are fighting against the "spirits" that are about to break through.

The blood-stained tip piles on the whole street began to rise uncontrollably. In order to avoid the underground monsters from breaking free, the **** soldiers came up, grabbed the pick-up piles and pressed them down, and there were a lot of unusually burly bodies. The devil also rushed over and began to control the situation here.

"iaiz-yel-mel!" The green-skinned monster made a loud command to the **** soldiers.

The monsters that have just arrived are bigger than the Hell Soldiers, and their backs are covered with long manes. On the body resembling an orangutan, there is a lion’s head, and each monster’s arms are Holding a large metal pile is obviously to seal the gods in the ground again.


A picket was slammed into the ground, and fountain-like black blood rushed out of the hole where the spiked nails went. But the gods that are trying to break through the ground are certainly not blocked by such things:

"Give me the book!"

Into the crazy blood **** kept screaming, the sound sounded like a bomb detonated in an underground tunnel, the row of houses next to it was all smashed, but the residents in the house did not mean to leave at all, but instead In the fragmented building, sing the prayers of the blood **** loudly:

"When the blood of darkness boils again, the supreme spirit will return to the earth, praise the scarlet! Praise the darkness! Everything we are given will be a sacrifice for the birth of the blood god!"

In the singer of the believers, their bodies and houses were torn into pieces, and they fell on the streets. A tens of meters long white bones rose from the ground, and many round holes in the bones. Black plasma is ejected.

The five infernal soldiers did not even have time to dodge. The heavy boxing that had been swept away was turned into a broken meat on the way of flight. It turned into a pool of blood-like blood and landed on an open space dozens of meters away.

"Hell's minions, you can't stop me at all," said the calm male voice.

"Blood **** will return to the ground, waiting for you to die only!" What followed was a ferocious roar.

Suspected to be the "blood god" of the integration of two monsters, completely out of control under the stimulation of the book of Crimson. Now, this **** wants to do only one thing, that is, to win the deep red in the hands of the messenger. book!

At this time, Lin Chi, who is carrying the book of Crimson, is preparing to sneak in the sneaky...

"Thirty-six counts go up." He looked at the shocking picture on the back street and speeded up the escape.

Lin Chi, who only wanted to get the fragments of the altar in the undead area, prepared for the battle with the altar, but still did not expect things to become like this.

- This **** in the undead zone, like the gods on the outskirts of Sodom, is also sealed underground. Looking at the look of this godly fanatic, Lin Chi is also very clear that the "Crimson Book" in his hand should be the channel for the "blood god" to completely get rid of the seal.

Now, the blood god, which is a fusion of two monsters, is trying hard to get the book. However, Lin Chi, who will not be observed by the low-level demon, is not alone at this time.


A large number of devils screamed wildly, and overshadowed the voice of the blood god. These demons who climbed out of the gates of **** will naturally not be afraid of the death of their companions. Almost every moment in **** is a more brutal battle, and the demons of the chaotic camp will only enjoy killing and death.


A series of piling sounds, the green leather lion heads under the cover of the infernal soldiers, nailed a large number of pickets on the street. Even if the casualties are heavy, their work has not stopped, and the efficiency has been even higher.


The blood gods groaned and gave a low snoring, attacking the devil's arm, and the speed was temporarily slowed down. Seeing that the blood **** was temporarily contained, the demons accelerated their speed again and tried to completely seal the horrible god.

Just then, the sulphur fumes in the sky were suddenly shrouded in complete darkness.

A burst of sound sounded through the entire dead zone, and the lion heads looked up at the sky, appearing in their slender pupils, the large bats that were coming down, and the dense red eyeballs.


The lion-headed beast, still holding the picket, was directly submerged by the bat sea. When the black mist of small animals left, the flesh and blood of the lion-headed beast disappeared, leaving only a few bites. The bones, falling weakly on the ground.


Seeing the way the black fog attacked, Lin Chi immediately understood what "Blood God" summoned. Large bats began to hover over the sky, turning into three human-shaped objects in black cloaks, standing in the air, looking down at the demonic wave below.

"Are you in Cos Batman?"

While Lin was in the spit, he had already rushed out in the opposite direction, but he had just ran out of a few steps, but was blocked by a group of creeping meat blocks full of tentacles.


Seeing that the "observer" who can see through the disguise blocked his way, Lin Chi’s body stagnate and ran back to the blood god. At this time, the vampires also noticed his position and turned into a bat down again. Slammed over -


The wild airflow swept over Lin, bringing out a loud noise similar to a sonic boom. Lin was rushing forward, and a picket flew past him, piercing the observer like a spear. The body, by the way, blew dozens of eyes on the observer.

"Kill him, bring the book over!" The blood **** that had just smashed roared.


There will be more tomorrow.

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