War Lord

Chapter 110:  Cut the King (Part 1)

The stadium is in sight.

The Dolger Gymnasium in Moline City has a construction area of ​​more than 17,000 square meters and adopts a reinforced concrete structure. The appearance is like layers of waves, composed of silver-gray metal exterior walls and plexiglass to form a magnificent picture. In the gymnasium, the south of the ground floor is the training hall, the north is the entrance, and the middle is the competition performance hall. In addition, there are additional buildings such as lounges, toilets, and offices.

The structure of the gymnasium is complicated. Before the battle started, George's tactical board called out the three-dimensional analysis diagram of the gymnasium to give a detailed explanation of the king-cutting team.

At this moment, the firepower of the army's attack was mainly concentrated at the entrance to the north, while the Fenry wolf was concentrated in the competition hall in the center of the stadium. After the start of the attack, except for the first wave of giant wolves that were killed, the other giant wolves should leave the gymnasium under the command of the Wolf King to culminate in the army. The task of the king cutting team is to sneak in from the training hall in the south, cut directly into the central competition hall, and wait for the opportunity to kill the wolf king, so as to paralyze the entire command system of the wolf pack.

The king-cutting team is equipped with communicators, GPS positioning systems and other tools so that George, who remains on the off-road vehicle, can command them remotely. On George's tactical board, there are seven light screens separated from one large to six small ones. The big screen shows the team's progress, route and map, and the remaining six small light screens show images in front of each team member. By comparing the floor plan and scene images, George adjusted their route.

"Listen, the stadium is already in a half-damaged state, and the damage to the stadium will be even more serious under the missile strike just now. There are a total of two public passages from the training hall to the stadium, and there may be blockages in between. In order to buy time, I want you to be divided into two groups, led by two hunters, Sarrio and Jenny, so as not to be spotted by the big dogs before approaching the Wolf King." George emphasized: "So it doesn't matter whether you have been or not. I'm used to being alone. This time it's a group battle. The team members must obey the hunter's instructions and don't mess with me. Otherwise, not getting the money is a trivial matter, and I will not be responsible for losing my life!"

Under George's order, the six people who entered the stadium quickly divided into two teams. The teams are composed of Sarrio, Nathan and Zuma, as well as Jenny, Kazuo Bento, and Team 01. After entering the training hall, the two teams took a short break, and then quickly rushed into the central competition hall from the public passage from the east and west outside the training hall.

Zero didn't say a word from start to finish, he just followed the team silently. In Zero's eyes, Jenny was advancing in a very peculiar way of movement, sometimes arching his back like a light cat, and sometimes simply using his hands and feet like a sprinting cheetah. Ling compared her actions with those in her memory and found that the similarity was very high. In other words, Jenny's entire exercise method blends the movements of these animals. Using different actions for different scenes, the effect is surprisingly good, not only fast, but also silent, like a ghost.

He did not deliberately imitate Jenny, everyone's abilities are different, even if they want to imitate, they can't imitate it. It was like Kazuo Bianto next to Zero, who couldn't see through the leisurely way of walking in the garden, but it was not slower than him and Jenny. Ling knew that Dongying swordsmanship often cooperated with certain footwork as the key to attack. Now it seems that Kazuo Bento is acting with the mysterious footwork he has mastered.

For this Dongying swordsman, Ling felt his slight hostility towards him yesterday. But today this hostility is even more intense, and this has to make Zero deliberately set a distance from him, and God knows if he will suddenly drew his sword and cut it over.

After 10 minutes, the team had to stop. As George expected, the public passage was blocked by a cave-in. A large piece of broken rock was blocked across the passage, and the associated wall collapsed, making the passage blocked.

Jenny knocked on the rock with her fingers, and listened to something with her ears on the broken rock. After a while, she said: "This is not a blockage. I heard the wind behind me. But unfortunately, my laser arrow is not powerful enough to clear such a big obstacle. I can only give it to you two men."

It is estimated that if there is no heavy weapon, such a large obstacle must be blasted away, unless the ability to run wild can be used to defeat it purely by force. But naturally, he didn't want to take out his hole cards for such a piece, and besides that, he had to use explosives to open them. Fortunately, this situation has been considered before, so George assigned a number of detonators to everyone.

Taking out a few detonators from the marching bag, Ling Gang wanted to carry out the blasting operation. Unexpectedly, Kazuo Bianto stepped forward and said, "Why is it so troublesome? I'll take care of it."

The Dongying swordsman strode to the boulder, his hands emptied on the two samurai captains, one long and one short. Taking a long breath, Kazuo Watanabe's chest continued to rise and fall according to a certain rule. Zero behind also noticed that the air flow around the swordsman had undergone a subtle change. They were like undercurrents in the sea, rolling towards Kazuo Watanabe one after another.


Draw a knife!

The white light of horse training disappeared, Watanabe Kazuo made a slashing movement with a very fast technique, and then doubled the swords back to the sheath. At the next moment, there was a sizzling sound on the boulder, and two broken marks interlaced and extended to the whole boulder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then an "X" shape appeared.

Kazuo Biandu stretched out his finger and gently stabbed the boulder. The boulder burst and burst into pieces, exploding into a hole about three meters in length and width.

The swordsman of Dongying patted the dust on his body, glanced at him with a sneer, and then walked straight out of the hole.

Zero paid no attention to his inexplicable contempt. For him, it is better to have someone do it for him than to expose his cards. He was happy and relaxed, so he tightened his back and walked out of the hole opened by the swordsman behind Jenny.

When passing through this hole, he noticed that the cut surface of the hole was smooth. Obviously, Kazuo Bento was not only a flowery one. At least in terms of the attainments of those two samurai swords, Rogue shouldn't be worse than ever.

As Jenny said, the other side of the tunnel was unobstructed. At this time, wolf roar and gunfire came from the end of the passage. Jenny raised her brows and said: "It seems we have to hurry up, but don't miss the good show!"

Naturally no one would object to this proposal, so a few minutes later, while the stadium was trembling with the artillery fire to the north, the zero trio arrived at the competition hall.

The center of the hall was scorched black, which should be a trace of the missile attack. The scorched earth extended to the surrounding stands, and the color changed from dark to light. The guardrails of the stands were all recessed and deformed to the inside, and the metal brackets showed signs of melting to varying degrees. Even the seats in the stands were thrown around by the shock waves of the explosion, and even the seats that were still fixed on the ground were often distorted.

On that piece of scorched earth lay twenty or so fragmented wolf corpses. Strangely, there is a circle of ground about five meters in diameter in the middle of the scorched earth, which is so intact with the surrounding wreckage scene. On this intact ground, a giant wolf with long white hair and a black blizzard are fighting!

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